Mad with jealousy, King Leontes of Sicilia orders his best friend Polixenes killed, his child abandoned, and his wife put on trial for adultery. Sixteen years later, Perdita, raised as a shepherd's daughter, falls in love with Polixenes's royal son and returns to her father's kingdom. (Summary by Arielle Lipshaw)
Antigonus: John Doyle
Archidamus: David Nicol
Autolycus: Algy Pug
Camillo: mb
Cleomenes: Vicente Costa Filho
Clown: Baggz
Dion: Robert Fletcher
Dorcas: Patti Cunningham
Emilia: Laurie Anne Walden
First Gentleman: Skythrock
First Lady/Servant/Third Gentleman: musicalheart1
First Lord: Guero
First Servant: Sweetlilbirdy
Florizel: Mark F. Smith
Gaoler: Dennis D.
Gentleman/Narrator: Jo Karabasz
Hermione: Arielle Lipshaw
Leontes: Bruce Pirie
Lord: Rat King
Mamillius: Susanna
Mariner: David Lawrence
Mopsa: Availle
Officer: Bellona Times
Old Shepherd: om123
Paulina: Elizabeth Klett
Perdita: Karen Savage
Polixenes: David Goldfarb
Second Gentleman: Martin Geeson
Second Lady: Maria Therese
Second Servant: Lucy Perry
Time: Philippa
Audio edited by: Arielle Lipshaw