Joanna Robinson and Richard Lawson discuss "Milk" the eighth and final episode of the HBO original series Sharp Objects. Camille offers herself to Adora to try and save Amma. The solution to the mystery is revealed. This week's episode includes three interviews - series creator Marti Noxon, actor Eliza Scanlen (Amma), and series director Jean Marc Vallee.
Marti Noxon interview begins at 13 minutes and 38 seconds in.
Eliza Scanlen interview begins at 50 minutes in.
Jean Marc Vallee interview begins at 1 hour, 26 and a half minutes in
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Joanna Robinson and Richard Lawson discuss "Cherry" the sixth episode of the HBO original series Sharp Objects. The mystery deepens. John Keene gets taunted. Jackie is questioned. Camille and Amma spend some quality time together. This week's interview is actor Eliza Scanlen who discusses roller skating and making "nice girl Amma" different from rebellious Amma.
Interview begins at 1 hour, 15 minutes.
Spoilers begin at 1 hour, 40 minutes.
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Joanna Robinson and Richard Lawson discuss "Closer" the fifth episode of the HBO original series Sharp Objects. It's time to celebrate Calhoun Day in Wind Gap. Adora forces a shop to open on the holiday. Amma rolls into her performance. Camille and Richard have an encounter. This week's interview is actor Chris Messina who discusses the surprising end scene for Detective Dick, and building up the character of Richard beyond his portrayal in the novel.
Interview begins at 1 hour, 3 minutes.
Spoilers begin at 1 hour, 37 minutes.
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Joanna Robinson and Richard Lawson discuss "Ripe" the fourth episode of the HBO original series Sharp Objects. Adora's hand is injured, Jackie appears at a boozy lunch, Alan gets Vickery a drink. A tough conversation between Camille and the detective opens up another painful chapter in her life. This week's interview is actor Elizabeth Perkins who delves into how the show's point of view changes how scenes make the final edit, and hitting the pitch perfect balance between comedy and melancholy to portray Jackie.
Interview begins at 26 minutes in.
Spoilers begin at 1 hour, 31 minutes in.
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Joanna Robinson and Richard Lawson discuss "Fix," the third episode of the HBO original series Sharp Objects. We finally get to learn more about Sydney Sweeney's mysterious Alice who has been popping up in the first couple episodes. Camillie plays two sides against the middle while Adora gets in the way. Amma takes a field trip.
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Joanna Robinson and Richard Lawson discuss "Dirt," the second episode of the HBO original series Sharp Objects. A funeral in Wind Gap reveals that getting to the bottom of the mystery and Camille's family drama is like...pulling teeth. This week's interview is with author Gillian Flynn who is executive producing the series and reveals how the HBO adaptation is adding and accentuating from her original novel.
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