Chrissie is a 'Child Charmer' who you can find on Instagram @chrissiechaostocalm who is an educator turned child behaviour expert who has been supported families and educators for more than twenty years through speaking events, books, advocacy, and consultancy.
Find out more about her services here: https://www.chaostocalmconsultancy.com/
In this episode, we discussed:
Chrissie's journey into child behaviour advocacy Advocating for neurodivergent students Juggling high needs without adequate support Finding a neuro-affirming trauma-informed school Celebrating cultures of compassion over complianceIf you would like teacher wellbeing support 2023, contact me below:
Follow your biggest advocate here: @ceri.sandford
Absolutely brilliant banter with UK Teacher turned Advocate, Claire from @the.unteachables. Last year, she launched her new podcast and interviewed Ceri on Episode 15. Listen to our chat, breaking down an Instagram question sticker shared with more than 60,000 teachers with the prompt - "Am I the only teacher who...?" Reminder, you are a human and the expectations of your teaching should reflect that. Your best is always enough.
In this season finale episode, we discussed:
Ceri's journey out of the classroom Why teachers are leaving the profession Reminder: your way is the right way for you Human emotions (tears) in front of your class Addressing the individual needs of ALL your students When you know better, you will do better Designing a permission slip or personal affirmation Why the podcast is called Wine with Teacher Access to #MoreTherapyForTeachersFind out more about Claire's That'll Teach 'Em course here. It's a wonderful resource for supporting behavioural needs within your classroom. Her next round is launching this April 15, 2023. I can say with confidence and experience, that this is a wonderful and informative resource focused on calmness and compassion.
If you would like to receive my support in 2023, contact me below:
Follow your biggest advocate here: @ceri.sandford
Get wellbeing and ADHD support here:
1:1 Coaching and Small Group Programs
Saknas det avsnitt?
Danica See is an education mentor and children's behaviour consultant. We dived into how she has been focusing on the rights of the child, the family, and the teacher in her roles, both in and out of the classroom. Big shout out to the Early Childhood Educators listening and fans of the Reggio Emilia Approach!
In this episode, we discussed:
Danica's journey into Early Childhood Education Shame-based behaviour "management" with kids The deafening opinions on your teaching Open-ended inquiry learning experiences Toxic workplace culture and resignation Finding your marigold school - you can do it! Unforgettable special moments with students Unlearning and relearning behaviour supportFind out more about Danica's work via her Instagram @littlebloom.consultancy where she is helping educators and parents transform how they support children's behaviour and emotional development.
If you would like to receive my support in 2023, contact me below:
Follow your biggest advocate here: @ceri.sandford
Get wellbeing and ADHD support here:
1:1 Coaching and Small Group Programs
*Language Warning*
Lucy Peach is an author and folksinger, a long-time champion of the power of the menstrual cycle, and an advocate for self-love and positive-body literacy. She’s educated and empowered thousands with her theatre performances, workshops, and book, using science stories and songs to shift the period narrative in our culture from one of shame to one of pride.
In this episode, we discussed:
Her journey as an educator of children, parents, and adults Breaking down the phases of an average period cycle Challenging stereotypes, labels, awkwardness, shame Navigating #teacherguilt when needing the toilet Irregular cycles, hormonal imbalances, birth controlFind out more about Lucy here, get her book 'PERIOD QUEEN', or follow her on Instagram @lucyspeaches
If you would like to receive my support in 2023, contact me below:
Follow your biggest advocate here: @ceri.sandford
Get wellbeing support here:
*Minor language warning for the words "crap, bloody, and penis" Haha
Sarah is a hilarious teacher who joined the Wine with Teacher wellbeing club and became a good friend both in the online space and in real life. She shared with honesty and vulnerability. Please respect her sharing so openly about challenging topics like maths anxiety and navigating her dip in passion for teaching.
In this episode, we discussed:
Sarah's journey into teaching Imposter syndrome and maths anxiety Reigniting her passion for teaching Highlights in her classroom day to day Therapy dogs and the lovely Lady Dogs Connect and teacher wellbeingPrepare for some wholesome stories and a safe conversation where we both felt comfortable sharing with each other. As I shared on Instagram, this is one of the first conversations where I didn't edit out my oversharing. As an adult with ADHD, this is a big step when you've experienced a lot of negative feedback and messages around being too selfish by sharing to connect with and validate the other person.
If you would like to receive my support in 2023, contact me below:
Follow your biggest advocate here: @ceri.sandford
Get wellbeing support here:
Celebrating anyone who experienced the brunt of covid lockdowns at their school! You adapted and coped during a unique moment in the history of teaching. Recognise and acknowledge that you did something amazing - whatever that looked like for you and your students.
Jess recounted her experiences as a teacher and as a single person who went into lockdown for months between 2020-2021. This is a vulnerable and validating story about Jess' lived experience. Please leave a review if you frickin' loved this episode as much as I did!!
In this episode, we discussed:
Jess' journey into teaching Shocking school shutdowns Single life during lockdown Describing the new normal Reflecting on personal growth Advice for wellbeingIf you would like to receive my support in 2023, contact me below:
Follow your biggest advocate here: @ceri.sandford
Get wellbeing support here:
Celebrating performing arts teachers everywhere! Georgia from @classwithmissbrass has done an incredible job of breaking down whole school productions and why she chose to go part-time in 2023. Please leave a review if you frickin' loved this episode as much as I did!!
In this episode, we discussed:
Georgia's journey from law into teaching Public perception of teaching degrees Behind the scenes of whole school productions Discussion about 'teacher workload and overtime' Changing to part-time for improved wellbeing Bloody loving teaching - but it isn't our whole identity*Read the Grattan Institute 2022 Report on NSW Teaching Workload*
If you would like to receive my support in 2023, contact me below:
Follow your biggest advocate here: @ceri.sandford
Get wellbeing support here:
Today's episode is the final Recharging Teachers Week replay. You can hear that I'm on a mission to make healthy teacher habits as easy, actionable, and realistic as possible. If you're a visual person, you can watch the replays here on Instagram.
In this episode, I shared my intentions and commitments
M.E.P.S - Mental, Emotional, Physical, Social Using the 5W's to set meaningful intentions Focusing on and getting clear on your WHY Making wellbeing commitments for the term Thought-provoking wellbeing questions Steal my 10 x wellbeing commitmentsIf you would like to improve your wellbeing in 2023:
Claim your special *WELCOME WEEK DISCOUNT* to join the wellbeing club for teachers. This is a safe space where you'll find an uplifting community of people who are making realistic lifestyle and mindset changes that give us more time, more energy, and more frickin' joy.
Get your wellbeing intentions booklet ON SALE NOW
Follow or DM your biggest advocate here: @ceri.sandford
Today's episode is another Recharging Teachers Week replay. You can hear that I'm on a mission to make healthy teacher habits as easy, actionable, and realistic as possible. If you're a visual person, you can watch the replay here on Instagram.
In this episode, I shared the foundational habits that I teach in the club:
MEPS - mental, emotional, physical, social MEDS - mindfulness, exercise, diet, sleep Releasing your stress after a busy school day The difference between input and output tasks Suggested habits to experiment with this term More Atomic Habits fangirling hahaha 1%If you would like to improve your wellbeing in 2023:
Claim your special *WELCOME WEEK DISCOUNT* to join the wellbeing club for teachers. This is a safe space where you'll find an uplifting community of people who are making realistic lifestyle and mindset changes that give us more time, more energy, and more frickin' joy.
Follow or DM your biggest advocate here: @ceri.sandford
Today's episode breaks down how to build better boundaries as an individual and as a team that will support your wellbeing throughout this year. This episode is a replay of my Tuesday Boundaries chat. If you're a visual person, you can watch the replay here on Instagram.
In this episode, I shared boundaries tips:
A big shout out to my marigold mentor, Liz Schroder! If you have a marigold teacher to shout out, please write their name in your podcast review so I can reshare and celebrate them too.
What is acceptable in your team this year? What are "reasonable boundaries" for you? How accessible are you to work and parents? Who is advocating for your boundaries? What are you available for this year? Sentence starters to plan your boundariesIf you would like to improve your wellbeing in 2023:
Pssst...Claim your special *WELCOME WEEK DISCOUNT* to join the wellbeing club for teachers through a sneaky backdoor. This is a safe space where you'll find an uplifting community of people who are making realistic lifestyle and mindset changes that give us more time, more energy, and more frickin' joy.
Follow or DM your biggest advocate here: @ceri.sandford
Today's episode breaks down what I covered during the Recharging Teachers Week Challenge. This episode is a replay of my Monday Mindset chat. If you're a visual person, you can watch the replay here on Instagram. These shifts have supported teachers with major transformations, like upholding guilt-free boundaries and letting go of perfectionism or people-pleasing patterns.
In this episode, I shared mindset tips:
Finding joy in what works for you Add *wellbeing appointments* NOW Do your best - and leave the rest Atomic Habits hacks to remember Celebrate every little win and boundary Valuing #progressoverperfection Affirmations and non-negotiablesIf you would like to change your wellbeing in 2023:
Follow or DM your biggest advocate here: @ceri.sandford
Pssst...Claim your special *WELCOME WEEK DISCOUNT* to join the wellbeing club for teachers through a sneaky backdoor. This is a safe space where you'll find an uplifting community of people who are making realistic lifestyle and mindset changes that give us more time, more energy, and more frickin' joy.
Welcome back to Wine with Teacher for another year! We are starting off with an exciting episode that is full of passion and teacher wellbeing advocacy. Leave a review if you frickin' loved this episode as much as I did!! Thank you, Caitlyn, from @teaandcountryteaching.
In this episode, we discussed:
Caitlyn's unique journey The "time-table filler" role Resigning from permanency Authentic wellbeing leadership Respecting all energy levels Teachers taking sick-leave Baking cakes for wellbeing Outsourcing possibilities Different wellbeing contexts Inquiry teaching mindsetWe also mentioned wellbeing advocates @theunteachables and @thecalmclassroom
If you would like to receive my support in 2023, contact me below:
Follow your biggest advocate here: @ceri.sandford
Get wellbeing support here:
For a fun end-of-year episode, I wanted to give you a sticky beak inside my week. It's a whole bunch of ADHD rambling but I am heckin' excited to share it with you all. If you've always wondered how I get ALL THE THINGS done and organise my busy brain each week.
In this episode, I shared about my week:
What I do Why I do what I do What I find motivating What I'm dreaming about for the future How do I stay so frickin' motivated to support teachersIf you would like to receive my support in 2023, contact me below:
Follow your biggest advocate here: @ceri.sandford
Whether you are leaving the classroom, leaving your school, or changing your role - listen to suggested sentence starters for reflecting on the last twelve months. You could chat about this with a friend or write it in your journal - think about your intentions for the new year. Perfect for every teacher who is needing a pep talk.
In this episode, I shared reflective end-of-year questions:
I am excited about... I am tuning into... I am letting go of... I am ready to start... I am open to...Listen and write a letter to your future self.
I hope you have found... I wonder if you ever... I bet you loved... I hope you know...PS: #workloadreduction
PPS: ADHD Group Program Waitlist for 2023
Follow your biggest advocate here: @ceri.sandford
If you are a teacher who is frickin' tired because - acknowledge that you've been teaching for a whole year and the kids are getting restless! Raise your glass to the year that is coming to a close - and focus on what you and your students truly need right now.
In this episode, I share my personal strategies for creating sunshine:
Find what works for you Keep a *sunshine folder* Create a *morning ritual* Try a *driveway decompress* Choose your *switch routine* Keep a *joy journal* [Daylio]My favourite joy journals are from:
Bespoke Letterpress Quirky Cup Collective Alperstein DesignsQuestion: Which strategy are you going to try after this episode?
PS: #workloadreduction
PPS: ADHD Group Program Waitlist for 2023
Follow your biggest advocate here: @ceri.sandford
Get your teacher affirmation discs here!
If you are a teacher who is writing reports, I bet you could take a break for the next nine minutes to learn more about my *5M Support System* - shout out to every ADHD teacher who is figuring out what works for them. Whether you're neurodivergent or not, I bet this quick check can help you during this busy season. You're welcome to try this on your tricky brain days.
In the shortest episode of WWT ever, I shared my daily 5M check:
MOVE - What does your body need right now? MOOD - What could be impacting your mood? MESS - What's one little thing you could declutter? MAKE - What do you need to make right now? MIND - What does your mind need right now?Question: What if you put a timer on for 30 minutes?
PS: #workloadreduction
PPS: ADHD Group Program Waitlist for 2023
Follow your biggest advocate here: @ceri.sandford
If you are a teacher who is ready to switch from people-pleasing to self-compassion, this is the episode for you. I'm sharing the statements and affirmations that have worked for me. You're welcome to steal them and use them on your tricky days. If you want to share yours, email hello@winewithteacher.com and I'll read them out in a future episode.
In this episode I shared how to choose compassion over criticism:
Honour Your Energy. Check Your Capacity. At What Cost? Whoopsy Daisy! Embrace Your Chaos. You Can't Be the Whole Orchestra. Make Yourself a Priority. Do Your Best and Leave the rest."Students can't thrive if their teachers just survive." [Unteachables]
PS: #workloadreduction
Which one resonated with you? Let me know here: @ceri.sandford
WELL, this was a rambling return to answer your juicy questions and update you on the WHY behind Wine with Teacher. Find out exactly "how the HECK all of this started?"
In this episode I passionately discussed:
Honouring our energy and needs Why I started a wellbeing club Why I needed to leave teaching Why I'm protective of teachers Why I want to reduce the stress Will I go back to teaching?Find out what's next for Wine with Teacher in 2023.
Also, *new* Instagram handle - @ceri.sandford
Season Finale and Wellbeing Webinars
Join me LIVE on zoom for FREE Monday September 19th, where I'll be chatting about after-school routines to recharge your teacher battery!! *BONUS* Wellbeing Webinar on Journalling September 22nd.
A whopping big thank you to Nicole Mockler, who published the article 'No wonder no one wants to be a teacher: world-first study looks at 65,000 news articles about Australian teachers' back in July, 2022.
This research showed that "stories about teachers were disproportionately negative in their representations."
In this episode we discussed:
Her research on print media coverage of teachers Changing the national conversation about teachers Opinions on what teachers "should" be doing Workload Reduction > Teacher Performance Advocating for respect, change, and wellbeingLOVELY LINKS:
Connect with Nicole here http://www.nicolemockler.com/
Discover more about her current research projects
Thank you to Sarah and Manny. These two are the absolutely delightful teaching duo behind @pevanandsarah. Follow along to see their behind-the-scenes antics as their national tour unfolds...
In this episode we discussed:
The journey to creating Pevan and Sarah How music can change your classroom Australian videos for Australian schools Cub Club aka NETFLIX for Teachers Pevan and Sarah National Tour The Sarah and Manny origin storyLOVELY LINKS:
Discover Pevan and Sarah's NETFLIX for Teachers with Cub Club
Get all of the tour details here and bring along your class.
- Visa fler