
  • We discuss materials management, specification, interior design, architecture, and things in between -- to help you design better, build more efficiently, and grow your design and build firm. Fohlio is a product specification and data management software for the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. Get your trial at fohlio.com.

  • Design Better co-hosts Eli Woolery and Aarron Walter explore the intersection of design, technology, and the creative process through conversations with inspiring guests across many creative fields, to help you hone your craft, unlock your creativity, and learn the art of collaboration.
    Whether you’re design curious or a design pro, Design Better is guaranteed to inspire and inform. Vanity Fair calls Design Better, “sharp, to the point, and full of incredibly valuable information for anyone looking to better understand how to build a more innovative world.”

  • If you've ever wanted to know about champagne, satanism, the Stonewall Uprising, chaos theory, LSD, El Nino, true crime and Rosa Parks, then look no further. Josh and Chuck have you covered.

  • "The user experience is a metric." Brief high-level practical design strategy thinking and strategy by Michael Schofield.


  • The Hacking UI podcast is hosted by Sagi Shrieber and David Tintner, a designer and developer who are also both entrepreneurs, bloggers, productivity/time-hacking maniacs, and all around tech geeks.

    The first season of the podcast is titled ‘Scaling a Design Team’, in which they speak with design leaders from top notch companies like Facebook, Apple, Invision, and Intercom, to discuss various team structures, responsibilities, and workflows.

    After quitting their day jobs to work full time on Hacking UI they named the second season ‘Scaling a Side Project’, and they interview creative entrepreneurs whom they admire, in order to learn about their paths to success and get them to share their tips and secrets. These include Matt Mullenweg (Founder of Wordpress), David Okeniuv (Founder of Typeform) and more.

    The third season of the podcast is called 'Scaling a Career' and it's all about creative entrepreneurship. They interviewed amazing folks who took their creative skills and built a brand for themselves. These include Brad Frost (Atomic Design System), Samuel Hulick (Useronboard.com), Noah Kagan (Sumo), and Ran Segall (Youtuber at 'Flux' on Youtube).

  • The award winning Big Web Show features special guests and topics like web publishing, art direction, content strategy, typography, web technology, and more. It's everything web that matters. Hosted by Jeffrey Zeldman.

  • Shop Talk makes real estate agents better at their job by featuring unique topics and interviews with industry experts.

  • Learn from the superstars turning content into cash! From social media influencers to small local businesses, people everywhere are harnessing the power of creative tools to design not just brands and content, but also deeply satisfying careers. In the Making explores the practical challenges and surprising rewards of working in this new creator economy. Join Adobe’s Teresa Au for conversations with content creators, solopreneurs, and industry experts who offer inspiration and insight for combining creativity, community, and business.

  • Membahas tentang berbagai macam hal mengenai tips UI/UX design.
    Cover art photo provided by rawpixel on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@rawpixel

  • Have you ever wondered how the user interface (UI) design was created for a game, website, or app you love? What about the time you were using a website or app and thought, "this could be a better experience, but I wouldn't even know where to start"?

    UI Narrative shares the stories of black/people of color interface designers and researchers and their contributions towards creating user-centered experiences.

    We also discuss Tolu Garcia's experience as a Senior Product Designer and how she continues to level up as a black woman in the tech space. Join Tolu bi-weekly to get constructive advice, tools, and insight to help you create successful products.

  • How can French cooking methods improve the safety of your car? Why can’t you just settle on what movie to watch on Netflix? Why do you have to sign a credit card receipt for a pack of gum? This is Ideate. A podcast about the user experience of items we use every day. Hosted by The Smyth Group design team: Hiromi, Nikita, Aaron, Paul and Rob.

  • Just two dudes, who design things in a big corporation, talking about UX Design, personal side projects, life, work, and career stuff. Tune in every other week to listen to the challenges we run into with our side projects and learn along with us as we resolve these. In later episodes, we might bring on exciting guests that work on side projects in their spare time as well.

  • Join us for exciting conversations about UI/UX design, SaaS products, marketing, and so much more. My awesome guests are industry experts who share actionable knowledge — so that you can apply it in your business today.

  • Bienvenidos/as a UXER Radio, el podcast de UXER School, la escuela de los profesionales en diseño de Experiencia de Usuario, cliente e innovación. Un programa donde damos voz a profesionales de nuestro sector y exploramos cómo el diseño está presente en nuestra vida cotidiana.

  • Tutkittua tietoa ja puntaroitua puhetta. Tiedekulman podcastit tarjoavat toimitettuja keskusteluohjelmia ja tutkijoiden puheenvuoroja Helsingin yliopiston olohuoneesta.

  • Design is everywhere in our lives, perhaps most importantly in the places where we've just stopped noticing. 99% Invisible is a weekly exploration of the process and power of design and architecture. From award winning producer Roman Mars. Learn more at 99percentinvisible.org.

  • Maanantaisin julkaistavissa jaksoissa käydään läpi viikonlopun pyjamabileiden puheenaiheita. Linda, Janina ja Roosa jakavat niin noloimmat kuin huikeimmat hetkensä ja antavat vertaistukea elämän suuriin ja pieniin ongelmiin. Luvassa itkua, naurua ja hysteerisiä iltahepuleita!

    [email protected]

  • Podcast-kuunnelma (10 osaa) ja parodia konsultista ja sen asiakkaasta. Pääosassa maineikas konsultti Stinde Koistinen, joka pitchaa asiakkaakseen 90-luvulle jähmettyneen toimistotarviketukku Klemmarin. Haasteita riittää kun Klemmarin toimitusjohtaja Seppo Tönttö uskoo edelleen vahvasti postimyyntikuvastoihin ja laskee budjetit markoissa. Seppoa haastaa myös Klemmarin markkinointijohtaja Liisa Pörsä, joka puolestaan on moderni ja osaava - siis Sepolle selkeä uhka.

    Ympärillä häärää tehokkaasti kaikenlaista muotoilijaa ja strategiaviheltäjää, jotka pöhinöivät ja heiluttelevat käsiään niin että! Liiketoiminta-bisneksiä ja post it -lappuja pukkaa vähän joka ilmansuunnasta ja ilma on sakeana konsulttijargonista ja autuaaksi tekevistä ilmiöistä ja työkaluista.

    Käsikirjoitus, ohjaus, äänisuunnittelu ja tuotanto: Aki Kiminki. Päärooleissa: Stinde Koistinen: Aki Kiminki, Seppo Tönttö: Janne Pullinen, Liisa Pörsä: Helena Valtonen. KATSO LISÄÄ: blogi, muut roolit yms https://www.pilipalisaatio.fi

    ...sekä Facebook, Instagram, Twitter ja YouTube: hakusana/hashtag "pilipalisaatio".

  • Deepen your language skills and knowledge of the French-speaking world through fascinating true stories in easy-to-follow French, with added English for context. From Duolingo, the world's #1 way to learn a language. Hosted by Ngofeen Mputubwele.

  • Kuuntele uusi Afterowork -jakso tuttuun tapaan keskiviikkoisin Podimossa!

    Tsekkaa ilmaiskokeilu 👉 podimo.fi/afterwork

    Afterwork on viikon odotetuin hetki hyvien ystävien seurassa ja monenlaisten aiheiden parissa, jotka juuri nyt askarruttavat mieltä. Afterworkin äärellä parannetaan maailmaa, jaetaan kokemuksia, itketään ja nauretaan, haastetaan omaa ja muiden ajattelua ja välillä opitaan jotain ihan uuttakin. Viikoittaisen ystävien “terapiatuokion” aiheet vaihtelevat maan ja taivaan väliltä, kepeistä jutuista syvällisempiin ja vakavampiin keskusteluihin. Sarjan tekijät ovat suosittua Pupulandia-blogia kirjoittava Jenni Rotonen, stylisti Meri Milash ja toimittaja Petra Väänänen - ja välillä menossa on mukana vierailijoitakin.

    Podcastin musiikki: Matti Paalanen

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.