
  • Like all couples, NeuroDiverse (AS/NT) Christian couples face challenges with communication and connection. Those challenges are nuanced in a way that most couples, therapists, and clergy don't typically recognize. Often NeuroDiverse Couples have children on the spectrum (or or other differences), this podcast will dedicate topics to the NeuroDiverse Couple as well as issues that may arise in spectrum or special needs family systems. We invite you to learn about NeuroDiverse Christian couples to understand those aspects more fully.

  • Life is a journey. There are some really high highs and some really low lows. But it’s in the very hardest of places where the real decision is made: will we walk out our days with hopelessness or relentlessly pursue God despite our setbacks? Jonathan shares his real-life story of love, life, and loss with refreshing vulnerability and engaging candor. Join Jonathan on The Journey as he helps you make better sense of yours. The Journey with Jonathan Pitts is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org