
  • In this episode, Xavier Bonilla has a dialogue with David Hoinski about the personal implications of philosophy and some of the major works of Nietzsche and Heidegger. They discuss how philosophical ideas are connected with each philosopher's life and give a broad overview of both continental and analytic philosophy. They talk about how philosophy works through time and seeing philosophy as a type of hyperlinking ideas. They provide a background of Nietzsche and discuss his main concepts of will to power, eternal recurrence of the same, Zarathustra, and religion. They also discuss the personal life and philosophical ideas of Heidegger. They question whether philosophers should be morally good along with some of the pragmatic elements of philosophy in society.

    David Hoinski is a philosopher and writer. He is an Assistant Professor of philosophy at West Virginia University where he emphasizes ancient philosophy, modern German philosophy, and ethical/political philosophy. David is an esteemed bibliophile and speaks German and Ancient Greek. Twitter: @davidfahoinski

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