In this episode, Alev and I dive into the topic of womb work. From the physiological to the more emotional and sacred, all in a grounded and concise and hopefully entertaining way! This episode is not just for women, but for men interested in understanding more about women and of course, where they came from. We all started out in the womb. We all came from a mother. That is a fact.
I've linked a free shareable doc I crafted to help you get in touch with you womb:
Alev was born and raised in the UK, with a rich Turkish and Jewish heritage. She's a birth doula and nutritional therapist, deeply passionate about herbal medicine. Alev lives in her van within a charming off-grid midwifery community in southern Spain.
Her zest for life radiates through her deep connection to her menstrual cycle. It serves as a reminder of her alignment with nature and her innate strength. She firmly believes in the importance of self-sufficiency and empowerment, advocating for a life beyond the conventional healthcare system.
Alev's work revolves around guiding women through their fertility journeys, pregnancy, childbirth, and beyond, empowering them to take control of their own health. She has crafted a menstrual empowerment calendar, called kunti calendar, that's available for purchase and offers support for home births within Spain and Portugal. Additionally, she provides one-on-one online sessions to connect with those who are further away.
Best way right now to get in touch with Alev and potentially work with her is through her instagram @wild.womb or her email: [email protected]
website coming soon!
In this episode, we're joined with Carl-Johan of The Homecoming Son. We dive into topics from the physical to the physiological to the philosophical and spiritual all centered around health and embodiment. Eating, consuming, and existing in a way that is balanced for the body and for the earth. Our roles as shepherds of the earth, stewards of the earth, the polarities of the feminine and masculine, and how men can step into their embodied masculine toward passion, purpose and love.
@thehomecomingson2.0 is a project started by Carljo Almaraz-Madsen. #thisisthehomecoming is a returning home to working with the ways of nature and the body. When we think of solutions and live them out in our head instead of embodying the practice, we lose track of the reality of our ideas and beliefs. Our ancestors lived their philosophies and very quickly came to the realisation whether the philosophy was increasing wealth, health and happiness or doing the opposite. In today's world we live in the head and rarely revisit the body to check what we are creating in our thoughts, if it is actually the reality we wish to live, and so the homecoming is a returning home to the body to the nature that we are. Carljo believes that truth has to be found in Nature and the more we stray from Nature the less we live truthfully to who we are as Humans.
follow and connect with Carljo on instagram: @thehomecomingson2.0
special shout outs:
David deida
Paul chek
Rudolf Steiner
Rafe Kelley
music by: Emilia Tapli
Saknas det avsnitt?
Hello! It's been a while. Half a year of life taking place and now this podcast is back at the height of the solar light, being reactivated. With more episodes to come. This episode is unique as it's a solocast, a solo podcast. This podcast is really meant to be interviews, and has only been interviews (aside from my introductory episode), but I felt to share something in my heart today that feels relevant to this space, this podcast, you, dear listeners.
This episode dives into the nature of opinion and belief, freedom of speech, leadership, and what a revolution really is.
Follow on instagram: @wisdomweaverspodcast
Please feel free to leave a reviews on any platform. It helps a lot!
And if you ever feel called to share anything, and feel like you could be a good fit, please reach out through instagram. You can also contact me via my website: www.feliciasokol.com
Music by: Emilia Tapli
We have a candid and authentic conversation with Victor DiBono of @blessed_nrg who shares his story and insights. The topics discussed really hit on will power, the evolution of consciousness, and authentic spirituality. I realize i sort of have a little train of this theme going on on this podcast, I guess you can say episodes that are hitting on gnosis, knowledge, and genuine spirituality. Victor decided not to write a little blurb for himself and instead told me to just mention that he’s a normal person with no special gifts, insight, or talents. But I’d argue the contrary, that he seeks to work upon himself and therefore has many insights, just like many of us do. He is sharp and writes beautifully and I found him through his writing, which really struck me- and I’m picky in my taste! He writes a lot on his instagram, which I recommend following and is currently writing a book which I will enjoy reading once I can.
⚡️Follow Victor on Instagram⚡️: @blessed_nrg
🔥Recommended books🔥:
The Dayspring of Youth by M
The Miracle of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hahn
Initiation Into Hermetics by Franz Bardon
The Stellar Man by John Baines
You Forever by T Lobsang Rampa
⚡️More Resources on Gnosis⚡️:
Listen to Episode 9: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6AHuLQUTu86fbBXPnqSl8o?si=828115f569e9487e
Listen to Episode 15: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6rdn28CUxRvDVP3E9x0EWb?si=b4cf3744e3b64b49
🔥Download the Gnostic Method App: https://thegnosticmethod.beezer.com/
I had the pleasure of having Dave Murphy on the podcast. He and I have known each other in many different settings through 3 different continents. I've got to witness a bit of his transformation from the sidelines as a friend, but I finally got the full story here today. His story is so inspiring... for anyone feeling discouraged in their current career or life and feeling like there may be something more they're meant to do. He's an amazing bridge between the corporate world of self to the more holistic world of service.
Born and raised in Sydney Australia, Dave spent 15 years working in brand marketing with some of the most iconic brands all around the world.
While on paper it was a successful career, the further he progressed, the more he felt unfulfilled and disconnected from his true self.
After an incredibly powerful breathwork experience during a retreat in the Netherlands, Dave experimented with breathwork as a means to bring a greater level of clarity and meaning to his own life and immediately experienced its transformative benefits. It helped him not only find clarity in his career, but also release some seriously suppressed emotions from his body that he didn’t even know he was holding onto.
Following his intuition, he went on to complete his HypnoBreathwork certification and today he helps individuals and teams heal unprocessed emotions, release energetic blockages, re-program limiting beliefs and access greater levels of clarity, creativity, confidence and connection.Dave's website:
Follow Dave on Instagram:
@davemurphy_Francesca's breathwork offering can be found at:
Dave's Book Recommendations:On breathwork:
Breathe by James Nestor
Just Breathe by Dan Brule
On environment:
Climate, A New Story by Charles Eisenstein
Ecology of Wisdom by Arne Naess
On plant medicine:
Fellowship of the River by Joeseph Tafur
How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan
People to follow on IG:
Zach Bush MD
Farmer's Footprint:
In this episode, I speak with Tara, an independent midwife in Copenhagen, a wise woman, and a beautiful soul. We tap into an intimate connection with the feminine and what it means to be in alignment with Her in all her dimensions. This episode is like honey, so sweet, tender and nourishing.
Tara Ravn is a traditional midwife working in Copenhagen and the countryside around Copenhagen, including the South of Sweden.
She sees the natural worlds in the pregnant woman, in births and post partum, and sustains the shamanic dimensions between woman, body, midwife and earth, tending to the roots of birth medicine.
The roots of birth medicine are very connected to the healer - both the sacred and the wounded. Deep transitions in life, as becoming a mother evokes many, both bright and dark paths inside the landscape of a woman. The roots of birth calls us to befriend the dark feminine, to be able to de-armour our defenses against intimacy in our culture and in our relations. Birth medicine invites us to be somatically embodied with honesty in our approach of each other, the earth and to our own birth stories.
Tara works with activism around birth culture from the inside out. All the women she witnessed give birth are represented in her own body and it is from there she evokes change. From embodiment, honesty and relation.
Tara trained and educated herself in Denmark, but worked in both Norway and Mexico for a deepening in on nature, tradition and health.
In Tepotzlan/Mexico she learned from Angelina Martinez. With her she deepened in on plants and cacao in birth, post partum rituals and nurturing the woman in the first 40 days after birth.
Naoli Vinaver (currently living in Brazil) introduced her to rebozo & ceremonial birthwork in the community.
This is Tara & Naoli working together on the closing of the bones. https://www.naolivinaver.com/mexican-postpartum.html
Outro song:
For Her Speak/MaMuse (feat. Lyla Jones)
Tara's website: www.naturligfødsel.com
Tara's instagram: @naturligfoedsel
Thomas Hübl “Healing Collective Trauma”
Sharon Blackie “Hagitude” & “If Women Rose Rooted”
Rachel Reed “Reclaiming childbirth as a rite of passage…”
Clarissa Pinkola Estés “Women who run with the wolves”
Toko Pa Turner “Belonging”Rupi Kaur “The sun and all her flowers”
Gene spent ten years devoted to deep meditation and expanded states of consciousness before working publicly to share his insights; publishing his first book, 'Beyond Dreaming'. He holds a BA Hons degree in Philosophy, specialising in phenomenology and the experience of 'Gnosis' through lucid dreaming and astral projection. He was part of a Gnostic school for several years and is still a devoted student of Gnosticism while maintaining his own broader approach.For Gene, astral projection became the gateway to realising the urgency and necessity of following a path of self-knowledge, and as he progressed, teaching others became a natural part of that path. Gene teaches how astral projection is an integral part of our reality and a crucial part of each person's journey of 'awakening'.Today, he enjoys freely sharing knowledge publicly on his YouTube channel, 'Astral Doorway' and he's currently writing his next book, 'The Fire of Inner Revolution'."⚡️Gene's Book:https://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Dreaming-Experiences-Consciousness-Synonymous/dp/B08X9H1WXN/⚡️Gene's Videos:What Is Gnosis? https://youtu.be/qH2HHMqqz5MThe Three Factors of Awakening Consciousness: https://youtu.be/e_oHJz_2wLYWhat's the Difference Between Dreams & Astral Projections? https://youtu.be/J7KweY07emcTransmutation of Sexual Energy: https://youtu.be/DAYSxjc-8roSexual Alchemy / White Tantra: https://youtu.be/XUzggtYQ9ic⚡️Gene's Website:https://multidimensionaljournal.com⚡️Other Awakening-Consciousness Resources:Amazing youtube channel that I trust: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo_fdaL6nGtL3fjyP8NsNawThe Gnostic Method App: https://thegnosticmethod.beezer.com/Related podcast: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6AHuLQUTu86fbBXPnqSl8o?si=18f277a565e84572Related book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BC2CDP1TGnostic Resource website: www.glorian.orgOutline of Occult Sciences by Rudolf Steiner: https://amzn.to/3R2C0dS
Lieke currently lives her life in Guatemala. She is a bridge to the Mayan cosmology and works closely with the local midwives. In 2017, she immersed herself in the Mayan traditions while writing her thesis for her MSc in Medical Anthropology. After documenting the stories of many elders and midwives, the synchronicities led her to open her own path as a womb- & birthworker. The Mayan calendar wisdom helped her come home to her essence and the natural cycles of life. An ancestral science to tap into the divine timing and sacred geometry of all of life. Lieke is now part of @themidwifeprojectguatemaya, whose vision is to help preserve and revive Maya midwifery traditions while respectfully bridging modern-day midwifery practices in the upcoming Empowerment through Education program for local Maya midwives.
Learn more about the project in Guatemala: https://www.midwifeproject.net/
Offer your support via: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-the-midwife-project-guatemaya
Lieke’s website + offerings: www.withlovebylieke.com
Marguerite Rigoglioso [pronounced REGAL-yo-zo], Ph.D., is the foremost authority on the history of virgin birth, and the author of the bold new book The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception: Mary and the Lineage of Virgin Births. Marguerite taught many graduate and undergraduate courses in the US and UK, and in 2012 founded her own Seven Sisters Mystery School, through which she’s been teaching about the Sacred Feminine and mentoring clients on the evolutionary spiritual path. She is also the author of Virgin Mother Goddesses of Antiquity and The Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece.
Learn more about Marguerite Rigoglioso:
*Check out the Seven Sisters Mystery School website: https:/www.sevensistersmysteryschool.com
*Watch more from Marguerite on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MargueriteRigoglioso7
*Follow Marguerite on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/margueriterigoglioso/ IG @margueriterigoglioso
*New LIVE Course Starts June 15: Heal Yourself & Our World by Reclaiming Guinevere, Arthur, the Fae & the Round Table
*Join Our Monthly Mother Mary Love & Empowerments Circle: https://www.sevensistersmysteryschool.com/monthly-mother-mary-love-circle/
*Master Mary's Holy Womb Mysteries (a comprehensive bundle of courses with both live & on-demand segments featuring ancient wisdom to help you restore the miracle capacities of your womb and advance as a holy being - with Mary as your mentor): https://www.sevensistersmysteryschool.com/marys-womb-mysteries/
*Join the Priestess of the Dove Sisterhood! Level 1 Oracle Training is available on demand here: https://www.sevensistersmysteryschool.com/oracle-training/
Follow the podcast on instagram: @wisdomweaverspodcast
Music by: Emilia Tapli
Mark is an Artist, Illustrator and Writer and has studied with many great teachers in the healing arts of Herbal Medicine, Plant spirit Healing and Geomancy.
To put it simply the key part to my work is listening.. Listening is a state of presence, of whole body awareness, simultaneous awareness to both the inner and outer. Listening deeply with our awareness opens an expanded, receptive, connected experience, one that our Hunter Gatherer ancestors were accustomed to as they traversed the land foraging and hunting.
The labyrinth can help us to forge a deeper connection with ourselves, helping to facilitate a sense of body awareness and bringing us in to altered states that are conducive to communicating with the plant kingdom. An awareness of the lower abdomen, heart and peripheral vision has been used by trackers and many hunter -gatherer cultures to tune in to the spirit of the land, animal and plant kingdoms”.
Mark has hand written and illustrated a book on his journey with the labyrinth and how it can help connect us to the subtle energies of plants and the land, ”Re-wilding with the labyrinth”
Connect to Mark:
website: http://www.wildwisdom.org.uk
instagram: @_wildwisdom_ ( note the two underscores either side of _wildwisdom_)
email: [email protected].uk
Connect to a Labyrinth near you:
Music by:
Emilia Tapli
Reach out to me:
instagram: @wisdomweaverspodcast
website: http://www.feliciasokol.com/wisdom-weavers-podcast
Nick, also sometimes known as Saint Nicholas, is an Electrical Engineer with an open mind. He believes anything is possible and thinking otherwise is arrogant. He’s always had a deep craving for knowledge and learning, and always has been fascinated by the physical world. Being born in America going through the public school system, kept him in a sleep state for the first 16 or so years of his life. After learning about the atrocities of our government and the truth about the heinous intentions of our rulers, he knew something needed to be done. His mother always told him if you want to get something done you should do it yourself! Thus he picked a life of engineering and science. It is very hard to argue with physical law. After starting college, he quickly realized the curriculum was oppressive and not the full truth. After learning about Nikola Tesla's wireless work and 'free energy,' it was very clear what he needed to pursue and where he thinks humanity needs to go. He’s helped recreate wireless Tesla technology via a 2000 wireless transmission reception! He has further developed and simplified mathematics in this subject, and has practical engineering based on this math. These are higher order equations previously useless to engineers due to the over complexity of the modern mathematical system. He has started up his own engineering firm using occult ether physics - declared off limits to the people.
Website: saintnichola.org
Instagram / TikTok: @saintnichola
Youtube: saintnicholas
Telegram channel: https://t.me/saintnichola
Eric Dollard: https://ericpdollard.com/
Parker Edmondson: https://linktr.ee/dr.parkinstine
Two years ago, on 2/2/20, Sylas Lopez both transitioned in and out of this world. It was a devastating loss to his parents who were humbly prepared and excited to welcome his arrival into this world. It was a blessing and honor to cross paths and be hired as Elyse and Rey’s doula for their first born baby. I knew they were special when a I met them and immediately I knew we would become friends. When Elyse was basically full term, to our utter shock, we found out Sylas had passed. At 36 weeks, Elyse gave birth to their baby and said goodbye on the same day. As a witness and support, as their doula, it was a day I will never forget. Two years later we connect to honor Sylas and retell their story. This episode is for anyone really, and especially those who have lost someone dear to them. Although birth is usually awesome, sometimes it’s sad, hard too. That is the nature of things. But it is always powerful. Although it happens in nature, losing a child, even losing a pregnancy, is a devastating loss to many. And although it is uncommon, it’s not as uncommon as one may think. Elyse and Rey are an unbelievable example of love, vulnerability, truth and resilience. They openly share their story and what it is to love and what it is to grieve.
While this experience for me was truly an initiation as a birth keeper and human being, I decided no introduction was needed from me as I really want this to be Elyse and Rey’s story as parents. But for any and all birth keepers out there, feel free to reach out to me if you are or have attended a birth you feel needs sharing or processing.
I also just want to throw in there that when we finished the call is was 2:22 Elyse and Reys time and 20:22 my time. That is one of our signs for Sylas. You can’t make this shit up.
After this life-transforming experience, Elyse became a doula, supporting dozens of families around New York and the Tri-state area. Elyse and Rey welcomed their rainbow daughter, Irisa, into this world last Christmas. Elyse is an amazing doula, she is always my first reference when people ask me for doula references in NYC and surrounding areas. She is also available to support parents going through loss of a pregnancy or child. To check out her work: www.irisbirthdoula.com / instagram: @irisbirthdoula
*00:25- MY INTRO
*19:23- SomeOne’s heart’s intention
*21:23- “The Unexpected Signal”: Someone’s story
*32:38- Discovering silence
*35:55- SomeOne meets Shakti
*39:35- The first conscious astral projection
*46:43- The two types of enlightenment: Passive + Active
*52:21- Active Enlightenment
*56:33- Responsibility of becoming aware.
*1:04:23- What is Gnosis?
*1:11:54- Astral Experience with Master Samael Aun Weor
*1:18:32- Look without words, see without concepts
*1:25:30- The 7 layers of reality, The 7 types of man
*1:35:24- MAN 4:aware of awareness.
*1:53:52- Stilling the mind
*2:08:14- The mind is like a dog
*2:12:19- The energy it takes to hold awareness
*2:17:29- Specifying the types of energy
*2:20:01- The science of hydrogen
*2:26:14- Food for consciousness
*2:33:19- The science of the Astral Body
*2:40:34- The science of sexual energy
*2:45:33- Someone’s Kundalini Rising in the Physical Body
*2:50:04- Solar Astral Body +different bodies
*2:59:44 -The Alchemical Marriage
*3:07:04- Floating on the river vs. Building a boat
*3:11:37- Divine Love on the path + Pure Awareness
*3:26:07- Science experiment that you can do to wake up in the astral body
*3:42:29- Don’t believe a word. Find out yourself.
*3:45:00- Keep your humor. Laugh, play, and enjoy.
SomeOne's Telegram Channel, free for all to follow: https://t.me/TheGnosticMethod
Introduction to Gnosis https://glorian.org/books/introduction-to-gnosis
*Astral Projection and Dream Yoga course: https://glorian.org/learn/courses-and-lectures/astral-projection-and-dream-yoga
*Alchemy course: https://glorian.org/learn/courses-and-lectures/alchemy
Love and Sex https://glorian.org/learn/topics/love-and-sex
*Sexual transmutation, Alchemy, and Tantra: https://glorian.org/learn/courses-and-lectures/beginning-here-and-now/sexual-transmutation-alchemy-and-tantra?highlight=WyJkZXNjZW50Il0=
*Meeting the Master. Samael Aun Weor: https://glorian.org/about/gnostics/samael-aun-weor
*GURDJIEFF: https://www.holybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/The-Fourth-Way-by-Ouspensky.pdf
* Builders of the Adytum. Study of Kabbalah and tarot: https://www.bota.org
*Yoga video SomeOne mentioned that inspired. Earth to heaven https://youtu.be/eumyEaHVGbk
*Don't forget to laugh and be joyful! https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ
Did you know that childbirth, can be a pleasurable, orgasmic and psychedelic experience?
Did you know it can be a sexual experience?
I mean isn’t that the energy that created the little person in the first place?
Amanda tells the story of her first birth which was the most psychedelic and orgasmic experience of her life. She had a similar experience with her second birth. In this episode, we dip into the psychedelic nature of birth. And of course there is a connection between the psychedelic frequency and higher sexual frequencies. I plan on going deeper into this subject and connection in more episodes so definitely stick around for that. Amanda is a radical birth keeper and you can follow her on instagram @thebirthofyou // music by: emilia tapli // follow wisdom weavers on instagram: @wisdomweaverspodcast -
Hello friends and strangers,
It’s been a few weeks since airing an episode. I moved to a new area and needed to land and adjust. So we’re back.
Also quick shoutout to the chickens you can hear in the background of the intro.
Anyways, this episode has really inspired me. We’re talking life, death, birth, nature, rudolph steiner, humanity at this time... with a really special person. A very unorthodox doctor.
Nathan is a physician, a father, a husband, and a friend. He chose the path to allopathic medicine and came out the other end of 15 grueling years of training feeling unsatisfied. He has two specialities - birth and death, and his connection with people and Mother Nature supported him in exiting the conventional model in hopes of providing an added layer of support to those who are unsatisfied with the conventional model of women's healthcare. His ultimate dream is to one day open a combined birth and death retreat center adjacent to a biodynamic farm where real healing can take place. You can find him at www.BelovedHolistics.com
Nathan also has his own podcast which I thoroughly enjoy listening to. It’s called Obgyno Wino. I suggest checking it out. I love his microdose episodes a lot. And also the episode: Journey of an Unorthodox Allopath.
- OBGYNO WINO (Nathan’s podcast)
- www.belovedholistics.com (Nathan’s holistic gynecological offering)
- The Soul of Discipline by Kim John Payne (book)
- Rudolph Steiner (get into it).
- Music (intro and outro) by Emilia Talpi -
we’re all born. and we’ll all die. and while i have mentioned previously that this podcast will be covering such topics, we’re now arriving to the first episode that touches on this.
birth matters. these precious beginning moments set the tone for our lives physically, developmentally, emotionally, etc. we live in times where much of the culture of birth is oppressive, abusive, and detrimental to mothers and babies.
for evolution’s sake, for love’s sake, we can do better. in this episode, we dive into these topics with Vanessa Brooks, a midwife in southern spain who’s really passionate about changing birth for the better.
Since the birth of her first children in her teepee, Vanessa Brooks was inspired by the magic of birth. her passion saw her accompany many women from her community through their journeys. After witnessing her first hospital birth, she realized the incredible gift those births had been… Trust in the process was deep inside. Twenty years, 100s of beautiful births, and many years of speaking internationally on birth finds her now running Da a Luz Oasis a project to return to training post modern midwives.
She still enjoys being with a few families a year, seeing inspiring gentle birth as life changing.
instagram: @daaluzoasis + @daaluz_oasis -
This episode is about homeopathy. And what healing the entire person really means. Homeopathy was once something I knew nothing about (and I am only brushing the surface right now) and felt pretty random to me, but has since then blown my mind, has changed the way I think about the body, healing, and water. I hope this episode nourishes you as much as it did me. There are so many treasures of healing for us to discover both individually and collectively.
Elizabeth is a homeopath who trained with the Irish School of Homeopathy. She obtained her license in 2006 and since then she has had a varied and rich practice, in Ireland in Spain, and online. Now she feels truly inspired as a teacher of homeopathy at the Da a Luz school in the Alpujarras. She wishes to expand teaching and her homeopathic practice to empower as many as possible to truly understand the wonderful bounty of health when it is taken as a personal responsibility on the journey of life.
Her practice has been a lot about the family, about healing childhood illness, and the illness of the mind. That said, Elizabeth’s homeopathic practice has known no bounds in the conditions treated everything from severe alopecia to infertility, suicidal thoughts to addictions. Her practice has been more about the people than the conditions. The holder of the disease than the disease itself. Usually, her clients are people who are looking to empower themselves and just need to be shown the way.
Developing her homeopathic practice she has taken several post-graduate courses with Jeremy Sherr, Anne Walker, Peter Chappell, and Nuala Eising. All of these are inspirational teachers who are breaking new ground for homeopathy.
She worked at the Eva Demaya Foundation in Malawi for just under a year, just after graduation. She says that this is when the power of homeopathy became concreted in her mind as the remedies were often the only thing available for serious and advanced conditions. At these critical times, they worked more clearly and brilliantly than ever.
She was born in the west of Ireland. Elizabeth is passionate about all things natural, having been raised deep in the countryside, immersed in nature, the wild, and a farm full of animals.
Her primary education led her to a degree in Natural Science focused on Biochemistry. Again an immersion to the nature of our being at a cellular level. It was an amazing study. This lead to a Master in Medical systems.
In post-graduate years from the science degree, she worked for clinical trials with Quintiles and then subsequently several large pharma and medical device companies like Novartis, Boston Scientific, and Abbotts. These were years where she learned a lot about the materialistic, industrial world and how contrary this is to nature. Only through a love of yoga and an introduction to Homeopathy did she pull herself out of this field of work and to her true joy as a homeopath and teacher.
Elizabeth is now a mother of two boys and lives in the Alpujarra, Southern Spain.
She continues to work building her teaching and practice of homeopathy.
She can be reached through email: [email protected] by telephone (whatsapp and telegram) 0034 603497559 or check out her website (in construction): www.thatlikehealslike.com -
How do I align with this planet (or damage the planet) by the things that I consume? What does “organic”, “eco-friendly”, and “green” even mean? How can I grow a business without falling into the traps of BIG business, BIG production? Is it possible to center Mother Earth in a growing business?
Well, it is. And this conversation with Brad Vanstone, founder of Willicroft is the perfect example. In fact, this plant-based cheese company founded by Brad, based in the Netherlands, has officially appointed Mother Nature as their CEO. I’m not joking. You can see it front and center on their website. And it’s pretty awesome too. Hope you enjoy this delicious episode.
OH! And I apologize for the few lags in the episode, and when Brad and I briefly sound like aliens in the technological issues. I’m still surfing the DIY vibe of this podcast.
About Brad:
Fueled by concerns about the future of our planet, Brad began eating a mainly plant-based diet upon moving to Amsterdam. He found the transition easier than he’d imagined with the exception of cheese. Unable to find many plant-based cheese alternatives in the supermarket, he started making it at home. Months of experimentation later, and with some basic knowledge of dairy cheese making from time spent growing up on his Grandparents dairy farm, he founded Willicroft in 2018.
The name originates from Willicroft Farm in Devon founded by his grandparents in 1957. Now, they’re reimagining how we consume cheese combining age-old techniques with a more planet-friendly ingredient base. With Mother Nature as their CEO, they’re placing the planet's future front and centre behind every decision they make.
Having launched Willicroft at 500 supermarkets, and opened up the first plant-based cheese store in the Netherlands, they’re aiming to demonstrate that plant-based cheese can be just as decadent as its dairy alternative.
Instagram: @plantbasedcheese
Linkden: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bvanstone/
Human Kind, Rutger Bregman
Regenerative Farming
(podcast: www.investinginregenerativeagriculture.com ) -
I was lucky enough to sit down with International Coach and Priestess, and just full on embodied woman, Ebonie Allard. What a gift. I got to spend a week with her on the beach, soaking up sun, good laughs, and a whole lot of wisdom. This episode is pure gold. We talk about the idea of holding multiple truths, what humanity needs in order to evolve, and what self-responsibility and freedom really means.
Ebonie Allard is an award winning International Coach. She’s a Misfit turned Maven, an author, an artist, and a Priestess.
She’s the creator of The Misfit to Maven Way, The Value Filter™ system and the CEO and Founder of Misfit for Life. She empowers self selected Misfits to free themselves from invisible cages; flourish and thrive.
It is her mission to help 100,000 Misfits know that they belong, reclaim their power and live fully rounded, FUN and self-governed lives.
Professionally; when she is not advocating for Misfits, you'll find her being The Priestess of Alchemy. Personally; she's a pussy cat - curled up in a sunny spot or off chasing her tail or a rainbow.
instagram: @ebonieallard
www.adultingwithebonie.com -
In this episode we’re merging money and spirituality with the amazingly talented financial coach and tattoo artist, Ryan Roi.
Ryan is a native New Yorker, and he is the owner and artist at Dukkha Tattoo studio in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. In his 12 years as a tattoo artist, Ryan has prioritized artistic excellence and personal/spiritual growth. The name of his tattoo studio comes from the Pali word for suffering, which is the language that the Buddha spoke. Although he does not consider himself a Buddhist or follow anyone's spiritual path, Ryan is greatly influenced by Buddhism and many other spiritual philosophies.
At the start of the Covid pandemic, Ryan started a financial coaching business for artists and freelancers, and that is what he is here to tell us about today. His views on money are holistic and include the practical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of managing money. Ryan views money as a flow of energy, and he seeks to find a balance between our relationship with the material and spiritual world.
* “The Energy of Money”- Maria Nemeth, Ph.D.
* “The Richest Man in Babylon”- George S. Clason
* Landmark Worldwide- https://www.landmarkworldwide.com
Links to Ryans work
* (https://www.theartfuldollar.com)
* IG: @theartfuldollar (https://instagram.com/theartfuldollar?igshid=vheal9ln1lhr)
* tattoo IG: @dukkha_tattoo (https://instagram.com/dukkha_tattoo?igshid=kyw6vsm7nc4l) - Visa fler