
  • I was just an ordinary country girl from the Ozarks of Arkansas, living in the Laodecia wilderness of modern day Christianity. But then God got ahold of me… and I discovered that I serve an extra-ordinary God that had so much more in store for my life! And you serve this same God too, the God who wants to take you out of the lukewarm church of Laodecia and set your heart on fire for Him! It’s probably obvious that this podcast is my very first (better recording equipment will be used on the next episode!) However, I didn’t want to wait to share a little about the beginning of my journey with Jesus as I want you to understand why I’m so excited to share and help YOU go deeper in your own walk with God! Time is running out, but God still is knocking at your door, begging entrance to your heart! If you don’t know God and are thirsty and hungry for purpose and meaning in your life, or if you are a Christian and you recognize that you’ve been living a wilderness Christianity experience, and you want MORE, this first podcast is for YOU! In John 10:10 Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” Don’t wait any longer… go after the life He’s calling you too! Ephesians 3:20