Welcome to Work Life by Design a podcast for People & Culture leaders, C-SuiteExecs, Entrepreneurs, Designers and anyone who is interested in elevating theirexperience of work!I’m your host, Mel Marsden, the Founder, and Director of COMUNiTI a WorkplaceStrategy and Design Studio focused on collaboratively, re-imagining and designinghigh-performance workplaces for our clients across Australia.Over the last decade I have refined my workplace toolkit to create our signaturestrategy offering, the Workplace Dynamics Blueprint, exploring the 5 pillars thatunderpin every high performing workplace.1. Reimagining the Future2. Brand &Culture3. Values & Behaviours4. Wellbeing5. Employee ExperienceThis process has seen my clients’ employees achieve results of; 84% employees feeling more productive 91% with increased job satisfaction 100% of employees feeling more collaborativeI believe that our environments have the power to positively influence our behaviourand our performance at work. So much so, that I’ve written a book about! “The NextWorkplace; Designing Dynamic Environments that Inspire Human Potential”connects the concepts of modern day management theory to the structural design ofour physical workplace environments, aligning, enabling and inspiring the humanpotential of every organisation.If the last few years have taught us anything it’s that change is inevitable, and we nolonger need to “go to work” to “work!Through this podcast we explore what it takes to make work, work!I draw back the curtains on my own business, the clients, and projects that wedeliver, along with tapping into the knowledge and insights from academics,business leaders and champions of change.Together, let's elevate our experience of work.