
  • examining surrender in various contexts: military, romantic, artistic, spiritual / surrendering the ego / Kaustubha concedes that Raghu is more of a “wood guy” - but they both have to let this identity go / actively choosing to accept our fate / Krishna lets us run til we’re materially exhausted / our real bio: I’m a tiny spirit soul here for a few days, to love / the elephant Gajendra’s alpha existence is about to turn on a dime

    SB 8.2.9-27



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  • Manu and the Devas are the universal staff in service of Vishnu / Manu is preserving the sad-dharma over the course of his age / the 8th canto illustrates what surrender looks like through 3 narrations (Gajendra, the churning of the ocean of milk & Bali Maharaja) / lets not redefine Bhakti in order to sound inclusive / we don’t object to a person's inclination towards the non-personal energy of Krishna (brahman), but when they deny Krishna Himself, and devotion to Him - that’s when we object / a description of the heavenly planets

    SB 8.1.17-8.2.8



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  • “Wisdom is not knowledge, it is a realization of the scheme and of one's own part in it.” - Algernon Blackwood / THE UNIVERSAL SCHEME: you are designed to enjoy divine love (but you're not ready for it until you're free of all selfishness) / we’re doing the material world wrong / the faith of Richard Dawkins / the most fantastic creation myth is that everything came from nothing / the universe is the energy, body, and property of Krishna - work in harmony with that and you never get entangled by karma / great sages get us started by working for good karma in order to connect us with the sacred texts / the same source of knowledge gives different instructions according to our level of evolution

    SB 8.1.14-16



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  • Is it possible that both the Jnana and Bhakti paths are correct in their understanding of “enlightenment“? That some people are naturally inclined towards devotion and due to conditioning and past samskaras some are naturally inclined to the jnana path? And after the dissolution of ego some would experience universal, impersonal, infinite consciousness, and others would experience the bliss of devotion to a personal form of God?



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  • “Asceticism is to remain pure amidst impurities.” - Guru Nanak / the yogi’s practice of austerity is like a way of establishing controlled laboratory conditions / the Bhagavad-gita on who is a true renunciate and a true mystic (Bg. 6.1) / the Bhagavad-gita on who is a poser (Bg. 3.6) / more on spiritual communism / Krishna embodies apparently contradictory attributes / as the virtual reality programer remains beyond the encoded laws of the VR, so Krishna lies beyond the laws of the world / 2 prototypes of aging, the Sage and the Karen (sorry, people named Karen)

    SB 8.1.10-13



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  • Has my pursuit of comfort and pleasure clouded my perception of truth? / Why should a yogi stand on one foot? / Patanjali’s Kriya-yoga = austerity + study of the self + surrender to God / “With asceticism, wisdom bears fruit.” - Ali ibn Abi Talib / yogic regulations key in on the animalistic basics of sleeping, eating and sex / Manu’s contemplation - there is a conscious intelligence behind everything, and everything is His property / spiritual communism can’t be legislated, it has to be inspired

    SB 8.1.9-10



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  • Building up to tomorrow's festival of the appearance of Sri Radha, Raghunath and Kaustubha read from Lord Shiva’s poem, The Sri Sri Radha-Kripa-Kataksha Stava (Prayers for the Merciful Side-long Grace of Sri Radha).



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  • The wisdom of Srimad Bhagavatam is the medicine for our illness and pain / Entering Canto 8 / every one of us has a crocodile glommed on our leg / we need to practice spirituality from a position of strength / every one has a back story / What are the subtle bodies on the higher planets like? / the subtle is the solid / Manu walks away from kingly power to meditate on the truth

    Our Goal for 2024 : At least 68,000 Srimad Bhagavatam sets around the world. We will be happy to share extra sets for those who need them. Here are 4 options:

    1. They can get a set of Srimad Bhagavatam for themselves.
    2. They can sponsor a set of Srimad Bhagavatam for their friends, family or fellow WOTS listeners
    3. They can sponsor a set of Srimad Bhagavatam and we will find a Recipient who is eagerly waiting for a set. (Hospitals, Prisons, Remote and tribal villages in India, people in Ukraine, people in South America, etc)
    4. If they want to receive a sponsored set we can ship anywhere within USA and Canada

    They can text/whatsapp/call Malini at this number: +1 (669) 289-5563 and we will take care of all the requests.

    SB 8.1.1-8



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  • Raghunath talks with filmmakers Kip Anderson and Kam Waters about the making of their films - Seaspiracy, What the Health, Cowspiracy and their newest film, Christspiracy. They discuss the Dead Sea scrolls, the 'meatrix', music ministry, and the importance of eating a liberated diet.

    Learn more at https://www.christspiracy.com

    And connect with Kip and Kam at https://www.instagram.com/christspiracy/



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  • How to deal with family functions which are centered around alcohol and where all the conversations are gossip and superficial? / Is it possible to be humble, tolerant and still set boundaries?



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  • “The perception of beauty is a moral test.” - Henry David Thoreau / where we find beauty reveals a lot about our character / perceiving beauty from the perspective of selflessness / the immature stage of vedanta denies beauty - the mature stage sees it all in relation to Krishna / kriyādvaita: oneness in actions / dravyādvaita: oneness in objectives / In Narada’s previous life he was a Gandharva intoxicated by beauty / the blessing of losing one’s beauty / the Para Brahman lived in the home of the Pandavas

    SB 7.15.64-80



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  • the satisfaction found in singular focus / seeing oneness in conceptions, actions and objectives lifts one’s awareness beyond the material / Krishna is horizontal and vertical cause of the cosmic manifestation / seeing this world as nothing but God’s energy / Krishna’s message to Arjuna about the highest of all yogis / How to see God everywhere / real liberation is sweet surrender

    SB 7.15.62-63



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  • Educate through love / we are trying to hold onto something solid, in an ever-shifting world / the solid is the subtle and the subtle is the solid / God is the unchanging thread holding the changing world together / Don’t try to redecorate your hotel room- do the inner work and move on / there’s a way to carry god consciousness into your changing world / losing faith in the material world

    SB 7.15.59-61



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  • Chandogya Upanisad tells that what we meditate on we become / Sarva khalvidam brahma - what does it mean, that everything is brahman? / Bhagavad-gita 14.27 - Krishna is the basis of brahman / Bhagavad-gita 10.12 - Krishna is the Supreme Brahman / all creation is made possible by brahman’s potential power / Brahman manifests as Krishna’s multifarious energies: parasya saktir vividaiva sruyate (Svetasvatara Upanishad 6.8) / 4 ways that Sankara’s Snake-rope metaphor fails - superimposition is impossible without – Similarities in attributes, Independent reality to both things, Prior experience of what is being superimposed, an outside entity coordinating the common superimpositions / the advaitin bliss is merely the neutral stage of relief from suffering / the opposite of being One Million Dollars in debt is not being free of debt, it’s owning one million dollars / Don’t throw Sweet Baby Krishna out with the bathwater



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  • “We don’t see reality. We see our reality.” - Professor Mercer from The Irrational / the Dartmouth Scar Experiment, sports, and the OJ trial all illustrate how mental impressions shape our perception / Vedanta’s classic metaphor of the snake and the rope / it is impossible to superimpose one idea unto another, if the former doesn’t exist in reality - ergo - the form variety and individual personhood of this reflected in this world must exist in reality

    SB 7.15.55-58



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  • Kaustubha interviews S.B. Keshava Swami about his training and service as a monk, as well as some insights on America through the eyes of a monk and questions on money and careers.

    To learn more about HH Keshava Swami Maharaj, go to https://www.keshavaswami.com



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  • What is the significance of sampradaya? / Do you see a rise in those choosing to practice Bhakti-yoga or is consumerism too strong? / Why shouldn’t one point their feet at the altar? / Why don’t we pass the guru (or Krishna) bead when we chant on a mala? / What is the signifigance of the Tulsi beads?



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  • “True sanity entails in one way or another the dissolution of the normal ego.” - R. D. Laing / the re-establishment of the true identity as servant of the divine / the purpose of ritual is the impression it leaves in the mind / through knowing (jnana) - one naturally lets go (vairagya) / When the senses are illuminated with knowledge ritualistic sacrifice may dissolve / offer sacrifice into the senses - the senses into the mind - the mind into mantra / attaining finer levels of bodies up to the top of the universe / the Bhagavad-gita compares all the yoga practices and, in the end, says - just surrender to Krishna

    SB 7.15.52-54

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    About Sage Groups: https://www.wisdomofthesages.com/c/sagegroups/



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  • materialism has no limiting principle in a world of limitations / the yogi places a limiting principle on materialistic drives / E. F. Schumacher as a brahminical voice in a materialistic boom / the flaw of democracy (no one will vote for a limiting principle) / basking in the afterglow of Prabhupada’s appearance day festival / a guru wrings out our disqualifications for devotional service / materialistic expansion vs materialistic reduction / letdown is woven into the path of material enjoyment - it can’t deliver satisfaction / the descent from the heavens back into a human body

    SB 7.15.48-51

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    About Sage Groups: https://www.wisdomofthesages.com/c/sagegroups/



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  • until we come under the tutelage of one who has mastered their senses, we remain a slave / resuming our spiritual identity / the promise of happiness through material enjoyment never delivers / the material energy is showing us that there is no hope on the path of material enjoyment / the blessing of regret

    SB 7.15.45-47

    Find Bali's novel at https://a.co/d/5r0MrrY

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    About Sage Groups: https://www.wisdomofthesages.com/c/sagegroups/



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