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    The world will tell you that there is no order or purpose in life and that your life has no real meaning. This is simply not true. God created the world with order and design, and every part of creation serves a purpose. You also were created for a purpose, and your life has real meaning and an eternal goal. Rev. Thompson guides us through Psalm 104 in this episode, discussing the revealed purpose of God in creation and what it means for us as Gospel-motivated voices 4 Life.


    Pastor Matt Thompson was born and raised in Romeo, Michigan and has earned degrees at Hope College, Holland, Michigan; Georgia Tech, Atlanta, Georgia; and Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. Pastor Thompson served for seven years as the Associate Pastor at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Park Rapids, Minnesota and for two years as a church planter for the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in Bismarck, North Dakota, founding Holy Cross Lutheran Church in 2010. Pastor Thompson now serves the Dual Parish of Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Bismarck, North Dakota, and St. John’s Lutheran Church, McClusky, North Dakota.

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    Youth4Life Podcast Favorite - Surrogacy with Rev. Dr. Scott Stiegemeyer

    Guest Rev. Dr. Scott Stiegemeyer returns to talk about where surrogacy came from, the different ways surrogacy is used in our culture, and the practical and ethical issues with this practice.


    Reverend Doctor Scott Stiegemeyer teaches theology and ethics at Concordia University, Irvine, California. Scott is originally from Kansas City, Missouri. He graduated from Concordia University, Ann Arbor, Michigan (B.A.); Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne (M.Div.); Trinity International University, Deerfield, Illinois (M.A.); and Loyola University in Chicago, Illinois (D.Bioethics). Prior to coming to Concordia University, he served as a pastor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the Director of Admission at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, and as pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Elmhurst, Illinois. In addition to teaching at Concordia, Scott serves the students at his university in a variety of capacities, writes, and speaks regularly across the Church.

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    Youth4Life Podcast Favorite - Beginning of Life Bioethical Issues with Rev. Dr. Scott Stiegemeyer

    Talking about in-vitro fertilization and other assistive reproductive technologies can be confusing. In this episode, Rev. Dr. Scott Stiegemeyer, Associate Professor of Theology and Bioethics at Concordia Irvine, breaks down some of the big ethical concerns in the conversation about IVF, egg donation, etc. and explains why for-life Christians should care.


    Reverend Doctor Scott Stiegemeyer teaches theology and ethics at Concordia University, Irvine, California. Scott is originally from Kansas City, Missouri. He graduated from Concordia University, Ann Arbor, Michigan (B.A.); Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne (M.Div.); Trinity International University, Deerfield, Illinois (M.A.); and Loyola University in Chicago, Illinois (D.Bioethics). Prior to coming to Concordia University, he served as a pastor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the Director of Admission at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, and as pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Elmhurst, Illinois. In addition to teaching at Concordia, Scott serves the students at his university in a variety of capacities, writes, and speaks regularly across the Church.

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    Youth4Life Podcast Favorite - Godly Womanhood with Deac. Rose Adle

    Deaconess Rose Adle is on the podcast this week to teach us about what godly womanhood looks like. She starts in Genesis with Eve, who she was created to be, and how the fall into sin altered her relationship with Adam and with God. She also talks to us about how first and foremost, a woman finds her identity as a daughter of God, and that doesn’t change even if her roles in life do. Rose wraps up by talking about how women can support each other as sisters in Christ and as friends. Whether you are a woman or you know a woman, this is an episode that is important for everyone to listen to and understand God’s role for women in the world.


    Deaconess Rose Adle began her deployed work as an online instructor for Concordia Theological Seminary (CTSFW), Fort Wayne, in 2010. She serves as assistant director of Deaconess Studies, working primarily with the distance program. She graduated from Valparaiso University, Valparaiso in 2003 with a BA in Spanish. She earned an MA (2006) in Deaconess Studies and Systematic Theology from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. She and her husband, Rev. Scott Adle of Zion Lutheran in Imperial, NE, have six children.

    Find the booklet Deaconess Adle wrote for Lutherans For Life here.

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    Youth4Life Podcast Favorite - Biblical Manhood with Rev. Jeff Hemmer

    Pastor Jeff Hemmer, author of the book Man Up!, joins us on the podcast this week to teach us about Biblical manhood. He presents his definition of masculinity, then takes us to Scripture to dive into what it says about masculinity and manhood.


    Jeffrey Hemmer is the husband of (in his opinion) the most wonderful woman in the world, the father to the five most delightful children he's ever met, the pastor of Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fairview Heights, Illinois, a wannabe farmer, maker of some things, fixer of some other things, grower of beards, and general curmudgeon. His big truck is probably a sign of his insecurity.

    You can find Pastor Hemmer's book Man Up! at Concordia Publishing House.

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    Youth4Life Podcast Favorite - Addressing Gender Brokenness with Rev. Brian Barlow

    Pastor Brian Barlow (vicar at the time of recording) discusses gender identity, homosexuality, and what role the Gospel has in addressing the brokenness of sexual confusion. He shares his testimony with us and gives us the hope that can be found in the Gospel.


    Rev. Brian Barlow offers a clear voice of hope and perspective to pastoral care having been called out of a life disordered by homosexuality. With over 20 plus years ministering to the sexually and relationally broken, Rev. Barlow addresses the necessity of keeping a clear Gospel when walking alongside individuals who identify as LGBTQ+ and those who desire freedom in Christ. He and his wife have four boys ages 11, 9, 5 and 8 months. Brian is the Pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Banning, CA. In addition to pastoring, Rev. Barlow serves with many local and national ministries including Lutherans For Life, Y4Life, and LINC-LA.

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    It’s time for an update! Where do states stand on the abortion issue? Which laws are being challenged and which challenges have been overturned? And have there been any other major victories since the Dobbs case? And our questions don’t end there! What about medication abortion? What is the current status of this pill? What is the argument for its restriction, and will those restrictions be upheld? We have lots of questions, and our guest speaker Carol Tobias has the answers!


    Carol Tobias is the President of National Right to Life Committee (NRLC). A native of North Dakota, Carol Tobias has served on the NRLC board of directors since 1987. From 1983 to 1991, she was executive director of North Dakota Right to Life, and in 1991 was hired as National Right to Life’s political director, a position she held until 2005.

    During her tenure as political director, pro-life majorities were elected to both the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. In 2000 and 2004, she oversaw the efforts of National Right to Life’s political action committee on behalf of George W. Bush.

    In 2014, she testified before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary in opposition to the so-called “Women’s Health Protection Act.”

    Tobias has been seen on most major national news networks and several internationally. She is regularly quoted by various news outlets around the nation and across the world.

    Learn more about National Right to Life and how you can be a voice for life at nrlc.org.

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    Life issues have a tendency to become controversial topics. Take, for example, the issues of abortion, co-habitation, promiscuity, pornography, and gender ideology - they’re probably not the first topics you’d broach at the lunch table. It’s easy to remain silent. If we do, there’s no accusation of hypocrisy or self-righteousness, no one implying we should mind our own business. And don’t we all struggle with sin anyway? Yet, no matter how easy it might be to remain silent, we know Christians are called to be light and salt in the world. Even more, the Gospel reminds us that God has showered us with such an abundance of love that it overflows onto others. We get to be Gospel-motivated voices for life! Join us as we talk with Dr. Gene Veith and explore whether or not a Christian is called to a confession, especially in the realm of life issues, and, if so, how he or she should carry out that calling.


    Dr. Gene Edward Veith, Jr., is a writer and a retired literature professor. He is Provost Emeritus at Patrick Henry College and the Director of the Cranach Institute at Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. He previously served as Culture Editor of WORLD MAGAZINE and Professor of English and Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences at Concordia University Wisconsin. He is the author of 28 books, including Postmodern Times: A Christian Guide to Contemporary Thought and Culture, The Spirituality of the Cross: The Way of the First Evangelicals, Classical Education, and God at Work: Your Christian Vocation in All of Life.

    Dr. Veith graduated from the University of Oklahoma in 1973 and received a Ph.D. in English from the University of Kansas in 1979. He has honorary doctorates from Concordia Theological Seminary (2005), Concordia University California (2014), and Patrick Henry College (2016). He has taught at Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College and was a Visiting Professor at Wheaton College, Gordon College, and Regent College (Vancouver). He was also a Visiting Lecturer at the Estonian Institute of Humanities in Tallinn, Estonia. He and his wife Jackquelyn have three grown children and twelve grandchildren. They live in Blackwell, Oklahoma.

    Read Dr. Vieth's article from Tabletalk magazine here.

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    Table Talks 4 Life are BACK! This week the Y4Life Team is joined by Lizzie Gatchell from CUC4Life to talk about what's been in the news recently. From the 'Dignitas Infinita' recently released by the Vatican to a 28 year old woman opting to end her life through euthanasia to what actor Aaron Taylor Johnson has to say about fatherhood, we'll discuss a wide variety of life issues from a Gospel-motivated perspective. Join us as we talk about what's on the table!

    Michelle's news stories:
    Vatican's 'Dignitas Infinita' Draws 'Clear Line' on Gender Theory, Receives Widespread Praise
    Declaration of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith “Dignitas Infinita” on Human Dignity, 08.04.2024

    Lizzie's news story:
    Woman, 28, Opts for Euthanasia Rather Than Living with Mental Illness: 'I'm a Little Afraid of Dying'

    Cori's news story:
    Hollywood Actor's Fatherhood Reflection: 'It's Your Duty to Be Their Role Model'

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    What’s all the fuss with Alabama? Perhaps you’ve heard about a court decision in Alabama that’s just a little bit (okay, more than a little bit) controversial. Perhaps you’ve heard that the court’s decision declares embryos created through IVF are human beings. And perhaps you’re wondering, What exactly does that mean? Join us as we talk with Pastor Michael Salemink, Executive Director of Lutherans For Life, about the topic of IVF and what the Alabama court decision really means.

    Pastor Salemink has served Lutherans For Life since 2015. His prior parish experience includes a decade at a large congregation with a vibrant day school and lots of catechism classes, chapel services, and Bible studies. A father of three boys, fan of sports and music, and avid runner, he writes regularly and speaks nationwide - including youth gatherings and teachers' conferences - equipping Lutherans and their neighbors to be Gospel-motivated voices For Life. Learn more about Lutherans For Life at lutheransforlife.org.

    Find the resources referenced by Pastor Salemink below:
    A Snowflake Named Hannah
    Them Before Us

    Check out our Y4Life resources about IVF below:
    In Vitro Fertilization: The Basics
    A 4Life View of IVF

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    Homelessness. Visit any major city (and most smaller ones!) and you’ll find people struggling with housing insecurity. Perhaps it looks like a high school student floating from one couch to the next. Or maybe you see evidence of homelessness under an overpass or on a park bench. In some places, homelessness has become so prevalent that entire communities exist. How do we support those who are experiencing housing insecurity? Pastor Tyler Crokright joins us on the podcast this week to tell us how we can serve and support the homeless populations around us.

    Rev. Tyler Cronkright lives in Mt. Clemens, Michigan with his wife Brandi and serves as the Associate Pastor of both Family of God Lutheran Church and St. Stephen Lutheran Church in southwest Detroit, Michigan. As a complement to teaching, preaching, and writing, he also co-hosts the Suffering Servants podcast. In his down time he loves cycling, reading and learning, traveling up north, and cheering for the Detroit Red Wings, Detroit Tigers, and Michigan Wolverines.

    Learn more about Family of God's ministry at fogdetroit.com.

    Listen to the Suffering Servants Podcast, hosted by Rev. Tyler Cronkright and Rev. James Hill.

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    "Our suffering reminds us that Jesus has suffered in our place." -Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller

    The Gospel is dangerous to those who would rather reside in the dark, but Christians are called to be carriers of the light, and to carry that light even unto death. Countless confessors of the faith throughout history have suffered for this confession. And their suffering, their martyrdom, affirms life. This week we’re going to study the life-affirming confessions of martyrs. Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller joins us on the Youth4Life podcast to share with us the stories of the martyrs for the faith. Join us to be affirmed and strengthened for life by the martyrs who have gone before us and now surround the throne of heaven.

    Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller is pastor of St. Paul and Jesus Deaf Lutheran Churches in Austin, TX. He is the author of Take They Our Life: Martin Luther’s Theology of Martyrdom (2019), A Martyr’s Faith for a Faithless World (CPH, 2019), Has American Christianity Failed? (CPH, 2016) and Final Victory: Contemplating the Death and Funeral of a Christian (CPH, 2010). He is host of What-Not, The Podcast, posts videos on YouTube at wolfmueller1, and has a number of other theological projects that all end up on his blog, www.wolfmueller.co. Bryan is a member of the Doxology Collegium. He and his wife Keri live with their children in Round Rock, TX.

    Find Pastor Wolfmueller's work at his website, wolfmueller.co.

    Discover your Gospel-motivated voice 4 Life at Y4Life.org.

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    Being for life can be risky, and that risk sometimes comes with very real consequences. Just ask Melanie Standiford, a for-life Christian who lost her job because of her for-life views. Was it worth it?

    Join us this week to hear Melanie’s story and find out how you can prepare for and stand with hope in the face of persecution. Be reminded of why you are called to be a Gospel-motivated voice for life!

    Melanie's Bio:
    Melanie Standiford is a life long Nebraska girl, born on an Army base in Texas after her dad was in Vietnam. At one month old Melanie and her parents went to their home in Nebraska where the family grew with two more daughters. Melanie has nine biological children and four bonus children from a second marriage. She homeschooled for years and was a freelance journalist and professional portrait photographer before deciding to encourage her children by finishing her associate degree at age 30.
    It became a bit of a challenge between her and her children to keep going in her own studies, particularly with her son Lukas. She would get her bachelor degree before he graduated high school, her master degree before he graduated college and so on. She got a Bachelor of Science in Leadership in 2017, and a Master of Science in International Security and Intelligence in 2019. She is now a PhD student in Forensic Psychology. A fun side note, Lukas graduated with his Bachelor degree in Criminal Justice in 2022 and is now a Lieutenant in the U.S. Army stationed in Georgia USA. She has stories similar about all her children too numerous to share.
    In 2017 Melanie started a job with KNOP-TV, a GRAY Media station in Nebraska as a multimedia journalist. In 2017, Melanie lost her mom to cancer. In December 2019, she lost her oldest daughter, 25-year-old Brooklynne and her unborn baby (she was 8 months pregnant). COVID hit right after that and by May 2020 Melanie was the News Director of the television station in North Platte. She continued to edit, produce, report, plus take on all the sole responsibilities of managing the station.
    With over 700 published stories, approximately 30 of those written over the years by Melanie were about the abortion topic, each of which were acceptable to be published and considered non biased. In fact, local prolife groups thought she was pro choice because she was careful to quote both sides.
    In September 2022 a Nebraska news outlet included her activities from her small Nebraska town (as a private citizen not as a journalist) in their coverage of towns looking to possibly become “Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn.” When the article made its way across her employer’s desk Melanie was fired for “practicing partisan politics.” A week after being fired, each of the stories Melanie wrote on the topic of abortion in any manner was removed from the Gray Media websites.
    Melanie now manages her own media platform called, Midwest Media by Melanie, covering a plethora of Nebraska issues and topics and when faced with the topic of abortion she is unapologetically pro life. She believes 100% and without exception that life begins at conception and is precious through natural death.
    Melanie lives in Curtis, Nebraska with her husband Shawn and four youngest children still at home, Louie, Giavanna, Kael, and Houston. She also has six living grandchildren.

    Follow Melanie on Facebook at Midwest Media by Melanie.

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    This week, Aimee Cima joins us all the way from Cambodia! She and her family have been serving in southeast Asia for more than 15 years where they are actively involved in upholding the lives of those they serve. Aimee will show us what life and mercy work looks like in Cambodia and Asia as a whole.

    J.P. and Aimee, along with their children (Celeste, 16; Bella, 13; and Isaac, 6), have served in southeast Asia for more than 15 years, currently in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. J.P. serves the Cambodia Lutheran Church (CLC), a growing collection of Lutheran congregations. J.P. travels throughout Cambodia to equip and empower the leaders of the CLC with informal mentorship and formal theological education, that they might boldly announce and demonstrate the Gospel to the people of Cambodia.

    Aimee serves as the Mercy Manager for the Asia region. She supports the other personnel serving in this region and works with local church partners to coordinate mercy work. The rest of J.P. and Aimee’s time is spent learning Khmer language and whizzing around on motorbikes with their children.

    J.P. was born and raised in Richmond, Va., and received his undergraduate degree in theology from Lenoir-Rhyne College in North Carolina. He received his Master of Divinity from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, where he is now enrolled as a Doctor of Philosophy student. Aimee (Crawford) was born in Tulsa, Okla., and raised in Richmond, VA. She has both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in dietetics from James Madison University in Virginia.

    Learn more about how you can support the Cima family in Cambodia at LCMS.org/Cima.

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    India is a land of more than a 1.5 billion people and 333 million gods. Its people speak 1,652 different languages and endure caste discrimination. The vast majority of Indians are Hindu or Muslim; only 2% of the population is Christian.

    Yet Christians make a visible impact on society through their approach to life issues – an approach that depicts the Gospel truth that every life is valuable because every human was made and redeemed by God.

    Interested in finding out how this takes place? Join us to learn how one pastor, Rev. Benerjee Duggi, cares for both body and soul as he upholds life.

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    The transition from high school to college or from college to career, is an exciting one. Yet, it can also cause uncertainty, especially when those transitions change relationships within our families. Society would suggest that transitioning into adulthood precludes and even exempts us from responsibility to family. Is that really true? What role does family play in our lives as we become more independent? And are there any lessons we can learn as we contemplate starting a family of our own? We are joined by Josh Pauling this week to answer these questions and more!

    Josh Pauling is a contributing editor at Salvo Magazine, a columnist at Modern Reformation Magazine, and a frequent guest on Issues, Etc. Mr. Pauling previously taught history in a public school setting prior to becoming a Classical Lutheran Educator. Josh also runs his own business making custom furniture and restoring vintage machinery. He and his family attend All Saints Lutheran Church where he serves as head elder.

    Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business by Neil Postman

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    How can having a large family be a blessing? How do children help to create strong marriages? How do parents mold and shape children in a large family? Rev. Adrian Sherrill and his wife Linda join us this week to help answer these questions and more.

    Rev. Adrian Sherrill is senior pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Denver, Colorado. He and his wife Linda have been married for 25 years, and together they have thirteen living children, ages 4 to 23.

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    Have you wondered what it might be like to be a birth doula? Do you have questions about midwives versus OBGYNs? What does it look like to be in a vocation that upholds life at birth? We'll explore all of these questions and more in this special edition of the Youth4Life Podcast! April Ann Wofford, a birth doula, joins us at the table this week to talk all things midwives, doulas, and more.

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    Chad Bird joins us on the podcast this week to talk about when families face loss. He tells us about his son Luke, who died unexpectedly as a young adult, and the changes it brought about for his family. Chad will tell us about the ways that he finds strength in the midst of grief and how we can comfort and support those who are experiencing the loss of a family member.

    Chad Bird is a Scholar in Residence at 1517. He has served as a pastor, professor, and guest lecturer in Old Testament and Hebrew. He holds master’s degrees from Concordia Theological Seminary and Hebrew Union College. He has contributed articles to Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, Modern Reformation, The Federalist, Lutheran Forum, and other journals and websites. He is also the author of several books, including The Christ Key & Limping with God. Learn more about 1517.

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    This week, we head back to the table to discuss stories in the news, except this time, we're joined by two of our Y4Life college leaders! Emma and Anna join us this week as we discuss abortion laws, IVF, and the modern U.S. family.

    Emma is a student at Concordia University Nebraska and is active with the Bulldogs 4 Life Y4Life chapter on campus.

    Anna is a student at Concordia University Wisconsin and is active with the Students For Life group on campus.

    Emma's news story: Right to Life sues to block Michigan abortion rights law

    Anna's news story: First IVF baby born in the UK with DNA from three parents in major trial to avoid defective genes

    Cori's news story: Almost 90 % of Americans think families should have multiple children, but it's increasingly expensive to raise a child

    Michelle's news story: Beautifully moving song about brother with Down syndrome

    Discover your Gospel-motivated voice 4 Life at Y4Life.org.