As we go through cancer survivorship, we will encounter people who will say awkward or inappropriate things even if they're coming from a place of concern or just wanting to connect. And even if we want to stay patient and understanding, sometimes, it's for the best to call them out in a polite manner. Here's how I did it.
Got any comments on this ep? Message me at www.jaymeewins.com. You can also find the Amazon link to get a copy of my book called "That Sh*t Called Cancer" there. If you're based in the Philippines, email booksbyjaymee@yahoo.com to order. Thank you for your support on the 3rd season of my podcast! Excited to come back and reconnect for season 4! :)
The aftermath of cancer treatment can make you feel ugly... no hair, scars, pale skin, icky feeling. But there are ways to make yourself still look and feel beautiful! Here are some of the things I've done (and about to do!) or heard other survivors did in their journey that focuses on physical improvement as well as beautifying self-talk to boost self-esteem.
To order a copy of my book that I've been talking about here titled "That Sh*t Called Cancer", visit my official website www.jaymeewins.com. If you're Philippine-based, email booksbyjaymee@yahoo.com to order. :)
Saknas det avsnitt?
Eating healthy, even prior to cancer, made it easier for my body to tolerate the treatments and to heal well from surgeries. Although there's no specific diet that has been clinically proven to cure cancer, eating healthy with occasional indulgences is still so beneficial. Let's talk more about it on today's ep.
Got reactions about this topic or get the Amazon link to buy my book called "That Sh*t Called Cancer"? Visit www.jaymeewins.com. You'll also find simple healthy juice, smoothie and food recipes there that I usually make for myself. To my Philippine-based followers, you may email booksbyjaymee@yahoo.com to order my book. :)
It's your job as the CEO of your body to choose the best medical team who will help you achieve your goal of winning over that sh*t called cancer. Here are some of my tips in searching for your winning team and making the best out of them.
Got something to share about this topic or comments about today's ep? Send me a message at www.jaymeewins.com. The Amazon link to get my book titled "That Sh*t Called Cancer" can also be found there. For my Philippine-based subscribers, you can order the book by emailing booksbyjaymee@yahoo.com. :)
Going through cancer treatment tends to consume a lot of time and energy, and so it's very likely to affect your career. In today's ep, here are some things to consider if you're keen on continuing to work while you kick cancer's ass.
Got anything to share about this topic or check out the Amazon link to get my book? Visit www.jaymeewins.com. If you're from the Philippines, email booksbyjaymee@yahoo.com to order a local copy. :)
So you just got that dreaded diagnosis. Now comes the hard part. Who to tell? When to tell? How to tell? All these on today’s ep! Got something to say about this topic? Hit me up at www.jaymeewins.com. The Amazon link to get a copy of my book can also be seen there. To order a copy in the Philippines, email booksbyjaymee@yahoo.com. :)
Coming in and out of the hospital while the global pandemic was going on finally gave birth to the project I’ve been working on these past few years... my book! And I’m just so excited to share it to the podcast world! “That Sh*t Called Cancer”... out on Amazon! To view the link, visit www.jaymeewins.com and click on BOOK. :)
Is dating possible even with a health diagnosis? When is the right time to date? Should you mention "cancer survivor" on your online dating profile? Should you talk about it on the first meet up? When is the right time to open up? These are the questions I'll answer based on my personal experience as a serial dater in my late 30s and early 40s while diagnosed as well as the inner work I put in just to feel sexy and confident to put myself out there again. Got reactions or sharing about this ep? Hit me up at www.jaymeewins.com. ;)
When you get a diagnosis, the sadness that hits you can be so consuming. Which is why GRIEF, the most common emotional stage you experience can trick you into believing you're alone and dying when it fact, you're just getting carried away with your self-sabotaging thoughts. In today's ep, I'll pep talk you on how to get out of that depressive funk. Got any questions, reactions or suggestions? Or share how you resonate? Hit me up at www.jaymeewins.com or email me at jaymeewins@gmail.com. :)
Bargaining... the third stage of emotion that goes with a diagnosis is all about questioning if there was something you should've, would've, or could've done to not get cancer. And if there's still something you can do to trade this nasty card off to something else! Let me share my crazy bargaining thoughts with God, my body and more in this ep. Can you relate? Let me know at www.jaymeewins.com! Would love to hear your own version! :)
After feeling in denial when you receive a cancer diagnosis comes the next stage... ANGER!!! In this episode, I'll share how to release that anger out and channel that raging energy into creativity and physical activity that can benefit you. I also read some excerpts from my upcoming book "That Sh*t Called Cancer" about self-sabotaging thoughts on anger and raw pep talk on how to tackle this horrible disease. Got anything to say about this ep? Message me at www.jaymeewins.com. Would love to hear your take on this!
Welcome to Season 3! Since it's Breast Cancer Awareness month, my episodes this October will reveal excerpts from my upcoming book, "That Sh*t Called Cancer" (The Not-So-Subtle Art Of Winning Your Life Back). Just like any traumatic experience in life, we go through 4 stages as we process a nasty cancer diagnosis. Fo this ep, I'll elaborate on the first stage... DENIAL along with the questions and emotions that come with it. Can you relate? Let me know by messaging me at www.jaymeewins.com. We got this!
What does it take to WIN in sports and in life? For the season 2 finale, 3x Nogi World Champion and prominent American jiu jitsu black belt Josh Hinger talks about how to channel your inner champion, the importance of tricking yourself, what a black belt truly is and never ever giving up until the buzzer goes off in the arena and in life. Follow Josh on Instagram (@hingerbjj) and his podcast about jiu jitsu called "The Matburn Podcast". Any reactions to this podcast? Message me at www.jaymeewins.com. :)
All the way from Israel, Lee Snir, co-founder of "Live Your Legendary Life," a brand that helps people find their authentic dream shares with us the benefits of journaling, affirmation cards and visualization for our dreams and goals to come to fruition. She also speaks about how to find your legendary life that is true to your soul and how to stay focused on your own unique path. To experience the awakening with Legendary Life, visit their official website www.legendarylife.com Got some reactions about this episode? Hit me up at www.jaymeewins.com. Let's keep WINNING! :)
If you were told that you only have 20 more months to live, how would you handle it? Chad Walkaden, a 3x stage 4 cancer survivor, mental health expert and "OnTracka" app founder heard that from his medical team more than 5 years ago. Today, he's still very much alive, thriving and WINNING at Lima, Peru with his beautiful wife! In today's podcast, he shares his story and strategies on how he defied the odds and living his best life along with his app called "OnTracka" that helps you stay on track with your health. To know more about Chad, visit his Instagram @chadwalkaden and his website app, www. ontracka.com. Got any feedback! Message me at www.jaymeewins.com. Let's keep WINNING! :)
How do you handle being in a couple and/or having kids during quarantine where alone time is so limited? Love Cosio, a God-fearing wife, mother, author and host speaks about making a marriage work, being an effective parent and managing work in between. Check out her IG @lovecosio to know more about her narratives, books, workshops and live shows. Got feedback on this one? Message me at www.jaymeewins.com. Let’s keep WINNING! :)
Beau Whitman is a cancer recovery coach with a mission to help cancer survivors go from stranded to strong. As a young stage 3 germ cell cancer survivor and an elite athlete, he shares with us today his cancer journey, being on remission and the creation of his coaching program called "Rebuilt To Inspire" that focuses on working on the mindset, work out, nutrition and support group for anyone diagnosed with cancer. To know more about Beau and his platforms, visit his official website www.beauwhitman.com. Whatcha’ think of this ep? Reach out at www.jaymeewins.com. Let’s keep WINNING! :)
Jamie Kate is a family nurse practitioner based in Los Angeles, CA. She graduated BS-Nursing in the Philippines and then migrated to the US. Her journey to nursing hasn't been easy as she had to start from square 1 and get credentials all over again. But with dedication and commitment, she made it and she's here to share her story as well as how she manages her worries being high risk as a medical worker in today's pandemic. To know more about her, visit her Instagram (@msjamiekate) and her channel, YouTube.com/jamiekateadoc. Any comments about this ep? Contact me at www.jaymeewins.com. Let's keep WINNING! :)
Little Miss Sadie Keller is a 13 year old Leukemia survivor who got diagnosed when she was 7. Out of her strong will to live and fight for children who experienced the same battle, she wrote a book called "Better Angels" that shares how she pulled through her diagnosis, passing a law in the US that helps childhood cancer research and maturing into a kind-hearted yet strong young woman that loves her family, friends and her life. Know more about Sadie, her book, foundation and social media handles by visiting https://sadiekellerfoundation.org. Got any reactions or suggestions about this podcast? Shoot me a message at www.jaymeewins.com. Let's keep WINNING! :)
Let's get up close with one of the most celebrated women in the Philippines, Pia Wurtzbach! The Miss Universe 2015, UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador and WWF Philippines Ambassador shares her long and winding journey in bagging that prestigious crown, who she really is behind the fame and fortune, her thoughts while on quarantine and how she wins over her daily life battles. Know more about Pia and her upcoming projects and advocacy work through her IG account @piawurtzbach. Share your thought on this episode at www.jaymeewins.com. Let's keep WINNING! :)
- Visa fler