
  • Dawn Lester is the author of “What Really Makes You Ill” and “The Nature of Reality”. She joined me to talk about how language makes us sick, and oodles more.

    Part 2:



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    Find Dawn Lester:

    Dawn’s Writings https://dawnlester.substack.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dawn.lester.12/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dawnlester183/


    · Dawn’s early years- intuiting the nature of reality

    · Gene Key- magic is real

    · Reading: Biology of Belief, connecting language

    · Finding puzzle pieces to see big picture

    · Schooling background and accountant training

    · US ‘math' vs UK ‘maths'

    · Teaching Nature of Reality course

    · Upgrading language to break out of conditioning

    · Contrast: experiencing what we don’t want to know what we do want

    · Journey of learning and helping others to help themselves

    · Listening is a key skill in unravelling programming

    · How to help while honouring free will

    · Mitigating conflict with an open heart

    · Interrupting our own speech and thought habits

    · Maintaining conversational flow- questions and gentleness

    · What Really Makes Us Ill?- debunking germ/disease paradigm

    · Placebo/Nocebo Effect proves power of mindset/belief

    · Symptoms- intelligent messages of the body

    · Fear vs personal responsibility, disease management vs health

    · Medical system- nefarious control or ignorance?

    · Blessings & joy- the body’s ability to transmute

    · Pain- a nuanced communication, not a ‘problem’

    · Diagnosis/Labels reinforce identification with/perpetuation of symptoms

    · Dawn’s book: history, agenda 2030, misplaced authority, false science

    · Learning to love what you see in the mirror- owning and nurturing our body

    · Awareness of how we speak to and about ourselves

    · Body as a battle-zone vs beautiful intelligent organism

  • While the lead is buried in this solo episode, it really, truly is about the cages that are nouns, the freedom hidden in verbs, and that wily 51st Gene Key. The scenic route that gets us there is marked by observations on social engineering, successful relationship-ing, and other things.

    Part 2:



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  • Brandon joined us on the podcast to wax brilliant and rascally about law, leveling up and L. Ron Hubbard’s influence on his path.

    Part 2:



    Register NOW for Music + Sky: https://musicandsky.com/ref/241/

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    From landscaping to law~ Brandon’s journey into the legal systemCommon and statutory law~ levels of relationships Brandon’s own established Nation: The Amnesty CoalitionPersonal licence plates for car and bikeExponential growth of support for Brandon’s workKeys to making Law more accessible- Authenticity and creativityWHY?- revealing truths behind the lies of taxes, titles, money, states, and licensesExamining ‘registration’ racketLawsuits & lawyers- are they necessary for sovereigntyActual court cases and PACER - Williams & Williams Law-firm"Attorney’s don’t know anything about anything”~ complaints & discoveryEmbracing his masculine duty to destroy in the name of peace and justice How do we restore men to themselves? US National, ID, passportsLevelling up- Brandon as an ‘information hub”Infinite money- American Express litigationLawful money, UCC, and US CorporationFederal Reserve ‘discount window’ and 'collateral securities’Endorsements & negotiable instruments- how they workBrandon’s current court casesEQ is a prerequisite for successBackground education, illiteracy, and scientologyBreakthrough in understanding law by studying English/meaning of wordsWork of L. Ron Hubbard and the building of a modern religion
  • In our latest solo podcast, Dani talks about the bigotry of identity against the backdrop of The Language of Betterarchy. Plus, some other stuff.

    Disaster baiting and worst case scenariosFrequencies and morphogenetic fieldSocial cache to speak of all the bad stuffContracts- Legal system, landlords, and leasesUnifying & sharing resources PSA~ scheduling meetings like playing catch"Femmes and queers preferred”- LGBT bigotry & sheep herdingNeurodivergent-friendly shag mullet narcissismReading from Language of Betterarchy- 'Separation Consciousness'Speaking at Music & skyReading from Betterarchy- ‘Otherizing'Identity languaging and labels induce fragmentation Sheep and Shags- inanity of overt LGBTQ bigotry

    Part 2:



    Register NOW for Music + Sky: https://musicandsky.com/ref/241/

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  • Author and astrophysicist Joseph Postma stopped by the podcast to talk about the Dark Forest Theory, and the life-destroying alien parasite situation it points to.

    Part 2:



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    Show notes:

    Dark Forest Encounter Debunking junk climate sciencePeer review paradox- reject flat earth & request proof of round earth Food and fasting~the Phoenix ProtocolCorrelation between diet and unsusceptibility to propagandaPythagoras and Gnosticism- mathematics & nature of realityEinstein~ bad actor Nazis and National SocialismWhat is the Dark Forest? Game theory of alien life3D densities and parasitical species we can’t detectGetting us to destroy ourselves- CO2, sun-blocking, etcAntartica- what’s up with it? A base? Aliens?Ultimate goal is to perfect the soulAs above, so below- undergoing parasitic cleanses Logic & philosophy- understanding WHYEinstein a noetic parasite by implanting bad ideas into scienceAI as warfareOnline confrontations with mind-controlled scientistsPractical Position- purifying our bodies to repel parasitismConfusion and obscurity of the J question Dissecting the Abrahamic religious ideologies that separate us from Nature’s cyclesVassal states of Israel- Oil? Blackmail?How has time been hijacked? Simulation theory aligns with Plato’s CaveSubconscious Mind- Do we have Angels within this Intelligent Design?Encryption codes, DNA, spike protein injectionsAll solutions exist in the one mindIdeal future world- small, decentralized communities growing real food
  • A solo pod romp on the ONE languaging upgrade that will take you from victim to empowered badass in a single uttering. Plus, some other stuff.

    Part 2:



    Language of Sovereign Authority webinar:


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    Show notes:

    Dani’s journey of personal exploration & body of workVictim consciousness~ reading from Betterarchy bookPretending problems don’t exist isn’t healthyFrequency of victim consciousnessReality is a projection of identity~ a reading from BetterarchyGreed & narcissism of victim consciousness 2012 Gender reassignment surgery article Reclaim empowerment~ ‘I have to’ vs ‘I choose to’ Oppression Olympics~ BLM & Reality SandwichScience of frequency of language upgrades“Can’t” and “have to”~ reading from BetterarchyUpgrade: stop saying it & own your choicesLanguage of Sovereign Authority webinarAudible monopoly & Zoom tech supportWWIII & DMV~ an absence of customer serviceGene Keys, Rick Rubin, and CO of AI acceptance
  • Mike Winner is a partner and technical director for Alfa Vedic, an off-grid farm and wellness co-op focused on innovative solutions for a new era of self-mastery, health independence and personal sovereignty. Mike, along with Dr. Barre Lando, hosts a weekly podcast called Alfacast that delves into a vast range of topics related to the new cutting-edge terrain of health freedom and spirit science.

    Mike joined me for a rollicking conversation about growing up in the OC, our UCSB/Nordstrom overlap, crypto, Qortal, Music + Sky, and why we are wise to take responsibility, and decentralize our all of it.

    Register NOW for Music & Sky:


    Part 2:



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    Show notes:

    Growing up a WinnerOrange County roots- escaping & seeking through imagination and musicMulti-culturalism & Conservatism of OCDisney Land & TomorrowlandUC Santa Barbara & Being Gauchos on Isla VistaDiscovering conspiracies & esoteric~ Mike’s dad, Icke, Barre LandoShoe-dog at Nordstrom'sWhat inspired Quortal? Blockchain, decentralized money, trans-humanismAI, fractals, and our understanding of realityFreedom, Truth, and LovePonzi scheme of greed- crypto paradigmProof of work vs proof of stakeEthereum and centralizationConsensus reality, Mandela Effect and Clif HighBitcoin ties to fiat and ETF’sWorking back-end on Kore privacy coin2018- Karmaship, Karmics, and experiential marketplaceQuortal- as metaphysician philosopher w Natural Law ethicsDistributed ownership is true decentralization of powerQortal is a secure P2P-driven self-contained internetGrift of NFT’s and tokenizationQuortal’s encryption is censorship-proof- Open-source, anonymous, secure, and privateQ-tube and GatewaysFreedom and agency- Analog real world cross-over and implicationsLinux- open-source OS for running Quortal nodeMusic & Sky #6 upcoming in June- family festival vibe
  • Master clairvoyant/healer (and dear friend), Charisse Landise, stopped by the podcast to talk about her new book, the intelligence of color and purpose.

    Part 2:



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    Show notes:

    · New book 'Ask the Seven Sacred Colours’- improving communication

    · Divine human circuitry- chakras & colours

    · Flow and fulfillment of soul purpose

    · Photosynthesis Beings

    · Colour chart- know your colour & lay foundation

    · Breathe in and become whole with colour

    · Ask for guidance from higher self

    · Matching crown chakra colour

    · Colours are communications

    · Paranormal souls in realm of polarity will match your frequency

    · We all have a colour/aura the reflects our mood/focus

    · How do you find your soul’s purpose?

    · Heart is the Divine Feminine and Mary Magdalene energy

    · Blue is expression

    · We need our ego

    · Owning our divine heritage by learning how our design works

    · Infinite love & gratitude win the earth game

    · Looking at Dani’s chakras- herd of wildebeest

    · Know thyself- no one can tell you who you are

    · Orange- leadership colour & MYOB

    · Underground movement of kindness and feeling good

    · We don’t die when we die

    · Dani's beautiful heart changing colour

    · Using colour to navigate colour vibes

    · Be enthusiastic about your own life and ideas

    · Gossip and projection- people memorize other people’s ideas

    · High vibe Humans & Hollywood

    · Colours book helps you to discover yourself

    · Colours and compatibility- language of the soul

    · More colours than we can see and perceive

    · All life likes to be appreciated and to feel good

    · Low energy leads to prayer and asking for guidance

    · Colours are intelligences and alive

    · Focus and be present

    · Dani’s purpose- rally more interest in the wild and being untameable

    · Ask for help from the majestic universe

    · Feel beautiful, feel safe

  • Dive into the intricacies of the identity trap, while learning how to transmute the language of identity into the language of freedom.

    Exploring the concept of ‘idenity’ as tool of divide & conquerIdentitarians view humans as inherently evilHierarchies are masculine in essence- conflating gender with hermetic principlesImprov workshop- playing the ever-changing 'pronoun game’Separation & Identity- reading from The Language of BetterarchyPTSD & Quantum entanglement- using language to dis-identify and maintain sovereigntyFragmentation as social engineering toolUnity chart- from Earthlings to sub-identitiesIdentifying as Earthlings powerfully unifies us against ruling oligarchyGene Keys community- complexity and narrowness of intersectionality“Identity' is a shadow construct if used to avoid going within/as a limitationTeacher refusing to lead- harm of clinging to and/or refusing a label"Jewish” identity- finding freedom and balanceThe trap of “I am”- conflating labels with who we areApply the broadest umbrella to encourage unity & transmute fragmentation

    Post-show Throwdown:



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  • Michael Wann returned to the podcast for some post-eclipse synchromysticizing.

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    Show notes:

    Confluence Event- Setting our frequency to sovereigntyHolding our own frequency The Eclipse & ErosChiron & the comet & the Baltimore BridgeHolding the middle path- open and groundedDali & Surrealism & Synchro-mysticism- appreciation for a super realityAll is perception- our stories come trueSunbury Eclipse event- writing stories Discovering the technology to bend realityFrancis Bacon- example of malleabilityShooting star storyTop of the Pennsylvania State building- the fun of flow“They” have no power- we are the creatorsA self-fulfilling prophecy dream realmChoosing to invest our energy in what we wantChill out as we learn to leave the systemWhy did the bridge have to fall?Thoughts on 9/1- conspiracy and narrativeWas there free speech in 1984?Rosicrucianism- a class of their ownEverything is up for question and laughing atMunroe Institute, Stargate & the Sheepskin storeMeeting your surreal reality with lightnessEclipse marked a new chapter and we create that chapterHidden Life is Best podcastEast coast Tour- Stars and river ceremonies
  • In this solo episode, I touch in on adventures in ad homineming, the erroneous “censorship” moniker being (mis)applied to the Candace Owens/Daily Wire scuffle, while focusing on Wrong Use of Will languaging, and all the ill-will and sabotage this unfortunate languaging habit engenders.

    Find part 2 + this week’s Post-Show Throwdown, wherein I unpack the latest abortion debate shenanigans at:



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  • Author, podcaster and Anarchapulco emcee, Charlie Robinson, joined me on the podcast for a look at how the sham show is unfolding at the end of the first quarter of the year.

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    Show notes:

    CO and mainstream alternative mediaRumble- deception of monetizationUS Election, Trump, and general weirdness of 2024Inflation and the EconomyAlien invasion, NASA, WWIIISmith-Mundt Act, CBDC’s and Bail-in’sAuthoritarian Colorado and cashIt’s not about science - it’s compliance What’s the real deal about Israel?16-year old Charlie goes to EgyptAsking questions that can’t be answeredOffering information- making mistakes and managing discernment Controlled Demolition- get yourself to higher groundOpportunities in the chaosDon’t get cared, get preparedWhat’s up with Antarctica?MK Ultra and USC fraternity group-thinkOperation Warp-speed & Trump- is he in on it?In the line of fire- pressure on Presidents to play alongRevenge and reform- what if Trump won?Will the election be corrupted? Create chaos?Drag Queen storytimeLaugh at the absurdity of it all
  • A solo podcast about the weaponization/death of customer service, and the social engineering psyop that it is. It’s also a phenomenal non-partisan issue over which we can easily and gracefully come together, as Americans, and flip the script.

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    Show notes:

    Mastering self-regulating~ media, time and water-sippingWeaponization of customer service~ an opportunity for unification Invitation to push back against the psyopChallenging businesses that don’t accept cash5 stages of Ideological SubversionNefarious normalization of 2FA/AI tech Planned obsolescence~ unchecked pro-pollution/anti-life agendaDebt enslavement economyCreating chaos is the goal~ migrant crisis, removal of customer service, Erewhon~ ‘doucheification’ of a grocery storeGoodbye, grocery-packing cashiersEmily Moyer and Words podcast Tipping- rising expectation with decrease in serviceGen Z~ oblivious to the techno-fascist enslavement constructApple~ outsourcing of tech supportRude retail salespeople~ Savers thrift-store“I can’t do that.”~ forfeiting agency for victimhoodLargest social media platforms have no customer service department Absence of business landlines and re-routing of callsScary dependence on the cell phone for functioning in society
  • Robert Frederick is the mastermind/mouth behind The Hidden Life is Best podcast, which examines the depths of Francis Bacon/Shakespeare’s impact on modern society, and its deliberate shaping. I was beyond tickled to have Robert on the show to geek out on it all.

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    Show notes:

    What is The Hidden Life podcast? What inspired it?Golden Age of NYC~ Robert’s background as an artist/autodidactShakespeare, Synchronicity & AndrogynyThe occult world of Gnosticism- “the world is evil”Francis Bacon & Scientism~ the new religionSocial engineering~ Darwinism and ShakespeareRupert Sheldrake~ anti-scientismThe path to power~ Science & the British MonarchyGnostics paradigm of Time & ReincarnationWhy are we here? What is Human consciousness? ~ living as a moral person Hypnosis & Language as a control systemDissecting the language of Hamlet and Macbeth Confusion Technique Hypnosis in Shakespeare Ophelia and the treatment of women Crowley and demons~ possession through languageAssault on Populism~ Present-day distortions rooted Bacon/Shakespeare psyopComplexity of Indigenous Egalitarian societies Reign of Terror ~ top-down control conditioning Sigmund Freud and Edward BernaysSpiritual war & Born-again Christianity Go back to love, do unto others, keep it simpleJews~ given more responsibilty Robert’s worldview ~ NDE’s & PlatoWorld of duality~ "Earth is the hardest school there is"Etymology of ‘Authority’Fruition of Bacon’s vision~ modern-day gender inversionThe Limits of Science
  • John Kirwin, author of “The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide”, returned to the podcast to school the truther community on the real-deal definition of “shill”. Duly educated, we meander into the realms of simulation theory, dimensional manipulation, and Bible prophecy. A deep woo episode, if there ever was one.


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    Show notes:

    ‘Shill’~ how best to apply the labelDefining ‘truther' and 'normie’ Hierarchy of shilling~ the higher up, the more corruptRussell Brand~ controlled op or ignorant?Politicians- shill vs pawn who is shillingFollow the money & patterns Celebrate victories to stave off cynicism and pretensionRFk and his views on IsraelCitizen journalism~ how to know who we can trustVirus vs no virus conversation~ Steve Kirsch as controlled opWolf den of Washington~ compromised 'Public servants' Truth doesn’t need a movement or leadersLegal Education Movement & Black’s Law bookTrust Law and Maritime LawBible Prophecy and Mandela EffectGod, Satan & Simulation TheoryMathematical proof of Bible being written by GodWhere did the "Jews are the chosen few" narrative come from?John tells of when he met JesusConspiracy Theorists Survival Guide~ John’s bookBeing in relationship with irreconcilable differences Erased History & End Times~ finding hope through a biblical lens Don’t save the world, just your part of the world
  • An in-depth look at how well-intended advice turns sour and sucky when delivered with these three words you’re using all day, every day. A Quantum Langugaing deep dive that promises to improve your every relationship.

    2 examples of language projection ‘curses’Hate speech is real and not what we think it isUnsolicited advice~ ask permission or stay in your laneSaturn return’s myth of doomCheck in with each other’s energy- masculine/feminineConflict of making “You” statementsUp-levelling communication by practicing non-violent communicationComing from love while projecting fear & fortune-tellingFear compromises critical thinking and increases susceptibility to propagandaDrawing boundaries to manage those who spread verbal cursesBe mindful of the power of your words and phrasing Play with reframing language and using ‘I’ statementsWestern medical paradigm offers worst case scenario diagnosesOwnership of our own experience/expression while understanding infinite potentiality 


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  • Investigative journalist + podcaster, Mel K. hopped on the podcast to share some tough truths about the real-deal state of our republic, and the importance of undoing the unconstitutional noose that is the Patriot Act.


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    Are you a free-thinking rebel badass wanting to safeguard your teen(s) and yourself from media manipulation, while learning to decipher truth from propaganda? I got you.


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    Show notes:

    · The Patriot Act- an overview of its origin 

    · Surveillance agencies without oversight

    · Intelligence Community- fourth branch of the gov.

    · Unholy alliance: Agenda 2030, New World Order & the billionaire oligarchy 

    · 2024 - Will the US survive the election or sign the Global Constitution?

    · From JFK to Trump- the shadow government behind the presidency

    · All about contracts & money-why Fifth Column will fight to keep power 

    · Trump- he was not allowed to be president

    · The color revolution and the Smith-Mundt Act

    · War on Trump - it’s really about anti-globalists

    · Is anyone other than Ron Paul speaking out about the Patriot Act?

    · Trump and 2024 election 

    · NGOs and lobbying should be illegal

    · Chinese Communism - US being corroded from within

    · Follow the money - Oligarchy profits from the destruction of US

    · Social Media, AI, and Google -- censorship and gaslighting and erasing history

    · How to research- learning critical thinking and discerning propaganda

    · The empowerment of doing your due diligence

    · NATO using internet/influencers as psychological warfare

    · Trump knew about Agenda 2030 and pulled out of related orgs.

    · Obsessed with finding the “Why?” - international banking cartel

    · Recovery requires accountability and responsible individual actions

    · This is not a test - global blockchain, CBDC’s, digital ID are already built

    · What is a color revolution? Using divide and conquer to create order out of chaos

    · Shine a light on the shadows- stopping the parasitic parent company from destroying us

  • The Gold Pill co-creator, Amy Dee, joined me for a debriefing in the wake of the 500+k Instagram account being deleted by the big tech thought police.

    Find Part 2:

    danikatz.locals.com www.patreon.com/danikatz

     Pop Propaganda Digital Course: www.poppropaganda.com

     Find Dani’s books, courses, IG, coaching/consulting:


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    Gold Pill podcast:


    Show notes:

    The Gold Pill got nuked and making lemonadeGrassroots origin of the Gold Pill ~ the '‘lollipops', truckers, and InstagramStrikes, Primadonnas and Rumer WillisMisinformation, Instagram and having a muted channelAppealing strikesMontauk Effect as Gold Pill LiteDani gaining a following from Gold PillMedia attunement~ pattern recognition and being over the targetMirror of Montauk Effect~ sensitivity, introversion and transformationGifted children, special ed, and neuro-divergenceThrifting and Curating ~ looking for needles in haystacksBenefits of having a large number of followersHow did you grow so fast and consistently?Podcast network of connection and resourcesLiving outside of old paradigms and polaritiesWaking up to the sham show and creating our futureAirBnB~ ruining it for rentersPushback & PoliticsRules of Engagement & ReportingHumans and non-humansA life of its own~ Post-Covid era of the Gold PillThrough-line of popular postsStory views & the stink of ’shadow-banning’ vs ‘muted’AI or human?~ Who does the censoring? Don’t pay for ads~ collaboratePost consistently to grow your numbersHow to start in social mediaUplifting, sharing, no punching~ just vulnerable expressionYou get back what you put inExploratory session @she'samydee Instagram or gmail.comLive accounts : @tookthegoldpill @thegoldspill, @themontaukeffect, @shesamydee, @starlight.watch, @lovelabsproductions
  • I hopped on the podcast to dispel the myth of patriarchy, and to breakdown the real-deal Masculine/Feminine imbalance.


    Post-show Throwdown (supporters-only):





    Pop Propaganda Digital Course:



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    Show notes:

    Balancing masculine and feminine energies4th wave Neo-feminism- Women doubling down as menBetterarchy~ hierarchy is key issue, not patriarchyDistinctions of Masculine & Fem polarities‘Doing' (masc) vs ‘Being’ (fem)‘Order’ vs ‘Chaos’ ‘Independent’ vs ‘Inter-dependence’‘Competition’ vs ‘Cooperation’‘Logos’ vs ‘Pathos’‘Results’ vs ‘Process’‘Dividing’ vs ‘Harmonizing’Left brain (masc) vs Right brain (fem)Technological advancement as masculine biasSymptoms of feminine imbalanceBreaking down hierarchy to transform the imbalance
  • Author and astrophysicist, Joseph Postmas, joined me on the podcast for a fascinating deconstruction of what functions as “climate science”, and its reliance on Flat Earth theory to kinda sorta work.

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    Planet Wars book:


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    Show notes:

    Astro-physicist- Debunking climate change “science”Climate scientists- stupid or malicious?Collective subconsciousnessParadox of space/time continuumNo CO2 means ending life on Earth Foundation of climate science based on Flat Earth ModelDefinition of AstrophysicsSpherical vs Flat- Thermodynamic comparison Losing his job for “disrupting” the narrative Planet Wars- Joe’s book presenting “impossible things”What is God?- transforming frequency into space/time Fundamental units of existence- nodes and immortal souls The Pythagoreans- Joe’s history of esoteric pursuits The Holy Grail - God is withinChanneling, monads & creating Universes Noetic parasites vs humans with soulsWhat do we, as sovereign beings, do to save humanity?How do you exist in the Matrix?The power of a decentralized awakened collectiveRidiculousness of voting & democracy