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Trade war, anyone? Get your rations and meet me in the trenches!
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AI is coming for us all so I want to introduce you to my new bot friends. I call them Chloe and Cody. They have a bodcast about our podcast. I like to think of them as very professional announcers and yet… deeply attracted to each other, but currently in other relationships. So, there’s always an electric sexual tension between them in the studio…the wanton want…the unfulfilled desire, their knobby bot knees touching inconspicuously under the recording console …
Chloe’s cheeks blush, as she feels a wisp of oily perspiration roll down her metallic cleavage. Cody’s mind wanders off script as he stares at the top button on Chloe’s blouse and then quickly averts his eyes, as enlightened boy bots in Brooklyn are wont to do.
Work with me here, people, we may be developing a brand new genre: Botrotica.
You heard it and much more here…first!
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Biden left Trump a letter in the Oval on the Resolute Desk. But before Trump got in, we got in and went through the garbage can and found Biden’s deleted drafts…garbage journalism? You bet and we're proud of it!
Trump’s back! Air sickness bag anyone?
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Say you have trouble concentrating, yeah... just like the rest of us. We made this mini-ep for you. Some highlights from season two and three. Poli-sat (that’s political satire for the focus deprived) is short, snappy and requires little actual thinking.
We always love to hear from you - [email protected] is a good place to find us. Check out the tiktok page @tiktok/mattzimbeloffical.
Season 4 starts on Feb. 20th, 2025, with “The Letter’ Do not miss it!Support the show
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Elections have consequences! School nurses will no longer be allowed to perform gender reassignment surgery at school! Dogs and cats in Springfield can sleep at night knowing that Kristi Noem will be looking after their Homeland security. Elon Musk will do to the government bureaucracy what he did to Twitter.
Yep, it's time to move to Canada.
This is the final episode of season three. Enjoy?Support the show
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The Washington Post wouldn't do it but Yes We Canada sure will. This is our endorsement for president of the United States of America.
But because we are the Swiss Army Knife of political satire podcasting we will also touch lightly on the size of Arnold Palmer's penis, pet eating and other critical issues facing the American electorate.Support the show
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We've been reading the polling in this US election cycle and it looks like Black is the new orange! Donald Trump may be creating a new Black job in Washington DC and we're back to tell you all about it!
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Well, it's a "major announcement" and if we told you right here what it was, why would you listen to the episode? You know, just because we've dedicated our entire working lives to writing stupid podcast promos doesn't mean we haven't thought this through.
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My dear American progressives,
You know when you get all frustrated with your country and say shit like, "that's it, I'm moving to Canada?" Well, 'movin' to Canada is not as easy as it sounds.
But because we are so grateful for your support and so tremendously concerned about your future, you know, once Trump gets re-elected and frees the 700 January 6th 'hostages/political prisoners', we thought you might need some legal counsel . So we booked you a lawyer, on us.Support the show
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Tucker Carlson, American "journalist" decides it's time to fly to Calgary to "liberate" Canada and then jet to Moscow have a "serious talk" with Russian President V. Putin. Much hilarity ensues.
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Oh, my Americans y’all love your renegades. Your mavericks on a mission. Your rebels in resistance. Y’all love an armed, chiselled man, on a quest for redemption, to hell with “corporate” and their petty, girly boy, rules.
America…where insubordination r …us.
Which, in an odd kinda way, explains why, over 9 million people who voted for Obama in 2012 up and decided to vote for Trump in 2016. Cuz y’all love an outsider… no matter what they believe in.
Yep, Trump gave the middle finger to the man, then he became the man, acted liked a child, and now he’s giving the middle finger to the man so he can become the man again.
They voted for Obama, then, they voted fer Trump. The mainstream media called them Swingers. I call ‘em something else.
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There are upstanding Conservatives, staunch Republicans, proud “Never Trumpers” or perhaps we should say; “Never Again, Trumpers” and they’re hurting.
They lay their weary anti-woke heads on their pillows at night and dream of Nikki Haley being inaugurated as president on January 20th 2025.
Now, gosh, we're sorry to pop your right-wing patriotic bubble… but we're afraid that the Future Felon in Chief - Donny J. is the one who who’ll be representing Republicans on election day and likely raising his tiny right hand on Jan. 20, 2025
So, it is not without some tenderness and sympathy that I say to you…my conservative friends – “hey, partner… y’all might want to think of bustin’ a move to Canada”.
To all our country club Republicans: our Bush Boys, our King Ronnie acolytes, and our McCain Mavericks, the past two seasons of this podcast, Yes We Canada, have not been about you, no, in fact, you’ve been excluded.
So, to our anti-MAGA Republicans… this one’s for you! Your very own episode of: Yes, We Canada… Reactionary Edition.COMMENTS QUESTIONS COMPLAINTS:
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In the United States of America, the law and order party currently has a law and order problem. Looks like the Republican nominee for president is wanted on 91 felony counts in four states. Simultaneously his businesses are in civil court in New York, losing on fraud and financial misdoings charges, just like his charities and his um, University. There are so many misdoings a foot that our boy Donny John might just be misdone. His indicted co-conspirators are starting to flip like breakfast pancakes and he’s hemorrhaging green to pay the legal team. The one-man crime spree of Donald J. Trump might just be on his way to the Big House.
From the White House to the Big house. Cue the music: Jail to the chief.
Helicopter Prison Break Raw Footage:
https://globalnews.ca/video/2581405/raw-dramatic-saint-jerome-prison-escapeSupport the show
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2022 What a year! Fugetaboudit. Never too soon to review 2022! Arghhhhhhhhh. Come on! You can do it. We make it fun and it's the last episode of season two! We're gonna miss you guys!
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Matt was on assignment in the US and guest host Mio Adilman booked a big one! God makes his second appearance on Yes We Canada for an in depth interview on the Presidential field for 2024, living voters voting for dead candidates, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and a few never before heard insights into the Jewish religion from someone who oughta know... the big guy, himself, opens up in this exclusive interview and he's some wrathy.
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You’ve heard of “The Great Replacement Theory “right?
No? Let me rephrase that… you’ve heard of the right’s great replacement theory… correct? Right?
The Jews and other democratic elites are trying to change the electorate by importing immigrants who will vote for democratic policies, like big government spending. Cuz we all know how the Jews like big spending right?
Tucker Carlson, George Soros on line one from Martha's Vineyard.Support the show
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Wokies and Wokettes,
Huge booking on the show today...a feature interview with God. He's been listening to YouTube clips of Marjorie Taylor Green, Ted Cruz, Alex Jones and Lauren Bobert and they are bringing the wrath of God. In fact, I've never heard him this wrathy.Support the show
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Progressives, I read books about Mike Pence so you don’t have to… You’re welcome.
You see Mike was your vice president for four years. You may not have noticed him, he was usually sitting ever slightly behind President Donald J. Trump’s right shoulder, staring beatifically off into the middle distance, his brow slightly furrowed, his expression one of deep admiration as his leader spoke, and told yet another lie to the American people.
Michael Richard Pence, former vice president of the United States, former governor of Indiana, former congressman from Indiana’s second district – Christian, conservative, Republican, newly minted American Hero.
Then what happened?Support the show
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