Unsolved Murders: True Crime Stories is a podcast drama with a modern twist on old time radio that delves into the mystery of true cold cases and unsolved murders. With the help of an ensemble cast, follow our hosts as they take you on an entertaining journey through the crime scene, the investigation and attempt to solve the case. With many surprising plot twists, it’s important you start listening from the first episode of a cold case. New episodes are released every Tuesday. Unsolved Murders: True Crime Stories is a Spotify Original.
Tüm dünyada ve Türkiye'de yaşanmış gerçek suç olaylarından konuştuğumuz bir podcast yayını. Olaylarla ilgili fotoğraflari görmek için instagram adresimiz @olaysukipodcast 'i takip edebilirsiniz.
Flâneur and irrepressible commentator, Rick Edwards, and "Indiana Jones in a lab coat" Dr. Michael Brooks, delve into the science behind popular culture.
Host Rachel Feltman, alongside leading science and tech journalists, dives into the rich world of scientific discovery in this bite-size science variety show.