
  • In 2010, Holly Bartlett’s death was ruled an accident after she was found clinging to life under Halifax’s MacKay Bridge. Despite her family and friends claims that Holly, who was blind, could get around just about anywhere if she had her cane, police said she must have been drunk and disoriented. Now, a team of Holly’s friends, investigators and activists are trying to find out what really happened the night of March 26th 2010.

    In Episode 3, we’ll meet one of Holly’s closest childhood friends, Shelley Adams. Adams, who is blind herself, tells listeners about growing up visually impaired and attending the Sir Frederick Fraser School for the Blind with Holly. Next, host Maggie Rahr goes over the medical examiner’s report from back in 2010, and gets a second opinion on its accuracy from Dr. Michelle Patriquin. Then, Maggie meets Peter and Brian Parsons near Holly’s old apartment building to retrace her steps that evening, and we run into her old roommate Andrew, who helps us get a better understanding of who Holly was like as a person, and what her life was like before she died.

  • In March of 2010, 31-year-old Holly Bartlett was found unconscious underneath the MacKay Bridge in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She died in hospital a short time later from her injuries. Investigators ruled her death an accident, calling Holly – who was blind – drunk and disoriented. But her family has never understood just what happened to Holly that night. Now, friends like her former orientation & mobility instructor Peter Parsons, are trying to get to the bottom of it.

    In this episode, host Maggie Rahr talks with Peter, and with Holly’s older sister Kim, about how Holly got around the city while blind. We examine how Holly relied on her white cane, which wasn’t found until almost two days later. We’ll go behind the making of What Happened to Holly Bartlett to talk with TV show researcher Greg Jackson, and we’ll meet Halifax journalist Tim Bousquet, who had a hand in bringing Holly’s case to national attention. Finally, Maggie will head to Holly’s old apartment complex to see if she can track down anyone who knew Holly personally.

  • The What Happened to Holly Bartlett Podcast is a 6-episode audio series that investigates the 2010 death of Holly Bartlett, a blind woman who was found clinging to life under Halifax’s MacKay Bridge in the early hours of March 27th. Police deemed her death an accident, but her family and friends have never accepted their theory.

    Investigative journalist Maggie Rahr hosts each 40-minute episode, determined to uncover what happened to Holly during her final hours. Each segment, released concurrently with the television episode on AMI-TV, features in-depth interviews with Holly’s family, friends, and private investigators. The WHTHB Podcast paints a full picture of Holly Bartlett’s life and – more importantly – the uncertainty surrounding her death.