
  • Show: 30

    Show Overview:Brian and Tyler talk about the biggest trends that will shape the Kubernetes community in 2018, with a focus on five critical areas of stability, innovation and experimentation.

    Show Notes:

    Topic 1 - Open Service Brokers - who is delivering them, who maintains them, how are they evolving, etc.
    Topic 2 - Improved Ops Experiences - Operators, Fargate, Container Instances
    Topic 3 - Virtualization + Containers - KubeVirt, Kata Containers, does Network Policy overlap SDN/Security
    Topic 4 - Developer Experiences - big area of evolution (Istio, Draft, SpringCloud-Kubernetes, Helm v3, Source-to-Image like capabilities)
    Topic 5 - Breadth of Supported Applications - Databases, Windows Containers, Serverless,


    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot comTwitter: @PodCTL Web: http://podctl.com
  • Show: 31

    Show Overview: Brian and Tyler talk about the Kubernetes v1.10 release, new features and how they can apply to a broad set of application, security and infrastructure use-cases.

    Show Notes:

    (CNCF) Kubernetes 1.10: Stabilizing Storage, Security, and Networking(Red Hat / CoreOS) Kubernetes 1.10 is Here! (OpenShift Commons) OpenShift Commons Briefing: Kubernetes 1.10 Release Update with Cole Mickens and Stefan Schimanski (Red Hat)OpenShift 3.9 Released to GAHow to use GPUs with Device Plugin in OpenShift 3.9 (Now Tech Preview!)

    We discussed some of the new features (Stable, Beta and Alpha) from the Kubernetes 1.10 release. We don't cover every new feature, but we tried to hit the highlights.

    Topic 1 - API aggregation is stable

    Topic 2 - Container Storage Interface (CSI) - Standardized Storage Support

    Topic 3 - A replacement for kube-dns

    Topic 4 - GPUs and Expanded support for Performance-Sensitive Workloads

    Topic 5 - Pod Security Policy

    Topic 6 - Adding Identity to Containers (not just pods)


    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot comTwitter: @PodCTL Web: http://podctl.com
  • Show: 34

    Show Overview: Brian and Tyler talk with Joe Fernandes (@joefern1, Sr. Director Product Management @OpenShift) and Reza Shafii (@rezaloo, Sr. Director Product Management @OpenShift, formerly @CoreOS) about the CoreOS acquisition and transition, how CoreOS technologies are being integrated into Red Hat platforms, new capabilities for OpenShift, updates on Operators, updates on Container Linux and updates on Quay.

    Show Notes:

    Red Hat Unveils Roadmap for CoreOS Integration with Red Hat OpenShiftRed Hat Brings Cloud-Native Capabilities to Software Partner Ecosystem with Kubernetes Operatorshttp://podctl.comBringing CoreOS technology to Red Hat OpenShift to deliver a next-generation automated Kubernetes platformPodCTL #33 - Operators Framework

    Topic 1 - Welcome to the show, both of you. Before we get to the announcements and roadmap, let’s do quick introductions and maybe tell us how things have been going since the acquisition of CoreOS was announced at the end of January.

    Topic 2 - What have been the core focus areas since the acquisition, both near-term and longer-term? Both in terms of Platforms (OpenShift/Tectonic) and OS (RHEL/Atomic/Container Linux)

    Topic 3 - What are the announcements coming out this week, related to the Kubernetes platform? What timelines are important for these announcements?

    Operators as a community project (also see PodCTL #33)Operators for OpenShift Operators for ISVs Full Stack Automation (New Installer, New Admin Console)

    Topic 4 - What are the announcements coming this week, related to the Linux OS platform? What timelines are important for these announcements?

    Red Hat CoreOS Red Hat Quay

    Topic 5 - If you’re a customer (new or existing), or an ISV partner of Red Hat, what are you hoping will be the top few takeaways that they understand after hearing these announcements and seeing the demonstrations?


    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot comTwitter: @PodCTL Web: http://podctl.com
  • Show: 33

    Show Overview: Brian and Tyler talk with Brandon Philips (@brandonphilips, Founder/CTO at @CoreOS, Member of Technical Staff at @RedHat) about the announcement of the Operators Framework, how the Operator SDK and Lifecycle Manager will help companies, as well as his experience at CoreOS of developing etcd, Prometheus and Vault operators. We also discussed how the broader ISV ecosystem is beginning to embrace the concept of Operators.

    Show Notes:

    Introducing Operator Framework - Building Apps on KubernetesOperator Framework (GitHub)CoreOS introduces OperatorsOperators Homepage and OverviewKubernetes Application Operator BasicsVault OperatorCouchbase OperatorList of Existing Operators (many companies and software)

    Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Tell us about your role within the Kubernetes community, as well as your new role within Red Hat.

    Topic 2 - Back at the original KubeCon in Seattle, you introduced the concept of Operators, as “human operational knowledge in software, to reliably manage an application”. Give us the basics of your original thinking behind Operators.

    Topic 3 - What is being announced today at KubeCon with the Operator Framework?

    Topic 4 - Let’s walk through the 3 core pieces of the Operator Framework

    Operator SDK Operator Lifecycle Management Operator Metering

    Topic 5 - How will the broader community plan a role in Operator Framework?


    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot comTwitter: @PodCTL Web: http://podctl.com
  • Show: 35

    Show Overview: Brian and Tyler review the Kubernetes news coming out of Cloud Foundry Summit, KubeCon and Red Hat Summit. Lots of things to talk about.

    Cloud Foundry Summit

    Attendance: 1500Fragmentation of the Container Orchestrator within the Cloud Foundry community - SUSE, IBM and SAP endorse Kubernetes, Pivotal still supporting Diego

    KubeCon / CloudNativeCon (all videos)

    Attendance: 4300PaaS is now “GitOps” Don’t run containers as root Operator FrameworkServerless v0.1 events spec is updatedMany new container runtimes options - Google gVisor

    Red Hat Summit (all videos)

    OpenShift Commons Gathering (Attendance: 700+ - all videos)Attendance: 7000+ CoreOS + OpenShift Converged Kubernetes platform (PodCTL#34)OpenShift + Istio OpenShift + Cloud Functions (via OpenWhisk) Red Hat + IBM announcementRed Hat + Microsoft announcement


    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot comTwitter: @PodCTL Web: http://podctl.com