In a live appearance at UCLA’s Royce Hall, Deepak Chopra explains why a belief is simply a "thought that is true for you." He says the world that we create for ourselves is based on these thoughts, and thus beliefs shape our reality. Deepak goes on to discuss how, as babies, we are filled with curiosity, wonder and bliss. But when we start to be conditioned by the world around us, we begin to build a separate self—one that can fill us with anxiety, pressure and fear. Deepak shares why this “separate self” is not who we really are. He also discusses what it's like to become present and aware through meditation, and why this awareness is important to our well-being.
Oprah discusses the best lifesaving lessons she's learned and says we should use our intuition and the voice in our heads that says, "Something is off here." Oprah reflects on her Oprah Winfrey Show conversation with protection expert Gavin de Becker about what he calls “the gift of fear.” Oprah also recalls the lifesaving advice she never forgot from expert Sanford Strong: Never let an attacker take you to a second location. Actress Gabrielle Union shares her story about how she was brutally raped when she was 19 while working in a shoe store. Gabrielle said she ignored her instincts about an approaching customer because she didn't want to be rude.
Oprah talks about the life-changing advice she received from her mentor Dr. Maya Angelou—"When someone tells you who they are, believe them"—and shares how she learned this lesson the hard way. Oprah also recalls teaming up with Dr. Phil to help engaged couple Angela and Eric confront mistrust and infidelity in their relationship. Then, Oprah revisits her interview with Dina McGreevey, ex-wife of former New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey, who resigned from office after admitting to an affair with a man. Dina shares the secrets and signs of deception she missed in their marriage.