Legends Lookback is the Star Wars Legends podcast brought to you by, the premier site for all things Star Wars books and comics. Every week, Jared, Freddy, Emily and Rick take a dive deep into the extensive backlog of books published to expand the Star Wars universe back when a galaxy far, far away was just beginning. From roundtables on the books you remember from your childhood to obscure stories and characters you may have never heard of, this show will always leave you with another book to (re)read. Check us out online at or get exclusive early access to all episodes by joining the Patreon community at
Welkom bij de Grey's Anatomy Podcast, de podcast waarin wij - de Twisted Sisters - praten over onze ultieme liefde voor Grey's. We bespreken aan de hand van de serie ons leven, bespreken over de karakters, delen behind the scenes-weetjes, praten over medische wonderen en behandelen uiteraard alle seizoenen. Wij raken namelijk niet uitgepraat over deze legendarische serie. Dus: scrub in, it's a beautiful day to save lives.
Instagram: The Twisted Sisters
Spotify Playlist: "Favorite Songs" -
Join Leif, a seasoned Gossip Girl aficionado, and Steve, a first-time viewer, on the "Non Judging Breakfast Pod" as they dissect every episode of the iconic series. Leif's deep knowledge and Steve's fresh perspective create a dynamic discussion filled with insights, debates, and plenty of laughs. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a newcomer, this podcast offers a delightful journey through the world of Gossip Girl, one episode at a time.
Powered by Firstory Hosting -
Gooooood evening. Alfred Hitchcock is long believed to be the Master of Suspense in film circles. His ability to craft engaging tales of espionage, murder, and debauchery - all while entrenched in the plight of the Everyman - have stood the test of time. Each month, Cory and Aaron look at a randomly drawn film of Hitch's and examine what makes it so inherently Hitchcockian. Since beginning the show in 2019, they have discussed every available film in Hitch's catalogue, and are now examining sequels, contemporaries, other Hitchcock media, and his far reaching influence over cinema.
Somos apasionados seguidores de los medios digitales y gráficos por computadora que se aplican en todas las gamas del entretenimiento. Desde Efectos Visuales (VFX) y Animación hasta la creación de una idea.
En el programa vincularemos a los creadores mexicanos que han llegado lejos y a nuestros escuchas que les interese el tema. El proyecto nace de que cuando éramos más jóvenes, nos hubiera encantado tener una suerte de guías o testimonios de personas que han recorrido el sinuoso camino del éxito.
Ahora nos hemos propuesto acercar a estas personas a quienes estén interesados en saber lo que acontece en el medio y cómo fue esa aventura. -