
    Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10 (NIV)

    When teaching the disciples to pray, Jesus said, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”. His language is an invitation to awaken our hearts to a greater awareness of Heaven. His prayer moves us towards cultivating our ability to see beyond what is right in front of our eyes and begs the question, “What is Heaven’s reality?” The more knowledgeable we become to what Heaven looks like ... the more accurately we can pray through our desires, our words and our deeds for ” The kingdom of our world to become the kingdom of our God” (Rev. 11:15).

    The kingdom of God coming to earth means that the goodness of God will be manifested in our midst in real and tangible ways. For example, Psalm 89:14 states, “Righteousness and justice are the foundations of Your throne; love and faithfulness go before you.” Think about that. Where your heart longs for justice in a situation is where you are longing for God’s kingdom. Where you show love to your neighbor, you are establishing God’s kingdom on earth.

    If Nashville looked like the kingdom of God, what would that look like? Can you imagine a city filled with salvations, healings, joy, justice, reconciliation and peace? What part of God’s heart do you burn to see? Dream with God for your family, your church, your city. Remember, “All things are possible for the one who believes” (Mark 9:23).

    Holy Spirit, give me eyes to see Heaven’s reality today in every thought, circumstance and interaction. Begin to expand my faith and my vision for what is possible with you.

    Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen. 1 Tim 1:17

    Today we will begin to focus on God as King. He is our Creator. He is our Father. He is good. He is kind … and He is King!

    God is King over heaven and earth. Jesus is called The King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is Lord over all and yet his Lordship is one of kindness that surpasses human understanding. He rules for ever and ever - from the Beginning to the End and from the End to the Beginning. Nothing and no time period has ever been outside of His reign and His dominion.

    This thought can be overwhelming. But what seems to be the hardest part is to grasp that although He is the King of King ... He is inexhaustibly interested in us.

    The Lord of All, is interested in all of you ... not just a part of you! The same God who paints a new sunset each morning, keeps the planets spinning, is also the One who calls us his most precious creation and joyfully cares for our needs! It is not below him to help us find the perfect house, the needed job, the needed friend, to heal a painful wound from our past or present, or even remind us to make a phone call. Our Father is the King of the Universe and He is overflowing with outrageous, extravagant kindness. What a mystery, that He remains constant in his interest of the moments of our daily life! Truly, The King of Love is always wanting to come into our hearts and establish His Kind Lordship and Dominion of Peace where we will surrender to Him!

    Are you able to grasp that your Father is the King of the Universe and that He loves you, He likes you, and He longs to be with you? Are you able to come before The King as a confident child or do you feel like a beggar, a servant, or a frightened child?

    Remember: God is strong enough, confident enough, patient enough, and kind enough for you and your honesty today. He wants to instruct your heart with His love.

    Dear precious Jesus. You are King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and Your love for me is without end. I call you King. Establish Your Lordship and Dominion of Peace and Good Order in me today.

    Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (NIV)

    God longs for you to know His love -- for God is love. To know God is to know the source of Love. But what does God’s love look like? As beautiful as human love can be, it falls short in comparison to the perfection of God’s love. As humans, we often think we know God and how He loves by what we have experienced from the people in our lives. Sometimes this helps us begin to understand the depth of God’s love - if we have been loved well. But, if we have been hurt by those we love, we often consciously or unconsciously project onto God attributes of our flawed experiences with human love. So, what does God’s love look like?

    Slowly read aloud 1 Corinthans 13:4-8 again.

    Now read the same passage below, but substitute God for love -- because God is love.

    (God) is patient, (God) is kind. (God) does not envy, (God) does not boast, it is not proud. (God) does not dishonor others, (God) is not self-seeking, (God) is not easily angered, (God) keeps no record of wrongs. (God) does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. (God) always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. (God) never fails. 1 Corinthans 13:4-8 (NIV)

    Which one of the above 1 or 2 statements resonates with you the most? Write them down on a card, in your journal, or in your phone. Let them feed your soul today.

    Pick out 1 or 2 of the above phrases and pray like the example below. Take your time moving through this practice of taking the scripture and making it your prayer.

    God I thank you that you are a Good Father. You love me. You are not easily angered with me. You always hope for me. Would you catch my attention when I slip into a conscious or unconscious thoughts that is opposite to these truths? Thank you for being my loving Father.


    “My sheep hear my voice...” John 10:27-28 ESV

    When I figured out that prayer didn’t have to be laborious but was merely a conversation, I began to pray in a whole new way. I started to discover that talking to God was essential, but listening to the voice of my Creator was even more grounding and transformative. I found that often He had much to tell me that brought a new perspective, a clearer identity, practical solutions, and peace. I began to experience prayer as more of an exhale and refill than a form of discipline with a timer and gritted teeth. My main job was to quiet myself and listen.

    In our culture today, we are bombarded with emails, texts, instagrams, push notifications, etc. There is so much noise. There is so much talking “AT” us. But the noise often hides the real desire we have as human beings - to know and be known. Sometimes we don’t even remember this is our core need.

    But this is our design - to be known and to know others in return. The first fruit of the curse was hiding and God having to come after us asking, “Where are you?”

    God invites us today to both talk to him AND listen to him. It’s not like our technology. We aren’t posting and giving thumbs up. He isn’t sending push notifications and going back to his life. We are called into relationship. He wants to listen to our needs and concerns and joys and fears. He wants to tell us his heart and secrets. He wants to whisper words of encouragement and an overcoming perspective. He wants to remind us that He loves us and will never leave us. He doesn’t want to talk AT us, he wants to be WITH us. Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. Jeremiah 33:3 ESV.

    How does it make you feel knowing that God wants to talk with you? How does it change your perspective on prayer knowing that your loving Father always has time for you and always has loving and encouraging things to say to you?

    Jesus, thank you for your promise that I hear your voice. I ask you to awaken and arrest my heart to hear you when you speak to me.


    We love him, because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19 KJV

    One night when my son was about 4 months old, I stayed up all night staring at him. I was so amazed by this beautiful gift God had given me, I just wanted to gaze upon him and feel the joy and pleasure that he brought to me. I was so fulfilled just knowing he was mine. And in reality, there was nothing my son could give to me in that moment. All he could do was receive my love.

    This is where we must start with God. God loved us first and this love compels and empowers us to love Him back. We do not start the journey by loving God. We must begin by simply receiving God’s love. This time of fasting is about creating space in our lives to experience God’s love and respond to God’s love -- not earn or attain God’s love for that is already settled. The scriptures teach us that God saw us at our worst and thought we were worth the price of His Son. Imagine that!

    What do you feel, knowing that God loves you in that way? What are your barriers to receiving it?

    Father, You love me so much that even when I was lost and had nothing to offer You, You sacrificed Your only Son so that You could be with me and I could be with You. Thank you for the blessing of not having to do anything to earn your love, but that I can simply receive it…what a gift! Father, show me how to surrender and accept Your great love for me.