
  • This week’s episode is a clash with a “Baldy Brother”; Mental Health & Addiction Specialist, Brian Wall! He shares his story of addiction, recovery and passionate advocacy for other wounded souls to prevent the hurting from spreading hurt to others. He offers a glimpse into his concept of “Flow”, how his recovery ignited healing in his wife and the mindset of an overcomer! He will certainly be joining us again in future episodes!Brian is a self-motivated professional with a stellar record of success in mental health program management demonstrating over 20 years of outstanding performance in the healthcare arena with a proven ability to deliver results that span four countries. However, his advanced clinical knowledge was gained amidst MUCH personal turmoil and a story that includes intimate loss and near death experiences. His personal and professional success since is defined by his natural leadership capability, gift for recognizing growth opportunity, strong communication skills, ability to implement effective solutions, and capacity to motivate others beyond their potential. Brian's 3 top tips:1. Be Resilient2. Be Flexible3. Be a Finisher


    Wait, there is more!!! Have a look at www.mystepstosobriety.com to see which other books and projects I am involved in!

    And follow me on Instagram, Podcast, Facebook and Linkedin!https://stephanneff.podbean.com/https://www.facebook.com/stepstosobriety/https://www.instagram.com/stepstosobriety/https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephan-neff-author/

  • Chris Robinson spent 35 years in the construction industry. In 2010, he looked beyond his vocation to consider his passion, returning to school to pursue his Master’s Degree in Counseling. Today he is a Licensed Professional Counselor and the Owner of Summit Counseling of North Texas. He specializes in working with men for the treatment of depression, anxiety, grief, trauma, relational issues, sexual addictions and life transitions. He is committed to the restoration of the relationship with self and others, with the goal of restoring connections, improving quality of life and working through the issues that cause isolation. His recently released book C’MON, MAN!: Taking on the Challenges Faced by Men, shares his expertise and his own experience of trauma, addiction and transformation to a life of connection and fulfillment. Revealing and personal, C’MON, MAN! equips men to become better businessmen, friends, fathers, partners and husbands. Chris’ transformation from vocation-focused to passion-focused allowed him to make the shift from the building of structures to the building of relationships.3 top tips for my audience:1. Passion is a priority2. Connection is critical3. Self-care is not selfishConnect with Chris www.summitcounseling.infowww.cmonmanbook.comhttps://www.instagram.com/chrisrobinson1982/https://www.facebook.com/chris.robinson.12177/https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-robinson-89408622/https://twitter.com/robinson_chrisClubhouse: @robinson.chris

    Wait, there is more!!! Have a look at www.mystepstosobriety.com to see which other books and projects I am involved in!

    And follow me on Instagram, Podcast, Facebook and Linkedin!https://www.instagram.com/adifferentlifestoryhttps://stephanneff.podbean.com/https://www.facebook.com/adifferentlifestoryhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/stephan-neff-author/

  • Jennifer Garman is on a mission: to inspire others to practice gratitude to improve mental wellness, elevate happiness, and build resilience. Her entire life revolves around this concept. Formerly a software engineer for Hewlett-Packard and later a marketing advisor in the medical sector, Garman found the practice of gratitude so transformative when studying for her life coaching certification she decided to make it her life’s purpose. Garman is the founder and CEO of GratitudeMission.org, where families can purchase the Growing Gratitude Tree—a product that teaches children how to cultivate gratitude and build resilience. This award-winning product has been featured in multiple magazines and on live TV via HSN. Garman lives outside Washington, D.C. with her husband and their three children.

    Jennifer's 3 top tips:

    1. Gratitude can be transformative no matter where you are right now2. The science why gratitude works so well3. Simple ways to add gratitude into your life

    Join her email list and get a weekly gratitude journal, gratitude reminders, tips, and much more free!GratitudeMission.org

    Wait, there is more!!! Have a look at www.mystepstosobriety.com to see which other books and projects I am involved in!

    And follow me on Instagram, Podcast, LinkedIn and Facebook!https://www.instagram.com/adifferentlifestory


  • In this episode Jo Huey, the adult child of an alcoholic and healing specialist shares how daughters and sons of alcoholics are impacted by a parent's drinking. Covering the impact it has on them as children and then how they experience adult life.Some of the most common challenges faced are Complex PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Codependency and People Pleasing. This list is not exhaustive and Jo explains why this happens and anyone can begin to heal. Jo Huey is a healing specialist, speaker and adult child of an alcoholic. As an expert living with a parent's alcohol misuse, Jo's been interviewed on Sky, BBC, ITV and appears in numerous magazine articles.Her mission is to change perceptions about alcohol misuse and how it impacts the drinker, family and society as a whole. Jo does this through her talks and workshops to professionals and working one to one with clients.

    Many family members suffer in silence, facing many challenges, mainly mental ill-health. Jo is there for support and comfort to heal them in their recovery.Jo's 3 top tips for adult children of alcoholics :1. They aren’t alone2. There is hope and change is within reach3. What their parents/caregivers and other peers told them aren’t always factJo offers a Repair and Reconnect Six Week Course - This 6-week course focuses on breaking down your challenges so you think more clearly, feel more positive and empowered and act more authentically. You'll feel the support you need and get the healing you deserve.https://bit.ly/RR6WC

    Wait, there is more!!! Have a look at www.mystepstosobriety.com to see which other books and projects I am involved in!

    And follow me on Instagram, Podcast, Facebook and Linkedin!https://www.instagram.com/adifferentlifestory https://stephanneff.podbean.com/ https://www.facebook.com/adifferentlifestory https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephan-neff-author/

  • Kristen Laursen is a proud stay-at-home mom of 2 beautiful kids, dental hygienist, poet, songwriter, violinist, snowboarder, aspiring photographer, and lover of the great outdoors. She is very passionate about helping those who face mental health battles and people experiencing grief, because she has faced a variety of mental health challenges herself and lost her little sister Kimber to suicide in 2015. She firmly believes that there are tools available for ALL people to utilize to improve their mental state, and no matter how difficult a mental illness might be, there is always hope! She is the host of Lighting the Shadows, a podcast all about mental health. Her hope and vision for her podcast are to lift, inspire, and enlighten as many people as possible by “Lighting the Shadows” of a variety of mental health challenges.

    3 top tips1. No matter what challenge you are experiencing, there is always hope and there are tools available for improvement and healing2. If you are battling with mental illness or mental challenges, they do not define you.3. Depression is a liar. You might feel like the only person on earth who has felt so awful and low, but that is not true. You are not alone. Many have experienced similar thoughts and feelings. If you focus on one light at a time, one step at a time, you will find your way out of the darkness!

    Visit her website:www.lightingtheshadows.orgFind her on Instagram:www.instagram.com/lighting.the.shadows Find her on Facebook:www.facebook.com/Lighting-the-Shadows-108090473994750Listen to her podcast:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lighting-the-shadows/id1530428492

    Wait, there is more!!! Have a look at www.mystepstosobriety.com to see which other books and projects I am involved in!

    And follow me on Instagram, Podcast, LinkedIn and Facebook!https://www.instagram.com/adifferentlifestoryhttps://stephanneff.podbean.com/https://www.facebook.com/adifferentlifestoryhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/stephan-neff-author/