This podcast is about the part of saying no why is important for you to set boundaries by saying it does not mean that you’re a bad person it just means that you are at the stage where you want to grow and you feel like you want to filter a lot of things. I hope you enjoy this podcast and please feel free to let me know. You can order your magic mind here with code WORTHIT20 https://magicmind.com/products/magic-mind?variant=31346177867910&selling_plan=445055110. You can follow my social here . COLLABORATIONS & PARTNERSHIPS
➜EMAIL: Lucyakaocreative@gmail.com
1. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lucyakao_/
2. Tik tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@thelucy.a?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
3. Podcast - (spotify ) https://open.spotify.com/episode/0RWWTRhwFxGQJEZMrDtjPq?si=8r1JCRnaQdOu46ff3NFKcA
4. Podcast - (Apple iTunes)
https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/daily-voice-note/id1551298448?i=1000596140882 -
Hi dear listeners on this podcast I talk about being a true authentic self in the world that we live in. We are occupied by things that are moulded who we are by people who have told us who we should be how we should dress how we should talk and how we should love, but in this podcast I tell you that this is not the end. This is just the beginning. It’s not your fault but it could be in your challenge for you to change. Sometimes you feel like you’re not leaving to your true purpose because you’ve accepted how people have said you should live peoples voices have become your future and your past so hopefully this podcast can help you and lead you to a new journey . You can order your magic mind here with code WORTHIT20 https://magicmind.com/products/magic-mind?variant=31346177867910&selling_plan=445055110. You can follow my social here . COLLABORATIONS & PARTNERSHIPS
➜EMAIL: Lucyakaocreative@gmail.com
1. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lucyakao_/
2. Tik tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@thelucy.a?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
3. Podcast - (spotify ) https://open.spotify.com/episode/0RWWTRhwFxGQJEZMrDtjPq?si=8r1JCRnaQdOu46ff3NFKcA
4. Podcast - (Apple iTunes)
https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/daily-voice-note/id1551298448?i=1000596140882 -
Saknas det avsnitt?
Hi my dear listeners on this episode I bring you a something that we underestimate in our daily lives emotional intelligence is the power that separates a happy joyful person from an angry person. You can order your magic mind here with code WORTHIT20 https://magicmind.com/products/magic-mind?variant=31346177867910&selling_plan=445055110. You can follow my social here . COLLABORATIONS & PARTNERSHIPS
➜EMAIL: Lucyakaocreative@gmail.com
1. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lucyakao_/
2. Tik tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@thelucy.a?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
3. Podcast - (spotify ) https://open.spotify.com/episode/0RWWTRhwFxGQJEZMrDtjPq?si=8r1JCRnaQdOu46ff3NFKcA
4. Podcast - (Apple iTunes)
https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/daily-voice-note/id1551298448?i=1000596140882 -
This podcast I talk about healing why I need to heal and why you should starts on those wounds to heal . We can’t neglect it we have to embrace it’s and star the journey . You can order your magic mind here with code WORTHIT20 https://magicmind.com/products/magic-mind?variant=31346177867910&selling_plan=445055110. You can follow my social here . COLLABORATIONS & PARTNERSHIPS
➜EMAIL: Lucyakaocreative@gmail.com
1. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lucyakao_/
2. Tik tok - https://www.tiktok.com/@thelucy.a?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc
3. Podcast - (spotify ) https://open.spotify.com/episode/0RWWTRhwFxGQJEZMrDtjPq?si=8r1JCRnaQdOu46ff3NFKcA
4. Podcast - (Apple iTunes)
https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/daily-voice-note/id1551298448?i=1000596140882 -
I bring to a Podcast that asks a question who said you’re not good enough and why do you think you’re not good enough? Where did this come from? Why have you agreed with this statement? So let’s talk about it .
I am back with another podcast but a little bit open about things I have going through . But I shared to share some aside to help you with your relationships please share and leave a comment
One of the things I find every day is having difficult conversations with people because of fear of the outcome, but in actual sense these conversations need to be heard in this episode. I am sharing and encouraging you to have those difficult conversations and how impactful they can be to yourself.
This episode covers belief and the limitations we put on our selves that keep us boxed to be what we want to be in life. So I hope you enjoy it and love it . Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelucy.a/
2. Tik tok - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeFxfYjQ/ 3. s.apple.com/gb/podcast/youre-worth-it-talk/id1551298448?i=1000509851044
BUSINESS INQUIRES ➜EMAIL: Lucyakaocreative@gmail.com -
In this voice note we talk about the power you have within you to not let people take advantage of you . Each time you say you are being nice or sharing someone is looking for their next best story. This will be a powerful podcast for anyone willing to listen and take in the information. Hope it helps and you enjoy it. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelucy.a/
2. Tik tok - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeFxfYjQ/ 3. s.apple.com/gb/podcast/youre-worth-it-talk/id1551298448?i=1000509851044
BUSINESS INQUIRES ➜EMAIL: Lucyakaocreative@gmail.com -
Hey beautiful people here is a podcast I so wanted to share with you and the power of attraction and hey a Monday is important. You can find me on - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelucy.a/
2. Tik tok - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeFxfYjQ/ 3. s.apple.com/gb/podcast/youre-worth-it-talk/id1551298448?i=1000509851044
BUSINESS INQUIRES ➜EMAIL: Lucyakaocreative@gmail.com -
This podcast is one that will give you a kick start to help you put some things into ur routine to help productivity and health living . Try Magic mind with 75% OFF using my code LUCYA20 - click the link - https://try.magicmind.com/ep-s-ag-v4-2/?utm_source=affiliate&utm_medium=podcasts&utm_campaign=luckyakaojan
I missed you all honestly thank you for supporting me and always checking in I am finally back and ready to start the year . Leave a comment and let’s get started again let me know what you want to hear from me too .
So he ghosted you and you are wondering what is going on well this episode will answer all your questions.
Go tohttps://magicmind.com/dailyvoice And get up to 56% off your subscription for the next 10 days with my code AKAO20 for 56% off subscription
1. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelucy.a/2. Tiktok - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeFxfYjQ/ 3. s.apple.com/gb/podcast/youre-worth-it-talk/id1551298448?i=1000509851044BUSINESS INQUIRES ➜EMAIL: Lucyakaocreative@gmail.com
This topic is a very common things I hear "Lucy he says he is not ready for a relationship what should" I do well I have created this podcast to help answer this question . Go to
And get up to 56% off your subscription for the next 10 days with my code AKAO20 for 56% off subscription 1. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelucy.a/
2. Tik tok - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeFxfYjQ/ 3. s.apple.com/gb/podcast/youre-worth-it-talk/id1551298448?i=1000509851044
BUSINESS INQUIRES ➜EMAIL: Lucyakaocreative@gmail.com -
Hey beautiful people in this episode. I’m talking about the quote that I love the most that talk about love I hope you’re able to pick one or two but speak to you. Go to
And get up to 56% off your subscription for the next 10 days with my code AKAO20 for 56% off subscription 1. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelucy.a/
2. Tik tok - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeFxfYjQ/ 3. s.apple.com/gb/podcast/youre-worth-it-talk/id1551298448?i=1000509851044
BUSINESS INQUIRES ➜EMAIL: Lucyakaocreative@gmail.com -
Hey beauties it’s hard not to be hard on ourselves because we want the best for ourselves . But we have to remember to love ourselves in the madness too. Go to
And get up to 56% off your subscription for the next 10 days with my code AKAO20 for 56% off subscription 1. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelucy.a/
2. Tik tok - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeFxfYjQ/ 3. s.apple.com/gb/podcast/youre-worth-it-talk/id1551298448?i=1000509851044
BUSINESS INQUIRES ➜EMAIL: Lucyakaocreative@gmail.com -
Hi beautiful listeners, thank you for all the support we hit 50k listens thanks for your support. On this episode we letting them go . domt hold on people that don't want to stay let them go and be free .
1. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelucy.a/2. Tik tok - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeFxfYjQ/ 3. s.apple.com/gb/podcast/youre-worth-it-talk/id1551298448?i=1000509851044BUSINESS INQUIRES ➜EMAIL: Lucyakaocreative@gmail.com
I hope this episode gives you a bit of comfort and help .
1. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thelucy.a/2. Tik tok - https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeFxfYjQ/ 3. s.apple.com/gb/podcast/youre-worth-it-talk/id1551298448?i=1000509851044BUSINESS INQUIRES ➜EMAIL: Lucyakaocreative@gmail.com
This is episode is about staying in the same situation because you want to make people comfortable. Enjoy and share as much. Books to check out . https://shopltk.com/explore/Thelucy.a/productsets/11edc97ed86ce7b5bead0242ac110005 . Follow my instagram Lucy Akao and YouTube
Respect is a two way thing but their are some things you cannot build a foundation on . Books to check out . https://shopltk.com/explore/Thelucy.a/productsets/11edc97ed86ce7b5bead0242ac110005 . Follow my instagram Lucy Akao and YouTube
- Visa fler