
  • In this episode of the Wisdom & Wanderlust Podcast, Michael and Robyn talk with Hannah Gresser, a soulful, audacious and compassionate traveler. Hannah was struck with wanderlust at the age of 15 during her first international travel experience in Brazil with her father. Since then, she has dedicated her life to transformation and helping people evolve and become the best versions of themselves through plant medicine and most recently, breathwork.

    Hannah shares how her lifelong battle with anxiety and depression led her to plant medicine, which then helped her discover the power of breathwork for her healing. She walks us through some simple tricks to calm the mind and body in a few short seconds. She also discusses her new home in Hawaii and the wisdom she is learning from the indigenous cultures there.

    "With breath and with creating these really short mini practices, that’s actually creating a more sustainable longer term change like domino effect than these huge breakthrough meditations that go on for a week. Those are great and I have so much fun and I have profound insights that come from them, but it’s the daily practice of breath and the daily practice of yoga and movement that really sinks in to a whole other level of being and embodying." - Hannah Gresser [05:56]

    "I realized that breath can do exactly the same thing that all of these medicines can do, but almost… I don’t need to go and reach for anything. All I have to do is *takes a deep breath* and that’s the medicine." - Hannah Gresser [15:53]

    "Breath is always available and always possible." - Hannah Gresser [20:13]

    "I just want to tell everybody and share this simplicity of what I’ve learned: that it can go as simple or as complex as you like. And at least at this point in my journey, simplicity is what’s been the most helpful." - Hannah Gresser [23:41]

    "The Hawaiian culture is deep. This culture is so deep and it’s so rich. And being here even just for the two months that I’ve been here, it’s taking me on this wild journey of realizing how much myth relates to the life." - Hannah Gresser [44:50]

    What You Will Learn:

    [00:01] Intro[03:16] How to make it too small to fail[08:37] Meeting Hannah Gresser[09:46] Her different adventures and journeys before Hawaii[13:17] Where her interest in plant medicine came from[16:50] How breathwork superseded plant medicine to her[21:35] If there was a breathing technique she had a master[23:56] The simplest expression of breathing[32:39] Five qualities or breath[35:16] How to remember to breath[40:37] Correlating different personality types with different types of breath[41:55] Resources to learn more about these practices[43:38] Where to contact Hannah Gresser[47:32] How she’s changed her outlook about plant medicine[52:14] What is Holotropic Breathwork[55:27] Outro


    Hannah Gresser’s websiteEmail Hannah GresserMaster John DouglasWim HofJourney to the Heart: Daily Meditations on the Path to Freeing Your Soul by Melody BeattieScience of Breath: A Practical Guide by Rudolph Ballentine and Swami RamaHimalayan InstituteOptimize.meBreathing on Optimize.metGrof Transpersonal Training’s Holotropic Breathwork
  • In this episode of the Wisdom & Wanderlust Podcast, Michael and Robyn talk with Lena Papadopoulos, an award-winning intercultural educator, facilitator, speaker, life transformation coach and aspiring astrologist. Lena’s approach is a unique alchemy of her educational and professional background in sociology, psychology, cultural anthropology, international education, experiential learning and leadership development. Using intercultural learning as a catalyst for self-discovery, she works with her clients to help them break free from cultural conditioning so they can reconnect with themselves, embody their unique potential and make a positive impact in the world.

    Lena discusses the intersection of intercultural education and life coaching and how the two complement one another. She talks about Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions and whether people can change from introverted and individualistic tendencies to extroverted and collective tendencies over the course of a lifetime and places lived. She also talks about the differences between our life, soul and right now purposes and how to find these for ourselves.

    "All the change that we want to see in the world and in bringing people together and in bridging cultural divides and differences and whatever, it all starts with the self." - Lena Papadopoulos [10:03]

    "So many people use difference as this way to reinforce division or some kind of divide, but it’s such an amazing learning opportunity, right? The most innovative things are created when very different types of people come together because they bring different perspectives." - Lena Papadopoulos [16:43]

    "I think that our core life purpose, our true truest purpose, is to return to the truth of who we are." - Lena Papadopoulos [40:49]

    "Why does that matter to me? Because I was always the weird Greek girl. I was always sort of like I don’t belong here in this place. I don’t make sense here. This place doesn’t make sense to me, and also stuff with my family and things that I experienced at school. Like all these things made me feel othered, made me feel not wanted somehow or too much in some way or not enough in some way, right? So of course, yeah, I want other people to not feel that." - Lena Papadopoulos [43:58]

    What You Will Learn:

    [00:01] Intro[02:33] Lena’s life in Oaxaca, Mexico[05:33] Her favorite and least favorite place to live[08:17] Where she got her start as an intercultural educator[11:58] Her definition of culture[13:56] How culture influences how we see the world[17:10] If she focuses on similarities and differences while she travels[19:09] How she prepares for the destination[22:05] Where she got her spontaneity trait[24:43] Things she does that helps her connect with people and culture[28:15] How adaptable are people to certain elements of culture[33:14] What is Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions[35:08] How people can learn more about cultural assessment with Lena[37:49] Shifting to other realms[41:57] Difference between life and soul purpose[44:45] What gets in the way[47:59] Where to contact Lena Papadopoulos[49:01] Rapid fire questions[51:48] Outro


    Lena Papadopoulos’ websiteLena Papadopoulos on InstagramLena Papadopoulos on LinkedInLena Papadopoulos on Explorer XIntercultural Intensive with LenaWorld Travel: An Irreverent Guide by Anthony Bourdain and Laurie WooleverCultural Awareness as a Critical Component of Travel with LenaHofstede's Cultural Dimensions
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  • In this episode of the Wisdom & Wanderlust Podcast, Michael and Robyn talk with Mel Miles, a coach, writer and a chief soul officer at Soulcation Coaching and Retreats. Her mission is to give stressed out, overworked professionals the space and information to rewrite their own story and find the freedom they’ve always wanted.

    Mel talks about what it took for her to make the transition out of the corporate world into entrepreneurship and the lessons she gained from a year-long trip around the world. She also discusses how to lean into rest and play as keys to success. Listen as she shares how to build a life you don’t need a vacation from.

    Warning: Explicit content

    "I just want to speak to anyone who’s listening to this who feels stressed out, overwhelmed, burned out particularly in the time of COVID, that those feelings are so valid." - Mel Miles [11:25]

    "No one ever taught me how to actually feel my feelings and that it was safe to be in sadness and grief and pain, which I know are five core emotions that we as humans have to experience." - Mel Miles [13:38]

    "I always say when the pain is bad enough that you are finally willing to take action to choose yourself." - Mel Miles [15:55]

    "When you’re actually going through a season of transformation, how you change your life is not through picking your next job and going all in to kill it. How you do it is lots of iterations and lots of experiments, and it’s the people who are willing to try on different identities, whether it’d be in their work life or their lifestyle, are the ones that can finally land in what’s true to them." - Mel Miles [24:49]

    "I do believe that people with privilege are ambassadors to support the freedom of others." - Mel Miles [37:01]

    What You Will Learn:

    [00:01] Intro[01:45] Why Playa del Carmen[05:28] Melody to Mel[10:59] The catalyst for what she’s doing now[15:47] Why she took a year to travel[18:15] What freedom means to her and Michael[22:50] A profound moment that changed her life[26:48] Why she remembers the next yellow arrow[28:55] The parable of businessman and the fisherman[31:19] The top five regrets of the dying[36:24] If freedom is a choice & what prevents people from that choice[46:27] Some mindsets to adopt while traveling and bring home[49:39] Mel’s business, Soulcation[51:50] Rapid fire questions[56:42] Outro


    Mel Miles’ websiteSoulcation PodcastMel Miles on InstagramMel Miles on LinkedInMy Ayahuasca Death and RebirthMel’s 7-Step SOULFUL FrameworkFree masterclass: Five Shifts to Heal Emotional Overwhelm & BurnoutThe Soulcation PlannerThis Book Will Make You Dangerous: The Irreverent Guide For Men Who Refuse to Settle by Tripp LanierThe Camino de SantiagoSmall Group Journey: Walking the Camino de SantiagoThe Top Five Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie WareThe Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life by David BrooksThe Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron[Travel Better] Lessons from a Lifetime of Travel with Don Mankin (Part 1) (Part 2)
  • In this episode of the Wisdom & Wanderlust Podcast, Michael and Robyn talk with their colleague and partner Ursula Kordis of Slovenia. Ursula lives in Slovenia and designs adventures for guests visiting the country. She talks about why Slovenia’s central location within Europe makes it such a unique place and how Slovenia gained its reputation as one of the greenest countries in the world. Listen as she shares what you can expect when you visit this country on your next trip.

    "Everybody is saying, ‘Take advantage of your kids when they’re little, because they grow too fast,’ and they really grow too fast." - Ursula Kordis [09:02]

    "70% of Slovenia is covered with forests, so we want to preserve this." - Ursula Kordis [29:17]

    "I think it’s really important that you slow down. And I have to pace myself that I don’t put too much in your itinerary because we want to show you everything. But you also need to breathe and digest everything." - Ursula Kordis [40:09]

    "Just be yourself and dare to do things you think are right without harming anyone." - Ursula Kordis [52:27]

    What You Will Learn:

    [00:01] Intro[02:41] Ursula’s life during the pandemic & how she thinks things will change post-pandemic[11:22] Meet Ursula Kordis[13:00] How she got into the travel industry & what inspired her sense of wanderlust[19:09] One of her meaningful travel experience & what she learned about herself[23:50] What she loves most about her work[24:11] Slovenia and where it’s been in the past 30-40 years[28:54] What is going on in Slovenia today outside of the pandemic[31:50] Where the passion for conservation and sustainability come from[37:56] What kind of experiences can people have in Slovenia in a two week trip[43:03] Her favorite time of year in Slovenia[44:43] Where she sees Slovenia in 15-20 years[48:44] Rapid fire questions[53:39] Outro


    The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who've Lived the Longest by Dan BuettnerExplorer X’s Small Group JourneysExplorer X’s Adult Study AbroadOpen Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent by Eduardo GaleanoSlovenia on Explorer X
  • In this episode of the Wisdom & Wanderlust Podcast, Jake Haupert joins Robyn in the conversation with Gordon Hempton, also known as the Sound Tracker. Gordon is an acoustic ecologist who has circled the globe three times over the span of 35 years.

    Gordon talks about how he turned listening into a career and his inspiration behind creating quiet parks around the world. He also discusses the importance and benefits of getting out of your comfort zone in a place like the Amazon and how he takes people on sound journeys through the Amazon Awakenings trip.

    "So in the listening to nature’s music or own music, it lets us know that listening is actually a performance." - Gordon Hempton [35:53]

    "But in the quiet, because quiet is healthy, you can feel yourself heal, become healthier in that quiet." - Gordon Hempton [38:17]

    "This is really heartening because we all have a right to quiet. Quiet is no longer a luxury. Quiet, just like health, literacy, food, is something which we need to achieve our birthright of being who we are. Basic human rights." - Gordon Hempton [40:45]

    "Not only do all roads lead to quiet, but many roads are different lengths." - Gordon Hempton [43:53]

    "When I let go of control and let it happen, then it was this aha moment in my life that I realized that was the problem. In my personal life and in my business life is I was working under the assumption, the myth, that if I want anything to happen, I have make it happen, but in the Amazon, I understood that no, what you do is you let things happen and that allows you to observe what is really happening and then you move with it.” - Gordon Hempton [53:52]

    What You Will Learn:

    [00:01] Intro[03:43] Meet Gordon Hempton[07:44] How he got into acoustic ecology[11:42] Spending time in church with Jake[14:02] A story about swimming at night[17:54] Behind the name “The Sound Tracker”[24:12] How he differentiates sound vs noise[31:13] Ways to truly listen day to day[33:58] What is a sound portrait[37:08] How we can protect these quiet places[43:45] What Gordon means by all roads mean to quiet[45:38] What makes the Zabalo region special to Gordon[53:15] One real transformative moment in his life[56:32] What he’s learned through challenging experiences[1:03:11] One piece of advice to Gordon’s 20 year old self[1:07:28] Outro


    Gordon Hempton’s websiteQuiet Planet’s websiteGordon Hempton on LinkedInAfar article: The God of Silence Speaks UpQuiet Parks InternationalAmazon Awakenings: Exploring Ecuador with Gordon Hempton
  • In this episode of the Wisdom & Wanderlust Podcast, Michael and Robyn talk with David Alport, a certified personal and professional development coach who helps his clients navigate through life’s transitions and live with more intention. Before he became a coach, David spent more than 20 years in the travel industry and founded Out & About, a company that provided guidance for LGBTQ travelers through print and digital media.

    David talks about a trip to India that changed his life and how he approaches travel. He also talks about the similarities between the Burning Man festival and a refugee camp in Kenya. He shares why he goes back to certain destinations more than once and what it means to travel and live with intention.

    "The real magic of travel is how it changes your perspective." - David Alport [47:54]

    What You Will Learn:

    [00:01] Intro[02:44] Working with a coach[05:02] David’s strengths as a coach[08:16] Meet David Alport[10:02] What it’s like coaching during the pandemic[15:59] How his focus has shifted and where he wants to go after the pandemic[20:58] Where David’s sense of wanderlust comes from[21:08] His first international travel experience and some favorite travel experiences[24:14] David’s experiences traveling to India[33:57] What he’s learned exploring the human condition[35:28] The emotional overlap between the refugee camps in Kenya and Burning Man[41:42] Why he chooses to revisit places[44:51] The perspective circle exercise[48:08] How to bring intentional mindset to traveling[54:34] Three key tools/hacks for traveling with intention[1:02:15] Why David doesn’t have friends who don’t like to travel[1:07:54] Rapid fire questions[1:19:58] Where to contact David[1:21:02] Outro


    David Alport’s websiteDavid Alport on TwitterDavid Alport on LinkedInDavid Alport on FacebookThe Transformational Travel CouncilBurning ManFilmAidKakuma refugee campThe Dadaab refugee complexThe perspective circle exerciseThe Overstory by Richard Powers
  • In this episode of the Wisdom & Wanderlust Podcast, Michael and Robyn talk with Becki Rupp, a travel coach, personal trainer and a health coach. Becki left her job in corporate America to start Trailblazer Wellness with the goal of helping people get physically fit and the strength and stamina they need to enjoy their travel experiences.

    Becki talks about her work as a health coach and why this line of work is so near and dear to her heart. She also discusses some of the challenges and obstacles people often face in their wellness journeys and how to overcome those. Listen as she share some of her best practices for preparing for and getting the most out of your travel experiences

    "It’s really important to identify why this is important to you on a really deeper level. That is what will keep you motivated in the long term." - Becki Rupp [13:15]

    What You Will Learn:

    [00:01] Intro[02:01] What Becki’s life looks like in Colorado these days[06:03] What is a health coach[09:39] The differences between fitness and health[12:48] Finding and understanding the deeper why[19:46] Most common obstacles and challenges with those working on a health and fitness goal[25:46] Starting small with a health and fitness journey[30:55] Why Becki focuses her health coaching on travelers[33:16] Where her sense of wanderlust stems from[35:01] Eight colors of fitness[42:44] Becki’s key fitness practices[46:45] Other things she does for a more balance and mindful life[49:49] Rapid fire questions[54:50] Where to contact Becki[56:46] Outro


    Trailblazer WellnessBecki Rupp’s blogTrailblazer Wellness on FacebookEmail Becki RuppThe Monarch Crest CrankThis Book Will Make You Dangerous: The Irreverent Guide For Men Who Refuse to Settle by Tripp LanierThe 8 Colors of Fitness by Suzanne BrueThe CliftonStrengths’ StrengthsFinderThe Values in Action (VIA Survey of Character StrengthsOh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss
  • In this episode of the Wisdom & Wanderlust Podcast, Michael and Robyn talk with Court Whelan, an exhibition leader, guide, photographer, author and conservationist whose mission is to inspire us to do our part in protecting our planet and the amazing people, cultures, places and wildlife that call it home. Court discusses eco-tourism, photography, conservation and how they benefit each other. He also shares some statistics regarding the economic benefits to a community dedicated to conservation as well as clues us into some easy things that we can do to be better stewards of our earth.

    "Something I still say to today is influencing the influencers of our world. I think travelers tend to be a bit more extroverted, a bit more involved, a bit more active, a bit more outspoken, a bit more conscientious, and so if I can turn those people onto conservation via travel, I have this great disproportionate impact on saving the world and stuff." - Court Whelan [17:24]

    What You Will Learn:

    [00:01] Intro[01:42] Trying to see through the crystal ball[02:59] Revisiting photos[05:39] Balancing photography and being presence in the moment[08:30] How his sense of wanderlust played into his pursuit of ecotourism and entomology[14:59] Traveling after college[17:50] What is conservation, ecotourism, sustainable and regenerative travel[21:16] Working with local communities[29:31] What Court does to ensure minimal impact and maximum contribution to a place he’s visiting[32:58] Some sustainable best practices for travel and day-to-day life[38:39] How photography came into Court’s life[41:34] How conservation, travel and photography come together[44:20] Photographing the monarch butterfly migration[47:48] What caused the greatest impact in the evolution and growth of the travel industry[49:34] What has he learned about himself, the world and life through traveling[54:27] Rapid fire questions[57:48] Court’s self-care habits at home[59:19] His advice to the listeners[1:01:45] Where to contact Court[1:02:14] Outro


    Court Whelan’s websiteCourt Whelan on InstagramThe Wild Photographer podcastThe Monarch Migration: A Journey through the Monarch Butterfly's Winter Home by Court WhelanThe Secret Life of Walter MittyFactfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think by Anna Rosling Rönnlund, Hans Rosling, and Ola RoslingThe Blue Zones Kitchen: 100 Recipes to Live to 100 by Dan Buettner
  • In this episode of the Wisdom & Wanderlust Podcast, Michael and Robyn continue their conversation with Dr. Don Mankin, a psychologist, educator, futurist, writer, consultant and world traveler. Don talks about writing his book, Riding the Hulahula to the Arctic Ocean: A Guide to Fifty Extraordinary Adventures for the Seasoned Traveler, and what he is the most proud of with his writing. He also shares how he prepares before traveling to a new place and how he engages while he’s there.

    "Serendipity is a very important quality in life and in travel. You have to allow yourself to be surprised, and that sometimes means being unprepared." –Don Mankin, Ph.D. [33:17]

    What You Will Learn:

    [00:01] Intro[01:24] Don’s life-changing travel experiences[08:33] What has he learned about himself and the world through travel[14:20] The transition from psychology and consulting to travel writing[19:30] Writing the book, Riding the Hulahula to the Arctic Ocean[20:54] What is Don most proud of with his writing[26:48] How does he approach a trip now[31:02] How he prepares for the culture/language to a new place[39:39] What he does to engage in a deeper level while he’s traveling[43:14] How he identifies themes for his writings[47:20] If he believe travel be transformational[50:40] Rapid fire questions[58:23] Where to contact Don[59:32] Outro


    Riding the Hulahula to the Arctic Ocean: A Guide to Fifty Extraordinary Adventures for the Seasoned Traveler by Don Mankin and Shannon StowellDon Mankin’s articles on his websiteDon Mankin’s blogNorthern Thailand & Laos: A Journey into the Spiritual Heart of SE AsiaDon Mankin’s websiteEmail DonExplorer X
  • In this episode of Wisdom & Wanderlust Podcast, Michael and Robyn chat with Dr. Don Mankin, a psychologist, educator, futurist, writer, consultant, and world traveler. Don shares some of his memorable experiences during his travels to over 70 countries and all seven continents. He also discusses the lessons he’s learned from a lifetime of travel and how to travel like a travel writer.

    "It's the closest thing to being on another planet that you can get to on earth." - Dr. Don Mankin [20:46]

    What You Will Learn:

    [00:00] Intro[02:03] Meet Dr. Don Mankin[04:04] The connection between Judaism and psychology[08:38] Where his sense of wanderlust came from[10:50] His first travel experience[21:31] What he learned or took away from his travels[26:18] Some key theories, topics, and discussions on fulfilling work[30:30] What role does passion play in fulfilling work[34:04] Some of his adventure stories


    The Story of the Jews: Finding the Words 1000 BC - 1492 AD by Simon SchamaBook of Marvels: the Occident by Richard HalliburtonDon Mankin’s websiteExplorer X
  • In this episode of Wisdom & Wanderlust, Michael and Robyn chat with Dr. Maria Baltazzi, an Emmy-winning television show producer and a happiness and well-being mentor. Maria discusses how happiness is a state of mind that ultimately starts with a choice to be happy and how the key to happiness is mindfulness. She also explains how mindfulness is like a muscle that you have to keep working on and exercising if you want to get it stronger. Listen as she walks through her journey to happiness and shares her keys to living a more mindful and happier life.

    "When I say happiness is a choice and as a state of being, it’s that you have the emotional tools, that skillset, to weather your challenges in the world in a more constructive, more mindful way." - Maria Baltazzi [15:42]

    What You Will Learn:

    [00:01] Intro[03:47] How Maria is coping with the COVID-19 pandemic[06:59] What Maria got from her traveling experiences[09:53] If these experiences are impacted with what’s going on in the world[11:38] How much is happiness related to having priorities in order[12:39] What is happiness and how does it difference from peace[14:14] What sparked her interest in studying happiness[19:49] How to build happiness and how mindfulness plays into it[27:21] How to make meditation a habit[30:56] How to create more positive thoughts[38:33] How Maria felt success externally but was missing something internally[41:15] How she coaches others with similar experiences[46:52] People that have influenced the direction Maria has gone[49:55] The role travel has played in her personal growth and development[51:01] Her most memorable/life-changing travel stories[57:24] One thing that people can do travel better[1:01:28] Mediate and be grateful every day[1:07:18] Rapid fire questions[1:11:29] Maria’s one piece of advice for the listeners[1:12:21] Where to contact Maria[1:16:58] Why Zorba the Greek is her favorite book[1:18:04] Outro


    Stopping Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs) by Dr. Daniel AmenThe Abraham-Hicks Emotional Guidance ScaleBrian JohnsonRick HansonThe How of Happiness by Sonja LyubomirskyZorba the Greek by Nikos KazantzakisThe Sojourn Experience8 Good ThingsInsight TimerExplorer XThe Camino de Santiago
  • In this episode of Wisdom & Wanderlust, Michael and Robyn chat with Jake Haupert, co-founder of Explorer X and the Transformational Travel Council. Jake talks about how he met Michael and how they bonded over their shared philosophy of travel. He defines transformational travel and how to keep travel both enjoyable and life-changing at the same time. Listen as he shares the best practices of implementing change once travelers return home from these amazing experiences.

    "It really comes down to those encounters and those moments where you connect with another human being. The relationship, the bond that comes from that, the walls that break down between you and within you, that does create that ripple effect of change. It can be small. It can be big, but it puts you on that path of learning and growth." - Jake Haupert [29:17]

    What You Will Learn:

    [00:01] Intro[06:13] How Jake end up in the travel industry[11:50] How Jake and Michael met[15:37] The journey to help people answer their call and developing Transformational Travel Council (TCC)[23:20] How Jake defines transformation and keeps transformational travel approachable for all levels and styles of travelers[29:58] The balance between crafting the experience and leaving space for the organic and spontaneous moments[30:32] What it means to follow your path and travel with heart[37:33] Depth over distance[40:16] Being mindful vs being intentional in traveling and day-to-day living[43:32] The story behind the “Travel Better, Live Better” slogan and why it’s hard to implement changes back home[50:56] What are some things Jake and Michael have done to make changes[59:11] What Jake and Michael have learned in the past 10 years with their work[1:02:31] Rapid fire questions[1:08:07] Where to contact Jake and Michael[1:09:25] Outro


    The International Ecotourism SocietyTransformational Travel CouncilThe Transformational Travel JournalExplorer X
  • In this episode of “Wisdom & Wanderlust Podcast,” Michael Bennett, Co-founder of Explorer X, and Robyn Goldblatt explain how their separate life journeys influenced their passion for traveling. Michael also talks about how he managed to combine psychology and education with travel, and how this combination ultimately led to Explore X.

    Listen to how Explore X can help make your traveling experience life-changing.

    "And we got to the idea that transformational travel ... is this idea of bringing more mindfulness, more intentionality, bringing purpose to your experiences so that if you know that you want to create change in your life, travel is the best way to do it." - Michael Bennett, Ed.D. [23:50]

    What You Will Hear:

    [00:01] Intro[00:40] Michael’s story: Early interest in travel, college life, and career path[09:16] Robyn’s story: How her background nurtured her passion for travel[15:53] Transformational travel [19:02] The beginnings of Explorer X[25:02] The philosophy behind Explorer X [29:20] Wisdom & Wanderlust[33:53] Outro

