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    Join me for another True-Crime Style Witch Trial story, that saw three witches (the Samuell family) accused, charged, tried and executed for witchcraft. Including one of the few men who were persecuted in this way.

    The episode tells the story of Alice Samuel who, at the age of 76, became the victim of witchcraft accusations by the children in the house she served.

    Mass hysteria (or so I believe), ensued, and left 17 members of the household with unexplainable physical symptoms, as well as accusations against Alice.

    This heart-breaking account saw Alice, her husband, John, and their daughter, Agnes, being hanged for the crime of Witchcraft.

    It was this very case that was also thought to be the one that made witchcraft a felony, which meant it was tried by the court run by parliament, as opposed to being run by the clergy. Unfortunately this meant that many more innocent women's (and some men's) lives would be claimed by this law.

    As with all witch trial stories, I will be lighting a candle for:

    Alice Samuell
    John Samuell
    Agnes Samuell

    And all the other victims of the witch trials. I will be lighting my candle on 30/6/24 at 7pm, and invite you to join me, either at the same time, or any time that feels right for you.

    As always, I would love to hear your thoughts and theories? Were Alice, John and Agnes witches? Was it Mass Hysteria? Or was Mr Throckmorton involved somehow?

    Our Soulful Guidance episodes are Proudly Sponsored by:

    Our Headline Sponsor, 'Cheryl Beckworth', of Grounded Goddess. Cheryl Beckworth is a Manifest Mentor & Light Worker.

    Manifesting, Moon Magic, and Crystals are her passions. She runs her business, Grounded Goddess, selling beautiful and powerful healing crystals. She handpicks most of her crystals from around the globe, ensuring that the crystals she stocks are of the highest quality and ethically sourced.


    Clair Anderson, of 'Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful' - Connect with Clair HERE

    Support the Show.

    Connect with Kylie, and become part of the Soulful Sisterhood:
    You are invited to come and join our spiritual tribe, The Witchy Woo Soulful Sisterhood Community. I'd love to connect with you.

    Join the Witchy Woo Podcast Patreon Membership for just £3.50 (+VAT) - HERE Connect with Kylie here - HERE Facebook (I would love to connect and be friends on Facebook!) - HERE

    About the Podcast:
    The Witchy Woo Podcast is the show inspiring soulful women to 'sod the shoulds' and the expectations that society has placed onto them and embrace who they truly are. It is through unlearning and de-conditioning, that we can step into our true power, and connect with who we are at our core, on a Soul level.

    If you're a witch or a lover of all things woo (or curious) - take a seat, get comfy, and let's navigate this wild ride that is our spiritual journey, together. None of us are on the exact same path, but with our soulful tribe behind us, it makes the journey a lot more fun!

    New episodes will land each Tuesday, from solo episodes where Kylie shares her insights about different spiritual practi...

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    Join me for another episode of Soulful Guidance, brought to you each Sunday by Witchy Woo.

    In this short episode, I connect with my Spirit Team to bring through messages of support for you for the week ahead. Guidance shared is always done so with love, and I don't believe in coincidences, so if you are listening to/reading this right now, I whole-heartedly trust you have stopped by for a reason!

    This week I brought through an overall message for us all:

    "Sit in the silence and notice how loudly you hear the signs meant for you."

    There was a beautiful Native American Gentleman step forward to deliver this message today, alongside a majestic wolf.

    They encouraged us to sit within the still and peace and to mindfully look for the signs that are being passed our way.

    Have the self-belief in yourself to bring through the right message. And perhaps think about eating 'food from the land' this week.

    They left us with the gorgeous message that:

    "you are wiser than you realise"

    As always. I would love to know your thoughts, or about any messages you may have received this week from Spirit. Please feel free to email me or message me on Facebook about it. I would love to hear from you! xx

    Proudly Sponsored by:

    Our Headline Sponsor, 'Cheryl Beckworth', of Grounded Goddess. Cheryl Beckworth is a Manifest Mentor & Light Worker.

    Manifesting, Moon Magic, and Crystals are her passions. She runs her business, Grounded Goddess, selling beautiful and powerful healing crystals. She handpicks most of her crystals from around the globe, ensuring that the crystals she stocks are of the highest quality and ethically sourced.


    Clair Anderson, of 'Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful' - Connect with Clair HERE

    Support the Show.

    Connect with Kylie, and become part of the Soulful Sisterhood:
    You are invited to come and join our spiritual tribe, The Witchy Woo Soulful Sisterhood Community. I'd love to connect with you.

    Join the Witchy Woo Podcast Patreon Membership for just £3.50 (+VAT) - HERE Connect with Kylie here - HERE Facebook (I would love to connect and be friends on Facebook!) - HERE

    About the Podcast:
    The Witchy Woo Podcast is the show inspiring soulful women to 'sod the shoulds' and the expectations that society has placed onto them and embrace who they truly are. It is through unlearning and de-conditioning, that we can step into our true power, and connect with who we are at our core, on a Soul level.

    If you're a witch or a lover of all things woo (or curious) - take a seat, get comfy, and let's navigate this wild ride that is our spiritual journey, together. None of us are on the exact same path, but with our soulful tribe behind us, it makes the journey a lot more fun!

    New episodes will land each Tuesday, from solo episodes where Kylie shares her insights about different spiritual practi...

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    Join me for another episode of Soulful Guidance, brought to you each Sunday by Witchy Woo.

    In this short episode, I connect with my Spirit Team to bring through messages of support for you for the week ahead. Guidance shared is always done so with love, and I don't believe in coincidences, so if you are listening to/reading this right now, I whole-heartedly trust you have stopped by for a reason!

    This week I brought through an overall message for us all:


    As always. I would love to know your thoughts, or about any messages you may have received this week from Spirit. Please feel free to email me or message me on Facebook about it. I would love to hear from you! xx

    Proudly Sponsored by:

    Our Headline Sponsor, 'Cheryl Beckworth', of Grounded Goddess. Cheryl Beckworth is a Manifest Mentor & Light Worker.

    Manifesting, Moon Magic, and Crystals are her passions. She runs her business, Grounded Goddess, selling beautiful and powerful healing crystals. She handpicks most of her crystals from around the globe, ensuring that the crystals she stocks are of the highest quality and ethically sourced.


    Clair Anderson, of 'Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful' - Connect with Clair HERE

    Support the Show.

    Connect with Kylie, and become part of the Soulful Sisterhood:
    You are invited to come and join our spiritual tribe, The Witchy Woo Soulful Sisterhood Community. I'd love to connect with you.

    Join the Witchy Woo Podcast Patreon Membership for just £3.50 (+VAT) - HERE Connect with Kylie here - HERE Facebook (I would love to connect and be friends on Facebook!) - HERE

    About the Podcast:
    The Witchy Woo Podcast is the show inspiring soulful women to 'sod the shoulds' and the expectations that society has placed onto them and embrace who they truly are. It is through unlearning and de-conditioning, that we can step into our true power, and connect with who we are at our core, on a Soul level.

    If you're a witch or a lover of all things woo (or curious) - take a seat, get comfy, and let's navigate this wild ride that is our spiritual journey, together. None of us are on the exact same path, but with our soulful tribe behind us, it makes the journey a lot more fun!

    New episodes will land each Tuesday, from solo episodes where Kylie shares her insights about different spiritual practi...

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    I adored recording this episode! One of the questions I am asked when reading or teaching the Akashic Records and looking at Past Lives is concerning soul connections and family.

    There are many signs that suggest when you are in contact with your soul family. In this episode of Witchy Woo, I take you through 10 of the main ways these will show-up for you.

    We then go on to discuss the energy you're likely to feel behind the different relationships, for example, a Soul Mate vs a Twin Flame etc.

    Discovering your soul family helps to support your continued spiritual growth together, and further deepens that beautiful bond you share. It also helps us to understand why certain people may act in certain ways, and give us the self-awareness to help us heal and grow.

    I would love for you to join me for this episode, and I would love to know, do you know who your Soul Family are?xx

    Proudly Sponsored by:

    Our Headline Sponsor, 'Cheryl Beckworth', of Grounded Goddess. Cheryl Beckworth is a Manifest Mentor & Light Worker.

    Manifesting, Moon Magic, and Crystals are her passions. She runs her business, Grounded Goddess, selling beautiful and powerful healing crystals. She handpicks most of her crystals from around the globe, ensuring that the crystals she stocks are of the highest quality and ethically sourced.


    Clair Anderson, of 'Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful' - Connect with Clair HERE

    Support the Show.

    Connect with Kylie, and become part of the Soulful Sisterhood:
    You are invited to come and join our spiritual tribe, The Witchy Woo Soulful Sisterhood Community. I'd love to connect with you.

    Join the Witchy Woo Podcast Patreon Membership for just £3.50 (+VAT) - HERE Connect with Kylie here - HERE Facebook (I would love to connect and be friends on Facebook!) - HERE

    About the Podcast:
    The Witchy Woo Podcast is the show inspiring soulful women to 'sod the shoulds' and the expectations that society has placed onto them and embrace who they truly are. It is through unlearning and de-conditioning, that we can step into our true power, and connect with who we are at our core, on a Soul level.

    If you're a witch or a lover of all things woo (or curious) - take a seat, get comfy, and let's navigate this wild ride that is our spiritual journey, together. None of us are on the exact same path, but with our soulful tribe behind us, it makes the journey a lot more fun!

    New episodes will land each Tuesday, from solo episodes where Kylie shares her insights about different spiritual practi...

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    Join me for another episode of Soulful Guidance, brought to you each Sunday by Witchy Woo.

    In this short episode, I connect with my Spirit Team to bring through messages of support for you for the week ahead. Guidance shared is always done so with love, and I don't believe in coincidences, so if you are listening to/reading this right now, I whole-heartedly trust you have stopped by for a reason!

    This week I brought through a message from a gorgeous Angelic energy. Her main message for us was:


    This beautiful energy from the angelic realm encouraged you to look inwards this week. Spend 'quality time' with yourself. Learn exactly how you feel and what you need from yourself - mind, body and soul.

    She reminded us that often, the most healing experiences we have are the ones that come from within. Using your time and energy to heal yourself can be transformative. Give yourself the love and care this week, that you freely give away to others.

    Ask yourself the question - 'What do I most need from ME right now?', and then TRUST what your mind, body and soul is communicating to you.

    What promise can you make yourself for the upcoming week?

    As always. I would love to know your thoughts, or about any messages you may have received this week from Spirit. Please feel free to email me or message me on Facebook about it. I would love to hear from you! xx

    Proudly Sponsored by:

    Our Headline Sponsor, 'Cheryl Beckworth', of Grounded Goddess. Cheryl Beckworth is a Manifest Mentor & Light Worker.

    Manifesting, Moon Magic, and Crystals are her passions. She runs her business, Grounded Goddess, selling beautiful and powerful healing crystals. She handpicks most of her crystals from around the globe, ensuring that the crystals she stocks are of the highest quality and ethically sourced.


    Clair Anderson, of 'Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful' - Connect with Clair HERE

    Support the Show.

    Connect with Kylie, and become part of the Soulful Sisterhood:
    You are invited to come and join our spiritual tribe, The Witchy Woo Soulful Sisterhood Community. I'd love to connect with you.

    Join the Witchy Woo Podcast Patreon Membership for just £3.50 (+VAT) - HERE Connect with Kylie here - HERE Facebook (I would love to connect and be friends on Facebook!) - HERE

    About the Podcast:
    The Witchy Woo Podcast is the show inspiring soulful women to 'sod the shoulds' and the expectations that society has placed onto them and embrace who they truly are. It is through unlearning and de-conditioning, that we can step into our true power, and connect with who we are at our core, on a Soul level.

    If you're a witch or a lover of all things woo (or curious) - take a seat, get comfy, and let's navigate this wild ride that is our spiritual journey, together. None of us are on the exact same path, but with our soulful tribe behind us, it makes the journey a lot more fun!

    New episodes will land each Tuesday, from solo episodes where Kylie shares her insights about different spiritual practi...

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    Join me for this True-Crime style Witch Trial story of 'The Witch of St Osyth', Ursula Kempe.

    Born in 1525, Ursula was a nursemaid and midwife who dedicated her life to helping women bring their babies into the world, and healing ailments, using herbal medicines.

    Like so many healers of the time, Ursula was accused of witchcraft and was hanged in 1582. But her story didn't end there...

    Join me as we tell Ursula's story.

    I will be lighting a candle in honour of Ursula and all of the ladies accused of witchcraft, and I invite you to do the same, or to spare a kind thought for them. Together, collectively, we can send them healing, and in turn, heal the collective witch wound, and put right some of the wrongs of the past.

    With special mention also to:

    Elizabeth Bennett
    Alice Hunt
    Margery Sammon
    Alice Newman
    Cicely Celles
    Elizabeth Eustace
    Agnes Glascock
    Margaret Gravel
    Anis HerdAlice Manfield
    Joan Pechey
    Anne Swallow
    Joan Turner

    As always, I would love to hear your thoughts and perspectives on this case, so please feel free to reach out to me on Facebook or via email!x

    Support the Show.

    Connect with Kylie, and become part of the Soulful Sisterhood:
    You are invited to come and join our spiritual tribe, The Witchy Woo Soulful Sisterhood Community. I'd love to connect with you.

    Join the Witchy Woo Podcast Patreon Membership for just £3.50 (+VAT) - HERE Connect with Kylie here - HERE Facebook (I would love to connect and be friends on Facebook!) - HERE

    About the Podcast:
    The Witchy Woo Podcast is the show inspiring soulful women to 'sod the shoulds' and the expectations that society has placed onto them and embrace who they truly are. It is through unlearning and de-conditioning, that we can step into our true power, and connect with who we are at our core, on a Soul level.

    If you're a witch or a lover of all things woo (or curious) - take a seat, get comfy, and let's navigate this wild ride that is our spiritual journey, together. None of us are on the exact same path, but with our soulful tribe behind us, it makes the journey a lot more fun!

    New episodes will land each Tuesday, from solo episodes where Kylie shares her insights about different spiritual practi...

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    Join me for another episode of Soulful Guidance, brought to you each Sunday by Witchy Woo.

    In this short episode, I connect with my Spirit Team to bring through messages of support for you for the week ahead. Guidance shared is always done so with love, and I don't believe in coincidences, so if you are listening to/reading this right now, I whole-heartedly trust you have stopped by for a reason!

    This week I brought through a message from a gorgeous Lion energy. His main message for us was:


    This lion stepped forward to help you lean into courage and bravery, and to believe in yourself this coming week.

    You may have to navigate a difficult situation or make a tough situation this week, and this gorgeous lion energy is asking you to stand strong and confident, trusting yourself when doing so,

    Release those things in your life that are stealing your inner-peace this week, and remember that doing so isn't selfish, it's self-care.

    Releasing this energy will leave room for excitement, and the manifestation of something truly aligned with your heart's desire. If you feel called, it may be beneficial to work with this week's New Moon energy to intensify your manifestation.

    As always. I would love to know your thoughts, or about any messages you may have received this week from Spirit. Please feel free to email me or message me on Facebook about it. I would love to hear from you! xx

    Proudly Sponsored by:

    Our Headline Sponsor, 'Cheryl Beckworth', of Grounded Goddess. Cheryl Beckworth is a Manifest Mentor & Light Worker.

    Manifesting, Moon Magic, and Crystals are her passions. She runs her business, Grounded Goddess, selling beautiful and powerful healing crystals. She handpicks most of her crystals from around the globe, ensuring that the crystals she stocks are of the highest quality and ethically sourced.


    Clair Anderson, of 'Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful' - Connect with Clair HERE

    Support the Show.

    Connect with Kylie, and become part of the Soulful Sisterhood:
    You are invited to come and join our spiritual tribe, The Witchy Woo Soulful Sisterhood Community. I'd love to connect with you.

    Join the Witchy Woo Podcast Patreon Membership for just £3.50 (+VAT) - HERE Connect with Kylie here - HERE Facebook (I would love to connect and be friends on Facebook!) - HERE

    About the Podcast:
    The Witchy Woo Podcast is the show inspiring soulful women to 'sod the shoulds' and the expectations that society has placed onto them and embrace who they truly are. It is through unlearning and de-conditioning, that we can step into our true power, and connect with who we are at our core, on a Soul level.

    If you're a witch or a lover of all things woo (or curious) - take a seat, get comfy, and let's navigate this wild ride that is our spiritual journey, together. None of us are on the exact same path, but with our soulful tribe behind us, it makes the journey a lot more fun!

    New episodes will land each Tuesday, from solo episodes where Kylie shares her insights about different spiritual practi...

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    Ahh...what a gorgeous episode. If you want to know how to truly connect with your Feminine energy in order to create the life of your dreams, you'll love this episode!

    In this episode, I share 5 ways you can see whether your Masculine and Feminine energies are imbalanced, and how you can support bringing them into balance, and leaning-into the gorgeous feminine energy.

    And then offer 7 beautiful ways to show your inner-feminine that it is safe for her to step forward.

    Society and conditioning often teaches us to favor the Masculine - the 'doing', the action-taking, the logic, the structure and planning. All really important traits for us to harness when we are looking to manifest the life we want.

    However, the feminine also plays a huge role. She is, after all, the creator of life itself, so it only makes sense that her energy is a vital one to work with when manifesting and creating!

    Let's share this space, connect fully with our Divine Feminine, and enjoy the fruitfulness of her creations!

    Proudly Sponsored by:

    Our Headline Sponsor for Soulful Guidance Episodes, 'Cheryl Beckworth', of Grounded Goddess. Cheryl Beckworth is a Manifest Mentor & Light Worker.

    Manifesting, Moon Magic, and Crystals are her passions. She runs her business, Grounded Goddess, selling beautiful and powerful healing crystals. She handpicks most of her crystals from around the globe, ensuring that the crystals she stocks are of the highest quality and ethically sourced.


    Clair Anderson, of 'Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful' - Connect with Clair HERE

    Support the Show.

    Connect with Kylie, and become part of the Soulful Sisterhood:
    You are invited to come and join our spiritual tribe, The Witchy Woo Soulful Sisterhood Community. I'd love to connect with you.

    Join the Witchy Woo Podcast Patreon Membership for just £3.50 (+VAT) - HERE Connect with Kylie here - HERE Facebook (I would love to connect and be friends on Facebook!) - HERE

    About the Podcast:
    The Witchy Woo Podcast is the show inspiring soulful women to 'sod the shoulds' and the expectations that society has placed onto them and embrace who they truly are. It is through unlearning and de-conditioning, that we can step into our true power, and connect with who we are at our core, on a Soul level.

    If you're a witch or a lover of all things woo (or curious) - take a seat, get comfy, and let's navigate this wild ride that is our spiritual journey, together. None of us are on the exact same path, but with our soulful tribe behind us, it makes the journey a lot more fun!

    New episodes will land each Tuesday, from solo episodes where Kylie shares her insights about different spiritual practi...

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    Join me for another episode of Soulful Guidance, brought to you each Sunday by Witchy Woo.

    In this short episode, I connect with my Spirit Team to bring through messages of support for you for the week ahead. Guidance shared is always done so with love, and I don't believe in coincidences, so if you are listening to/reading this right now, I whole-heartedly trust you have stopped by for a reason!

    This week I brought through a message from a gorgeous Elemental Elder energy, name Ganowakën.

    He was adding to last week's Dragon message and encouraging us to not waste our time this week on anything that doesn't serve us or isn't meant for us. And to LET things be, without control, and share with us:


    Ganowakën explained how as humans, we often feel the need to rush so we can experience more and more. But to truly experience more, slowing down would better serve us.

    He also shared that kindness and gentleness will always be misinterpreted as some as weakness. Do not concern yourself with trying to change the mind of those that are simply not ready to hear this though. Savour your energy and your inner-peace. You do not need to prove yourself to anyone.

    This week may see an event that you perceive as negative to begin with, but which will turn into the catalyst for you living a more aligned life. All is not always as it seems, so remember that the Universe has your back!

    As always. I would love to know your thoughts, or about any messages you may have received this week from Spirit. Please feel free to email me or message me on Facebook about it. I would love to hear from you! xx

    Proudly Sponsored by:

    Our Headline Sponsor, 'Cheryl Beckworth', of Grounded Goddess. Cheryl Beckworth is a Manifest Mentor & Light Worker.

    Manifesting, Moon Magic, and Crystals are her passions. She runs her business, Grounded Goddess, selling beautiful and powerful healing crystals. She handpicks most of her crystals from around the globe, ensuring that the crystals she stocks ar

    Support the Show.

    Connect with Kylie, and become part of the Soulful Sisterhood:
    You are invited to come and join our spiritual tribe, The Witchy Woo Soulful Sisterhood Community. I'd love to connect with you.

    Join the Witchy Woo Podcast Patreon Membership for just £3.50 (+VAT) - HERE Connect with Kylie here - HERE Facebook (I would love to connect and be friends on Facebook!) - HERE

    About the Podcast:
    The Witchy Woo Podcast is the show inspiring soulful women to 'sod the shoulds' and the expectations that society has placed onto them and embrace who they truly are. It is through unlearning and de-conditioning, that we can step into our true power, and connect with who we are at our core, on a Soul level.

    If you're a witch or a lover of all things woo (or curious) - take a seat, get comfy, and let's navigate this wild ride that is our spiritual journey, together. None of us are on the exact same path, but with our soulful tribe behind us, it makes the journey a lot more fun!

    New episodes will land each Tuesday, from solo episodes where Kylie shares her insights about different spiritual practi...

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    Join me for another heart-breaking episode, where I share the real life story of 'The White Witch O'Dalry', Bessie Dunlop.

    Bessie Dunlop was one of the many women to be persecuted, tortured and killed for 'witchcraft'. Her crime - helping her neighbours when they or their animals were sick, and helping them find their lost possessions.

    With the help of what I believe was her Spirit Guide, Thomas Reid, Bessie was able to find the herbs and plants that would cure ailments, and also call-on his help to locate lost items.

    Bessie was a well-respected member of the community who everyone liked. Until one day, when she couldn't locate an item for a neighbour, after saying she would help them.

    On Sunday 26th May 2024, I shall be lighting a candle for Bessie, and all the victims of the Witch Trials. Just as the negative imprints have created the Witch Wound, let our love and well-wishes heal it.

    Proudly Sponsored by:

    Our Headline Sponsor for Soulful Guidance Episodes, 'Cheryl Beckworth', of Grounded Goddess. Cheryl Beckworth is a Manifest Mentor & Light Worker.

    Manifesting, Moon Magic, and Crystals are her passions. She runs her business, Grounded Goddess, selling beautiful and powerful healing crystals. She handpicks most of her crystals from around the globe, ensuring that the crystals she stocks are of the highest quality and ethically sourced.


    Clair Anderson, of 'Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful' - Connect with Clair HERE

    Support the Show.

    Connect with Kylie, and become part of the Soulful Sisterhood:
    You are invited to come and join our spiritual tribe, The Witchy Woo Soulful Sisterhood Community. I'd love to connect with you.

    Join the Witchy Woo Podcast Patreon Membership for just £3.50 (+VAT) - HERE Connect with Kylie here - HERE Facebook (I would love to connect and be friends on Facebook!) - HERE

    About the Podcast:
    The Witchy Woo Podcast is the show inspiring soulful women to 'sod the shoulds' and the expectations that society has placed onto them and embrace who they truly are. It is through unlearning and de-conditioning, that we can step into our true power, and connect with who we are at our core, on a Soul level.

    If you're a witch or a lover of all things woo (or curious) - take a seat, get comfy, and let's navigate this wild ride that is our spiritual journey, together. None of us are on the exact same path, but with our soulful tribe behind us, it makes the journey a lot more fun!

    New episodes will land each Tuesday, from solo episodes where Kylie shares her insights about different spiritual practi...

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    Join me for another episode of Soulful Guidance, brought to you each Sunday by Witchy Woo.

    In this short episode, I connect with my Spirit Team to bring through messages of support for you for the week ahead. Guidance shared is always done so with love, and I don't believe in coincidences, so if you are listening to/reading this right now, I whole-heartedly trust you have stopped by for a reason!

    This week I brought through a message from a gorgeous Dragon energy, names Gallandi.

    He was encouraging us to not waste our time this week on anything that doesn't serve us or isn't meant for us. And to LET things be, without control.

    Gallandi explained how the dragon way is wise and free, but with this, they have great responsibility to all other beings. He felt that as humans, we are always in such a rush to fast-forward to helping others, but in fact, to truly serve from a place of love and wisdom, we must first connect with and honour ourselves. We must reach our version of happiness and inner-peace, and from that place, we can help others do the same.

    On this week, use your time and energy wisely, lovelies.

    As always. I would love to know your thoughts, or about any messages you may have received this week from Spirit. Please feel free to email me or message me on Facebook about it. I would love to hear from you! xx

    Proudly Sponsored by:

    Our Headline Sponsor, 'Cheryl Beckworth', of Grounded Goddess. Cheryl Beckworth is a Manifest Mentor & Light Worker.

    Manifesting, Moon Magic, and Crystals are her passions. She runs her business, Grounded Goddess, selling beautiful and powerful healing crystals. She handpicks most of her crystals from around the globe, ensuring that the crystals she stocks are of the highest quality and ethically sourced.


    Clair Anderson, of 'Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful' - Connect with Clair HERE

    Support the Show.

    Connect with Kylie, and become part of the Soulful Sisterhood:
    You are invited to come and join our spiritual tribe, The Witchy Woo Soulful Sisterhood Community. I'd love to connect with you.

    Join the Witchy Woo Podcast Patreon Membership for just £3.50 (+VAT) - HERE Connect with Kylie here - HERE Facebook (I would love to connect and be friends on Facebook!) - HERE

    About the Podcast:
    The Witchy Woo Podcast is the show inspiring soulful women to 'sod the shoulds' and the expectations that society has placed onto them and embrace who they truly are. It is through unlearning and de-conditioning, that we can step into our true power, and connect with who we are at our core, on a Soul level.

    If you're a witch or a lover of all things woo (or curious) - take a seat, get comfy, and let's navigate this wild ride that is our spiritual journey, together. None of us are on the exact same path, but with our soulful tribe behind us, it makes the journey a lot more fun!

    New episodes will land each Tuesday, from solo episodes where Kylie shares her insights about different spiritual practi...

  • Send me a text message

    Join me for another episode of Soulful Guidance, brought to you each Sunday by Witchy Woo.

    In this short episode, I connect with my Spirit Team to bring through messages of support for you for the week ahead. Guidance shared is always done so with love, and I don't believe in coincidences, so if you are listening to/reading this right now, I whole-heartedly trust you have stopped by for a reason!

    This week I brought through a message from an Ascended Master in the Akashic Records, and his main message to us for the week ahead was:


    He was encouraging us to stay quiet, to listen and absorb. To recognise that truth is only one perspective. Whereas wisdom is knowledge from each perspective, and an understanding that there can always be more than one truth, even if they are opposing.

    Leaning into this energy this week will be transformative for us. Eeeekk, how exciting!

    I pulled from the following card deck:

    'Witching Hour' Oracle, by Lorraine Anderson

    As always. I would love to know your thoughts, or about any messages you may have received this week from Spirit. Please feel free to email me or message me on Facebook about it. I would love to hear from you! xx

    Proudly Sponsored by:

    Clair Anderson, of 'Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful' - Connect with Clair HERE

    Support the Show.

    Connect with Kylie, and become part of the Soulful Sisterhood:
    You are invited to come and join our spiritual tribe, The Witchy Woo Soulful Sisterhood Community. I'd love to connect with you.

    Join the Witchy Woo Podcast Patreon Membership for just £3.50 (+VAT) - HERE Connect with Kylie here - HERE Facebook (I would love to connect and be friends on Facebook!) - HERE

    About the Podcast:
    The Witchy Woo Podcast is the show inspiring soulful women to 'sod the shoulds' and the expectations that society has placed onto them and embrace who they truly are. It is through unlearning and de-conditioning, that we can step into our true power, and connect with who we are at our core, on a Soul level.

    If you're a witch or a lover of all things woo (or curious) - take a seat, get comfy, and let's navigate this wild ride that is our spiritual journey, together. None of us are on the exact same path, but with our soulful tribe behind us, it makes the journey a lot more fun!

    New episodes will land each Tuesday, from solo episodes where Kylie shares her insights about different spiritual practi...

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    With a deep-dive into alchemising energy and becoming a master of your own energy why not join my free 5-Day Mini-course, Energetic Alchemy HERE.

    This is a subject that I just LOOOOVVVEE chatting about - Energetic Alchemy, and how to become a master of your own energy.

    Using this very technique and these stages on a daily basis, I have, quite literally changed my life. From anxious and depleted, to feeling truly happy and fulfilled, not to mention, a whole lot more self-aware! This is the methodology I take all of my gorgeous clients through, to also find their true happiness and reconnect with themselves on a deeper level.

    In this episode of Witchy Woo, I take you through my 5 stages:

    Connection with self and energyGrounding your energyProtecting your energyCleansing your energyEnergy Alchemy - Changing the External

    I am so passionate about this subject that I have created the Energetic Alchemy 5-day mini-course, and it's totally FREE! If you feel called to join us, you can do so HERE

    As always, I would love to hear your thoughts, and whether you would consider yourself to be an energetic alchemist master!? xxx

    Proudly Sponsored by the lovely Clair Anderson of BYOKOB. Connect with Clair HERE

    Support the Show.

    Connect with Kylie, and become part of the Soulful Sisterhood:
    You are invited to come and join our spiritual tribe, The Witchy Woo Soulful Sisterhood Community. I'd love to connect with you.

    Join the Witchy Woo Podcast Patreon Membership for just £3.50 (+VAT) - HERE Connect with Kylie here - HERE Facebook (I would love to connect and be friends on Facebook!) - HERE

    About the Podcast:
    The Witchy Woo Podcast is the show inspiring soulful women to 'sod the shoulds' and the expectations that society has placed onto them and embrace who they truly are. It is through unlearning and de-conditioning, that we can step into our true power, and connect with who we are at our core, on a Soul level.

    If you're a witch or a lover of all things woo (or curious) - take a seat, get comfy, and let's navigate this wild ride that is our spiritual journey, together. None of us are on the exact same path, but with our soulful tribe behind us, it makes the journey a lot more fun!

    New episodes will land each Tuesday, from solo episodes where Kylie shares her insights about different spiritual practi...

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    Join me for another episode of Soulful Guidance, brought to you each Sunday by Witchy Woo.

    In this short episode, I connect with my Spirit Team to bring through messages of support for you for the week ahead. Guidance shared is always done so with love, and I don't believe in coincidences, so if you are listening to/reading this right now, I whole-heartedly trust you have stopped by for a reason!

    This week I brought through a message about seeing things clearly for the first time in a while and perhaps waking-up to a truth that before you were in the dark about. Spirit are encouraging you to forgive, release and allow your heart to remain open and loving.

    I pulled from the following card decks:

    'Season of the Witch - Beltane' Oracle Deck, by Lorraine Anderson and Juliet Diaz'Witching Hour' Oracle, by Lorraine Anderson'The Priestess of Light' Oracle, by Sandra Anne Taylor and Kimberly Webber

    As always. I would love to know your thoughts, or about any messages you may have received this week from Spirit. Please feel free to email me or message me on Facebook about it. I would love to hear from you! xx

    Proudly Sponsored by:

    Clair Anderson, of 'Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful' - Connect with Clair HERE

    Support the Show.

    Connect with Kylie, and become part of the Soulful Sisterhood:
    You are invited to come and join our spiritual tribe, The Witchy Woo Soulful Sisterhood Community. I'd love to connect with you.

    Join the Witchy Woo Podcast Patreon Membership for just £3.50 (+VAT) - HERE Connect with Kylie here - HERE Facebook (I would love to connect and be friends on Facebook!) - HERE

    About the Podcast:
    The Witchy Woo Podcast is the show inspiring soulful women to 'sod the shoulds' and the expectations that society has placed onto them and embrace who they truly are. It is through unlearning and de-conditioning, that we can step into our true power, and connect with who we are at our core, on a Soul level.

    If you're a witch or a lover of all things woo (or curious) - take a seat, get comfy, and let's navigate this wild ride that is our spiritual journey, together. None of us are on the exact same path, but with our soulful tribe behind us, it makes the journey a lot more fun!

    New episodes will land each Tuesday, from solo episodes where Kylie shares her insights about different spiritual practi...

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    Join me and the beautiful Niki Kinsella as we have a magickal chat about her journey into spirituality. Niki openly shares her story with us about how she got to where she is today.

    Niki is an inspiration for spiritual entrepreneurs, supporting and teaching ladies to connect with themselves on a deeper level.

    The path to connect with yourself spiritually isn't always sunshine and rainbows, and Niki shares the realness with us, with equal measures of her brilliant humour!

    About Niki:
    Niki Kinsella is an Intuitive spiritual and business coach for women wanting a holistic approach to moving through their blocks.

    Her speciality is helping woo-loving female entrepreneurs to remove limiting beliefs, get out of their own way, feel fucking amazeballs and smash the shizzle out of their goals in a way that sets their soul and business on fire.

    A lover of supporting women to connect to their own inner voice, make business and life decisions that feel aligned, and to shine their light in their own unique way.

    Niki combines spirituality, mindset work, and business coaching to empower female entrepreneurs to overcome their limiting beliefs and emotional blocks to do the things THEY want to do without giving a fuck what other people think.

    As a former people-pleaser, riddled with anxiety, who felt uninspired and lost, Niki broke free from a previous narcissistic marriage, and after the traumatic death of her mum, decided life was too short to give a shit about the thoughts of people who didn't matter.

    She decided there and then to make massive changes to the way she lived her life, and how she shows up in her business.

    Connect with Niki HERE

    Support the Show.

    Connect with Kylie, and become part of the Soulful Sisterhood:
    You are invited to come and join our spiritual tribe, The Witchy Woo Soulful Sisterhood Community. I'd love to connect with you.

    Join the Witchy Woo Podcast Patreon Membership for just £3.50 (+VAT) - HERE Connect with Kylie here - HERE Facebook (I would love to connect and be friends on Facebook!) - HERE

    About the Podcast:
    The Witchy Woo Podcast is the show inspiring soulful women to 'sod the shoulds' and the expectations that society has placed onto them and embrace who they truly are. It is through unlearning and de-conditioning, that we can step into our true power, and connect with who we are at our core, on a Soul level.

    If you're a witch or a lover of all things woo (or curious) - take a seat, get comfy, and let's navigate this wild ride that is our spiritual journey, together. None of us are on the exact same path, but with our soulful tribe behind us, it makes the journey a lot more fun!

    New episodes will land each Tuesday, from solo episodes where Kylie shares her insights about different spiritual practi...

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    Join me for another episode of Soulful Guidance, brought to you each Sunday by Witchy Woo.

    In this short episode, I connect with my Spirit Team to bring through messages of support for you for the week ahead. Guidance shared is always done so with love, and I don't believe in coincidences, so if you are listening to/reading this right now, I whole-heartedly trust you have stopped by for a reason!

    This week I brought through a beautifully-loving spirit, who felt like a grandmotherly figure to one of the listeners. She wanted her name mentioned so her Granddaughter knew it was her, but she also had a message to us all for the week ahead.

    She was encouraging us to feel into the JOY of everything this week. Be present. Connect with your playfulness. And try not to concern yourself with worrying about how you may be received by others. All that will do is stop your light from shining its fullest.

    I pulled from the following card deck:

    'Inner Child Oracle' by Amanda Lynn Aisling

    As always. I would love to know your thoughts, or about any messages you may have received this week from Spirit. Please feel free to email me or message me on Facebook about it. I would love to hear from you! xx

    Support the Show.

    Connect with Kylie, and become part of the Soulful Sisterhood:
    You are invited to come and join our spiritual tribe, The Witchy Woo Soulful Sisterhood Community. I'd love to connect with you.

    Join the Witchy Woo Podcast Patreon Membership for just £3.50 (+VAT) - HERE Connect with Kylie here - HERE Facebook (I would love to connect and be friends on Facebook!) - HERE

    About the Podcast:
    The Witchy Woo Podcast is the show inspiring soulful women to 'sod the shoulds' and the expectations that society has placed onto them and embrace who they truly are. It is through unlearning and de-conditioning, that we can step into our true power, and connect with who we are at our core, on a Soul level.

    If you're a witch or a lover of all things woo (or curious) - take a seat, get comfy, and let's navigate this wild ride that is our spiritual journey, together. None of us are on the exact same path, but with our soulful tribe behind us, it makes the journey a lot more fun!

    New episodes will land each Tuesday, from solo episodes where Kylie shares her insights about different spiritual practi...

  • Send me a text message

    Join me for another episode of Soulful Guidance, brought to you each Sunday by Witchy Woo.

    In this short episode, I connect with my Spirit Team to bring through messages of support for you for the week ahead. Guidance shared is always done so with love, and I don't believe in coincidences, so if you are listening to/reading this right now, I whole-heartedly trust you have stopped by for a reason!

    This week was all about being adaptable. How it feels that there is something that may disrupt your original plans, but being open to a new way of doing things, and allowing yourself the flexibility of change, will be transformative for you, with a huge opportunity for growth.

    So when something seemingly goes 'wrong' this week, look for the silver lining of the new opportunity that awaits you.

    I pulled from the following card decks:

    'The Sacred Soul Guidance Deck', by Nicola Tonsager - Buy Here'The Healing Waters' Oracle, by Rebecca Campbell'Voice of the Souls' Oracle, by Isabelle Cerf

    As always. I would love to know your thoughts, or about any messages you may have received this week from Spirit. Please feel free to email me or message me on Facebook about it. I would love to hear from you!xx

    Support the Show.

    Connect with Kylie, and become part of the Soulful Sisterhood:
    You are invited to come and join our spiritual tribe, The Witchy Woo Soulful Sisterhood Community. I'd love to connect with you.

    Join the Witchy Woo Podcast Patreon Membership for just £3.50 (+VAT) - HERE Connect with Kylie here - HERE Facebook (I would love to connect and be friends on Facebook!) - HERE

    About the Podcast:
    The Witchy Woo Podcast is the show inspiring soulful women to 'sod the shoulds' and the expectations that society has placed onto them and embrace who they truly are. It is through unlearning and de-conditioning, that we can step into our true power, and connect with who we are at our core, on a Soul level.

    If you're a witch or a lover of all things woo (or curious) - take a seat, get comfy, and let's navigate this wild ride that is our spiritual journey, together. None of us are on the exact same path, but with our soulful tribe behind us, it makes the journey a lot more fun!

    New episodes will land each Tuesday, from solo episodes where Kylie shares her insights about different spiritual practi...

  • Send me a text message

    Join me for another episode of Soulful Guidance, brought to you each Sunday by Witchy Woo.

    In this short episode, I connect with my Spirit Team to bring through messages of support for you for the week ahead. Guidance shared is always done so with love, and I don't believe in coincidences, so if you are listening to/reading this right now, I whole-heartedly trust you have stopped by for a reason!

    This week was all about making a decision and sticking with it without regret, distinguishing which energy is ‘yours’ and which is external, and reconnecting with your voice and your truth.

    I pulled from the following card decks:

    ‘The Secret Language of Light’, by Denise Jarvie

    ‘The Law of Positivism’, by Shereen Oberg

    As always. I would love to know your thoughts, or about any messages you may have received this week from Spirit. Please feel free to email me or message me on Facebook about it. I would love to hear from you!xx

    Support the Show.

    Connect with Kylie, and become part of the Soulful Sisterhood:
    You are invited to come and join our spiritual tribe, The Witchy Woo Soulful Sisterhood Community. I'd love to connect with you.

    Join the Witchy Woo Podcast Patreon Membership for just £3.50 (+VAT) - HERE Connect with Kylie here - HERE Facebook (I would love to connect and be friends on Facebook!) - HERE

    About the Podcast:
    The Witchy Woo Podcast is the show inspiring soulful women to 'sod the shoulds' and the expectations that society has placed onto them and embrace who they truly are. It is through unlearning and de-conditioning, that we can step into our true power, and connect with who we are at our core, on a Soul level.

    If you're a witch or a lover of all things woo (or curious) - take a seat, get comfy, and let's navigate this wild ride that is our spiritual journey, together. None of us are on the exact same path, but with our soulful tribe behind us, it makes the journey a lot more fun!

    New episodes will land each Tuesday, from solo episodes where Kylie shares her insights about different spiritual practi...

  • Send me a text message

    Join me for another episode of Soulful Guidance, brought to you each Sunday by Witchy Woo.

    In this short episode, I connect with my Spirit Team to bring through messages of support for you for the week ahead. Guidance shared is always done so with love, and I don't believe in coincidences, so if you are listening to/reading this right now, I whole-heartedly trust you have stopped by for a reason!

    As always. I would love to know your thoughts, or about any messages you may have received this week from Spirit. Please feel free to email me or message me on Facebook about it. I would love to hear from you!xx

    Support the Show.

    Connect with Kylie, and become part of the Soulful Sisterhood:
    You are invited to come and join our spiritual tribe, The Witchy Woo Soulful Sisterhood Community. I'd love to connect with you.

    Join the Witchy Woo Podcast Patreon Membership for just £3.50 (+VAT) - HERE Connect with Kylie here - HERE Facebook (I would love to connect and be friends on Facebook!) - HERE

    About the Podcast:
    The Witchy Woo Podcast is the show inspiring soulful women to 'sod the shoulds' and the expectations that society has placed onto them and embrace who they truly are. It is through unlearning and de-conditioning, that we can step into our true power, and connect with who we are at our core, on a Soul level.

    If you're a witch or a lover of all things woo (or curious) - take a seat, get comfy, and let's navigate this wild ride that is our spiritual journey, together. None of us are on the exact same path, but with our soulful tribe behind us, it makes the journey a lot more fun!

    New episodes will land each Tuesday, from solo episodes where Kylie shares her insights about different spiritual practi...

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    Welcome back to the Witchy Woo podcast! In today's episode, we take a look at the world of chakras and energy healing with the incredible Lynette McFadden, founder of Bliss Moves and a specialist in chakradance.

    Join us both as we explore the connection between chakra colours and the rainbow, the transformative power of chakradance, and the impact it has on emotional healing and personal growth.

    Lynette beautifully shares her personal journey from dance to chakradance, and how it has guided her to live a fulfilling life, and how she helps others do the same. We look at the importance of finding simple ways to connect spiritually and the profound impact chakradance has had on individuals.

    Tune-in for this fascinating and insightful conversation on chakras, energy healing, and the power of spiritual connection.

    From Lynette:
    "I'm the founder of Bliss Moves and specialise all things relating to chakras.

    My background is in movement & energy healing and holding space for women to discover and express the most radiant version of themselves is something I've been passionate about for almost 2 decades.

    When I discovered the map of the chakra system it literally changed my life! The chakras aren’t a new age hippy thing, they were discovered thousands of years ago, and this ancient wisdom is still so relevant to the human experience today.

    I've been a licensed Chakradance Facilitator since 2017, I coach and guide new trainee Chakradance facilitators across the globe and have also trained with Anodea Judith; a world-renowned expert in the chakras.

    I’m looking forward to connecting with you all and holding space for you to experience the many wonderful aspects of working and living with the chakras to help you discover the most radiant version of you."

    Connect with Lynette here - linktr.ee/LynetteBlissMoves

    Support the Show.

    Connect with Kylie, and become part of the Soulful Sisterhood:
    You are invited to come and join our spiritual tribe, The Witchy Woo Soulful Sisterhood Community. I'd love to connect with you.

    Join the Witchy Woo Podcast Patreon Membership for just £3.50 (+VAT) - HERE Connect with Kylie here - HERE Facebook (I would love to connect and be friends on Facebook!) - HERE

    About the Podcast:
    The Witchy Woo Podcast is the show inspiring soulful women to 'sod the shoulds' and the expectations that society has placed onto them and embrace who they truly are. It is through unlearning and de-conditioning, that we can step into our true power, and connect with who we are at our core, on a Soul level.

    If you're a witch or a lover of all things woo (or curious) - take a seat, get comfy, and let's navigate this wild ride that is our spiritual journey, together. None of us are on the exact same path, but with our soulful tribe behind us, it makes the journey a lot more fun!

    New episodes will land each Tuesday, from solo episodes where Kylie shares her insights about different spiritual practi...