Deze podcast wordt gehost door Sanne Plantinga en Jessica Elzinga. Om jou te inspireren, te voorzien van skills, informatie en tips vanuit eigen ervaring en expertise.
Alles omtrent zelfontwikkeling, business, moederschap en relaties. We voorzien jou van de nodige tools waarin wij ook zelf onze kwetsbaarheid laten horen. -
De Wondcast is dé plek voor zorgprofessionals. In iedere aflevering bespreken we interessante onderwerpen over wondzorg. Judith Uittenbogaard gaat voor je in gesprek met experts uit dit vakgebied. Zo vergaar je snel kennis, inzicht en praktische tips. De Wondcast is een officiële podcast van Essity.
Welkom bij de Care & Career podcast, dé plek waar zorg, ambitie en succes samenkomen en Demi Jongejan je voorziet van een flinke dosis inspiratie. Studeer je een zorg gerelateerde studie, werk je in de zorg of vind je het gewoon een super interessante sector? Ga dan zeker luisteren!
Hoe zorg je als organisatie voor betrokken en gemotiveerde medewerkers die met energie en plezier hun werk doen en veerkrachtig blijven, ook in uitdagende tijden? Het draait om het vinden van de juiste energiebronnen, maar hoe zet je dit om in de praktijk?
In de podcastserie ‘Het Arbo Gesprek’ (voorheen: Lekker in je vel) ga ik in gesprek met experts van Arbo Unie. Tijdens dit gesprek delen zij hun kennis en beantwoorden ze vraagstukken op het gebied van werk en gezondheid. Iedere aflevering biedt inzichten en praktische tips om medewerkers energiek, gemotiveerd en met plezier aan het werk te houden.
Luister en ontdek hoe jij en jouw organisatie een positieve en duurzame werkcultuur kunnen creëren!
Elke sector kent specifieke uitdagingen als het om werk en gezondheid van medewerkers gaat. In deze podcastserie "Meer grip op verzuim" gaan we in gesprek met verschillende sectorspecialisten over de aanpak van verzuim in hun sector. Wat zien zij in de praktijk? Welke aanpak werkt in de ene sector wel en de andere niet en waarom? Luister naar hun levendige voorbeelden uit de praktijk.
Letters From A Hopeful Creative is a fortnightly podcast brought to you by Sara Tasker and Jen Carrington. In each episode they answer a letter from a hopeful creative who is looking for some guidance, support, and encouragement in their journey, and share some of the lessons they have learned along the way as creative coaches and online business owners. Each episode is like a mini coaching session and pep talk all rolled into one - tune in every other Monday morning for brand new episodes. -
Make more sales and earn higher commissions by learning directly from real estate's top performers! Counting more than six-million downloads from over 100 countries, Real Estate Rockstars is the industry’s most trusted, most popular podcast. With a new guest on each episode, you’ll learn from up-and-coming agents, seasoned brokers, real estate investors, and more. Robert Kiyosaki, Barbara Corcoran, and Ryan Serhant are just a few of the many notable guests who have shared their industry expertise with the Rockstar Nation. Real estate legend Aaron Amuchastegui asks the questions that matter and uncovers actionable answers–no filler and no clichés. Implement the strategies you learn listening to this weekly podcast and start making more money in real estate. It’s that simple.
Charlie Jabaley aka Charlie Rocket with his inspirational podcast series "Charlie Rocket Show". Each episode features Charlie's unique perspective on current events and his personal life. Charlie provides insight on business from his past life as CEO Charlie, managing mega-stars 2 Chainz, Travis Porter, Young Dolph, and Bankroll Fresh, and starting Atlanta based artist management company "Street Execs". He also inspires through his journey of becoming physically fit, having weighed over 305 pounds with a brain tumor to losing over 130 pounds (and counting) to becoming an Ironman and Nike endorsed athlete. Charlie's mission used to be to become a millionaire, now his mission is to transform a million people's lives. Contact: [email protected]
The reason we're focusing on fitness is I believe that building strength through fitness helps with the acquisition of mental strength and mental endurance. Because when you're building your body, it's kinda like a 24 hour job. You have to sleep right. You have to eat right. You have to train right. You have to take the right supplements. Every day you have to reach these little goals. Accomplish these little tasks. Once you start doing that you start to build a certain kind of integrity. A certain kind of confidence knowing that you did it for yourself. You accomplished the goals. You are keeping the promises you are making to yourself. Once you start doing what you say you are going to do, you start depending on yourself. You start gaining confidence. And then your fitness improves. Your business improves. Your relationships improve. This podcast is about the acquisition of mental strength
Welkom bij de TRUECOLOR TALKS. Een podcast reeks bedoeld om jou te inspireren en helderheid te brengen op het gebied van business, relaties, moederschap of juist de combinatie daarvan. Hoe kun je, in een wereld die vaak van je vraagt je aan te passen, toch je eigen pad blijven bewandelen? Mijn naam is Claire van den Heuvel: Truecolor writer, Heartfelt speaker & Clairity coach. Ik geloof dat de wereld een mooiere plek wordt wanneer we onze echte kleuren durven te laten zien. Dat juist in kwetsbaarheid onze grootste kracht schuilt. In deze podcast serie deel ik mijn eigen inzichten en spreek ik met gasten die in mijn ogen op hun manier vanuit échte kleuren de wereld een stukje mooier maken en hopelijk jouw inspireren dit ook te gaan durven en doen.
Feel Free to Deviate is the podcast about people, their careers, and their relationships with success. Sometimes we get off track... The release schedule is bi-weekly, and the host is a guy named Jim Turbert.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Veteran TV writers Liz Craft and Sarah Fain demystify Hollywood by making career and personal struggles universal. Friends since high school and writing partners for over 20 years, Liz and Sarah have survived and thrived in Tinseltown’s male-dominated entertainment industry, guided by blind optimism and a Midwestern work ethic. Along the way they've learned a lot about kicking ass, kissing ass, and office yoga.
Sales and Distribution by Lemonada Media
"TALKING BRAINS - dein Podcast für mehr Wohlbefinden und mentale Gesundheit. Gerade die Pandemie hat uns gezeigt, wie wichtig unsere Gesundheit ist. Wir wollen das Thema ganzheitlich angehen und haben uns auf die folgenden Themen spezialisiert: Wohlbefinden, Schlaf, Konzentration, Regeneration und Anti-Stress.
Bei uns lernst du von den Besten und kannst die gelernten Tipps und Hacks einfach in deinen Alltag integrieren. Schalte ein und stille deinen unermüdlichen Wissensdurst. In TALKING BRAINS sprechen wir mit Experten, Wissenschaftlern, Ärzten, Sportlern und unseren Freunden, die sich seit Jahren intensiv mit den oben genannten Themen beschäftigen. Bleib dran und erfahre mehr, denn Wohlbefinden beginnt im Kopf!" -
Yoga Business, Teaching & Entrepreneurship. Join yoga teacher, trainer and serial entrepreneur, Lucas Rockwood, as he delivers both tactical and strategic plans for building a teaching business, retaining clients, and earning a great living doing what you love. If you’re a yoga teacher, trainer, or studio owner, this insider information straight from the horse’s mouth is invaluable. Each show compresses months worth of real-world experience into a 15-minute, actionable episode.
This season on How's Work?, iconic couples therapist Esther Perel focuses on the hard conversations we're afraid to have in our jobs: Colleagues navigating the new etiquette of a work from home workforce. Newsrooms whose journalists feel that covering breaking news has broken them. A doctor who wants to walk away from his profession, during a pandemic. And lobbyists whose fight for racial equality ends up dividing them. Esther Perel brings a new perspective to the invisible forces that shape workplace dynamics, connections, and conflict through one-time therapy sessions with coworkers, cofounders, and colleagues—listen and learn as you hear your own workplace dilemmas play out in the lives of others.
The Empowered Principal® is designed to offer tools and strategies that no other elementary principal resource provides - exercises that strengthen your emotional fitness as an educational leader. Former teacher, principal, district administrator, and Certified Life Coach Angela Kelly discusses why elementary principals feel complete overwhelm, ways to approach the issue of time, how to build authentic relationships with staff, parents, students, and district officials, and how to enjoy your job and life overall. Together, we tackle the toughest aspects of being a principal by learning how to manage your thinking so that you can handle whatever comes your way. Listeners can download a free workbook from my website at
De #1 podcast over schrijven en verhalen vertellen. Journalist en schrijver Dennis Rijnvis interviewt schrijvers en andere verhalenvertellers over hun schrijfproces en hun methodes om inspiratie en creativiteit op te wekken. Van bekende romanschrijvers tot e-mail-marketeers en speechschrijvers.