If you prefer your episodes of Dogman Encounters to be packed full of encounters and on the extra creepy side, you're really going to like tonight's show! On tonight's show, Josh Turner will be coming back, to talk about multiple encounters friends of his and family members have had, over the last 25 years, in Texas. Since Josh was 15, he's been collecting the details of Dogman Encounters, in Texas. Most of them aren't for the faint of heart. Be warned; if you listen to tonight's show, you WILL be sleeping with the lights on, for some time! This is part 1, of a 2-part show. We hope you tune in!
Late one night, in the Currumbin Valley, near Queensland, Australia, Lisa was driving home from work. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary; that is until she saw something she never would have dreamed existed. This encounter was the first of multiple encounters Lisa and her family were forced to deal with. Some of the encounters were very bad ones. We hope you'll tune in, to hear Lisa talk about encounters she and her family have had that range from mild to straight out of a nightmare!
If you're one of those people who believes you don't have to worry about having a Dogman encounter, as long as you don't leave the city limits, you really should listen to this episode of the show. On tonight's show, Josh Turner will talk about a Dogman encounter he had that happened well within the city limits of his hometown. Josh also talks about run-ins other people in his hometown have had with Dogmen; again. Within the town's city limits. If you ever want to be able to go out, at night, again, without jumping at every strange sound, I'd suggest skipping tonight's show. It just might have that kind of affect on you.
In 2001, Donny and his two friends encountered something, while on a fishing trip. Donny describes what he and his friends saw that day as being a "Killing Machine." Because of how traumatic this encounter was, Donny hasn't shared the details of his encounter with anyone, until now. 14 years after his encounter occured, you're going to be the first people Donny has shared the details of this encounter with. Tune in to tonight's show, to find out what happened, the day Donny and his friends had this encounter.
Derek is an Outdoorsman who is 6'4 and trained in multiple forms of both armed and unarmed combat. One day, in a thick Wisconsin forest, Derek and his cousin found out the hard way that they weren't alone while playing hide and seek. What they saw that day was something neither of them would have ever believed existed. That is until they saw it and noticed that it seemed to be stalking them! Before they knew it, they were running for their lives!