Et ekstremt spektakulært drab udspillede sig under en live-sending på det sociale medie Tiktok onsdag. Sveriges svar på Rasmus Paludan, den irakiske koranafbrænder Salwan Momika, blev skudt i sit hjem efter at have været i islamisters sigtekorn i lang tid.
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Spædbørn, der forsvinder sporløst. Ulovlige udvekslinger på et sort marked. Og en kvinde, hvis liv og psyke er præget af smerte og tragiske valg. Vi dykker i denne episode ned i en historisk kriminalsag, der ikke blot afslørede alvorlige svigt i håndhævelsen af plejelovgivning. Men som også førte til opdagelsen af Danmarks værste seriemorder… Netop nu har en ny dansk film taget sagen op – hvis du er nysgerrig, så se filmen Pigen med nålen som bl.a. har Trine Dyrholm i hovedrollen.
Vært: Politihistoriker Anders Brandt Lundager.
Medvirkende: Historiker og leder af Politimuseet i København, Frederik Strand.
Den 18. november 1986 bliver den 39-årige danske kvinde Helle Crafts sat af foran sit hus i Newton, Connecticut af sine kolleger. Hun er udmattet efter at have været på arbejde som stewardesse, hvor hun netop er kommet hjem fra en tur fra Frankfurt til New York. Helle er glad for at være nået hjem inden den forestående storm, som metrologerne har lovet. Hun glæder sig nu bare til at komme hjem og putte sine tre børn. Da Helles kollega vinker farvel til hende foran hendes hus, så er hun ikke klar over, at det er sidste gang, hun nogensinde ser hende igen.
Denne uges sponsor er måltidskasserne fra www.betterfeast.dk
Rabatkode: Truestory50 (Du binder dig til to leveringer i alt: én med 50% rabat og én til normalpris.)
Abonnementsbetingelser: https://www.betterfeast.dk/abonnementsbetingelser
Ep 117: Jan 8, 2025 Oumuamua, Top Secret MAJESTIC-12, SOM1-01 and Extraterrestrials
Happy New Year to everyone! Linda is visiting family over the Christmas holidays. Please enjoy this special episode originally from May 1, 2019.
Mysterious Oumuamua objectTop Secret MAJESTIC-12SOM1-01Extraterrestrials====NEW PRINTINGS NOW AVAILABLE:
Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 1: Fact & Eye Witnesses Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses1
Glimpses of Other Realities, Vol. 2: High Strangeness Now available on Amazon: https://earthfiles.com/glimpses2
Upcoming appearances:
Conscious Life Expo 2025, February 7-10, 2025
— For more incredible science stories, Real X-Files, environmental stories and so much more. Please visit my site https://www.earthfiles.com
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To purchase books and merchandise from Linda Moulton Howe, be sure to only shop at my official Earthfiles store at https://www.earthfiles.com/earthfiles-shop/
— Countdown Clock Piano Music: Ashot Danielyan, Composer: https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/100990900/emotional-piano-melancholic-drama.html
’En følelseskold morder i blodrus’. Sådan beskriver Simon den mand, der iført regntøj og skoovertræk, forsøgte at slå Simon og hans kone ihjel i parrets hjem. Nicklas Andsbjerg Nielsen fra Vejle Amts Folkeblad fortæller om sagen. Bagefter taler vi om den kommende opløsningssag mod Bandidos og to af klubbens mærker, deres oprindelse og mulige betydning for sagen. Til sidst er der nye detaljer om den svenske by-proxy bandekrig på dansk jord. Medvirkende: Camilla Marie Nielsen og David Sausdal. Vært: Dan Bjerregaard.
See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
En 17-årig pige blev mandag morgen fundet livløs på en gade i Roskilde. Politiet formoder, at hun er blevet påkørt et andet sted og derefter efterladt, hvor hun blev fundet. Oliver Skammelsen fortæller om historien.
Sune Fischer rapporterer om retssagen mod to unge mænd, der er tiltalt for deres involvering i en sag, hvor en håndgranat eksploderede i en kiosk på Husum Torv.
Til sidst fortæller Torsten Ruus om et opgør i det thailandske prostitutionsmiljø i Danmark, der kort før nytår endte med, at en 42-årig thailandsk prostitueret fik skåret halsen over i den lille jyske landsby Gjern.
Vært: Kristian Kornø.
Produceret og klippet af: Rasmus Søgaard.
Lyddesign: Søren Gregersen.
Redaktør: Mette Pedersen.
See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
I februar 1980 kommer en far og hans to piger ind i en cykelhandler i en mindre by i det sydlige Danmark for at købe en brugt cykel. Her finder han til sin store rædsel den ældre kvinde, som ejer butikken liggende på gulvet bag disken. Hun ligger i en stor blodpøl og er tydeligvis blevet dræbt. Men hvem kan finde på, at dræbe en stakkel ældre kvinde på sådan en brutal måde?
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I denne udgave af Sort Snak laver vi en spændende draft! De fire deltagere skal hver især sammensætte deres bud på det stærkeste hold med spillere, der har repræsenteret FC Midtjylland gennem tiden i Superligaen. Reglerne er enkle, men intense: Ingen kan vælge de samme spillere! Når en spiller er valgt, er han låst til det hold, han blev draftet til.
Resultatet? Fire unikke hold og i alt 44 forskellige FC Midtjylland-spillere. Afsnittet byder på livlige diskussioner, skarpe analyser, nostalgiske tilbageblik og sjove anekdoter om nogle af klubbens største stjerner, legender og øjeblikke.
Hvem har lavet det stærkeste hold? Hvem havde de bedste valg? Og hvilke valg overraskede mest? Lyt med og døm selv. Husk at stemme på dit favorit-hold i afstemningen på vores sociale kanaler! -
What happens when we go to sleep? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-hosts Chuck Nice and Gary O’Reilly break down the mystery of why we sleep, time dilation in dreams, circadian rhythms, and sleeping in space with neuroscientist Matt Walker.
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
https://startalkmedia.com/show/the-paradox-of-sleep-with-matthew-walker/Thanks to our Patrons Micheal Unwin, Vijay Krishnan, Leroy Gutierrez, alycia allen, Hilary Rush, Kira Lesser, and Daryl Sawyer for supporting us this week.
Photo Credit: ManuelSchottdorf, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
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What is the weirdest planet ever discovered? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice discover bizarre exoplanets like Erebus, the impacts of living on a habitable moon, hot Jupiters, and more with astronomy professor David Kipping.
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: https://startalkmedia.com/show/cosmic-queries-cool-worlds-with-david-kipping/
Thanks to our Patrons La Katrrina, rpmckee, Arvinder Singh, David Brown, Mason, and Jesse Wolff for supporting us this week.
Photo Credit: David A. Aguilar (CfA), CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
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Are the UAP sightings aliens here on Earth? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian co-host Paul Mecurio discuss the congressional hearings on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) with astrophysicist and chair of NASA’s UAP independent study team, David Spergel.
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free.
Thanks to our Patrons Melissa Campbell, Martynas Piliutis, Darrel Mosier, Danielle Martinez, Randall Thompson, and Anton Popov for supporting us this week.
Photo Credit: Department of Defense
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What is the three body problem? How will the universe end? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice break down the case of Planet X, why the three body problem is unsolvable, and prevailing theories on how the universe will come to an end.
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free.
Thanks to our Patrons Micheal Brown, Naburos, Teresa Fiorenza, Afshin Odabaee, Liz Freedman, Grace Sakoda, Dean Klunk, Alex Deters, Craig Maier, and Jack Cater for supporting us this week.
Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to new episodes ad-free and a whole week early.
What would we do if a life-destroying asteroid was coming our way? Bill Nye and comedian Chuck Nice answer questions about planetary defense, asteroids in space, and sci-fi technology.
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
https://startalkmedia.com/show/planetary-defense-bill-nye/(Originally Aired May 23, 2017)
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Could we use robots to explore the oceans of Enceladus? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-host Harrison Greenbaum dive deep into the EELS Project, sending a snake-like robot to Enceladus with Matthew Travers, a roboticist at the Biorobotics Lab at Carnegie Mellon University.
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
https://startalkmedia.com/show/robots-searching-for-life-on-saturns-moon-with-matt-travers/Thanks to our Patrons Sam Gmail, Juraj Petrovic, Teresina Rojas, Nichole Buck, Don, Jeremy Berry, Antonio Johnson, Mike Feinberg, AGM-Prism✦, Micheal Brown, and Jason Lie for supporting us this week.
Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to new episodes ad-free and a whole week early.
How close are we to enabling astronauts to go into deep sleep for long space journeys? Neil deGrasse Tyson, Chuck Nice, & Gary O’Reilly team up with Ryan Sprenger, Senior Research Scientist at Fauna Bio, to explore whether humans can hibernate like animals do.
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
https://startalkmedia.com/show/hibernating-for-deep-spaceflight-with-ryan-sprenger/Thanks to our Patrons Parker Mann, Kwesi collisson, John, Ray, Dr. Cy, Felix the Feline, Jimmy Dunn, Mandi McKay, Kevin Militello, Aaron Streimish, Joshua Beadle, Sam Pennington, Geoffrey Docute, Syler, David Smith, and Matt Talley for supporting us this week.
Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to new episodes ad-free and a whole week early.
Can time itself die? Astrophysicist Charles Liu is back in the hosting hot seat alongside comic co-host Chuck Nice to explore black holes, big bangs, our understanding of time and how it relates to the universe.
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
https://startalkmedia.com/show/time-and-the-universe-with-charles-liu/x(Originally Aired December 18, 2018)
Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to new episodes ad-free and a whole week early.
How do we uncover distant planets’ secrets? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comedian Chuck Nice explore the recent discoveries in exoplanet study, exo-moons, and finding the stars from our sun’s stellar nursery with astronomer and head of Cool Worlds Lab, David Kipping.
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
https://startalkmedia.com/show/searching-for-habitable-worlds-with-david-kipping/Thanks to our Patrons Micheal Morey, Kristoff Vidalis, Adir Buskila, Yanir Stein, Randombot38, James Komiensky, Richard Clark, Daniel Helwig, Kayleigh Sell, and KENNY SMART for supporting us this week.
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What is life? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-host Chuck Nice tackle assembly theory, artificial life, and the origin of lifeforms in the universe as we revise the definition of life with astrobiologist and theoretical physicist Sara Imari Walker.
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
https://startalkmedia.com/show/the-origins-of-life-with-sara-imari-walker/Thanks to our Patrons Bill Williamson, Amanda, Charles Waggoner, Jason Wiatr, Don Lane, Biren Amin, Jean C Roy, david accetta, STAHLGEIST, joshua george, Danny, daniel oliveira, Matthew Szwajda, Gabe Magallanes, Mike Jespersen, Elias, and Jon O for supporting us this week.
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Will we find life alive in our very own solar system? Neil deGrasse Tyson dives into the ocean worlds beyond Earth, exploring the Europa Clipper, and the search for life in our own backyard with astrobiologist and planetary scientist Kevin Hand.
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
https://startalkmedia.com/show/europa-clippers-search-for-life-with-kevin-hand/Thanks to our Patrons Krista Vilate, Kevin Anderson, Nipsey Hussle, lauralee kruta, Richard Lewis, Mike Nichols, Sofie ela, Amila Silva, SALS GAMING, Kathleen chiras, Juni Figueroa, Joey Medici, Godfrey DiGiorgi, Damian Smith, Amanda Lyninger, Matthew Jones, Samuel Jones, Andrea Priest, Daemonhat, Timothy Folks, and Kronas De Se for supporting us this week.
Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to new episodes ad-free and a whole week early.
Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to new episodes ad-free and a whole week early.
Why haven’t we found evidence of alien civilizations? Neil deGrasse Tyson sits down with astrophysicist J. Richard Gott III to talk chess, tachyons, and what the Fermi Paradox and Copernican Principle say about humanity’s place in the cosmos. Plus, they rank super-genius movies.
NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:
https://startalkmedia.com/show/a-cosmic-conversation-with-j-richard-gott-iii/Thanks to our Patrons George Jeffers, Kate Jarocki, Paloma, Molina, Colby Lapresi, Duane Day, Elena, Gordon Vu, Dale, Boris Jegorovic, Dennis Wish, Kristine Tolman, David Geiger, Shawn Kellner, Tisha Bernal, Marek, Peter Morrow, Edward Badger, Micheal Buckelew, Patrick, Jennifer Bills, and Keni Jane Johnson for supporting us this week.
Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to new episodes ad-free and a whole week early.
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