Proto Pemza pasirodo ten, kur susitinka tikri nusikaltimai, siaubą keliantys įvykiai ir ekscentriški kuriozai. Keturiese pasakojame apie smalsumą keliančius nutikimus, nepelnytai dūlančius saugyklose užrakintų laikraščių puslapiuose. /// Esame radikalūs mėgėjai, tačiau kiekvienai laidai ruošiamės atsakingiau nei savo senatvei. Todėl ką nors naujo išgirsite kiekvienas. Mažų mažiausiai garantuojame ledlaužį vėsiam pokalbiui praskaidrinti. /// Siekiame gerai praleisti laiką, pakeliui jums atskleisdami netikėčiausius gyvenimo atspalvius. Užsukite, čia jūsų laukia istorijos įdomybės, susidūrimai su antgamtiniu pasauliu bei pasakojimai apie reiškinius, geriau suprantamus tiktai šiek tiek pašveitus smegenis.
The former Foreign Minister of Lithuania continues his fight for freedom with a new podcast. Escalation is a series of conversations with experts that help us understand the new geopolitics, and how we can make democracy great again. Well known for his values-based approach to foreign policy, Gabrielius Landsbergis is a tireless campaigner for rule of law and peace through strength.
Laida apie ilgą, o kartais labai trumpą laiką šioje Žemėje. Kada sulaukti 100 metų bus taip pat įprasta kaip pilnametystės. Kam už tai dėkosime: vaistams ar harmoningam gyvenimo būdui? Laida skirta pokalbiams apie ilgaamžiškumą, mitybą ir santykį su sveiku kūnu. Laidos autoriai gyvensenos medicinos pradininkas Lietuvoje Tomas Vaičiūnas ir šeimos medicinos gydytojas Ignas Klėjus.
„Homo cultus. Paribio pokalbiai“ – laida, kurioje bandoma suprasti ir paaiškinti labai skirtingas pozicijas svarbiausiais valstybės ir visuomenės klausimais. Kodėl kultūrinius, politinius, socialinius reiškinius kartais aiškiname taip skirtingai? Kodėl kai kurie klausimai mus taip supriešina ir nustumia į skirtingas stovyklas? Ar įmanoma ne tik brėžti mus skiriančias ribas, bet ir atsidurti paribiuose mokantis suprasti, pažinti, patirti kitoniškumą? Laidą veda Paulius Gritėnas ir Donatas Puslys, antradieniais 15.05 per LRT KLASIKĄ.
I was a broke, university dropout, at 18 I built an industry leading social media marketing company, and at 27 I resigned as CEO. At 28 I co-founded Flight Story – a marketing and communications company, and thirdweb - a software platform, making it easy to build web3 applications. I then launched private equity fund, Flight Fund, to accelerate the next generation of European unicorns. During this time I decided to launch 'The Diary Of A CEO' podcast with the simple mission of providing an unfiltered journey into the remarkable stories and untold dimensions of the world’s most influential people, experts and thinkers. Thank you for listening.
My New Book: https://g2ul0.app.link/DOAC
IG: https://www.instagram.com/steven
LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenbartlett-123 -
"Negyvas Eteris" - lietuviško kūrinio platforma, įkurta Manto Katlerio, Rolando Mackevičiaus ir Manto Stonkaus.
Podkaste "Tapk Geresniu", Artur Lebedenko-Swan, pasineria į prasmingus pokalbius su savo srities profesionalais, specialistais, psichologais bei žinomais žmonėmis. Pokalbiai, kurie ugdo ir įprasmina laiką praleistą internete. Jaukioje aplinkoje atskleidžiama pokalbio tema ir suteikiama vertingų patarimų klausytojui.
Žiūrėkite ir Youtube: https://bit.ly/sekti -
Svarbiausios šios savaitės technologijų naujienos
Правильный, комбинированный фид избранных передач, версия 3.0
Nors, regis, gyvename geriausiais žmonijos laikais – mums vis kas nors negerai. Skundai, kritika, erzulys, nusivylimas, keliami aukšti standartai ir negebėjimas patiems jų laikytis – apie tai laida „Viskas blogai“, kurioje maži ir dideli gyvenimo objektai ar reiškiniai aptariami per labiausiai trikdančią jų pusę. Kartu bandoma suprasti, ką tai sako apie mus ir visuomenę, kurioje gyvename. Ar tikrai viskas taip blogai? Laidos vedėjai Karolina Bieliauskaitė ir Mantas Velykis ne tik ieško mūsų nepasitenkinimo priežasčių, bet ir bando atpažinti „blogybių“ įtaką populiariajai kultūrai ir patogaus gyvenimo įvaizdžiui.
The official podcast of comedian Joe Rogan.
MOKSLAS BE PAMOKSLŲ – tai nauja, originali Vilniaus universiteto tinklalaidė, kuria siekiama ne moralizuoti ar pamokslauti, bet sužadinti smalsumą mokslo temoms. Išsamūs pokalbiai su Vilniaus universiteto mokslininkais padės klausytojams plėsti akiratį, skatins mąstyti savo galva ir gal net privers pakeisti nuomonę ar suabejoti nusistovėjusiomis „tiesomis“.
VU ir LRT Radijo tinklalaidė -
Pabandei ir nepavyko? Susimovei? Nerandi ką nori veikti gyvenime? Nekenti savo darbo? Įstojai „ne ten“? Nepaėjo verslas? Kam nepasitaiko. 🤷♂️ Tiesiog susiimk ir... pradėk iš naujo. Antrą kartą pavyks geriau. Karjera, santykiai, verslas, finansai, sveikata — pasikalbėkim su žmonėmis, kurie suteikė sau antrą šansą.
PodKęstas „Mamos be dramos” padės jums ieškoti patikrintų receptų: kaip išvengti dramos tarpusavio santykiuose, kaip būti maloniu IR tvirtu, kaip patirti kuo daugiau lengvumo bei džiaugsmo tėvystėje.
Dr. Austėja Landsbergienė, mokslininkė ir keturių vaikų mama, kalbina pašnekovus ir atsako į jų klausimus, remiasi ne tik praktinėmis istorijomis bei pavyzdžiais, bet ir naujausiais moksliniais tyrimais.
Atsikratykime chaoso ir auginkime sąmoningumą - be dramos! -
The day’s top stories from BBC News, including the latest from Gaza, on US politics and about the Ukraine conflict. Delivered twice a day on weekdays, daily at weekends.
Asmeniniai finansai ir verslas.
You can change your life and Mel Robbins will show you how.
Mel Robbins is one of the world’s most widely booked and followed podcast hosts and authors. She’s trusted by the world’s leading brands and medical professionals who use her research-backed tools and strategies in clinical and corporate settings. She’s amassed millions of followers online, with her videos going viral almost daily.
143 Studios Inc., her female-led media company, produces provocative and award-winning content with unprecedented results: millions of books sold, billions of video views, seven #1 audiobooks, and original courses and programming for clients like Starbucks, JP Morgan Chase, LinkedIn, Spotify, Headspace, and Audible.
Mel’s work has been translated into 41 languages, her podcast is syndicated in 194 countries, and her TEDx Talk is one of the most viewed of all time. A New York Times bestselling author and self-publishing phenom, Mel’s work includes The High 5 Habit and The 5 Second Rule. Most importantly, her science-backed tools and relatable advice have changed the lives of millions of people worldwide.
Despite all this, Mel is one of the most down-to-earth and caring people you’ll ever meet. The person you see every day online is exactly the same in real life. Probably because she learned everything she teaches the hard way: by first screwing up her own life, and out of necessity, discovering the tools and research that transformed her life and got her to where she is today.
In The Mel Robbins Podcast, Mel gets more personal than ever, welcoming you into her life and taking you behind the scenes in real time. Every episode is packed with deeply relatable topics, tactical advice, hilarious screwups, compelling conversations, and the tools and inspiration you need to create a better life.
Tune in and buckle up – your life is about to change. New episodes of The Mel Robbins Podcast drop every Monday and Thursday.
To learn more about Mel, go deeper into every episode, find the resources and research she mentions, or submit a topic or question, check out https://www.melrobbins.com.
Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to ad-free new episodes. -
Dvylika. Šis skaičius siejamas su erdvės ir laiko idėja, apskritimu bei ratu: dvylika Zodiako ženklų, mėnesių, valandų. Tai kosminės tvarkos, tobulumo ir sėkmės simbolis. Dvylika Graikijos panteono dievų, dvylika Biblijos mokinių ir apaštalų, dvylika Jokūbo sūnų, dvylika žvaigždžių Apokalipsės karūnoje, dvylikos pentagramų ratas Europos Sąjungos vėliavoje.
Į kokius 12 miestų būtina nuvažiuoti prieš numirštant, kokias 12 knygų į negyvenamą salą rekomenduotų pasiimti įdomus svečias, kokius 12 mitų paneigs gydytojas, 12 priežasčių neišvažiuoti iš Lietuvos?
(Michael Skok / Unsplash nuotr.) -
Improve your English with these short podcasts for learners with basic English
Visit our website https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish
Follow us https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/followus
The world’s most popular history podcast, with Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook.
Join The Rest Is History Club (www.therestishistory.com) for ad-free listening to the full archive, weekly bonus episodes, live streamed shows and access to an exclusive chatroom community.
Here are some of our favourite episodes to get you started:
WATERGATE/NIXON apple.co/3JrVl5h
PUTIN & RUSSIA apple.co/3zMtLfX -
I’m Jay Shetty host of On Purpose the worlds #1 Mental Health podcast and I’m so grateful you found us. I started this podcast 5 years ago to invite you into conversations and workshops that are designed to help make you happier, healthier and more healed. I believe that when you (yes you) feel seen, heard and understood you’re able to deal with relationship struggles, work challenges and life’s ups and downs with more ease and grace.
I interview experts, celebrities, thought leaders and athletes so that we can grow our mindset, build better habits and uncover a side of them we’ve never seen before. New episodes every Monday and Friday. Your support means the world to me and I don’t take it for granted — click the follow button and leave a review to help us spread the love with On Purpose. I can’t wait for you to listen to your first or 500th episode!
Thinking in English is a podcast designed for intermediate and advanced English learners.
I believe that thinking is an incredibly important step on the road fluency, and this podcast is going to help you achieve this by discussing topics ranging from politics and economics, to philosophy and science.
Rather than "learning English", Thinking in English focuses on "learning in English."
Learn something new, listen to something interesting, and improve your English at the same time!
Conversation Clubs, bonus episodes, and more on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/thinkinginenglish
My website - https://thinkinginenglish.blog/
Thinking in English is part of the Airwave Media podcast network. Contact [email protected] to advertise on Thinking in English. -
Psichologinės žinios, emocinis raštingumas žmonėms reikalingas kiekviename žingsnyje.
Kaip bendrauti? Visų pirma - su savimi, su artimaisiais, kolegomis ir nepažįstamaisiais? Kokias klaidas čia darome, kodėl nesusikalbame? Kaip sau pagelbėti ir išmokti reguliuoti emocijas, užklupus nerimui ar stresui? Kodėl mūsų visuomenėje tiek daug į kitus ar į save pačius nukreiptos agresijos? Kodėl svarbu pažinti save ir ką daryti, jei atradimai nedžiugina? Viso to mūsų mokykloje ar universitete niekas nemoko. Psichologinis raštingumas paliekamas savieigai. Todėl apie viską būtina kalbėti, ir to niekada nebus per daug.
Laidoje „Čia ir dabar“ – pokalbiai su psichologijos profesionalais apie tai, kaip gyventi prasmingiau, neatidedant gyvenimo rytdienai ar neužstrigus praeities prisiminimuose, bet čia ir dabar – kaip psichologijai skirta radijo laida ir pavadinta. -
“Koučingo podcast'as” sukurtas siekiant padėti entuziastingoms ir drąsioms asmenybėms atrasti ir geriau pažinti koučingą bei jo kuriamą vertę.
Jame dalinsimės patirtimi ir praktiškomis idėjomis, kurios padės daug pasiekusiems žmonėms tapti geriausiais koučingo specialistais, kurie prisideda prie sąmoningos visuomenės kūrimo.
Mes esame Coaching.lt komanda ir mūsų Vizija - Sąmoninga visuomenė, kurianti vertę bendradarbiaujant, dalijantis žiniomis ir patirtimi.
Būtent koučingo pagalba jos mes siekiam.
Koučingo podkasto įrašuose išgirsite, ką iš tikrųjų reiškia būti vertę dialogo partneriui kuriančiu koučingo specialistu ir kaip Jūs galite tokiu tapti.
Dalinsimės savo patirtimi tokia, kokia ji buvo ir yra iš tikrųjų: su visais parklupimais, noru viską mesti ir atsitiesimu bei darymu ne tai, kas pavyksta, o tai kas reikalinga drąsiems ir ambicingiems tikslams pasiekti.
Čia kalbinsime ir kitus savo srities ekspertus, kurie žino koučingo kuriamą vertę ir taiko koučingo pasaulėžiūrą savo kasdienėje veikloje.
Jei tik pradedate domėtis koučingu - čia rasit daug vertingos informacijos be pagražinimų;
Jei jau esate koučingo profesijos kelyje - tai bus papildomas resursas Jums ir Jūsų klientams;
O jei esate komandos dalis ar komanda seka paskui Jus - čia surasit būdų, kaip koučingo taikymas Jūsų veikloje padės tapti dar geresne asmenybe.
Leiskitės kartu su mumis į šią įkvepiančią kelionę geriau pažįstant ir labiau praktikuojant koučingą.
Pasauliui reikia daugiau šviesių lyderių, užsidegusių aistra kurti pokyčius. Ir mes raginame tais lyderiais būti Jus. -
Kas vakarą po pasaką – mažiems ir dideliems. Gražiausios pasaulio tautų pasakos, klasikų kūriniai, šiuolaikinių užsienio ir lietuvių rašytojų knygos vaikams. Skaito žinomi šalies aktoriai – nuo pirmadienio iki sekmadienio 20.05 val. per LRT RADIJĄ.
История, литература, искусство, музыка — лекции лучших русскоязычных ученых и анонсы новых проектов просветительского проекта Arzamas! Все наши курсы и подкасты удобнее всего слушать в нашем приложении «Радио Arzamas».
A podcast that explains how everything is psychology. Even your 20s. Hosted by Jemma Sbeg, each Tuesday and Friday we deep dive into the science and psychology behind a topic, concept or universal experience that defines our 20s - from dating, to mental health, career anxiety, friendship, finances and all the growing pains associated with this decade. Listen now.
For business enquires please email [email protected]
New merchandise here: https://the-psychology-of-your-20s.myshopify.com/
Professor Brian Cox and Robin Ince host a witty, irreverent look at the world through scientists’ eyes. Joined by a panel of scientists, experts and celebrity science enthusiasts they investigate life, the universe and everything in between on The Infinite Monkey Cage from the BBC.
From the smallest building blocks of life to the furthest stars, the curious monkeys pull apart the latest science to reveal fascinating and often bizarre insights into the world around us and what lies beyond. Can trees talk to each other? Can science help you commit the perfect murder? What might aliens look like and the burning question of our time, are strawberries alive or dead? Join them as each episode they put a different scientific topic under the microscope, from aliens, black holes and hedgehogs, to bacteria, poison and the Big Bang. With past guests including actors Dame Judi Dench and Sir Patrick Stewart, comedians Steve Martin and Conan O’Brien, astronaut Tim Peake, primatologist Jane Goodall and mathematician Hannah Fry, The Infinite Monkey Cage promises to make you laugh, enrich your knowledge and leave you with a deeper appreciation for the universe that we call home. Whether you’re a seasoned scientist or someone who nodded off in physics class, listen in to learn all about funny, fascinating and sometimes ridiculous topics – with the occasional monkey business.
Laida „10–12“ – aktualijos, kuriomis gyvena pasaulis ir Tu.
LRT RADIJO priešpietyje vedėjai neria į svarbias ir netikėtas temas. Istorijos, socialiniai eksperimentai, apžvalgos, pokalbiai iš Tavo kaimynystės ir namų – tai dvi kas dieną kitokios valandos. -
Best-selling author Mark Manson brings his irreverent, hard-hitting style right to your ear holes with life advice that doesn't suck.
Featuring a mix of guest appearances, burning reader questions, and solo shows with just Mark and a microphone, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast explores all the uncomfortable questions that, if you're brave enough to ask yourself, might just change your life.
Whether it's your relationship, career, health, wealth, or happiness, Mark tackles it all with refreshing honesty and a dash of foul-mouthed humor. -
Pamenate garsųjį posakį - kai gyvenimas pameta jums citriną, spauskite iš jos limonadą. Taip ir LRT RADIJO laidos „Gyvenimo citrinos“ pašnekovai pasakos, atviraus, ką jie darė su savosiomis „gyvenimo citrinomis”. Kaip užklupus sunkumams ieškojo ir rado būdų pakilti, atsitiesti, pradėti rašyti naują skyrių savo gyvenimo istorijoje. Nauja laida kiekvieną penktadienį, 12 val. per LRT RADIJĄ. Ved. Lavija Šurnaitė
Laisvės TV podcast'ai!
2016 metais žurnalistas Andrius Tapinas įkūrė nepriklausomą, žiūrovų išlaikomą televiziją.
Per šešerius gyvavimo metus jau ne kartą parodėme, kad esame ne tik televizija. Vienydami aktyvius, pilietiškus ir laisvus keisti žmones įgaliname vieni kitus kurti nepriklausomą ir kokybišką turinį, kelti visuomenei opias problemas ir aktyviai reaguojant į aktualijas inicijuoti visuomeninius projektus. Tokios mūsų iniciatyvos, kaip Laisvės kelias ar Bayraktaras, garsina Lietuvos vardą visame pasaulyje. -
Explore true stories of the dark side of the Internet with host Jack Rhysider as he takes you on a journey through the chilling world of hacking, data breaches, and cyber crime.
Nuoširdus pokalbis su iškiliomis bei įkvepiančiomis Lietuvos ir ne tik asmenybės, jų atsinešti mėgstami muzikos kūriniai, bei pasakojimas apie patirtis, lydinčias šiame gyvenime. Kiekvieną trečiadienį 14.00 val. per LRT OPUS.
Pralaužk Vieną Šaltą - jau ketvirtus metus skaičiuojantis ir sustoti nesiruošiantis podkastas. Kalbėti vis dar neišmokom, bet jau ir nebežadam, kad išmoksim. Bet prižadėti, kad ir toliau išvysite daugybę įdomių, mažiau ar daugiau žinomų pašnekovų, mes galime. Neįpareigojantys pokalbiai, atskleistos paslaptys, daug nejuokingų ir juokingų bajerių visada lauks jūsų mūsų laidose! Vedėjai @AiridasJankus, @MantasGrimalis ir AnthonyKisliak
The Huberman Lab podcast is hosted by Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. The podcast discusses neuroscience and science-based tools, including how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health, as well as existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works.
Huberman has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function, and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills, and cognitive functioning. He is a McKnight Foundation and Pew Foundation Fellow and was awarded the Cogan Award, given to the scientist making the most significant discoveries in the study of vision, in 2017.
Work from the Huberman Laboratory at Stanford School of Medicine has been published in top journals, including Nature, Science, and Cell, and has been featured in TIME, BBC, Scientific American, Discover, and other top media outlets.
In 2021, Dr. Huberman launched the Huberman Lab podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 10 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness. -
A rundown of the most important global business stories you need to know for the coming day, from the newsroom of the Financial Times. Available every weekday morning.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Conversations about science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond.
Chcesz wreszcie zacząć mówić po polsku? Świetnie trafiłeś! Słuchając regularnie naturalnej mowy w języku polskim opanujesz ten piękny słowiański język do perfekcji! Transkrypcja odcinków na swojskijezykpolski.com. Zapisz się też na lekcje języka polskiego online!
Learn Polish by listening to my Polish podcast! If you listen regularly and follow the transcriptions you will learn to understand and speak Polish fluently in no time. More info on swojskijezykpolski.com/learn-polish-podcast-with-transcription. Sign up for Polish classes online as well! -
Deeply researched interviews
www.dwarkeshpatel.com -
Sam Parr and Shaan Puri brainstorm new business ideas based on trends & opportunities they see in the market. Sometimes they bring on famous guests to brainstorm with them.
You can find The Jubal Show on your radio too! Basically, search "The Jubal Show" on any platform and we will be there. You can find every podcast we have, including the full show every weekday right here…
➡︎ https://jubalshow.com/podcasts
The Jubal Show is everywhere, and also these places:
Website ➡︎ https://thejubalshow.com Instagram ➡︎ https://instagram.com/thejubalshow X/Twitter ➡︎ https://twitter.com/thejubalshow Tiktok ➡︎ https://www.tiktok.com/@thejubalshow YouTube ➡︎ https://www.youtube.com/@JubalFresh======
Meet The Jubal Show Cast:
Jubal Fresh - https://jubalshow.com/featured/jubal-fresh/ Nina - https://thejubalshow.com/featured/ninaontheair/Victoria - https://jubalshow.com/featured/victoria-ramirez/ Brad Nolan - https://jubalshow.com/featured/brad-nolan/ Sharkey - https://jubalshow.com/featured/richard-sharkey/ -
Nauja laida, kurioje aptariame aktualius įvykius. Paskutinę savaitės dieną atsigręžiame į besibaigiančią savaitę, akcentuodami ne įvykių kroniką, o ieškodami gilesnio požiūrio, kalbėdami apie įvykius ir naujus reiškinius, atskleisdami asmenybes, kurioms prabėgusi savaitė yra svarbi. Kalbame tiek apie meno įvykius (ir ne tik didžiuosiuose miestuose), tiek apie platesnes kultūros temas: ar nuolat reformuojama švietimo sistema turi viziją, ko yra siekiama; ar suvokiame pavojus demokratijai besikeičioje visuomenėje; kodėl taip mažai apmąstome ir analizuojame sovietmečio kultūros palikimą; kas yra radikalizmas ir kada jis aštrėja; bendravimo – kultūros – asmenybės paviršutiniškumas ir kt. Laidą veda Jolanta Kryževičienė. Penktadieniais 11:05 – per LRT KLASIKĄ.
Praktiškų gyvenimo džiaugsmo patarimų laida.
Prof G Markets breaks down the news that’s moving the capital markets, helping you build financial literacy and security. Tune in every Monday and Thursday for no mercy, no malice insight from Scott Galloway and Ed Elson on high flying stocks, booming sectors, and master of the universe CEOs. Like it or not, we live in a capitalist society. The key to navigating it? Talk about money. Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.
Redefine your vision of success, one episode at a time. The Goal Digger Podcast is a live-workshop-style business and marketing podcast hand-delivering actionable advice through conversations with entrepreneurs that feel like Facetime calls with your friends. Every week, the New York Times best-selling author of "How Are You, Really?" host Jenna Kutcher is redefining what success means and how you can find more joy, ease, and peace in the pursuit of your goals. We’re helping thousands chase bolder dreams and run businesses that don’t run YOU.
Whether you’re growing your business, are curious about leaving your 9-5 and starting one, or gain a new marketable skill, you might find yourself asking questions like: “Am I ready for a career change?” “How do I market my business?” “How can I make money online?” “How can I grow my social media following?” “How do I get better with my finances?” “What kind of goals should I be setting?” And the biggest question of all: “Can I REALLY turn my dream into reality?”
If this sounds like you, then you’ve just come across the podcast you NEED to shift your limiting mindsets, hand over the best guidance on the internet, and design your dream business and life!
Along with sharing her best actionable advice that she used to escape the suffocating corporate hustle and become a self-made millionaire, Jenna Kutcher interviews other top industry experts, authors, culture-changers, creatives, and even listeners like you who share their secrets to ensure you are seen, heard, and hired.
With 110 MILLION downloads and counting, the Goal Digger movement is growing every day and now it’s YOUR TURN to hear from your favorite leaders, get inspired, and tackle your biggest goals along the way!
Visit goaldiggerpodcast.com for show notes, discount codes from our sponsors, and additional business-building resources. And be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to the show wherever you’re listening to never miss a single episode! -
Industry veterans, degenerate gamblers & besties Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Sacks & David Friedberg cover all things economic, tech, political, social & poker.
From Ballen Studios, welcome to Bedtime Stories. From the paranormal to the supernatural, unsolved mysteries, strange deaths, cryptids, and the most disturbing of true crime, we’ll bring you stories from around the world, all told in a unique and bone-chilling way. New episodes every Wednesday.
To submit story ideas, email: [email protected] -
Actionable insights on building wealth from the top experts in money & the marketsHosted by Adam Taggart
You may know something of the Adolf Hitler story. But there’s a decent chance you don’t know the half of it. This is a deep dive into the life of the German führer. The Hitler story all the way from cradle to grave.
As featured on Real Dictators. Brought to you by award-winning podcasters, Noiser. Narrated by Paul McGann with contributions from expert historians.
For ad-free listening, exclusive content and early access to new episodes, join Noiser+. Click the Noiser+ banner to get started with a 7-day free trial. Or, if you're on Spotify or Android, head to noiser.com/subscriptions.
For advertising enquiries, email [email protected] -
Talks from dropshippers to dropshippers is the #1 podcast for dropshippers. Hosted by AutoDS to bring you the most insightful information to help you succeed and create profitable online stores. Tune in to listen to the top dropshippers in the field explain the different ways they managed to create their own ecommerce empires.
Всем привет!Мы, Карина и Наташа, запустили проект о ментальном здоровье Справиться Проще. Мы делаем подкасты, посвященные различным психическим расстройствам. В каждом выпуске мы разбираем одно расстройство. Наши гости рассказывают, как они живут с таким диагнозом, а наши эксперты — врачи и клинические психологи — подробно объясняют, что это за расстройство и как его лечить.
Карина https://t.me/istominakarina
Наташа https://t.me/hadeout
Центр https://t.me/handlingbettercenter
Наша почта: [email protected]
Любишь распутывать загадочные истории и решать хитроумные головоломки? Тогда присоединяйся к сотрудникам детективного агентства «Хрум»! Вместе с главой агентства Марией Петровной и её помощником - школьником Максимом помоги сказочному полицейскому Добрыне навести порядок в сказке.
Категория: 0+
Looking to stay informed in the world of investing? Investors' Chronicle dives into the key trends shaping today’s markets and unpacks what they mean for your investments. Featuring exclusive interviews with professional investors - whether fund managers or leading financial experts - our mission is to help you make smarter investment decisions.
Investors' Chronicle is a service by the Financial Times.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs. Every week I read a biography of an entrepreneur and find ideas you can use in your work. This quote explains why: "There are thousands of years of history in which lots and lots of very smart people worked very hard and ran all types of experiments on how to create new businesses, invent new technology, new ways to manage etc. They ran these experiments throughout their entire lives. At some point, somebody put these lessons down in a book. For very little money and a few hours of time, you can learn from someone’s accumulated experience. There is so much more to learn from the past than we often realize. You could productively spend your time reading experiences of great people who have come before and you learn every time." —Marc Andreessen
Risky Business is a weekly information security podcast featuring news and in-depth interviews with industry luminaries. Launched in February 2007, Risky Business is a must-listen digest for information security pros. With a running time of approximately 50-60 minutes, Risky Business is pacy; a security podcast without the waffle.
On Masters of Scale, iconic business leaders share lessons and strategies that have helped them grow the world's most fascinating companies. Founders, CEOs, and dynamic innovators join candid conversations about their triumphs and challenges with a set of luminary hosts, including founding host Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn co-founder and Greylock partner). From navigating early prototypes to expanding brands globally, Masters of Scale provides priceless insights to help anyone grow their dream enterprise.
Every weekday, TED Talks Daily brings you the latest talks in audio. Join host and journalist Elise Hu for thought-provoking ideas on every subject imaginable — from Artificial Intelligence to Zoology, and everything in between — given by the world's leading thinkers and creators. With TED Talks Daily, find some space in your day to change your perspectives, ignite your curiosity, and learn something new.
Award-winning podcast hosted by voice artist Darren Marlar who narrates true stories of crime, the unexplained, and paranormal.
* Ranked #2 in Podcast Magazine‘s “Best True Crime and Horror” podcasts for 2020
* Named one of the “Best Storytellers in Podcasting” in 2019 by Podcast Business Journal
* Darren Marlar’s narration of “The Tell-Tale Heart” won Bronze at HEAR NOW 2020 Podcast Palooza
* Reached #5 worldwide on the “HOT 50” chart for November 2020 by Podcast Magazine
* Finalist for”Storyteller-Drama” award for the “People’s Choice Podcast Awards” in 2019 -
Join How to Be a Better Human as we take a look within and beyond ourselves.
How to Be a Better Human isn’t your average self improvement podcast. Each week join comedian Chris Duffy in conversation with guests and past speakers as they uncover sharp insights and give clear takeaways on how YOU can be a better human.
From your work to your home and your head to your heart, How to Be a Better Human looks in unexpected places for new ways to improve and show up for one another. Inspired by the popular series of the same name on TED’s Ideas blog, How to Be a Better Human will help you become a better person from the comfort of your own headphones.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Подкаст с самыми невероятными фактами из истории культуры. Зачем говорить о погоде, если можно обсудить древнерусскую астрологию или японских драконов? Сотрудники просветительского проекта Arzamas делятся своими находками, которые заполнят любую неловкую паузу в разговоре.
Новые выпуски подкаста выходят раз в неделю, по средам.
Слушайте «Неловкую паузу» в приложении «Радио Arzamas» или на любой платформе, где есть подкасты!
Strange tales of hacking, tech, internet grifters, AI, and security with Jordan & Scott. Are internet hitmen really a thing? What does someone do with a crypto wallet full of millions and a lost password? Did a Minecraft scammer really hack the president? Hacked is a technology show about people hacking things together and apart, with your old pals Jordan Bloemen and Scott Francis Winder. Get at us via [email protected].
Crypto assets and blockchain technology are about to transform every trust-based interaction of our lives, from financial services to identity to the Internet of Things. In this podcast, host Laura Shin, an independent journalist covering all things crypto, talks with industry pioneers about how crypto assets and blockchains will change the way we earn, spend and invest our money. Tune in to find out how Web 3.0, the decentralized web, will revolutionize our world. Disclosure: I'm a nocoiner.
Steve and Tim from the YouTube channel Hardware Unboxed bring to you a weekly show discussing all the latest news and interesting topics in the PC hardware and gaming scene. With our decades of experience testing and benchmarking hardware, you'll be sure to enjoy various insights into tech and the occasional guest, especially if you love building PCs and playing PC games.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Join host Sadie Marie and her guests as they discuss life after divorce. From lively co-ed chats about mid-life dating to conversations with financial experts on fresh money starts, from balancing solo child rearing obligations to creating time and space for our own well-being, this podcast celebrates the many unique experiences life after divorce brings, both the playful and powerful. It focuses on best finding our way onward and upward by always reminding ourselves that our happiest life is the one we're living now.
How did the planet's richest people make their billions? From celebrities and secretive CEOs to sporting legends and tech titans, Simon Jack and Zing Tsjeng find out, and then decide whether they think they’re good, bad, or just another billionaire.
Ever wondered how Taylor Swift went from country singer to money-spinner? How Amazon boss Jeff Bezos came to launch one of the biggest corporations of the internet age? And how six-time NBA champion Michael Jordan made his fortune with Nike? Good Bad Billionaire is here to analyse the minds, motives and money of some of the world's wealthiest individuals. No detail is too small and no story too wild to uncover.
Join us on a global journey, discovering all we can about some of the richest people on the planet. We hear about billionaires in Russia, China, New Zealand, India, Nigeria and the UK. In the United States, there are those who made their money in Silicon Valley, on Wall Street and high street fashion.
Exploring the lives of Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch, El Chapo, Narayana Murthy and Kim Kardashian, this podcast paints a vivid picture of business, entrepreneurship, capitalism and how our world really works.
In season two, we learn how the likes of Jerry Seinfeld, Peter Jackson, Doris Fisher and George Soros came to join the billionaires' club. We explore how Tiger Woods went from a child golfing prodigy to the world’s highest paid athlete, how a communist mime artist became the boss of fashion house Prada and how Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich bought an English football club. Find out how Mukesh Ambani became Asia’s richest person, and how Patrice Motsepe became the first black billionaire in a post-apartheid South Africa.
Plus, we examine some of the biggest names behind the technology shaping our world – the founders of TikTok, Google, ChatGPT, Alibaba and Bumble.
But it's not just how these billionaires made their money; it's what they did with it next. Ultimately, Simon and Zing consider whether they think these people are a force for “good”, the opposite, or somewhere in between.
Join Simon Jack, business editor for BBC News, and journalist, author and podcaster Zing Tsjeng as this podcast unravels tales of fortune, power, ambition and moral responsibility, and invites you to make up your own mind: are they Good, Bad, or Just Another Billionaire?
We’d love to hear your feedback. Email [email protected] or drop us a text or WhatsApp to +1 (917) 686-1176.
To find out more about the show and read our privacy notice, visit www.bbcworldservice.com/goodbadbillionaire
Педагог Дима Зицер отвечает на вопросы родителей, учителей, детей — всех, кому важны и интересны детско-взрослые отношения.
О том, как получать от этих отношений настоящее удовольствие, как сделать совместную жизнь с детьми комфортной, яркой, тёплой, счастливой для всех, как не мучать их и самих себя, как вести себя в самых разных ситуациях.
«Любить нельзя воспитывать»: где будет стоять запятая, зависит от нас. -
The latest business and finance news from around the world, on the BBC.
Sherlock Holmes Short Stories narrated by Hugh Bonneville.
A woman struck dead after hearing a haunting whistle. A series of child-like drawings scrawled throughout a country estate. A prize horse wandering the moors without an owner.
To the regular observer, these are merely strange anomalies. But for the master detective Sherlock Holmes they are the first pieces of an elaborate puzzle.
New episodes every Thursday. For ad-free listening and early access to new episodes, join Noiser+. Click the Noiser+ banner to get started. Or, if you’re on Spotify or Android, go to noiser.com/subscriptions. -
Wish you were in Malaysia right now? Do the next best thing and join us on the Dive Into Malaysia Travel podcast!
We cover everything from the best places to visit to how to get to Malaysia to where to stay and exactly what to do while you are there.
We’ll help you plan your perfect trip while dreaming of the great adventures you’re going to have!
From all the great food you’re going to eat to lounging on the best looking beaches to standing on top of the world in the new Merdeka 118, we’re going to help you fall in love with this country.
Dive Into Malaysia Travel Podcast is your go-to resource for everything Malaysia travel so you can plan your first or fiftieth trip to this great country.
Malaysia travel expert and aficionado, Sharon Gourlay, along with special local guests, answer all your questions and will inspire and motivate you to travel to Malaysia while helping you with everything practical that you need to know.
Hit subscribe to make sure you don’t miss an episode and find all our episode guides and best resources at: https://diveintomalaysia.com/podcast/ -
Whatever your business conundrum, there’s a TED Talk for that—whether you want to learn how to land that promotion, set smart goals, undo injustice at work, or unlock the next big innovation. Every Monday, host Modupe Akinola of Columbia Business School presents the most powerful and surprising ideas that illuminate the business world. After the talk, you'll get a mini-lesson from Modupe on how to apply the ideas in your own life. Because business evolves every day, and our ideas about it should, too.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Learn Spanish with Stories is the number one podcast for upper beginner to intermediate Spanish learners. The main objective of this podcast is to give students fun and interesting stories from Latin America to help students with Spanish immersion. You can read while you listen if you head over to podcast.lingomastery.com to find the transcript.
In a world that often dismisses the extraordinary as mere fantasy, The Telepathy Tapes dares to explore the profound abilities of non-speakers with autism—individuals who have long been misunderstood and underestimated. These silent communicators possess gifts that defy conventional understanding, from telepathy to otherworldly perceptions, challenging the limits of what we believe to be real. For years, their parents and teachers have quietly witnessed these remarkable abilities, knowing that the time to share their truth would eventually come. But now, as the evidence mounts, the time has come to reveal what has been hidden in plain sight.
This groundbreaking series challenges everything we think we know about communication and the human mind, inviting viewers to step into a reality where the impossible is not only possible but happening every day. Through emotional stories and undeniable evidence, The Telepathy Tapes offers a fresh perspective on the profound connections that exist beyond words. Traveling with Neuroscientist Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell, witnessing mind-boggling telepathy tests and forging deeply intimate relationships with families around the globe - Host Ky Dickens invites you to contemplate the world through the eyes of those who speak without words. Prepare to be captivated, challenged, and ultimately transformed as the series shines a light on the untold capabilities of those who have been underestimated for far too long. -
How do empires rise? Why do they fall? And how have they shaped the world around us today?
William Dalrymple and Anita Anand explore the stories, personalities and events of empire over the course of history. -
Cybersecurity guru Steve Gibson joins Leo Laporte every Tuesday. Steve and Leo break down the latest cybercrime and hacking stories, offering a deep understanding of what's happening and how to protect yourself and your business. Security Now is a must listen for security professionals every week.
Records live every Tuesday at 4:30pm Eastern / 1:30pm Pacific / 21:30 UTC. -
The podcast that speaks your language. News and views from beyond the bubble with Telegraph columnists, Allison Pearson and Liam Halligan, every Thursday.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Welcome to Travel Secrets with Tanya Rose – the podcast sharing wisdom for fellow travellers.
Tanya will be joined by an ensemble of well-travelled guests, sharing perspectives on the art of travel shaped by their varied lifestyles; from the worlds of film, fashion and more. During these conversations, Tanya will discover the guests' six Travel Secrets and learn about the experiences that uncovered them.
Unlock insider secrets and learn how to get under the skin of a destination like a local and not a tourist.
This podcast might not change your life, but it might just change your plans.
Keep up with everything Travel Secrets at @travelsecretsthepodcast
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Master the best of what other people have already figured out.
Skip decades of trial and error. Each episode reveals proven insights from world-class performers.
No fluff. No small talk. Just actionable wisdom for your business and life.
Instagram: https://instagram.com/farnamstreet
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shane-parrish-050a2183/
Newsletter: Join over 750,000 people and upgrade your thinking in 5 minutes a week. fs.blog/newsletter -
As an organizational psychologist, Adam Grant believes that great minds don't think alike; they challenge each other to think differently. In Re:Thinking with Adam Grant, he has lively discussions and debates with some of the world's most interesting thinkers, creators, achievers, and leaders—from Lin-Manuel Miranda to Brené Brown to Mark Cuban, and Olympic medalists to Nobel laureates to Oscar winners. By diving inside their minds, Adam is on a mission to uncover bold insights and share surprising science that can make us all a little bit smarter. Tune in to Re:Thinking with Adam Grant. You might just be inspired to let go of some old ideas and embrace some new ones.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Spanish podcast for upper-beginners with free transcript in Spanish and English, with César and ”El inglés”. You can also use the vocabulary flashcards to memorise the new words presented on the episode.You can find the transcript and the flashcards on www.spanishlanguagecoach.com
Populiariausia krepšinio tinklalaidė Lietuvoje.
We interview and study famous financial billionaires, including Warren Buffett, Ray Dalio, and Howard Marks, and teach you what we learn and how you can apply their investment strategies in the stock market.
We Study Billionaires is the largest stock investing podcast show in the world with 180,000,000+ downloads and is hosted by Stig Brodersen, Preston Pysh, William Green, Clay Finck, and Kyle Grieve.
This podcast also includes the Richer Wiser Happier series hosted by best-selling author William Green. William regularly interviews legendary investors such as Mohnish Pabrai and Guy Spier, exploring what they can teach us about how to succeed in markets and life.
And finally, our Bitcoin Fundamentals series is hosted by Preston Pysh, where he interviews prominent figures in the Bitcoin and macroeconomic space. To learn more about TIP, you can visit theinvestorspodcast.com or subscribe to our free daily newsletter here.
Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm -
The Rich Dad Radio Show will now air THREE times a week! In addition to the regular Wednesday and Thursday episodes hosted by best-selling author Robert Kiyosaki, and Jaren Sustar, we’ve added a third episode to include Real Estate expert Brent Daniels which will publish on Tuesdays.
Join Robert Kiyosaki every week on Wednesdays, where he dives deep into the world of financial education, wealth-building strategies, and entrepreneurship. In every episode, Robert and his expert guests discuss the latest economic trends and actionable insights for achieving financial freedom through investing, business ownership, or understanding the global economy.
On Thursdays, real estate expert Jaren Sustar focuses on the powerful wealth-building opportunities available through real estate investing. Jaren explores the ins and outs of the real estate market, sharing proven strategies for both new and experienced investors. Learn how real estate can create passive income, leverage tax advantages, and provide financial security in uncertain times.
On Tuesdays, real estate expert Brent Daniels focuses on “the good news and bad news about flipping real estate.” Brent will show you how to find and negotiate the best deals that nobody else knows about —and how you can turn them into huge profits.
With more content each week, The Rich Dad Radio Show equips you with the knowledge and tools to make informed financial decisions and take control of your financial future. -
Good sex is all about good communication. And we believe honest conversations are the best way to get there. That’s why we’ve asked duos of all types to open up to each other - no host! - about pleasure, intimacy and what turns them on. Listen to hear intimate chats, sexual revelations and playful moments between friends, lovers and everyone in between.
Įdomiausių, populiariausių romanų fragmentai, novelės ar esė kas vakarą 21.00 val. per LRT KLASIKĄ. Red. Vida Morkevičienė.
Simon Squibb is joined by the top entrepreneurial minds in the world to get their blueprint to success!
Hannah Fry and Dara Ó Briain tackle listeners' conundrums with the power of science!
Carol Massar and Tim Stenovec bring you reporting from the magazine that helps global leaders stay ahead, plus insight on the people, companies and trends shaping today's complex economy. Watch us LIVE on YouTube: http://bit.ly/3vTiACF.
A helpful and hilarious take on the week's tech SNAFUs.
Computer security industry veterans Graham Cluley and Carole Theriault chat with guests about cybercrime, hacking, and online privacy. It's not your typical cybersecurity podcast...
Winner of the best and most entertaining cybersecurity podcast awards in 2018, 2019, 2022, 2023, and 2024, Smashing Security has had over ten million downloads. Past guests include Garry Kasparov, Mikko Hyppönen, and Rory Cellan-Jones.
Follow the podcast on Twitter at @smashinsecurity, and subscribe for free in your favourite podcast app. New episodes released at 7pm EST every Wednesday (midnight UK).
This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:
OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy -
What does exercise do to your brain? Can psychedelics treat depression? From smart daily habits to new medical breakthroughs, welcome to TED Health, with host Dr. Shoshana Ungerleider. TED speakers answer questions you never even knew you had, and share ideas you won't hear anywhere else, all around how we can live healthier lives.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Learn Spanish with Free Podcasts
Whether you are student or a seasoned speaker, our lessons offer something for everyone. We incorporate culture and current issues into each episode to give the most informative, both linguistically and culturally, podcasts possible.
For those of you with just the plane ride to prepare, check our survival phrase series at SpanishPod101.com. One of these phrases just might turn your trip into the best one ever! -
The #1 podcast for entrepreneurs. Learn proven strategies to start and grow a business, improve productivity, and live a happier life. Hear from top performers in all industries. Guests include entrepreneurs, CEOs, consultants, and more.
Host Anthony “Pomp” Pompliano talks to the most interesting people in business, finance, and Bitcoin. From billionaires to cultural icons, Pomp helps you get smarter every day.
Dr Ali Abdaal is the world’s most followed productivity expert and author of Feel-Good Productivity, the brand new book that reveals why the secret to productivity isn’t discipline, it’s joy. In his podcast, Deep Dive, Ali sits down with inspiring creators, thinkers, entrepreneurs and high performers to help listeners build lives that they love.
Ali’s cheerful style, positive approach, and well-researched content have made him a trusted voice when it comes to productivity. The internet means that we have access to more knowledge and information than ever before - but it can also be overwhelming. So, Ali and his expert guests focus on simple, scientifically proven, and actionable steps you can take to make real changes in your life.
Ali’s a firm believer that happiness isn’t the result of success - in fact, happiness is the key to success in the first place. Ali made this discovery while working as a doctor in a chaotic hospital ward. In the past, hard work had been the answer to every obstacle in his life. But no amount of hard work was going to combat panic and burnout.
So, Ali dedicated himself to figuring out a new approach to productivity - one that focuses on enjoying the journey and working towards truly meaningful goals. Deep Dive, with its authentic and engaging conversations, will give you all the insights you need to do just that. -
At Popular Science, we report and write dozens of science and tech stories every week. And while a lot of the fun facts we stumble across make it into our articles, there are lots of other weird facts that we just keep around the office. So we figured, why not share those with you? Welcome to The Weirdest Thing I Learned This Week.
For advertising opportunities please email [email protected]
We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: https://bit.ly/2EcYbu4
Privacy Policy: https://www.studio71.com/us/terms-and-conditions-use/#Privacy%20Policy -
Lucy Worsley investigates the crimes of Victorian women from a contemporary, feminist perspective.
A body is pulled from the ocean, and a race against time to capture one of the world's most wanted criminals begins.
This is the story of a con man who couldn't stop lying. A tale of murder, stolen identities, fine art, a diaper stuffed with gold bars, and a crime solved by a Rolex watch. From rural Canada to coastal England, he lied and deceived at every turn.
Award-winning podcaster Sam Mullins (Chameleon: Dr. Dante & Wild Boys) takes you inside the world of a devious scammer whose trail of destruction crosses continents and decades. So who is he? And how did this ruthless villain finally get unmasked?
About UNCOVER: Crime. Investigation. Revelation. Uncover brings you explosive, high-caliber true crime year-round. From CIA mind control to serial abuse, mysterious disappearances to wrongful imprisonment. Each season features a new host who is deeply connected to the story, committed to tracking down the truth. With new episodes weekly, and over twenty seasons to choose from, Uncover represents the best in true crime.
For early access to episodes, plus ad-free listening, visit apple.co/cbctruecrime.
Would you like to learn Polish by listening to interesting stories on a walk, in the car, doing your daily chores? This podcast is for everyone who is looking for an easy and super pleasant way to improve Polish skills, so if you want to immerse yourself in Polish - give it a go!
The stories are for A1-B1 levels and they have transcripts and exercises. Download them from https://www.polskidaily.eu/polish-podcasts -
Tinklalaidė apie skaitmeninių produktų kūrimą ir valdymą. Kalbėsimės su įvairių kompanijų atstovais apie jų kuruojamus produktus, dalinsimės patirtimi ir įžvalgomis apie produktų valdymo procesus.
The Reboot podcast showcases the heart and soul, the wins and losses, the ups and downs of startup leadership. On the show, Entrepreneurs, CEOs, and Startup Leaders discuss with Jerry Colonna the emotional and psychological challenges they face daily as leaders.
Alan and Brent talk about Modern Testing (which isn't all that modern, and not really about testing - except when it is). Every other week or so, A&B tell stories and discuss what's happening in the world of software - including a variety of topics like Agile, Lean, Delivery, DevOps, Data Science, Experimentation, Leadership, and more. Intro / Outro music on the AB Testing podcast is The One by Rivet. License: CC BYIntro / Outro music on ABT343 is from https://filmmusic.io“Werq” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Letters From Home is the Daily Scripture Reflections podcast from the St. Paul Center. Our commentators, Dr. Scott Hahn, Dr. John Bergsma, Dr. Shane Owens, Dr. Jeffrey Morrow, Ms. Joan Watson, and Mr. Clement Harrold reflect upon the readings from Daily Mass. Start your day with the Word of God begin your daily devotion through Sacred Scripture every day.
Kriget i Ukraina bara pågår. Samtidigt försöker människor leva sina liv så gott det går. Hur står man ut? Vänder det snart? Journalisterna Kalle Kniivilä och Alex Voronov följer utvecklingen, spanar efter tecken och hittar berättelserna från den ukrainska vardagen.
Har du en fråga? Mejla oss gärna på [email protected]
Producenter: Gustav Wirtén och Sally Wahlstedt
Ansvarig utgivare: Jonas Kanje -
**Top 1% Global Ranking Podcast**
Hi Friend,
Are you tired of waking up every morning to the same health problems, aches and pills, or have seen loved ones suffer from chronic diseases and want to change your path? You’re now plant-based curious or ready to start your transition, but that’s where you’re stuck.
You don’t know how you’ll move away from a carnivore-style diet with meat-heavy mains, and wonder if this change is even DOABLE with a busy schedule working, taking care of the home, or looking after grandkids. You’ve tried to research online but find the flood of information and new plant-based terms overwhelming, and don’t know what’s credible. What’s really plant-based and what’s not? Most of all, you’re afraid it’ll be expensive, you’ll lack nutrients like protein and that it’ll take hours in the kitchen to make bland tasteless meals. If this sounds like you, I want you to know that you’re in the right place!
Welcome to the ‘Plant Based Eating Made Easy’ podcast. I’m your host, Anna - a master’s level plant-based Registered Dietitian and Transition Coach - with 20 years of dietetics experience. I’m also the Founder of PlantNourished and an award-winning recipe creator. I’ve watched friends and close loved ones suffer and families torn apart by health problems like sudden heart attacks and cancer. Diabetes, high blood pressure, multiple cancer diagnoses, and heart problems all run in my extended family. And having gone through my own plant-based diet transition feeling lost with no guidance or support, I know just HOW challenging this transition can be – especially if you’ve been used to a ‘meat and potatoes’ diet for most of your life. But through my transition experience, I’ve now developed a simpler and easier method to move to plant-based eating – one that I can’t wait to share with you!
I’m on a MISSION to simplify plant-based eating for you so you can transform your health the stress-free way. This podcast will give you top tips, simple strategies, uncomplicated recipes and real-life guidance so you can easily begin a plant-powered lifestyle. I’ll address potential transition challenges, and provide clear nutrition guidance from my plant-based dietitian expertise, so you can fast-track your way to thriving health. I’ll give you practical solutions on how to make a seamless transition along with inspiration, motivation and real-life stories to show you the health benefits that a whole food plant-based lifestyle can bring.
I’m here to help you gain more energy to keep up with the grandchildren, drop unwanted pounds, optimize your nutrition and regain your health through whole plant-based foods. Together we’ll build you a life with less chronic disease, pills and side effects, so you can truly live your BEST life now with the people you love. So, if you’re tired of going at it alone, and are ready for clear guidance and straight talk, grab your favorite cup of tea or pop me in your earbuds as you walk, and let’s dive into the amazing world of whole plant-based foods together. Moving from a heavy meat-and-processed-foods diet to better health shouldn’t be difficult or complicated. Let me show you how doable and stress-free moving to plant-based eating can be!
Wishing you the best health,
Learn-> www.plantnourished.com
Connect -> [email protected]
Grow -> www.plantnourished.com/ppltcourse
Community -> bit.ly/pbdietsuccess
FREE Quick Start Grocery Guide for Plant-Based Essentials -> plantnourished.com/groceryguide -
Cybersecurity Simplified aims to demystify cybersecurity and make it understandable to business people and managed services providers who aren’t security experts. We explore the latest cybersecurity trends, threats and news with the insight and perspective of CTO David Barton of Overwatch Managed Security by High Wire Networks.
We talk about low rent horror, exploitation, action, and any other movies we want to watch on a weekly basis. We choose our next movie impulsively and we have not seen them before. Come for the movies you never heard of, stay to find the next movie to put on your watchlist; all in the name of friendship.
You will also find our other ventures on this feed including our rewatch of Tales from the Crypt, Hammer House of Horror, and more!
send us a message, you ghouls.
[email protected] or 315-544-0966 -
Welcome to the MicroConf Podcast!
Every week, we feature the stories and strategies you need to level up your SaaS business. From the visionaries and makers who fuel sustainable, profitable software companies that don’t need to seek venture capital to make a meaningful impact in their lives. -
News, analysis, and insights into enterprise security. We put security vendors under the microscope, and explore the latest trends that can help defenders succeed. Hosted by Adrian Sanabria. Co hosts: Katie Teitler-Santullo, Darwin Salazar.
Short podcasts to improve your English at work.
Find more at bbclearningenglish.com
Follow us at bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/followus
Why do I feel stuck? How can I become more creative? What can I do to improve my relationships? If you’ve ever asked yourself these questions, you’re not alone. On Hidden Brain, we help you understand your own mind — and the minds of the people around you. (We're routinely rated the #1 science podcast in the United States.) Hosted by veteran science journalist Shankar Vedantam.
Kviečiu pokalbiams apie meilę ir kaip šis stebuklingas gyvenimo ingridientas padeda gyventi geresnę kasdieną. Kalbu apie tai, ką praktikuoju - kūno, emocinį ir dvasinį intelektus. Kalbu apie jogą, neuro mokslą, budizmą, ezoteriką, santykius, seksą, kūrybą, verslo meną ir tai, kas gimsta mano - mamos, moters, partnerės, kūrėjos - kasdienos gyvenime. Su meile, Milana
Tinklalaidėje pateikiame pažintinę ir mokomąją, praktiškai pritaikomą medžiagą, skirtą ir specialistams, ir visuomenei. Daug dėmesio yra skiriama pagrindinėms šiuolaikinės psichologijos ir moksliniais tyrimais grįstos psichoterapijos sritims - Kognityvinė elgesio terapija, Įsisąmoninimu grįsta terapija, Schemų terapija, Dialektinė ir elgesio terapija, Priėmimo ir įsipareigojimo terapija ir kitos. Didelė dalis medžiagų skirta praktiniam įgūdžių lavinimui, t.y. mindfulness metodikos, įvairūs relaksacijos, psichologinio atsparumo didinimo ir kitų psichologinių kompetencijų stiprinimo pratimai.
Bestselling author, professor and entrepreneur Scott Galloway combines business insight and analysis with provocative life and career advice.
On Mondays, Prof G Markets breaks down what’s moving the capital markets, teaching the basics of financial literacy so you can build economic security.
Wednesdays, during Office Hours, Scott answers your questions about business, career, and life.
Thursdays, Scott has a conversation with a blue-flame thinker in the innovation economy.
And Scott closes the week on Saturdays with his Webby Award–winning newsletter, No Mercy / No Malice, as read by actor and raconteur George Hahn.
To resist is futile…
Want to get in touch? Email us, [email protected] -
This is what the news should sound like. The biggest stories of our time, told by the best journalists in the world. Hosted by Michael Barbaro and Sabrina Tavernise. Twenty minutes a day, five days a week, ready by 6 a.m.
Unlock full access to New York Times podcasts and explore everything from politics to pop culture. Subscribe today at nytimes.com/podcasts or on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
Listen to this podcast in New York Times Audio, our new iOS app for news subscribers. Download now at nytimes.com/audioapp -
Tai net ir tolimiausiuose kampeliuose pasiekiama teatro forma, tai mūsų kultūros paveldas, įamžinant įdomiausių aktorių ir režisierių kūrybą, tai nacionalinės dramaturgijos puoselėtojas – šeštadieniais 12.10 val. per LRT KLASIKĄ.
i teach Languages. becaUse I liKe it.
listEn in english, read in english and repeat in english – that's alL you need. this podcast Is to help you learn english with an easy and natural content. english talKs is bEst for you if you are a beginner to intermediate student, aS you will hear the same engLish words or structures agAin and again in a slow, clear speech.
no explaNation, no translation, no teachinG here. it is yoUr job to explore english, with me. so listen - reAd - repeat. it is the key. then it’s your turn. and have fun, like I do.
now learninG my 7th language. bEcauSe I like it. -
If you've ever wanted to know about champagne, satanism, the Stonewall Uprising, chaos theory, LSD, El Nino, true crime and Rosa Parks, then look no further. Josh and Chuck have you covered.
Simple Stories in Spanish is a biweekly production of the Small Town Spanish Teacher. Listen along as she tells easy to understand stories to help you learn or practice the Spanish language. Wherever you are in your language journey, Simple Stories will help propel you forward. You can find transcripts of the stories at smalltownspanishteacher.com. You can support the creation of these stories by buying me a coffee (or taco!) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/SpanishTeacher
Один из лучших тру-крайм подкастов в России — и самый терапевтичный.
Журналисты Митя Лебедев и Маша Погребняк исследуют хтонь, насилие и криминал во всем его многообразии — от серийных убийц и маньяков до преступных группировок и аферистов. А ещё не боятся шутить над страшным, потому что только так его можно принять.
Эпизоды выходят каждый вторник. Чтобы слушать все выпуски, оформляйте подписку: https://taplink.cc/lorapalnapodcast
Подкаст сделан студией «Терменвокс». По вопросам рекламы пишите сюда [email protected], по другим вопросам сюда [email protected] -
Redakcija – vieta, kurioje norime kurti kokybišką žurnalistiką taip, kaip mes, o tikimės, kad ir jūs, ją įsivaizduojate. Redakciją įkūrė Rita Miliūtė, Birutė Davidonytė, Ignas Kinčinas ir Gediminas Vaitiekūnas. Mūsų kuriamą turinį galite rasti Redakcijos Patreon ir Youtube kanaluose, o podcastas „Šiandien redakcijoje...“ jus pasiekia, kai du kartus per mėnesį į Redakciją pasikviečiame svečią, su kuriuo norime pasikalbėti.
Learn English grammar with these short programmes. Each episode explores a new piece of grammar you need to improve your English.
Find more at bbclearningenglish.com
Follow us at bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/followus
“Health has become overcomplicated. I aim to simplify it” In this podcast, we hear stories from leading health experts and exciting personalities who offer easy health life-hacks, expert advice and debunk common health myths giving you the tools to revolutionise how you eat, sleep, move and relax. Hosted by Dr Chatterjee - one of the most influential GPs in the country with nearly 20 years experience, star of BBC 1’s Doctor In the House, and author of 5 internationally best-selling books, including ‘The 4 Pillar Plan’ – Feel Better, Live More aims to inspire, empower and transform the way we feel. When we are healthier we are happier because when we feel better we live more.
Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.
https://www.facebook.com/DrChatterjee -
Šitos laidos mikrofonai neskirti tiems, kurie manosi esą garsūs ar išmintingi, nes vien geros nuomonės apie save nepakanka, tačiau jie tikrai turi ką papasakoti.
Bill Burr rants about relationship advice, sports and the Illuminati.
Švelnios pasakos mažiausiems 🐭
Tai vienos mamos projektas, išaugęs stebint kaip kas vakarą su vaiku kuriamos pasakos skatina kalbos vystymąsi, nuoširdžius pokalbius, ir kaip stipriai tam tikros žinutės įsirėžia į vaikišką atmintį.
Dauguma pasakų yra apie gyvūnus. Jie mažiesiems yra saugūs ir artimi personažai, pamokantys apie netikėtas draugystes, pagarbą, meilę sau ir kitiems.
Ačiū visiems, pasirinkusiems klausytis!
⭐Jūsų parama pagelbėtų kiekvienai pasakai skirti daugiau laiko:⭐
🔗 buymeacoffee.com/pasakupagalve
📖 Pasakų tekstai:
🔗 pasaku.lt -
Get a daily burst of illumination from The Economist’s worldwide network of correspondents. Our reporters dig past the headlines to get to the stories beneath—and to stories that aren’t making headlines, but should be. A unique perspective on the issues and events shaping your world.
Sign up for Economist Podcasts+ at http://www.economist.com/podcastsplus-intelligence.
If you’re already a subscriber to The Economist, you’ll have full access to all our shows as part of your subscription.
For more information about Economist Podcasts+, including how to get access, please visit our FAQs page at https://myaccount.economist.com/s/article/What-is-Economist-Podcasts
„PIN kodas“ – paprasta ir smagi LRT RADIJO laida apie pinigus, ekonomiką ir verslą.
Laidos vedėjai kiekvieną savaitę šalies miestuose ir miesteliuose klaus žmonių – kas jiems labiausiai rūpi ir ko jie visiškai nesupranta. Nuo mokesčių reformos iki brangstančių batų. Nuo valstybės biudžeto iki išlaidų Kalėdoms. Čia neišgirsite sudėtingų terminų ir nesuprantamų atsakymų.
Laidos tikslas – parodyti, jog ekonominiai procesai ar asmeniniai finansai nėra neįkandami. Vedėjai įsitikinę, kad kai žinai kur pasidomėti, viskas tampa ypač elementaru. Todėl laidoje bus pristatytos ir trumpos rubrikos. „Įdomioji ekonomika“ žaismingai ir trumpai vedžios sudėtingiausių įvykių labirintais. O ,,Už kadro" pasiūlys atsukti ausį į reiškinius, apie kuriuos iš viso nesusimąstome. Pavyzdžiui, kur iš tiesų slypi prabangaus ir paprasto laikrodžių kainų skirtumas.
Penktadienio popietę niekam nesinori rimtų temų ir sudėtingų analizių, todėl riedėdami iš darbo, laukdami jo pabaigos ar jau namie gamindami vakarienę, įsijunkite LRT RADIJĄ. Čia lauks pusvalandis lengvų, bet labai naudingų pokalbių apie didelius ir mažus pinigus. Ekonomiką suprasti labai paprasta, jei žinai, ko klausytis. -
Šios dienos Europos Parlamento trumposios žinios. Kasdien nuo pirmadienio iki penktadienio greičiau nei per tris minutes sužinokite, kas vyksta Europos Parlamente.
Daugiau tinklalaidžių rasite Europos Parlamento radijo platformoje „Europarl Radio“.
Comedians Konstantin Kisin and Francis Foster create honest conversations with fascinating people. New episodes every Sunday and Wednesday. Become a Premium Member to receive exclusive benefits https://triggernometry.supercast.com/
Katie Martin, Robert Armstrong and other markets nerds at the Financial Times explain the big ideas behind what’s happening in finance right now. Every Tuesday and Thursday.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Der Auslands-Podcast des SPIEGEL. Für alle, denen die Welt nicht egal ist. Juan Moreno will die Geschichten hinter den Nachrichten erfahren. Jeden Freitag neu.
Die aktuellen Entwicklungen und Hintergründe zur US-Wahl finden Sie unter https://www.spiegel.de/thema/us-praesidentschaftswahl-2024/Die aktuellen Entwicklungen und Hintergründe zum Krieg in der Ukraine finden Sie unter https://www.spiegel.de/thema/ukraine_konflikt/
Wir freuen uns über Kritik und Vorschläge an [email protected]
Birth is amazing, beautiful, wonderful . . . and it can throw you for a loop! Despite our very best birth “plans,” we can find ourselves taking some twist and turns during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum that we don’t expect. Enter the Pregnancy & Birth Made Easy Podcast!
Hey mama! My name is Stephanie, and I’m a mom of three boys, a professional doula, childbirth educator, and the creator of the Online Birth Course - My Essential Birth www.myessentialbirth.com.
I love to help mothers just like you feel empowered and confident during pregnancy, birth, and into motherhood by taking my years of knowledge and personal/professional experience in the birth world and breaking down complex birth topics to make preparing for labor & birth a breeze!
Every week, you’ll hear from women ready to share their knowledge with other pregnant moms about pregnancy and birth topics that will have you feeling knowledgeable and in the driver’s seat of your best birth experience.
Your best birth starts here >>>> www.myessentialbirth.com/getstarted -
Life is hard. This podcast will help. Lessons from the greatest thinkers on the planet with Chris Williamson. Including guests like David Goggins, Dr Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Jocko Willink, Dr Andrew Huberman, Dr Julie Smith, Steven Bartlett, Ryan Holiday, James Clear, Robert Greene, Matthew McConaughey, Steven Pinker, Alex Hormozi, Douglas Murray, Chris Bumstead, Mark Manson and more.
The Twenty Minute VC (20VC) interviews the world's greatest venture capitalists with prior guests including Sequoia's Doug Leone and Benchmark's Bill Gurley. Once per week, 20VC Host, Harry Stebbings is also joined by one of the great founders of our time with prior founder episodes from Spotify's Daniel Ek, Linkedin's Reid Hoffman, and Snowflake's Frank Slootman.
If you would like to see more of The Twenty Minute VC (20VC), head to www.20vc.com for more information on the podcast, show notes, resources and more. -
Ciao, this is Elena!
This podcast will help you learn Italian in an easy way using the comprehensible input.
Find the transcriptions of the episodes: https://www.patreon.com/dailyitalianwithelena
Find out more and go to my Instagram profile to text me directly: https://linktr.ee/dailyitalianwithelena
Learn Italian by listening to stories and conversations in slow Italian and improve your listening skills and vocabulary.
I will try and talk about all kinds of topic, so I hope it will always be interesting and useful, but of course I am always happy to receive topic requests from you! -
The Ramsey Show believes you can build wealth and take control of your life—no matter what stupid mistakes you've made with money. Join as Dave Ramsey and his team of experts answer your questions on the top problems holding you back. Listen now or ask your question live by calling 888.825.5225 weekdays from 2–5 p.m. ET. Learn more at www.ramseysolutions.com
Freakonomics co-author Stephen J. Dubner uncovers the hidden side of everything. Why is it safer to fly in an airplane than drive a car? How do we decide whom to marry? Why is the media so full of bad news? Also: things you never knew you wanted to know about wolves, bananas, pollution, search engines, and the quirks of human behavior.
To get every show in our network without ads and a monthly bonus episode of Freakonomics Radio, sign up for SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts at http://apple.co/SiriusXM. -
Learn and practise useful English language for everyday situations. Find more at bbclearningenglish.com Follow us at bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/followus
Подкаст создан на основе видеороликов с моего YT-канала
Мы быстро, просто и понятно объясняем, что случилось, почему это важно и что будет дальше. Никаких ненужных подробностей и передергиваний - только факты и взвешенная аналитика.
Freelance with Freedom is the weekly podcast for freelancers who are tired of hustling, who want to work smarter not harder, make bank and separate their work from their worth. In this podcast we discuss everything from business strategy to mindset, including thoughts around money, marketing your service with integrity, showing up as the expert and attracting your dream clients.Website: www.harriethadfield.comIG: www.instagram.com/harrymakesitup/
A photography-focused podcast that delves into the creative process, and the trials and tribulations of bringing lasting value to your artwork, regardless of the medium. I will discuss a range of topics including: interviews with creators, self-publishing books and zines, great photo books, exhibitions, unsung heroes, being true to your creative self... and so much more. Hosted by Nick Tauro Jr.
При помощи экспертов Сергей Стиллавин и Рустам Вахидов в рамках шоу "Утром" на радиостанции "Маяк" узнают неизвестные факты из истории стран мира.
Daiktai mums gali papasakoti viską. Mūsų praeitį, dabartį ir ateitį. Žinoma, ne tik vien daiktai. Galbūt ir dalykai. Bet kokiu atveju, nėra tokio visai šalimais mūsų tūnančio ir nepastebimo namų apyvokos padargo, maisto produkto, aprangos detalės, su kuria nesisietu liepsnojanti aktualija arba įdomi istorija. Pabaigoje – knygų rekomendacijos pagal laidos temą.
Ved. Aidas Puklevičius. LRT Radijo tinklalaidė -
On the Divorce Survival Guide Podcast we have open and honest conversations about co-parenting, separation, divorce, and the hardest question of all, should you stay or should you go? Hosted by Kate Anthony, your Divorce Survival Guide.
You can download the entire audio course on our website: www.linguaboost.com
Boost your fluency in Dutch with LinguaBoost!
Each lesson contains useful everyday phrases related to a specific topic. You’ll learn the language in context, not just isolated words. All material is translated and spoken by native speakers. -
From UFOs to psychic powers and government cover-ups, history is riddled with unexplained events. You can turn back now or learn the Stuff They Don't Want You To Know ... an audio podcast from iHeartRadio.
Brooke & Jeffrey in the Morning is a nationally syndicated, award-winning radio show that will quickly turn into your next guilty pleasure. Listen anytime and anywhere for hilarious relationship advice, ridiculous prank calls, parody songs, dumb news stories and absolutely nothing at all that will make you smarter…but will make you laugh. New episodes daily that are totally safe for work, your family road trip or at full volume to punish your annoying neighbors.
Join Khloé Kardashian each week for intimate conversations with the people who inspire her the most. Each episode dives deep into relatable and thought-provoking topics, offering a mix of humor, insight, and real-life stories. Whether it’s about navigating life’s challenges, celebrating triumphs, or finding humor in the everyday, this series delivers the kind of real talk that stays with you long after you’ve listened.
New episodes drop every Wednesday on X and Thursdays wherever you get your podcasts.
In this top-charting podcast series, entrepreneur Grace Beverley breaks away from the conventional business podcast rhetoric - immersing us in the extraordinary journeys of people from all walks of life who have achieved remarkable success in unique fields. From housing campaigners to investors and sex experts, no avenue is off limits. Each conversation brings new lessons and stories that will inspire you to consider what ‘success’ really means to you and how you can achieve it.
Grace and her guests open up about the life lessons they wish they had known earlier, sharing insights from their entrepreneurial endeavours, offering advice on health and wellbeing, shedding light on pressing social issues, and being frank about the things that didn’t go quite right.
Think of it as a school of life. You’ll come away from each episode with actionable advice to help you achieve balance, success, and fulfilment whether you’re working hard, or hardly working.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This time it's just Candace. Free and unfiltered.
«Популярная политика» — подкаст, в котором говорят правду о событиях в России и войне с Украиной. Присоединяйтесь. Не подчиняйтесь.
January-only special: Get a free one-month trial of OLD+ to remove ads!
Join award-winning audiobook narrator Justin Malik in this personal growth accelerator, delivering bite-sized episodes each day that are rich with wisdom and practical advice. Optimal Living Daily features a carefully selected mix of articles from some of the most influential voices in self-help, covering topics like minimalism, productivity, mental health, and personal development. Each episode is thoughtfully narrated to not only inform but also inspire you to make meaningful changes in your life.
Whether you're seeking motivation, clarity, or strategies to enhance your daily life, Optimal Living Daily is your go-to source for personal development. It’s not just a podcast; it’s a daily habit that empowers you to live your best life, one insightful and uplifting episode at a time. Dive into episodes that cover the essence of self-help, minimalism, and self-improvement, offering actionable steps to foster personal development.
This podcast is designed for those passionate about personal development and minimalism, looking to integrate self-help strategies and self-improvement techniques into their daily routines. By focusing on personal development, each episode provides you with the tools needed for self-improvement and minimalism, transforming your life with every listen.
Listen now, and become an OLD friend--your optimal life awaits... -
Lätt svenska med Oskar är en podcast för alla som vill lära sig svenska. Lyssna varje dag och lär dig svenska tillsammans med mig!
Listen everyday and learn how to speak Swedish naturally!
My website where you can buy my book: https://www.lattsvenskamedoskar.com/
Support the show?
Become a Patreon to access transcripts, the Discord Server and more: https://www.patreon.com/lattsvenskamedoskar
Buy me a coffee on https://ko-fi.com/lattsvenskamedoskar -
«Что случилось» — новостной подкаст «Медузы». Он выходит каждый день, кроме субботы и воскресенья. Мы не пытаемся рассказывать обо всех событиях дня. Каждый выпуск посвящен одной теме, которая еще долго будет влиять на нашу жизнь. Ведущий — журналист Владислав Горин.
Tune in to the St. Josemaria Institute Podcast to fuel your prayer and conversation with God.
On our weekly podcast we share meditations given by priests who, in the spirit of St. Josemaria Escriva, offer points for reflection to guide you in your personal prayer and help you grow closer to God.The meditations are typically under 30 minutes so that you can take advantage of them during your time of prayer, commute, walk, lunch, or any time you want to listen to something good.
The St. Josemaria Institute was established in 2006 in the United States to promote the life and teachings of St. Josemaria, priest and founder of Opus Dei, through prayer, devotions, digital and social media, and special programs and initiatives. -
In tegenstelling tot de gangbare wetten in de dramatische literatuur gaat Voskuil er van uit dat mensen niet veranderen, ze worden alleen erger dan wat ze al zijn. Tussen 2002 en 2006 maakten Krijn ter Braak en Peter te Nuyl van de 7 delen van het boek de langste doorlopende hoorspelserie uit de radiogeschiedenis, 475 afleveringen, ruim 110 uur, 192 acteurs.
Dit is podcast deel 1 van 2. -
The latest news, insight, analysis and big name guests from the Premier League, WSL and the Football League, plus Scottish, International and European football. Join us!
Get in touch with us @5liveSport on social media and remember to leave us your ratings and reviews.
Pokalbiai apie lietuvišką muziką, kurią norisi pakartoti. Klausydami dainų įrašų ir eidami į koncertus mes girdime rezultatą – laidoje aiškinsimės, kas yra už jo.
To be human is to fail – period. And not just to fail once, but to fail a lot. As the author Samuel Beckett said: “Fail again. Fail better.” This saying means a lot to me and my family – so much so that my daughter got a tattoo of it. Why are we, and so many others, so deeply concerned by failure? And if it’s something we all do so often, why are we so afraid of it – especially those of us here in win-at-all-costs America? In this podcast, I sit down with successful, thoughtful people like Ben Stiller, Bette Midler, Sean Penn and more to talk about failure – or what they labeled “failure,” but what was really an unparalleled opportunity for growth and revelation. I even want to delve into my own hardest moments, when I wrestled with setbacks, shame, and fear. We’ll still fail again. And again. But maybe if we fail better, we’ll feel better -- and maybe if we can all laugh together in failure, that's a start.
This podcast, assembled by a former PhD student in History at the University of Washington, covers the entire span of Japanese history. Each week we'll tackle a new topic, ranging from prehistoric Japan to the modern day.
The most interesting conversations in American life happen in private. This show brings them out of the closet. Stories no one else is telling and conversations with the most fascinating people in the country, every week from The Free Press, hosted by former New York Times and Wall Street Journal journalist Bari Weiss.
Insomnia? Mind racing at night? Worries keeping you up? Tune in for a bedtime story that lets you forget your problems and progressively gets more boring until you fall to sleep. So get in bed, press play, close your eyes, and drift off into dreamland.
I had my first anxiety attack in a classroom when I was 6 years old. I started LADBible when I was 22 years old. I was diagnosed with ADHD at 34. Suddenly, everything made sense. Join me every Tuesday as I chat with leading experts, celebrities and psychiatrists. This is the podcast I wish I heard when I was younger. None of us are broken, just different. We have all always been enough.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Locked On Nuggets podcast is your daily ticket to stay ahead of the game and the first to know the latest news, analysis, and insider info for the Denver Nuggets and the NBA. Hosts Adam Mares and Matt Moore delve deep and provide your daily Nuggets fix with expert, local analysis and coverage of all aspects of the Nuggets franchise. Locked On Nuggets takes you beyond the scoreboard for the inside scoops on the biggest stories from within the Nuggets locker room and all over the NBA. Locked On Nuggets podcast is part of the Locked On Podcast Network. Your Team. Every Day.
Welcome to UR Cristiano - The Official
Navigating Noise is your guide to mastering the art and science of data-driven decision making in geopolitics and global intelligence. In each episode, we'll go beyond the headlines and standard data streams. We'll explore advanced methodologies for finding and evaluating high-quality data, dissect real-world case studies, and uncover the skills needed to extract unique insights from complex information landscapes.
A weekly conversation about helpful AI tools that you can use today.
Mutluluktan stresle başa çıkmaya, romantik ilişkilerden iş yaşamına günlük hayatın içinden pek çok konuyu psikolojideki bilimsel araştırmalar ışığında eğlenceli sohbetlerle inceliyoruz.
Meet the world’s top data and analytics leaders transforming how we do business. Hear case studies, industry insights, and personal lessons from the executives leading the data revolution.
Join host Cindi Howson, Chief Data Strategy Officer at ThoughtSpot, every other Wednesday to meet the leaders and teams at the cutting edge. -
The podcast by and for AI Engineers! In 2023, over 1 million visitors came to Latent Space to hear about news, papers and interviews in Software 3.0.We cover Foundation Models changing every domain in Code Generation, Multimodality, AI Agents, GPU Infra and more, directly from the founders, builders, and thinkers involved in pushing the cutting edge. Striving to give you both the definitive take on the Current Thing down to the first introduction to the tech you'll be using in the next 3 months! We break news and exclusive interviews from OpenAI, tiny (George Hotz), Databricks/MosaicML (Jon Frankle), Modular (Chris Lattner), Answer.ai (Jeremy Howard), et al. Full show notes always on https://latent.space
www.latent.space -
Müthiş Psikoloji Podcast Serisi -
İlm’ün Nefs derlemeleri
"Ósma Dziesięć" to podcast Gazety Wyborczej. Codziennie od poniedziałku do piątku, dziennikarze Wyborczej opowiadają Wam historię na jeden temat. Rozmawiamy o reportażach publikowanych w Dużym Formacie i Wysokich Obcasach, przedstawiamy najciekawsze Ale Historie!, relacjonujemy o najważniejszych wydarzeniach w kraju i na świecie oraz polecamy wydarzenia kulturalne.Zapraszają: Michał Nogaś, Dorota Wysocka-Schnepf, Bartosz Wieliński, Paulina Reiter, Monika Tutak-Goll, Paula Szewczyk, Kamila Kalińczak, Natalia Szostak, Maciej Czarnecki, Paweł Hekman, Jarek Kopeć, Martyna Turska i inni.Więcej na www.wyborcza.pl/podcast
Join friends since birth Lily Allen and Miquita Oliver twice a week for their transatlantic catch-ups, discussing everything from the highs and lows of their lives to the biggest cultural moments of the week.
Every Monday, Lily and Miquita will throw the show open and invite questions on a theme; celebrity weddings, indie sleaze, orgasms, lies… Then on Thursdays, they’ll pick apart the world around them with unfiltered conversation on everything from intimacy to interiors, from exercise to elections.
Email: [email protected]: 08000 304 090 (+44 8000 304 090 from outside the UK)
Producer: Flossie BarrattTechnical Producer: Will Gibson SmithProduction Coordinator: Hannah Bennett Executive Producers: Dino Sofos and Ellie CliffordAssistant Commissioner for BBC: Lorraine OkuefunaCommissioning Editor for BBC: Dylan Haskins
Miss Me? is a Persephonica production for BBC Sounds
Interneto dienraščio „Bernardinai.lt“ tinklalaidė. Kasdieniniai pokalbiai ir nekasdieninės įžvalgos. Sekmadienio meditacijos
Podcast poświęcony Chinom, prowadzony przez troje Polaków mieszkających w Szanghaju: Piotra Sochonia, Weronikę Truszczyńską i Nadię Urban.
Wesprzyj Mao Powiedziane na Patronite: https://patronite.pl/maopowiedziane
Słuchaj Mao Powiedziane Plus na Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/0ySk7ZCQPHXRGLeC7IaZkj?si=ciUq8dgETyi4Hw4Zmkl5Ug
Napisz do nas na [email protected]. -
Puck correspondent Lauren Sherman and a rotating cast of industry insiders take you deep inside what fashion people are really talking about behind the scenes of this multi-trillion-dollar biz, from creative director switcheroos to M&A drama, D.T.C. downfalls, and magazine mishaps.
Fashion People is an extension of Line Sheet, Lauren’s private email for Puck, where she tracks what’s happening beyond the press releases in fashion, beauty, and media.
New episodes publish twice-weekly, every Tuesday and Friday. -
Tradicinė kultūra yra tapusi savo pačios įkaite – šių laikų žmogui neretai sunku rasti ryšį su tuo, kas tiesiogiai, bet ir nejučiomis buvo komunikuota ilgus dešimtmečius, pabrėžiant folkloro sakralumą, senųjų lietuvių išmintį ir dorybingumą, pasirenkant nutylėti arba visiškai ignoruoti kitus gyvenimiškus aspektus. Tautosakos rinkimo ištakos ir motyvai, įvairūs liaudies medicinos aspektai, seksualumo raiška folklore, tradicijos tąsa šiuolaikinėje muzikoje – tai tik dalis temų, aptariamų kartu su laidos svečiais, mėginant išryškinti mažiau žinomus tradicinės kultūros aspektus ir siekiant jei ne sugriauti, tai bent jau paklibinti mūsų visuomenėje nusistovėjusius stereotipus.
Vedėjai – Eglė Gelažiūtė-Pranevičienė, Asta Skujytė-Razmienė ir Martynas Vingrys. -
When Fred Diamond decided to learn more about the Lyme disease that afflicted someone he loved, his life changed. He read every book on Lyme, joined Facebook groups, attended webinars and podcasts and quickly realized that he knew hardly anything about what Lyme disease survivors go through on a daily basis. His popular book, "Love, Hope, Lyme: What Family Members, Partners, and Friends Who Love a Chronic Lyme Survivor Need to Know" offers those who love someone with Lyme ideas and tips to support this beloved person. This podcast supports the lessons learned in the book. The book features a foreword by the top Lyme doctor on the planet, Dr. Richard Horowitz. If someone you love has been afflicted with Lyme disease epidemic, listen to this podcast now.
«Холод» — независимое издание, запущенное в августе 2019 года. Мы ищем захватывающие истории по всей России, а потом рассказываем вам — на сайте holod.media. Теперь самые важные из этих историй будут регулярно выходить и в аудиоверсии.
Подкаст про дизайн для людей, digital, IT, личную мотивацию и проблемы начинающих дизайнеров.
Ведущий: Павел Ярец
Со-ведущие: Юрий Сиденко, Полина Егорова
Монтаж: Дмитрий Тихомиров
Наш второй подкаст "Дизайн Сложн." по ссылке: https://dslcast.mave.digital/
What if we stopped listening to the controlling voice of the culture around us, and instead learned to reconnect with our own true nature?
Sometimes we aren’t even sure why we feel so bewildered… and discontented… and even downright miserable. Often it’s because we have let the forces of society replace our own instinctive knowledge of what is right for us.
Now, it’s time for us to find that voice again—before it’s too late.
For Martha and Rowan, Job One is to live according to our deepest truths, making the commitment to feeling good even when it means looking weird. We believe that this is how we will reinvent our world—from the inside out— to create a society that’s kinder, more equitable, and more ecologically sustainable than the one we see around us right now.
This is the vision that we laugh and stumble and chat and feel our way towards here on this podcast. Did we mention LAUGH? We want no part of personal and global transformation if it isn’t fun!
So if you struggle to find a place where people who are as idealistic and brokenhearted, as silly and deeply sincere, as bewildered as you are—you might have just arrived.
Кандидат психологических наук Дмитрий Смыслов дает практические советы по решению актуальных жизненных проблем, с которыми каждый из нас сталкивается в своей жизни.
Поддержите наш проект: https://pay.cloudtips.ru/p/d71f8f14
Привет, я Дмитрий Мелешко. Психолог - психотерапевт с 15-ти летним практическим опытом и более 7000 часов проведенных консультаций. А также:
Сертифицированный коуч двух федераций (ICU, ICF)Практикующий психолог в модальности транзактного анализаОснователь центра развития IDC, где более 1000 учеников и 16 наставников (психологов-психотерапевтов)Автор YouTube канала с + 100.000 подписчиковПубликую подкасты и полезные материалы на тему
- Личных границ
- Отношений
- Эмоционального интеллекта
- Проработки детских травм
- И других полезных тем в психологии и психотерапии
Мой сайт https://meleshkod.ru
Мой Telegram канал: https://t.me/meleshkod_ru
Мой YouTube канал: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCODeAI8gjTn28c72n5-MfvQ
Подкаст о дизайне, актуальном образовании, рынке IT/ диджитал и трудоустройстве глазами владельцев бизнеса и ведущих специалистов. Гости рассказывают о том, как устроен бизнес, услуги, коммуникация с клиентами. И, конечно, о граблях, поджидающих на пути профессионального и предпринимательского развития.
Ведущий – Ярец Павел
Наш второй подкаст "Дизайн Прост." по ссылке: dpcast.mave.digital
Music: "Space" by Rian Manik (https://sampld.app/legal/license / All Rights Reserved)
Give your relationships a boost in 5 minutes or less with Small Things Often from The Gottman Institute. We provide simple, proven, quick tips to help you deepen and enhance your relationships!
Меня зовут Сергей Краснов, я практический психолог, коуч, действительный член "Русского научного сексологического общества", автор книг и подкаста Психология+.
Записаться на бесплатную диагностическую сессию - https://xn----8sbgbjb2aj2akoffj.xn--p1ai/
Вся наша жизнь густо замешана на психологии. Более того, каждый из нас вступая в коммуникацию с другими людьми становится (волей-неволей) психологом...психологом интуитивным, житейским. Поэтому тема психологии интересна всем и всегда, но в этом подкасте мы будем говорить не только о психологии, но и о философии, социологии, риторике, аргументации и многом другом.
Подписывайтесь, чтобы не пропустить новый выпуск!
Сайт автора - https://taplink.cc/sergeykrasnov
Еще больше материалов в наших группах -
Телеграм - https://t.me/psihologyplus
Ютуб - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNT-uP9Etn54jUpIg8TWxsA
Пишите на [email protected] -
Reinvent Yourself with Dr. Tara follows Dr. Tara Swart Bieber, an expert on neuroplasticity, as she spreads her message of self-care and transformation. Her idea is simple: no matter how old, how stubborn, or how set in their ways, everyone has the capacity to change. Based on real science, Dr. Tara will show the world what it means to look into the mirror and reinvent themselves.
Авторский подкаст «Плюс Дизайн» — это захватывающие обсуждения актуальных трендов и проблем современного дизайна, технологий, моды и искусства. Редакторы INTERIOR+DESIGN вместе с профессионалами и экспертами из различных сфер расскажут о том, как сделать интерьер интеллектуальным и модным, дадут практические рекомендации и откроют для вас секреты индустрии.
Эксклюзивный подкаст INTERIOR+DESIGN и студии Brainstorm.fm
Британка и Universal Universal отмечают 20 лет в образовании. В юбилейный год зовем в подкаст Britanka Talks выпускников UU, ставших успешными игроками в своих индустриях.
Кино, дизайн, музыка, архитектура, маркетинг, искусство, fashion, интерьеры: слушаем истории и узнаём, как устроены творческие индустрии глазами их участников.
Сайт Британки: britishdesign.ru
Больше контента — на сайте 20-летия Британки и UU: britanka20.ru
#britanka20 #20UU -
Imagination Amplified is the home of GZM Shows, the award-winning creators of Six Minutes, The Unexplainable Disappearance of Mars Patel, Nightingale and Discovering Dad. Each new series takes you and your family on an immersive adventure filled with mysteries, cliffhangers, humor and heart. Get your Imagination Amplified! Follow Imagination Amplified and start listening today.
In Season One journey with us to Hidden Island. Hidden Island is the story of Colin, Isabel, and their kids, Jake, Emilia and Leo, a typical American family thrust into an extraordinary adventure full of wonder and mystery.
For more great shows for the whole family visit GZMshows.com. -
Я — Саша. Продуктовый дизайнер с опытом в сфере более 6 лет, а ещё я веду канал о дизайне.
Здесь я ищу интересных людей и общаюсь с ними на темы дизайна, IT, продуктов и их жизненном пути.
Добро пожаловать в «Продуктовый хахаос» — подкаст о жизни и работе продуктовых дизайнеров и IT специалистов. Мы обсуждаем карьерный путь, взлеты и падения, а также делимся опытом получения офферов от таких гигантов, как Meta и Google.
В наших выпусках мы также затрагиваем важные темы, такие как работа инхаус или аутсорс, дизайн-процессы для одиночных дизайнеров и джунов, поиск работы в 2024 году и на что важно обращать внимание. Мы обсуждаем менторство и помощь дизайнерам, а также делимся советами по улучшению коммуникации между разработчиками и UX/UI дизайнерами, чтобы говорить на одном языке. Узнайте все о дизайн-системах простым языком для Junior UX/UI дизайнеров: что это такое, как замерить и как документировать.
Мы любим поговорить про UX для Junior UX/UI дизайнеров и будущих UX исследователей, рассматриваем продуктовый подход и метрики. Важная часть нашего подкаста посвящена созданию портфолио UX/UI дизайнера, написанию резюме и прохождению собеседований, а также тому, на что смотрят работодатели при отборе кандидатов.
Слушайте наш подкаст, чтобы узнать о новейших тенденциях и лучших практиках в мире продуктового дизайна, улучшить свои навыки и вдохновиться на новые достижения в карьере.
Присоединяйтесь к «Продуктовому Хахаосу» и станьте частью сообщества профессионалов, стремящихся к совершенству в дизайне!
Welcome to the Macros For Life Podcast, where we talk all things Macros, Business and Marriage.
We sit down and chat with, executive producer and director, Joshua Dixon about producing, directing, and basically anything and everything about video and film production. Tune in to the production podcasts to get interesting insights from various topics to production breakdowns that have never been heard elsewhere! Don’t forget to follow the podcast for more content, and also please leave a review of your thoughts or topics you would like to hear on the podcast.
Привет! Это подкаст про дизайн и все что его окружает: брендинг, интерфейсы, коммуникационный дизайн, ux-исследования, дизайн-мышление, менеджмент и немного разработки
Подписывайся на тележку "Мамкин Дизайнер", чтобы не пропустить новые выпуски https://t.me/uxrdesign
Если вы хотите разместить рекламу или стать гостем этого подкаста, то пишите на почту: [email protected]
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