This week, Charleen and Ellie's personal trainer, Jamie Goonery, joins them for some motivational talk about fitness, gym mindsets and climbing Kilimanjaro. They chat about icks, such as commenting on celebrity social media posts, certain dance moves in a nightclub, making noises at the gym and plenty more. Jamie is also on hand to give the male perspective on your dilemmas for Secrets From The Stalls, including what to do if you've been sleeping with two friends and they both find out, avoiding breaking the heart of your partner and how long is too long distance?
Although Hold My Drink is a gal down this week, the podcast must go on. Charleen takes the reigns to talk in depth about her college life, her experience with seeing a college counsellor and all about her J1 to Boston. With Ellie off, a few special guests pop in, including Producer Leanne to guess our German Word of the Week, and the one and only Terence Power to help with Secrets From The Stalls. Some of your dilemmas this week include how to tell your best friend that her boyfriend is gay, should you go on a sixth-year holiday to Ibiza, and are you wasting your teenage years by being in a relationship?