
  • Tom’s brother Andy returns for his annual tradition of prepping us for the big game! We dive into the big storylines of Super Bowl LIX (or, Licks) and give our predictions for this Chiefs v. Eagles rematch of two years ago. We also spend a good portion of the episode talking about non-football things! Such as the hottest players, the Kendrick v. Drake feud, and the sexuality of various snackfoods. Oh, and Taylor Swift makes her second straight appearance on our Super Bowl episode as well. We hope you feel adequately prepared for all the festivities this year!

    LINKS FROM THIS EPISODEJosh Allen claps awkwardlyJosh Allen sighs emotionallyCOMMENT ON THIS EPISODE

    What name for Andy's soon to be born daughter will blow him and his wife away?! Are you looking forward to this year's Super Bowl?

    PODCAST EPISODE PAGEYOB ConvoCast 099RATE/REVIEW USApple PodcastsFOLLOW THE CASTTom's postsGET IN TOUCHCall the YOBline: 1.706.389.8009Email us: podcast@yourotherbrothers.comMail us: Your Other Brothers / P.O. Box 843 / Asheville, NC 28802SUPPORT YOBPledge and join our Patreon community!Shop the YOB store!Give a one-time gift!FOLLOW YOBFacebookInstagramYouTubeTikTokMUSIC CREDIT“Growing Pains” by Layup; 100% clearance through Musicbed.
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  • Tom's younger brother, Andy, returns to discuss something besides football! Well – he does give us his Super Bowl prediction before he inevitably returns for his annual Big Game assessment podcast in a couple months. But before any football talk, we discuss his impending fatherhood! He and his wife are due with their first child, a daughter, in just a few more months. What brings Andy joy, and what causes him anxiety about becoming a father for the first time? What's Tom's biggest anxiety for his coming niece? And what trait does Tom admire the most in a leader – particularly in a parent?


    What fears or anxieties do you have about fatherhood? Or from an uncle's perspective, what specifically do you pray for with your nieces and nephews?

    PODCAST EPISODE PAGEYOB ConvoCast 098RATE/REVIEW USApple PodcastsFOLLOW THE CASTTom's postsGET IN TOUCHCall the YOBline: 1.706.389.8009Email us: podcast@yourotherbrothers.comMail us: Your Other Brothers / P.O. Box 843 / Asheville, NC 28802SUPPORT YOBPledge and join our Patreon community!Shop the YOB store!Give a one-time gift!FOLLOW YOBFacebookInstagramYouTubeTikTokMUSIC CREDIT“Growing Pains” by Layup; 100% clearance through Musicbed.
  • We're back! Daniel joins Tom to recap this year's YOBBERS Retreat. As a newer member of YOB leadership, how did Daniel enjoy this retreat compared to others? We reflect on this distinction of leadership and participation with our retreat, including the challenge of not just serving a role or a function all weekend long. We also dive into our retreat's first-time art piece -- a locked birdcage with one sparrow inside and two sparrows outside -- and how this piece led to some interesting reflections from the YOBBERS. Finally, we introduce the YOB universe to our newest mascot and other brother who debuted at the retreat: Eunick.


    Did you attend our YOBBERS Retreat this year? What did YOU see in the birdcage art piece?

    PODCAST EPISODE PAGEYOB ConvoCast 097LINKS FROM THIS EPISODETom's 2024 YOBBERS Retreat blog"Yahweh (Psalm 84)" by Shane and ShaneYOB's "Heart of a Brother" playlist on Spotify and YouTubeThe "Lifehouse skit" (interpretive dance)RATE/REVIEW USApple PodcastsFOLLOW THE CASTTom's postsGET IN TOUCHCall the YOBline: 1.706.389.8009Email us: podcast@yourotherbrothers.comMail us: Your Other Brothers / P.O. Box 843 / Asheville, NC 28802SUPPORT YOBPledge and join our Patreon community!Shop the YOB store!Give a one-time gift!FOLLOW YOBFacebookInstagramYouTubeTikTokMUSIC CREDIT“Growing Pains” by Layup; 100% clearance through Musicbed.
  • Dawson returns to help us close our At Home series! Tom takes the show on the road to Athens, Georgia, where he once lived for 11 years, to share an in-person conversation with Dawson, who has lived in this city for all 31 of his years. Why did Tom leave home all those years ago, and why has Dawson stayed? Has this same city been a consistent refuge for Dawson, or have there been some darker times, even times where he thought he might leave this only home he's ever known? Both Dawson and Tom live alone, and they share the joys of their homes serving as solitary refuges, as well as the dangers of falling into self-isolation. Finally, Dawson shares how "at home" he feels his his faith, sexuality, and masculinity, including the relational strides he's taken with his biological brothers and the relational challenges that remain with certain subsets of men.


    Have you never left home? Why or why not? What's been joyous about never going or never going far, and what's been challenging?

    PODCAST EPISODE PAGEYOB ConvoCast 096RATE/REVIEW USApple PodcastsFOLLOW THE CASTTom's postsGET IN TOUCHCall the YOBline: 1.706.389.8009Email us: podcast@yourotherbrothers.comMail us: Your Other Brothers / P.O. Box 843 / Asheville, NC 28802SUPPORT YOBPledge and join our Patreon community!Shop the YOB store!Give a one-time gift!FOLLOW YOBFacebookInstagramYouTubeTikTokYOB's "Heart of a Brother" Spotify playlistMUSIC CREDIT“Already Home” by Hills x Hills; 100% clearance through Musicbed.
  • Simon joins Tom to share their experiences of living alone for these last several years! Has it been an independent person's paradise, or have there also been emotional difficulties? How did the pandemic impact living alone? Simon also shares his experience of growing up with a twin brother, in addition to living previously with female friends, including the challenges of perception amongst any Christian onlookers. Will Simon and Tom live alone for the rest of their lives, or do they pine for a shared living space once again? Finally, Simon shares his experience from our recently held European YOBBERS retreat and how his first event with other men has factored into how "at home" he feels in his masculinity!


    Do you live alone? What are the joys and challenges of living by yourself? Do you yearn for a shared living space, or does such a prospect cause you any pause?

    PODCAST EPISODE PAGEYOB ConvoCast 095LINKS FROM THIS EPISODESimon's first ConvoCastTom's book, Struggle CentralRATE/REVIEW USApple PodcastsFOLLOW THE CASTTom's postsGET IN TOUCHCall the YOBline: 1.706.389.8009Email us: podcast@yourotherbrothers.comMail us: Your Other Brothers / P.O. Box 843 / Asheville, NC 28802SUPPORT YOBPledge and join our Patreon community!Shop the YOB store!Give a one-time gift!FOLLOW YOBFacebookInstagramYouTubeTikTokYOB's "Heart of a Brother" Spotify playlistMUSIC CREDIT“Already Home” by Hills x Hills; 100% clearance through Musicbed.
  • Ryan makes his podcast debut as our first native Canadian on the show! He shares his unique living situation, splitting time in the big city and also a small town living in a house with his younger brother. Both Ryan and his brother are single men in their forties -- Ryan, queer; his brother, straight. How did this living situation in a faraway town come to be? Ryan tells us the story about "taking the long way" one day, along with his initial visceral reaction to the notion of living with his little brother for the first time since their youth. Ryan also shares about formerly living with a boyfriend when he was affirming, and his journey beyond spiritual turmoil to telling his testimony for more people to hear!


    Do you live, or would you consider living as an adult with your adult sibling? What would be hard, and what could be beautiful?

    PODCAST EPISODE PAGEYOB ConvoCast 094RATE/REVIEW USApple PodcastsFOLLOW THE CASTTom's postsGET IN TOUCHCall the YOBline: 1.706.389.8009Email us: podcast@yourotherbrothers.comMail us: Your Other Brothers / P.O. Box 843 / Asheville, NC 28802SUPPORT YOBPledge and join our Patreon community!Shop the YOB store!Give a one-time gift!FOLLOW YOBFacebookInstagramYouTubeTikTokYOB's "Heart of a Brother" Spotify playlistMUSIC CREDIT“Already Home” by Hills x Hills; 100% clearance through Musicbed.
  • Newcomer to the podcast but not to our community, longtime member Matt shares about his life in a celibate partnership with another man. He talks about splitting time in two locations to be close to his parents as well as his partner, with whom he co-owns a house. He shares openly how there was never any sort of road map to this particular kind of "Side B" journey, connecting with some other celibate couples over time. Matt shares the joys of hospitality with his partner, as well as some of the challenges of celibate partnership -- namely, translating the essence of his relationship to certain audiences, including secular friends and the workplace. Matt also shares his journey of becoming Eastern Catholic, finding a home in his faith amid his celibate partnership.


    Are you in a celibate partnership? What are the joys and challenges of your relationship as you follow Jesus through it? Are you drawn to the notion of celibate partnership, or do you have questions, even fears about entering such a relationship that honors God?

    PODCAST EPISODE PAGEYOB ConvoCast 093LINKS FROM THIS EPISODEMatt's "Life on Side B" podcast about celibate partnershipRATE/REVIEW USApple PodcastsFOLLOW THE CASTTom's postsGET IN TOUCHCall the YOBline: 1.706.389.8009Email us: podcast@yourotherbrothers.comMail us: Your Other Brothers / P.O. Box 843 / Asheville, NC 28802SUPPORT YOBPledge and join our Patreon community!Shop the YOB store!Give a one-time gift!FOLLOW YOBFacebookInstagramYouTubeTikTokYOB's "Heart of a Brother" Spotify playlistMUSIC CREDIT“Already Home” by Hills x Hills; 100% clearance through Musicbed.
  • Nhat makes his debut appearance! We celebrate his 1-year YOBiversary as he tells us his “at home” story of being married to his wife of the last four years. He shares the challenges of merging his wife’s family dynamic and his own into one new family and home, as well as the joys of complimenting one another and yearning for a better home together. We also dive into Nhat’s childhood as a “PK” or pastor’s kid and how that has impacted his faith journey, including his coming out experience at 21. How did coming out affect his parents, particularly his father, in an Asian culture often marked by honor and shame?


    Are you married? What have been the joys and challenges of merging two homes into one? How have you handled your sexuality and masculinity in this new home?

    PODCAST EPISODE PAGEYOB ConvoCast 092LINKS FROM THIS EPISODEYOBcast 092: Second AdolescenceScary Close by Donald MillerRATE/REVIEW USApple PodcastsFOLLOW THE CASTTom's postsGET IN TOUCHCall the YOBline: 1.706.389.8009Email us: podcast@yourotherbrothers.comMail us: Your Other Brothers / P.O. Box 843 / Asheville, NC 28802SUPPORT YOBPledge and join our Patreon community!Shop the YOB store!Give a one-time gift!FOLLOW YOBFacebookInstagramYouTubeTikTokYOB's "Heart of a Brother" Spotify playlistMUSIC CREDIT“Already Home” by Hills x Hills; 100% clearance through Musicbed.
  • Harrison returns to discuss his societally common but YOB-ly uncommon home life: a wife and three kids! He shares the joys of noise in his home, as well as the challenges of wondering whether he measures up as a dad. We learn about the farm where he grew up, including the literal closet that was once his refuge. Harrison shares vulnerably about his struggles to feel "at home" in his male body, also pointing out the beauty of Jesus' having a human body along with the Spirit's indwelling in physical bodies today. While having kids doesn’t complete a man, Harrison also shares how having children has helped him lean into more of his masculinity. Perhaps there are fatherly energies we all possess as men, even beyond having biological children?


    Do you have children? What are the joys and challenges of raising kids as a man attracted to men? Where else do you tap into your "fatherly energy" as a man?

    PODCAST EPISODE PAGEYOB ConvoCast 091LINKS FROM THIS EPISODEHarrison's first ConvoCast, discussing male friendshipHarrison's book, Bent on MenTom's circumcision blog, "The Masculine Uncertainty of Being Uncircumcised"RATE/REVIEW USApple PodcastsFOLLOW THE CASTTom's postsGET IN TOUCHCall the YOBline: 1.706.389.8009Email us: podcast@yourotherbrothers.comMail us: Your Other Brothers / P.O. Box 843 / Asheville, NC 28802SUPPORT YOBPledge and join our Patreon community!Shop the YOB store!Give a one-time gift!FOLLOW YOBFacebookInstagramYouTubeTikTokYOB's "Heart of a Brother" Spotify playlistMUSIC CREDIT“Already Home” by Hills x Hills; 100% clearance through Musicbed.
  • Daniel returns to discuss his life in SoCal, living with two straight men! Like Andrew, he also moved across America for a new start and a new home from the Midwest. He tells us Andrew's teased "pots and pans" story from our last episode, a snapshot of pursuing healthy communication and expectations with straight roommates. Daniel shares some of the joys of living with straight men, including the activities in which they partake with each other and all of Daniel's queer friends, as well as the challenges. What will happen if and when these straight men choose to marry women and move out? Is there still joy to be found in the seasonality of such a home life?


    Have you lived with straight men? What's been joyous and difficult about sharing space with someone whose sexuality differs from yours? Have expectations been hard to communicate or meet?

    PODCAST EPISODE PAGEYOB ConvoCast 090LINKS FROM THIS EPISODEAndrew's ConvoCast about moving across America to live in SoCalDaniel's first ConvoCast on body imageTom's blog, "I Just Wanted to Be a Man and Finish the Race"Daniel Black's novel, Don't Cry for MeRATE/REVIEW USApple PodcastsFOLLOW THE CASTTom's postsGET IN TOUCHCall the YOBline: 1.706.389.8009Email us: podcast@yourotherbrothers.comMail us: Your Other Brothers / P.O. Box 843 / Asheville, NC 28802SUPPORT YOBPledge and join our Patreon community!Shop the YOB store!Give a one-time gift!FOLLOW YOBFacebookInstagramYouTubeTikTokYOB's "Heart of a Brother" Spotify playlistMUSIC CREDIT“Already Home” by Hills x Hills; 100% clearance through Musicbed.
  • Andrew returns to tell the tale of his cross-country move from Ohio to Southern California! What led him to leave the only home he’d ever known to find a new one? He shares about his upbringing in the Midwest, including many years of homeschooling, and a friend who prompted him to ponder the possibility of a new start. Andrew basks in the literal and existential sunshine of his new life in SoCal, talking about his new queer community and an accepting church that makes him feel at home in his faith and sexuality. But what of his masculinity? Where does and doesn't he feel quite "at home" in that arena?


    Have you made a big move for a new start? Do you perhaps want to make such a move but feel incapable, and what's holding you back? Where have you experienced found family or chosen family beyond your biological family? Where do you or don't you feel at home in your masculinity?

    PODCAST EPISODE PAGEYOB ConvoCast 089LINKS FROM THIS EPISODEAndrew's first ConvoCast, discussing Heartstopper and asexualityRATE/REVIEW USApple PodcastsFOLLOW THE CASTTom's postsGET IN TOUCHCall the YOBline: 1.706.389.8009Email us: podcast@yourotherbrothers.comMail us: Your Other Brothers / P.O. Box 843 / Asheville, NC 28802SUPPORT YOBPledge and join our Patreon community!Shop the YOB store!Give a one-time gift!FOLLOW YOBFacebookInstagramYouTubeTikTokYOB's "Heart of a Brother" Spotify playlistMUSIC CREDIT“Already Home” by Hills x Hills; 100% clearance through Musicbed.
  • Matt returns to discuss his home life: always living with his family even as he enters his late thirties! He explains the importance of family within his Navajo culture, sharing why he enjoys regularly going home to the reservation after moving away from it. But Matt also shares why he doesn’t disclose anything about his sexuality with his conservative family. Despite this withholding, Matt feels at home with his churches and friends, particularly his male friends, claiming he’s never felt more masculine and comfortable in his body than he does now. Will he always live with family, or does he aspire for another living situation in the future?


    Do you live with family, and if so, what are the joys and limitations of your living situation? How does your faith, sexuality, and masculinity affect your family, and vice versa? Are you out with your family, or do you hope to be one day? Do you aspire toward another living situation outside your family?

    PODCAST EPISODE PAGEYOB ConvoCast 088LINKS FROM THIS EPISODEMatt's blog, "A Native American with Same-Sex Attraction"RATE/REVIEW USApple PodcastsFOLLOW THE CASTTom's postsMatt's postsGET IN TOUCHCall the YOBline: 1.706.389.8009Email us: podcast@yourotherbrothers.comMail us: Your Other Brothers / P.O. Box 843 / Asheville, NC 28802SUPPORT YOBPledge and join our Patreon community!Shop the YOB store!Give a one-time gift!FOLLOW YOBFacebookInstagramYouTubeTikTokYOB's "Heart of a Brother" Spotify playlistMUSIC CREDIT“Already Home” by Hills x Hills; 100% clearance through Musicbed.
  • We spend over half our lives at home; let’s discuss how where we live impacts our faith, sexuality, and masculinity! Join us all summer AT HOME, as we connect with a different YOB community member in a different life stage and living situation. Today we welcome back Marshall to talk more about his unique home life: a 20-acre farm, living alongside 23 people in a central house, cabins, tiny houses, and RV’s. How has Marshall enjoyed living alone in the past, and did he second-guess living with younger single men as an older single man? How did Marshall’s many living situations over six decades lead to his buying this farm, and what’s joyful and also challenging about leading such an intentional community of believers?


    Would you like to live on a large property with lots of people in intentional community, particularly if you live a single life longterm, or does that feel daunting to you? Do you definitively know whether it's better for you to live with others or perhaps alone?

    PODCAST EPISODE PAGEYOB ConvoCast 087LINKS FROM THIS EPISODEYOB ConvoCast 064: Tom's visit to Marshall's farmRATE/REVIEW USApple PodcastsFOLLOW THE CASTTom's postsMarshall's postsGET IN TOUCHCall the YOBline: 1.706.389.8009Email us: podcast@yourotherbrothers.comMail us: Your Other Brothers / P.O. Box 843 / Asheville, NC 28802SUPPORT YOBPledge and join our Patreon community!Shop the YOB store!Give a one-time gift!FOLLOW YOBFacebookInstagramYouTubeTikTokYOB's "Heart of a Brother" Spotify playlistMUSIC CREDIT“Already Home” by Hills x Hills; 100% clearance through Musicbed.
  • We kick off a new summer series, AT HOME: how our current life stages and living situations impact our faith, sexuality, and masculinity. Join us each episode for a new member of our YOB community sharing his story from various life stages and living situations. We start with our “plain old gay” Matt, who has been living with other gay men, both affirming and traditional, after 15 years of living by himself. We learn Matt’s home environment growing up, including how that shaped his view of what the future would look like. What have been the joys and challenges of sharing his current and recent homes with other gay men, and what does he think of the “optics” of having fellow gay roommates, if anything at all?


    Have you lived with other gay men: Side A, Side B, or otherwise? What were the joys and challenges of sharing a home with gay roommates? Have you lived alone for an extended part of your life, and how has that shaped your sense of home?

    PODCAST EPISODE PAGEYOB ConvoCast 086LINKS FROM THIS EPISODEMatt's first podcast on being a "plain old gay"Matt's second podcast on Gen Z fashion and a YOBBERS retreat recapRATE/REVIEW USApple PodcastsFOLLOW THE CASTTom's postsGET IN TOUCHCall the YOBline: 1.706.389.8009Email us: podcast@yourotherbrothers.comMail us: Your Other Brothers / P.O. Box 843 / Asheville, NC 28802SUPPORT YOBPledge and join our Patreon community!Shop the YOB store!Give a one-time gift!FOLLOW YOBFacebookInstagramYouTubeTikTokYOB's "Heart of a Brother" Spotify playlistMUSIC CREDIT

    “Already Home” by Hills x Hills; 100% clearance through Musicbed.

  • Harrison Bly joins the show to discuss masculine friendship! Harrison is a member of our YOBBERS community and the author of Bent on Men, a book recently featured in our monthly YOBBERS Book Club. Both Tom and Harrison reference their books, sharing what happens after some pivotal friendships change, fizzle, or even disintegrate entirely after the final page. They discuss the friendship dynamics of connecting with straight men as well as fellow "Side B" men. What are the challenges or even road blocks to forming various male friendships? And what do we do with this loneliness epidemic which has hit men hard?


    Where are the victories and struggles alike in befriending both queer and straight men? Have you read Harrison's book, Bent on Men, and do you have any takeaways from the male friendships he's written about?

    PODCAST EPISODE PAGEYOB ConvoCast 085LINKS FROM THIS EPISODEHarrison Bly's book, Bent on MenHarrison Bly's podcast appearance on Husband MaterialTom's book, Struggle CentralRATE/REVIEW USApple PodcastsFOLLOW THE CASTTom's postsGET IN TOUCHCall the YOBline: 1.706.389.8009Email us: podcast@yourotherbrothers.comMail us: Your Other Brothers / P.O. Box 843 / Asheville, NC 28802SUPPORT YOBPledge and join our Patreon community!Shop the YOB store!Give a one-time gift!FOLLOW YOBFacebookInstagramYouTubeTikTokYOB's "Heart of a Brother" Spotify playlistMUSIC CREDIT

    “Growing Pains” by Layup; 100% clearance through Musicbed.

  • Simon joins the show from faraway Britain as our first native UK YOBBER! He tells us about his life in Oxfordshire, including a cat and his very own "flat." Tom bonds with Simon over their shared experiences in Oxford, including the very same bedroom. Simon gives us a lovely list of Britishisms, including the definition of a "yob." He also shares some of his story with faith and sexuality, enlightening us about Side B life from a non-American country. We also have an exciting update on the European YOBBERS retreat taking place later this year!


    Are you also from the UK, or do you have another non-American story to lend about faith/sexuality?

    PODCAST EPISODE PAGEYOB ConvoCast 084LINKS FROM THIS EPISODEYOB ConvoCast 082: Tom & Daniel Pitch this Summer's First European YOBBERS Retreat!RATE/REVIEW USApple PodcastsFOLLOW THE CASTTom's postsGET IN TOUCHCall the YOBline: 1.706.389.8009Email us: podcast@yourotherbrothers.comMail us: Your Other Brothers / P.O. Box 843 / Asheville, NC 28802SUPPORT YOBPledge and join our Patreon community!Shop the YOB store!Give a one-time gift!FOLLOW YOBFacebookInstagramYouTubeTikTokYOB's "Heart of a Brother" Spotify playlistMUSIC CREDIT

    “Growing Pains” by Layup; 100% clearance through Musicbed.

  • Erin returns to discuss the development of Your Other Sisters, including our recently held coed Zoom call with Your Other Brothers! We recap our YOB and YOS call, including a critical icebreaker of our favorite condiments. We invite all who are interested in these YOB and YOS developments to join us! Man or woman, shoot us an email to learn more: contact[at]yourotherbrothers[dot]com

    For the rest of the episode, we discuss this current season of Lent in these weeks leading up to Easter. We share some of our spiritual upbringings, including our experience with, or without, Lent, as well as with fasting in general. What are our motivations for fasting, and how do we practice fasting in healthy, God-honoring ways? How can we take our relationships with God in this season of Lent and continue growing them on the other side of Easter Sunday?


    Are you observing Lent this year, or what is God teaching you in this season before Easter? Have you practiced fasting as a spiritual discipline? What prevents you or guides your motivations in fasting?

    PODCAST EPISODE PAGEYOB ConvoCast 083LINKS FROM THIS EPISODETom's Lent blog: "Do I Fast to Punish Myself or Meet with God?"YOBcast 088: Advent & SexualityYOBcast 094: Lent & SexualityYOB ConvoCast 071: Erin Resonates with Queer Culture and PansexualityYOB ConvoCast 072: Tom Feels Out "Androsexual" and Recaps the Series with Erin!RATE/REVIEW USApple PodcastsFOLLOW THE CASTTom's postsGET IN TOUCHCall the YOBline: 706.389.8009Email us: podcast@yourotherbrothers.comMail us: Your Other Brothers / P.O. Box 843 / Asheville, NC 28802SUPPORT YOBPledge and join our Patreon community!Shop the YOB store!Give a one-time gift!FOLLOW YOBFacebookInstagramYouTubeTikTokYOB's "Heart of a Brother" Spotify playlistMUSIC CREDIT

    “Growing Pains” by Layup; 100% clearance through Musicbed.

  • Our resident Enneagram Seven and unofficial international correspondent, Daniel, returns to pitch this summer's special gathering of YOBBERS -- in Europe! He joins Tom to discuss a smaller-scale retreat or "holiday" somewhere in the Mediterranean, inviting all who are interested to email him ASAP: daniel[at]yourotherbrothers[dot]com

    Daniel also catches us up on his life in London -- including the exciting news that he is now a British citizen! He tells us about one country where he's already traveled with his new passport, as well as another on the horizon to see a certain female pop star perform. Finally, we invite AI to listen in on our entire Zoom conversation and summarize the episode! It's...chillingly accurate.


    ➡️ Where else should YOB plan a future retreat? What theme should we explore for another YOB ConvoCast series this summer?


    ➡️ Daniel's Enneagram Seven ConvoCast


    ➡️ https://www.yourotherbrothers.com/2024/03/08/yob-convocast-082-tom-daniel-pitch-the-first-european-yobbers-retreat


    ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/your-other-brothers-podcast/id1142011465


    ➡️ Tom’s posts: https://www.yourotherbrothers.com/author/tom/

    ➡️ Daniel's posts: https://www.yourotherbrothers.com/author/daniel/


    📞 Call the YOBline: 706.389.8009

    📧 Email us: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com

    ✉️ Mail us: Your Other Brothers / P.O. Box 843 / Asheville, NC 28802


    ➡️ Join our Patreon community! http://patreon.com/yourotherbros​

    ➡️ Shop the YOB Store! https://store.yourotherbrothers.com​

    ➡️ Give a one-time gift: https://linktr.ee/yourotherbros


    ➡️ Facebook: http://facebook.com/yourotherbros

    ➡️ Instagram: http://instagram.com/yourotherbros

    ➡️ YouTube: http://youtube.com/yourotherbrothers

    ➡️ TikTok: http://tiktok.com/@yourotherbros

    ➡️ “Heart of a Brother” Spotify playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9_-P-9jAEy3Ise3zagEOWdnpdlyAcuaW


    ➡️ “Growing Pains” by Layup; 100% clearance through Musicbed.

  • First-time guest Andrew joins Tom to discuss Netflix’s Heartstopper! It’s a queer coming-of-age show that many in our YOB community have enjoyed, though its depictions of queer romance could also be distracting for some (nothing sexual in the first two seasons, just lots of same-sex kissing). We discuss what we loved from the characters in romantic pairings to the loyal friendships that ultimately reinforce this show. We devote our remaining time to the show’s lone asexual character as two people in YOB who identify as asexual ourselves. What did we resonate with in this character, and where was the disconnect?


    ➡️ Have you seen Heartstopper? What did you enjoy about the show, or where did you find something lacking? If you also identify with asexuality, what did you make of the show's take with its asexual character?


    ➡️ Keegan's ConvoCast on bisexuality

    ➡️ Tom's ConvoCast on asexuality


    ➡️ https://www.yourotherbrothers.com/2024/02/23/yob-convocast-081-tom-andrew-review-heartstopper-and-discuss-asexuality


    ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/your-other-brothers-podcast/id1142011465


    ➡️ Tom’s posts: https://www.yourotherbrothers.com/author/tom/


    📞 Call the YOBline: 706.389.8009

    📧 Email us: podcast@yourotherbrothers.com

    ✉️ Mail us: Your Other Brothers / P.O. Box 843 / Asheville, NC 28802


    ➡️ Join our Patreon community! http://patreon.com/yourotherbros​

    ➡️ Shop the YOB Store! https://store.yourotherbrothers.com​

    ➡️ Give a one-time gift: https://linktr.ee/yourotherbros


    ➡️ Facebook: http://facebook.com/yourotherbros

    ➡️ Instagram: http://instagram.com/yourotherbros

    ➡️ YouTube: http://youtube.com/yourotherbrothers

    ➡️ TikTok: http://tiktok.com/@yourotherbros

    ➡️ “Heart of a Brother” Spotify playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9_-P-9jAEy3Ise3zagEOWdnpdlyAcuaW


    ➡️ “Growing Pains” by Layup; 100% clearance through Musicbed.