
  • "Cowards feel fear and abandon the notion of doing right, a brave soul does right regardless of fear."~ Paul-Pablo

    Buckle up! On this episode we'll take you into places where most fear to go. Paul-Pablo Remington Jones is a genuine warrior who dares to speak truth, and walk his talk regardless of the consequences.

    Bureaucrats and public servants now wreak havoc in our lives, while running contrary to Natural Law, their own Oath of Office and basic morality. Paul doesn't shy from letting usurpers of Common Law know that there is only one Authority each of us must ultimately recognize, and it isn't them!

    In Paul's own words: "The mission is a common sense, courteous approach to educating folks about common law and the legal system. The intent is to provide a platform for public servants to act in good faith, and also educate those that are misinformed."

    "The goal of my life and media is to create a functional community together based in truth and understanding as well as upholding universal law aka the common law."

    As we witness the mindless compliance of today's group-thought to the detriment of our health, freedoms and the very purpose of this "journey of the Soul" Paul's message and heart are more timely than ever.

    Show links:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7r3CtWCDuZ-eJEBKXchQ9w

    Have you checked out Re:Union Summit? https://alfavedic.com/reunion

    Also please look into donating to our current GoFundMe! https://alfavedic.com/fundraiser​​​​

  • In this interview, Alex Mayer explains why our children are being so aggressively targeted for COVID injection, even though they’re not at risk of serious SARS-CoV-2 infection, and clarifies the status of Comirnaty.

  • Strap in, but keep your mind open! The Alfacast crew believes in leaving no stone unturned, regardless of whose eyebrows get raised. Today we're entertaining the perchance concept that the shape and functionality of our beloved Earth may be remarkably different than what most of us have always perceived.

    David Weiss will be our tour guide down this entertaining rabbit hole of endless possibilities. Like many of us, Dave will admit that the geometry of our realm can't be ascertained for certain, but the consensus with any in-depth sleuthing reveals more than a few undeniable whoppers.

    David masterfully tackles many of the typical questions from people who would otherwise consider this subject a fool's errand, as he viewed the world through a similar lens in the not too distant past.

    As a renewable energy businessman he first traversed the flat earth path in early 2015 in a serious effort to debunk this ridiculous notion.

    Whether or not you reach similar conclusions as David after this controversial roundtable discussion, it will be hard to deny that NASA and the entire consortia of institutionalized academia has some serious explaining to do!

    Show links:https://www.theflatearthpodcast.com/

  • Jennifer Daniels MD, Author of "The Lethal Dose: Murder By Medicine" is a shining light and one of the unsung heroes from the conventional medical system. Dr. Daniels is a former medical doctor who had her medical license suspended due to her use of natural remedies, while not prescribing enough prescription drugs.

    Dr.Daniels, who is widely considered one of the foremost Alternative Healing Physicians alive today, graduated from Harvard University with Honors receiving a BA degree. Her education continued at the University of Pennsylvania where she received her Medical Degree (MD) and also attended Wharton where she received her MBA in Health Care Administration.

    Jennifer practiced medicine for 10 years as a Board Certified Family Practice Physician where she saw first hand the power of Natural Methods. She has been coaching clients to successfully heal naturally since 1985, and a prolific writer sharing her 30 year journey of developing Natural Healing wisdom.

    This episode is especially relevant within today's prevailing climate of for-profit, fear-based medicine now weaponized as a primary tool for bolstering the global control grid. Dr Daniels will share her experience with immunizations, antibiotics and drugs in general, but more important, the powerful Natural remedies that allowed her to stop using pharmaceuticals altogether.

    Show links:https://vitalitycycles.com/

    Join The Sovereign's Way Course!! (Get $300 off with our link below) https://alfavedic.com/sovereign

    Join Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan w/ Special Guest Dr. Barre Lando on this year's SuperWellness course! https://dredithubuntu.com/AV

  • From Upstate New York to Hollywood to the country of Idaho, Owen Benjamin has been on quite the journey. Known as many names including 'Big Bear' and the 'Bard King of Beartaria', Owen leads an inspiring life of truth and adventure.

    Owen has been crushing since before the days of cancel culture. Rather than folding to the propaganda machine he has disrupted the industry by creating his own specials, documentaries, media and businesses as well as growing a massive following of loving intelligent people.

    Owen Benjamin became known for never pulling punches on social media, exposing the industry for being a tool of social conditioning and shameless hypocrisy. Never letting social status or money get in the way of what needed to be said (and what many people quietly agreed with), Owen prioritized truth and comedy above all.

    Owen Benjamin doubled down on truth and refused to compromise or take the path of manipulative money & accolades. As a result, his audience grew rapidly and his live streams began pulling more views than main stream news outlets, rolling out hours of hilarious content daily. Having this level of reach and influence without giving into the manipulations to push agendas or avoid topics made Owen a major target for de-platforming from various services involved in the attempted social conditioning of the public. We are excited to have Owen on to discuss some of the viable solutions he has found to work outside the system!

    Show links:https://app.beartariatimes.com/https://unauthorized.tv

    Have you checked out Re:Union Summit?https://alfavedic.com/reunion

    Also please look into donating to our current GoFundMe!https://alfavedic.com/fundraiser​​​​

  • The primary distinction between Feudalism & a Free Society is our right to Property Ownership. We have been defrauded from this Unalienable Right, but the time of the Great Reclamation is here.

    Scholars, activists and truth seekers alike are now verifying that the free American Republic, and most countries in the world have been captured through fraudulent contracts into neo-feudalism. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the united States that fought the Revolutionary War over the right to property ownership, and not taxes as we have been led to believe.

    Whether you have a home mortgage, "own" your home loan-free or pay rent to a landlord, Land Patents are the cornerstone to our collective future and ability to live Life to its fullest and freely prosper.

    The erosion of our basic rights and quality of life has reached such dismaying proportions that many are now actively seeking remedy. Legal process of "political status correction" and formalized rebuttals to those who claim false authority have gone viral, but the issue of Land Patents does not receive proper attention.

    In this very special in-house episode Dr. Barre Lando and Mike Winner will present Part 1: Gaining Allodial Title by reclaiming the original Land Patent on your property. We will discuss why this is equally important for those of you who consider yourselves "renters", and give prima facie evidence that we are all tenants paying rent, fees and fines, while requiring "permission" from the lords of a literal Feudal System through permits and licenses. If we do not reclaim our birthright to live free and unencumbered on the Land, we will forever be "lost at sea" in our present system of Admirality Law.

    Presentation: https://www.alfavedic.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/LAND-PATENT.pdf

    Ron Gibson's book: http://AmericanMeetingGroup.com/ron-gibson/#landpatentbook

  • On two prior Alfacast episodes we addressed the historical foundations for the Land Patent process and its critical relevance in present time. There is good reason why the abolition of all property ownership has always been the primary tier of all totalitarian agendas. Unfortunately, this has become a 'fait accompli' worldwide, and in America we find ourselves in a neo-feudalistic society that has strayed far from the ideals of Self-Determination. As Klaus Schwab, chairman of the World Economic Forum, has recently stated, "you will own nothing, and you will be happy!"

    In part 3 of our continuing Land Patent investigation, renown constitutional scholar, Ron Gibson, takes us deeper into the actual process, and takes on questions from our livestream audience. Whether you plan on undertaking the reacquisition of your property or not, this topic is key to understanding why our representative servants in government are now assuming authority over every aspect of our lives.

    For his Land Patent books and consultation, contact Ron at [email protected]

    Join Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan w/ Special Guest Dr. Barre Lando on this year's SuperWellness course! https://dredithubuntu.com/AV

    Have you checked out Re:Union Summit? https://alfavedic.com/reunion

    Also please look into donating to our current GoFundMe! https://alfavedic.com/fundraiser​

  • Ron Gibson is unsurpassed as a Land Patent historian, with over 50 years experience in land patents, water rights, right of way, and property rights. As a Constitutional scholar, and expert witness, teacher, defender, enforcer, and assistance provider it is no wonder that he is considered by many as a national treasure.

    On our last episode of Alfacast, Dr. Barre Lando and Mike Winner laid the foundation for this all-important topic, and we are honored to now have Ron take us even deeper. He will not only add depth from first hand experience, but address the common misconceptions fostered by naysayers and purposeful disinformation agents.

    Show links: http://americanmeetinggroup.com/ron-gibson/#landpatentbook

    or email Ron at [email protected]

  • Eddie Craig tells you how, why, and more importantly, who stacked the courts against We the People. He gets to the point where this is no question that we have been overrun by unelected, self-appointed bureau-rats. Eddie Covers the first fifteen minutes of our program before we bring Ron Gibson into the show to continue our series on land patents where we focus on foreclosing a property. If you want to learn how to destroy the Altars of Baal and take away their funding, then listen to this broadcast on what you need to know about land patents. You can also order the book, Destroying the Altars of Baal, from www.JosephFarleyShow.Com. Make sure you order Ron Gibson’s books, What You Need To Know About Land Patents and You Are Not A Slave.

     Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Joseph Farley Show Community today:josephfarleyshow.comJoseph Farley Show TwitterJoseph Farley Show LinkedInJoseph Farley Show YouTube
  • In this episode, we go on a deep dive into the Act of 1871. When the South walked out of Congress in the 1860s, that was the last real Congress and everything else has all been theater. Nothing has been done since in the district called Washington, DC, better known as the swamp. Learn how the thieves in the district of criminals have been stealing everything you thought you owned as Ron Gibson unmasks the thieves people are not aware of. The American people are starting to wake up to the fraud and only the people are going to be able to restore the republic. Learn why your land patent is so important to you and your family. Make sure to purchase the book Destroying the Altars of Baal so you will know the truth and learn how to operate in your God-given rights.

     Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Joseph Farley Show Community today:josephfarleyshow.comJoseph Farley Show TwitterJoseph Farley Show LinkedInJoseph Farley Show YouTube
  • Still with Ron Gibson, we continue the fourth part about what you need to know about land patents as we dive deeper into state judges and their oaths of office. When you go back to the Constitution for Texas and look closely at the Articles, you will almost always spot the phrase “in this state.” Yet nobody really knows and can explain what this means even though all offense against the State or State agencies are committed to it. The State of Texas claims that one who is in violation of the law is always pointed back to “in this State;” however, they cannot prove where this ethereal location is. Where is it then? If all judges follow the law “in this State,” what law exactly are they following? What lands are owned by the United States on the organic land of Texas? Where are the letters that ceded those territories and the letters from the United States receiving the land? We get to the bottom of this as we uncover how it affects real estate and why land patents are even more crucial.

     Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Joseph Farley Show Community today:josephfarleyshow.comJoseph Farley Show TwitterJoseph Farley Show LinkedInJoseph Farley Show YouTube
  • The International Monetary Fund, formed in 1945 and headquartered in Washington, DC, was founded to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world among its 189 countries. Yet why does the IMF have a hidden lien on your property? What can you do about this criminal attack on the American people? Together with Ron Gibson and our trusty sidekick, Justin Allen Case, we expose the deep state and how they are robbing you blind without you knowing. Once you know this trick, you can make your move to remove your home from the tax rolls. You can even feel free to give your state, county, and local city money if you want. Also, if you want your administrators to follow the rule of law, then you need to hold the purse because we will show you how.

     Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Joseph Farley Show Community today:josephfarleyshow.comJoseph Farley Show TwitterJoseph Farley Show LinkedInJoseph Farley Show YouTube
  • Many people take for granted the term “real estate” by not knowing what it really means. Ron Gibson breaks it down as he takes us back to its origin story, revealing the truth on real estate and the underlying issues that take advantage of the American people. Having dedicated 48 years of his life in the study of Land Law, Ron shows how important it is to understand the purpose of getting a land patent on your home, most especially in the midst of knowing the fraud happening in the system. Exposing a number of laws that pose the people as the enemy, get to know the ways to figure out how to receive all your money back that has been stolen through illegal taxation by learning about allodial title or land patent. The American people need to get in the fight for freedom – real freedom – and the best way to do that is to get involved in the information war. You can start by reading what Ron has to say.

     Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Joseph Farley Show Community today:josephfarleyshow.comJoseph Farley Show TwitterJoseph Farley Show LinkedInJoseph Farley Show YouTube
  • Land Patents. Why they are important to you and your family? Have you ever ask yourself this question, “Why do I pay tax on a property that I own?” The answer is in the question! Maybe, just maybe, you don’t own the property that you think you own. Sure, your name is on the mortgage and, yes, your name is on the deed of trust (as a tenant), but why would you pay a tax on a property that you think you own? In this audio, you will discover the truth behind mortgages, deeds of trust, warranty deeds. Spoiler alert, the globalist have tricked you once again. You don’t own your real estate, your cars, your cash in the bank, or even your children. Once you register an asset, you give it up to the corporate fiction called the state. Find out how to own your stuff and tell the globalists, the Luciferians, to take a hike. Our brothers and sisters in California are seeing this first hand. They have burned you off your land and now they are telling you that you cannot rebuild, without a lot more fees, fines, and fornication to the people. You do have options, but it will require some work and study. Are you up for taking back America from these thieves? Also, make sure you order the book Destroying the Altars Of Baal to discover the rat lines that lead back to the “persons” wanting to totally dominate you and your family. As Samuel Adams once said, “If you love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.” Learn the tricks so you are not the treat!

    Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share!Here’s How »Join the Joseph Farley Show Community today:josephfarleyshow.comJoseph Farley Show TwitterJoseph Farley Show LinkedInJoseph Farley Show YouTube