Sources to follow.... love you lot 🖤 D & K xxx
Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of Wives and Knives, a true crime podcast with your hosts Dani & Kelly.
Hello lovely listeners, we hope you are all keeping safe and well out there. This weeks episode is one we recorded just before Christmas and as we did it remotely, Dani sounds tinny as fuck, we hope you can forgive that. 🖤 D&K xx
The case we talk about is the absolute rabbit hole that is the murder of Missy Bevers.
Please remember that we mean no disrespect to anyone mentioned in this episode, or across any of the Wives & Knives platforms.
We have an interest in true crime and related topics and whilst we may offer our own personal views on certain items it is meant to be educational and as light-hearted as possible. The information we present is collated from research gathered from the internet and we reference and credit our sources wherever possible.
Instagram - wivesandknivesthepod
Twitter - @KnivesWives
Facebook -Wives & Knives pod.
Our awesome theme tune was composed by Lea from Choonabox.
https://www.chillingcrimes.com/blogs/news/missy-bevers -
Saknas det avsnitt?
Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of Wives and Knives, a true crime podcast with your hosts Dani & Kelly.Hello everybody. As always we hope you are all keeping safe & well out there. 🖤 D&K xxx The sound is a bit dodgy in places, not sure what’s happened, probably down to the connection; we had to record virtually this week. In this weeks episode we are discussing the case of Constance Marten and her partner, Mark Gordon, who are currently evading the authorities somewhere in England, with their new-born baby in tow. Please remember that we mean no disrespect to anyone mentioned in this episode, or across any of the Wives & Knives platforms.We have an interest in true crime and related topics and whilst we may offer our own personal views on certain items it is meant to be educational and as light-hearted as possible. The information we present is collated from research gathered from the internet and we reference and credit our sources wherever possible.Instagram - wivesandknivesthepodTwitter - @KnivesWivesFacebook -Wives & Knives pod.Our awesome theme tune was composed by Lea from Choonabox.Sources. https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/police-issue-update-missing-aristocrat-26161232https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/uk-constance-marten-mark-gordon-newborn-left-a-broken-down-car-on-motorway-bolton-greater-manchester-5-jan-2023.656190/page-2http://www.thepeerage.com/p32607.htmhttps://peoplepill.com/people/mary-anna-martenhttps://www.standard.co.uk/topic/mark-gordonhttps://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11657413/Ex-neighbour-claims-Mark-Gordon-broke-Florida-home.htmlhttps://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/offender/sops/flyer.jsf?personId=57968https://propermanchester.com/news/father-of-aristocrat-who-went-missing-with-newborn-baby-and-sex-offender-partner-issues-plea/https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-64527545https://missingpersons.police.uk/en-gb/home#https://www.theboltonnews.co.uk/news/23233264.bolton-m61-appeal-help-finding-missing-family-newborn-baby/https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-64529251https://www.lancs.live/news/lancashire-news/nicola-bulleys-friend-shares-11-26161345https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/uk-news/key-witness-search-nicola-bulley-26160853https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-64530529https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/nicola-bulley-case-final-text-b2276121.htmlhttps://www.lancashire.police.uk/news/2023/february/search-continues-for-nicola-bulley-as-potential-new-witness-is-sought/https://www.lancashire.police.uk/news/2023/february/mfh-nicola-bulley-latest-update/https://www.lancashire.police.uk/search.aspx?term=Nicola+Bulley
Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of Wives and Knives, a true crime podcast with your hosts Dani & Kelly.Hey there everyone. Apologies for the late upload, it’s been a hectic week. We hope you are all keeping safe & well out there, we are recording again today so hopefully you’ll get an episode out at the usual time too. 🖤 D&K xxxThis week we are talking about The famous Appalachian Trail in America and how the hikers that visit don’t always make it back from their adventure. There have been numerous deaths on the trail but limited murders, in this episode we talk about the first recorded murder in 1974; that of Joel Polson. Please remember that we mean no disrespect to anyone mentioned in this episode, or across any of the Wives & Knives platforms.We have an interest in true crime and related topics and whilst we may offer our own personal views on certain items it is meant to be educational and as light-hearted as possible. The information we present is collated from research gathered from the internet and we reference and credit our sources wherever possible.Instagram - wivesandknivesthepodTwitter - @KnivesWivesFacebook -Wives & Knives pod.Our awesome theme tune was composed by Lea from Choonabox.Sources.https://57hours.com/review/hiking-the-appalachian-trail/https://www.greenbelly.co/pages/appalachian-trail-murdershttps://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/hiking-and-backpacking/appalachian-trail-shelter-first-murder-1974/https://57hours.com/review/appalachian-trail-hiking-tips/https://www.backpacker.com/trips/long-trails/appalachian-trail/american-classic-hiking-the-appalachian-trail/https://appalachiantrail.org/explore/hike-the-a-t/thru-hiking/https://appalachiantrail.org/explore/plan-and-prepare/hiking-basics/safety/safety-and-crime-prevention/https://witf.org/2019/05/18/after-a-new-killing-on-the-appalachian-trail-the-1990-death-of-hikers-in-pa-haunts-their-friend-anew/https://thetrek.co/appalachian-trail/crime-appalachian-trail/https://www.strangeoutdoors.com/true-crime-in-the-outdoors/appalachian-trail-murdershttps://www.newser.com/story/266919/he-was-the-first-to-be-murdered-on-the-appalachian-trail.htmlhttps://youtu.be/SUEyAt-y6m0https://t.co/s5JCirX8DK
Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of Wives and Knives, a true crime podcast with your hosts Dani & Kelly.
Hey there. Happy New Year! We hope everyone is keeping safe and well out there.
Apologies for another impromptu break. We’ve both had a lot of things going on in our lives and as usual a late episode turned into ‘we’ll push it a week’ and then Christmas and so on and so on…
We’re both doing okay and are glad to be back. So, this week we have an updates and a mini case for you. We’ll be back next week with a new ‘proper’ episode 🖤 D&K xxx.
Special shout out to everyone who has been in touch on the socials or through email, it’s been great to hear from so many of you xxx
Please remember that we mean no disrespect to anyone mentioned in this episode, or across any of the Wives & Knives platforms.
We have an interest in true crime and related topics and whilst we may offer our own personal views on certain items it is meant to be educational and as light-hearted as possible. The information we present is collated from research gathered from the internet and we reference and credit our sources wherever possible.
Instagram - wivesandknivesthepod
Twitter - @KnivesWives
Facebook -Wives & Knives pod.
Our awesome theme tune was composed by Lea from Choonabox.
https://coi.isc.idaho.gov/docs/case/CR29-22-2805/122922 Affidavit - Exhibit A - Statement of Brett Payne.pdf
https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2006/sep/12/ukcrime.topstories3 -
Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of Wives and Knives, a true crime podcast with your hosts Dani & Kelly.A little later than planned but this weeks episode is here. We hope you are all keeping safe and well out there, perhaps starting to feel a little festive. Full disclosure we waffle on for a good ten minutes before getting to the case so please skip ahead if that’s not for you. 🖤 D&K xxxThe case we cover this week is of missing person Danielle Jones, who disappeared from east Tilbury, Essex in 2001. Please remember that we mean no disrespect to anyone mentioned in this episode, or across any of the Wives & Knives platforms.We have an interest in true crime and related topics and whilst we may offer our own personal views on certain items it is meant to be educational and as light-hearted as possible. The information we present is collated from research gathered from the internet and we reference and credit our sources wherever possible.Instagram - wivesandknivesthepodTwitter - @KnivesWivesFacebook -Wives & Knives pod.Our awesome theme tune was composed by Lea from Choonabox.Sources. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/danielle-jones-cold-case-reopened-as-police-resume-search-for-body-of-schoolgirl-murdered-in-2001_uk_59197d76e4b0fe039b35d6eahttps://www.wattpad.com/940051248-true-crime-collection-danielle-joneshttps://www.dailymotion.com/video/x75ju9ahttps://www.thesun.co.uk/news/19280436/danielle-jones-mum-face-killer/https://www.thefreelibrary.com/DANIELLE+KILLER'S+WIFE:+YOU+CAN'T+SEE+OUR+SON;+Baby+was+born+after...-a096876816https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/fake-texts-bloodied-clothes-handcuffs-10427431https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11167420/
Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of Wives and Knives, a true crime podcast with your hosts Dani & Kelly.
Hello everyone. Hope you’re all keeping safe and well out there 🖤D&K xxx
This week we have two historical cases for you, the first is a killer family called The Bloody Benders and the second is a miscarriage of justice for Oscar Slater - We hope you enjoy.
Please remember that we mean no disrespect to anyone mentioned in this episode, or across any of the Wives & Knives platforms.
We have an interest in true crime and related topics and whilst we may offer our own personal views on certain items it is meant to be educational and as light-hearted as possible. The information we present is collated from research gathered from the internet and we reference and credit our sources wherever possible.
Instagram - wivesandknivesthepod
Twitter - @KnivesWives
Facebook -Wives & Knives pod.
Our awesome theme tune was composed by Lea from Choonabox.
https://factschology.com/mmm-podcast-articles/bloody-benders-kansas -
Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of Wives and Knives, a true crime podcast with your hosts Dani & Kelly.Hello Everybody. Hope you are all keeping safe and well out there. 🖤 D&K xxxFor todays case we’re going over to Germany, and the early 2000’s for a case that puzzled The Police over there for quite some time. This week we are discussing a prolific criminal that despite leaving their DNA at each crime scene, evaded capture for fifteen years; It’s the Phantom of Heilbronn aka the Woman with no face. Please remember that we mean no disrespect to anyone mentioned in this episode, or across any of the Wives & Knives platforms.We have an interest in true crime and related topics and whilst we may offer our own personal views on certain items it is meant to be educational and as light-hearted as possible. The information we present is collated from research gathered from the internet and we reference and credit our sources wherever possible.Instagram - wivesandknivesthepodTwitter - @KnivesWivesFacebook -Wives & Knives pod.Our awesome theme tune was composed by Lea from Choonabox.Sources. https://haubrichnoir.medium.com/tanzen-in-the-dark-the-phantom-of-heilbronn-1f4778e4ecdfhttps://thecasualcriminalist.com/podcasts/the-phantom-of-heilbronn/https://youtu.be/-KBFf7HVJTAhttps://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/2dri5i/til_a_female_serial_killer_named_phantom_of/https://mcdreeamiemusings.com/blog/2019/8/2/the-evidence-doesnt-lie-the-case-of-the-phantom-of-heilbronnhttps://scienceblogs.com/authority/2009/03/27/the-phantom-of-heilbronn-and-nhttps://youtu.be/yQEmEZOd8EE
Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of Wives and Knives, a true crime podcast with your hosts Dani & Kelly.
This week we are discussing a great documentary about the murder of Libby Squire. Dani covers the case and I quickly tell you about two new dramas based on real life crime cases.
As always, we appreciate every one of you who gives us a go. To those that stay - We love you 🖤 D&K xxx
Please remember that we mean no disrespect to anyone mentioned in this episode, or across any of the Wives & Knives platforms.
We have an interest in true crime and related topics and whilst we may offer our own personal views on certain items it is meant to be educational and as light-hearted as possible. The information we present is collated from research gathered from the internet and we reference and credit our sources wherever possible.
Instagram - wivesandknivesthepod
Twitter - @KnivesWives
Facebook -Wives & Knives pod.
Our awesome theme tune was composed by Lea from Choonabox.
https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiF_PmHz5_7AhUj7uYKHQ4YAU4YABAAGgJ3cw&ae=2&ohost=www.google.co.uk&cid=CAASJORo1YiSBW7lnQrgEpgXcAxkJLGXq1LPriO_c-9aTKHzY1QQhg&sig=AOD64_2-xbmej9oi-EeTv1W0JZPZo8HlSQ&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwjylfGHz5_7AhUUnf0HHVnhCnUQ0Qx6BAgHEAE -
Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of Wives and Knives, a true crime podcast with your hosts Dani & Kelly.
Happy Halloween 🎃 We hope all of our lovely listeners are keeping safe & well out there. This week we’ve got a modern urban legend which inspired a gruesome attack. Dani covers the origins and Myth of Slenderman before taking us through the very real case of Payton Leutner, Anissa Weier and Morgan Geyser. 🖤 D&K xxx
Please remember that we mean no disrespect to anyone mentioned in this episode, or across any of the Wives & Knives platforms.
We have an interest in true crime and related topics and whilst we may offer our own personal views on certain items it is meant to be educational and as light-hearted as possible. The information we present is collated from research gathered from the internet and we reference and credit our sources wherever possible.
Instagram - wivesandknivesthepod
Twitter - @KnivesWives
Facebook -Wives & Knives pod.
Our awesome theme tune was composed by Lea from Choonabox.
https://creepypasta.fandom.com/wiki/The_Slender_Man -
Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of Wives and Knives, a true crime podcast with your hosts Dani & Kelly.
Hello everybody. Hope you are all keeping safe & well out there. This week we are talking about the current case and trail of Lucy Letby as well as updating you on a significant development in a case we talked about a while back, missing Leah Croucher. 🖤 D&K.
Please remember that we mean no disrespect to anyone mentioned in this episode, or across any of the Wives & Knives platforms.
We have an interest in true crime and related topics and whilst we may offer our own personal views on certain items it is meant to be educational and as light-hearted as possible. The information we present is collated from research gathered from the internet and we reference and credit our sources wherever possible.
Instagram - wivesandknivesthepod
Twitter - @KnivesWives
Facebook -Wives & Knives pod.
Our awesome theme tune was composed by Lea from Choonabox.
Timeline Link -
Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of Wives and Knives, a true crime podcast with your hosts Dani & Kelly.
Hi everyone. We hope you are all doing okay out there. This episode was recorded way back at the start of July, before we took our extended break. We have two cases for you, The disappearance of Hannah Upp and the underground support network known as, The Janes.
We discuss abortion in this episode so if that’s not for you give the second case a miss.
🖤 D&K.
Please remember that we mean no disrespect to anyone mentioned in this episode, or across any of the Wives & Knives platforms.
We have an interest in true crime and related topics and whilst we may offer our own personal views on certain items it is meant to be educational and as light-hearted as possible. The information we present is collated from research gathered from the internet and we reference and credit our sources wherever possible.
Instagram - wivesandknivesthepod
Twitter - @KnivesWives
Facebook -Wives & Knives pod.
Our awesome theme tune was composed by Lea from Choonabox.
https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/09/movies/the-janes-review.html -
Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of Wives and Knives, a true crime podcast with your hosts Dani & Kelly.
The sounds bubbly! Not sure what went on when we recorded this episode, so, fair warning ⚠️ Sound is off at the start and we waffle for a good fifteen minutes at the beginning too. If you want to spare yourself, then skip ahead. If you can work through the sound then Dani will tell you about her honeymoon in Santorini and some pickled penis tales too. 🖤 D&K.
This week we are discussing the case of Kirsty Maxwell who died after falling from a tenth floor balcony whilst on a hen do in Benidorm. Events are unclear as to what caused Kirsty’s fall, was it death my misadventure? Suicide? A terrible accident? Or was it murder? Dani breaks down the case for us.
Please remember that we mean no disrespect to anyone mentioned in this episode, or across any of the Wives & Knives platforms.
We have an interest in true crime and related topics and whilst we may offer our own personal views on certain items it is meant to be educational and as light-hearted as possible. The information we present is collated from research gathered from the internet and we reference and credit our sources wherever possible.
Instagram - wivesandknivesthepod
Twitter - @KnivesWives
Facebook -Wives & Knives pod.
Our awesome theme tune was composed by Lea from Choonabox.
True life crime uk S1E2 Kirsty Maxwell : Hen night horror Nowtv/Mtvuk. -
Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of Wives and Knives, a true crime podcast with your hosts Dani & Kelly.
Hello everybody. Thank you for the warm welcome back last week too. We recorded this episode a while back so some of the cases we discuss at the beginning have had some major developments. 🖤 D&K. xxx
This week we are discussing the complex and controversial case of Joe Cinque & Anu Singh, a young couple from Australia whose relationship ended in murder.
Please remember that we mean no disrespect to anyone mentioned in this episode, or across any of the Wives & Knives platforms.
We have an interest in true crime and related topics and whilst we may offer our own personal views on certain items it is meant to be educational and as light-hearted as possible. The information we present is collated from research gathered from the internet and we reference and credit our sources wherever possible.
Instagram - wivesandknivesthepod
Twitter - @KnivesWives
Facebook -Wives & Knives pod.
Our awesome theme tune was composed by Lea from Choonabox.
https://wickedwomen.quora.com/Anu-Singh-the-Dinner-Parties-and-the-Murder-of-Joe-Cinque-How-Did-This-Happen -
Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of Wives and Knives, a true crime podcast with your hosts Dani & Kelly.
Hey you guys!! How the heck are you?
Sincerest apologies for taking an unplanned break from the podcast but a combination of issues forced our hand. We’ve been gone too long, we know. But. We’re back!
Dani’s been on her honeymoon and I’ve had COVID and got a promotion. Loads going on but we haven’t rested on our laurels with the podcast either. Whilst we couldn’t edit we could still research and record, so we’ve managed to get some episodes in the bank all ready to go.
This week we’re taking you through the terrible case of The Delphi Murders. Good friends Liberty ‘Libby’ German and Abigail Williams went missing in February of 2017, their bodies were discovered on Valentine’s Day near the Monon High Bridge trail in Indiana, USA. It’s an extremely sad and frustrating case which is heartbreaking for all involved.
🖤 D&K xxx
Please remember that we mean no disrespect to anyone mentioned in this episode, or across any of the Wives & Knives platforms.
We have an interest in true crime and related topics and whilst we may offer our own personal views on certain items it is meant to be educational and as light-hearted as possible. The information we present is collated from research gathered from the internet and we reference and credit our sources wherever possible.
Instagram - wivesandknivesthepod
Twitter - @KnivesWives
Facebook -Wives & Knives pod.
Our awesome theme tune was composed by Lea from Choonabox.
https://www.in.gov/isp/crime-reporting/delphi-homicide-investigation/ -
Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of Wives and Knives a true crime podcast with your hosts Dani & Kelly.
Hey Everyone, As always we hope you are keeping safe & well out there.
We appreciate every single one of you that gives our little podcast a go and especially those of you who stick around and tune in each week to listen to us. It genuinely means so much to us - Thank you. 🖤 D&K xxx
This week we are in Canada 🇨🇦 with the case of Terry Driver aka The Abbotsford killer.
Please remember that we mean no disrespect to anyone mentioned in this episode, or across any of the Wives & Knives platforms.
We have an interest in true crime and related topics and whilst we may offer our own personal views on certain items it is meant to be educational and as light-hearted as possible. The information we present is collated from research gathered from the internet and we reference and credit our sources wherever possible.
Social media - come join our community.
Instagram - wivesandknivesthepod
Twitter - @KnivesWives
Facebook -Wives & Knives pod.
Website where you can see lots of our other cases photographs from our trips and also all the source material used to make the podcast. https://wivesandknives.wixsite.com/mysite
Our awesome theme tune was composed by Lea from Choonabox, email us at wivesandknives@outlook.com if you want to get in touch with him or for any other podcast enquiries.
https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/abbotsford-killer-terry-driver-dead-1.6150861 -
Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of Wives and Knives a true crime podcast with your hosts Dani & Kelly.
Hi everyone. We hope you are keeping safe & well out there. This week we have two cases for you and both have connections to either where we are from or where we live now. Dani covers the case of Annette Wade & Kelly tells us about Mary & Maggie Ormesher. We hope you enjoy 🖤 D&K xxx
Please remember that we mean no disrespect to anyone mentioned in this episode, or across any of the Wives & Knives platforms.
We have an interest in true crime and related topics and whilst we may offer our own personal views on certain items it is meant to be educational and as light-hearted as possible. The information we present is collated from research gathered from the internet and we reference and credit our sources wherever possible.
Social media - come join our community.
Instagram - wivesandknivesthepod
Twitter - @KnivesWives
Facebook -Wives & Knives pod.
Website where you can see lots of our other cases photographs from our trips and also all the source material used to make the podcast. https://wivesandknives.wixsite.com/mysite
Our awesome theme tune was composed by Lea from Choonabox, email us at wivesandknives@outlook.com if you want to get in touch with him or for any other podcast enquiries.
https://www.southportvisiter.co.uk/news/ormskirk-nostalgia-tragic-story-ormeshers-11309902 -
Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of Wives and Knives a true crime podcast with your hosts Dani & Kelly.
Hey everybody. Hope you are all keeping safe and well out there. This week we are covering the case of Rachel McLean, who went missing in 1991. 🖤 D&K xxx
Please remember that we mean no disrespect to anyone mentioned in this episode, or across any of the Wives & Knives platforms.
We have an interest in true crime and related topics and whilst we may offer our own personal views on certain items it is meant to be educational and as light-hearted as possible. The information we present is collated from research gathered from the internet and we reference and credit our sources wherever possible.
Social media - come join our community.
Instagram - wivesandknivesthepod
Twitter - @KnivesWives
Facebook -Wives & Knives pod.
Website where you can see lots of our other cases photographs from our trips and also all the source material used to make the podcast. https://wivesandknives.wixsite.com/mysite
Our awesome theme tune was composed by Lea from Choonabox, email us at wivesandknives@outlook.com if you want to get in touch with him or for any other podcast enquiries.
https://youtu.be/CplYYf_Ta2E Real crime love you to death
https://www.blackpoolgazette.co.uk/news/crime/rachel-mclean-murder-19-days-trapped-her-killer-578483 -
Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of Wives and Knives a true crime podcast with your hosts Dani & Kelly.
Hi everyone, we hope you are keeping safe and well out there. This week we are recommending some shows, books and a YouTube channel, all of which are true crime related or themed.
If you have any recommendations for us or want to suggest a case then get in touch 🖤 D&K xxx
Please remember that we mean no disrespect to anyone mentioned in this episode, or across any of the Wives & Knives platforms.
We have an interest in true crime and related topics and whilst we may offer our own personal views on certain items it is meant to be educational and as light-hearted as possible. The information we present is collated from research gathered from the internet and we reference and credit our sources wherever possible.
Social media - come join our community.
Instagram - wivesandknivesthepod
Twitter - @KnivesWives
Facebook -Wives & Knives pod.
Website where you can see lots of our other cases photographs from our trips and also all the source material used to make the podcast. https://wivesandknives.wixsite.com/mysite
Our awesome theme tune was composed by Lea from Choonabox, email us at wivesandknives@outlook.com if you want to get in touch with him or for any other podcast enquiries. -
Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of Wives and Knives a true crime podcast with your hosts Dani & Kelly. Hi everyone, hope you are all keeping safe & well out there. Thank you to you all for coming back each week to support us, it means so much 🖤 D&K xxxThis week we are covering a solved case from the 80’s, the first UK murder were the defendant was found guilty without revealing the location of the victim’s body; the murder of Helen McCourt. Please remember that we mean no disrespect to anyone mentioned in this episode, or across any of the Wives & Knives platforms.We have an interest in true crime and related topics and whilst we may offer our own personal views on certain items it is meant to be educational and as light-hearted as possible. The information we present is collated from research gathered from the internet and we reference and credit our sources wherever possible.Social media - come join our community.Instagram - wivesandknivesthepodTwitter - @KnivesWivesFacebook -Wives & Knives pod.Website where you can see lots of our other cases photographs from our trips and also all the source material used to make the podcast. https://wivesandknives.wixsite.com/mysiteOur awesome theme tune was composed by Lea from Choonabox, email us at wivesandknives@outlook.com if you want to get in touch with him or for any other podcast enquiries. Sources. https://www.wigantoday.net/news/crime/new-lead-in-quest-to-find-the-body-of-murdered-helen-mccourt-3508322https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-54056166https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/4ca0cu/the_disappearance_of_helen_mc_court_where_did_pub/https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/married-pub-landlord-killed-woman-17297420https://miscarriageofjustice.co/index.php?topic=7157.0https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/10/27/murderer-denied-parole-helens-law-used-first-time/https://www.crimeandinvestigation.co.uk/shows/when-missing-turns-to-murder/articles/when-missing-turns-to-murder-episodeshttps://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/missing-turns-murder-helen-mccourts-15878855https://www.websleuths.com/forums/threads/uk-helen-mccourt-22-billinge-merseyside-9-feb-1988-i-simms-guilty.299971/
- Visa fler