
  • Join Wildlife Matters as we spend a night with the Pine Martens

    Hello, and a big warm welcome to this week's Wildlife Matters.

    I’m your host, Nigel Palmer, and we have a real treat for you today.

    But it’s not the Q&A you may have been expecting - that has been put back slightly while we finalise the production.

    Today, we are offering a unique opportunity- a live wildlife-watching experience. And what makes it truly special? The mammal we'll be observing is a rare sight in most of the UK.

    This was our first-ever attempt at capturing a live wildlife event. Much of the audio remains from that clear, chill, breezy, moonlit winter night between Christmas and New Year.

    If you enjoy the Wildlife Matters Podcast, please subscribe and leave us a review, as that really helps this pod get into the ears of other wildlife and nature lovers. Thank you

    You can find out more about Wildlife Matters on our website, www.wildlife-matters.org. Please follow and like our posts on the leading social media platforms.

    Wildlife Matters is an independent podcast with a new adventure or interview every two weeks.

    Keep your heart wild and your mind free #wildlifematters

  • On this week's Wildlife Matters podcast, we have a feature-length chat with Alana, the co-founder of the Wildlife Care Badge.

    Wildlife Care Badge was set up by a collective of vet professionals, wildlife professionals, and wildlife rescues/rehabbers, who have united to develop some self-regulation for UK wildlife rescues/rehabbers.

    We have launched a new UK Wildlife Rescue DIRECTORY/MAP that represents a list of trustworthy - PROVEN - Wildlife Rescues/Rehabbers for Vet Practices & members of the public to know they can confidently give wildlife casualties/orphans to for knowledgeable, high welfare rehabilitative care.

    By joining the Wildlife Care Badge, you're not just gaining a badge. You're joining a safe, supportive, and positive community—a community that unites UK Vet Professionals and Wildlife Rescues/Rehabbers around a common goal: the thriving rights of wildlife.

    To register to take the Wildlife Care Badge or for more information, please visit: https://www.wildlifecarebadge.com/

    You can find Wildlife Care Badge on Facebook

    Wildlife Matters - www.wildlife-matters.org

    Find Wildlife Matters on Instagram. Facebook, Threads, X and now on YouTube

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  • The Bloody Ivory Trade

    We have had a very wet winter here in the UK, but now the signs of spring are all around. With its many shades of green and the bluebells currently carpeting our woodlands, the birds are nesting, and the dawn chorus is loud and genuinely a beautiful cacophony.

    I’ve been leading nightingale walks in our local woodlands and following a buzzard family nesting nearby. In a future podcast, we will bring you the whole story.

    Today, 24th April is #helpanimalsday. Our friends at One Voice for Animals have hosted this day since its launch in 2022.

    The aim is to encourage everyone to do something to help animals. That could be volunteering at a wildlife or companion animal rescue centre, helping a local group survey reptiles and amphibians, donating to your local hedgehog rescue or something else that allows animals.

    Please have a look at the One Voice for Animals website www.helpanimals.co.uk 

    What will you do for animals today?

    And now it is time for this week's Nature News.—————————————————————————————-

    Nature News

    This week’s Nature News features the funeral for nature that took place in Bath on Saturday, 20 April.

    Hundreds of protesters, including broadcasters Chris Packham and Megan McCubbin, marched in a “funeral procession” for the natural world destroyed by climate change.

    Some protesters dressed in red and hundreds more wearing black walked through the streets of Bath, Somerset.

    The “Mourners” in the performance art piece walked to a drum beat and carried a willow funeral bier of a Mother Earth figure created by artist Anna Gillespie. Environmentalist Chris Packham wore a black tie with an Extinction Rebellion logo as he spoke to the crowd.

    The protest aimed to sound “code red for nature” and highlight “the UK’s position as one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world” ahead of Earth Day last Monday.

    Red Rebel Brigade members, resplendent in their red outfits and white face paint, were part of an international troupe whose members protested through performance art pieces.

    Organisers said Saturday’s procession of 400 Red Rebels was the largest gathering to date and that the number was consistently increasing. Groups came from the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, and across the UK for the procession, which Extinction Rebellion also organised.

    Anna Gillespie said: “Unlike conventional protests, the procession will be free of banners or placards. Instead, we are relying on the intense imagery of the vast assembly of Red Rebels and the impact of the figure of Mother Nature on a funeral bier carried by mourners to get the message across

    “Everyone participating has a powerful desire to express their desperate feelings of loss and fear as the natural world struggles to survive in the face of our human onslaught.”

    Organisers said 43% of UK bird species were in decline, 97% of wildflower meadows had disappeared since the Second World War, and the world was entering its “sixth mass extinction event.”

    Bystanders were handed an “Order of Service” containing information on climate change. Other Funerals for Nature were held simultaneously in Boston, Sydney, Gothenburg, and Lisbon.

    One of the organisers, Rob Delius, said: “The intention is to send a powerful SOS message for nature by creating a visual spectacle that will shock and inspire onlookers in equal measures. 

    The UK has sleepwalked into this nature crisis, and the fact that we are now one of the most nature-depleted countries in the world isn’t being talked about enough.

    “We want the processions to create a talking point and move the public to demand that the Government,...

  • Hello and welcome to this week’s Wildlife Matters Podcast. I’m your host, Nigel Palmer.

    It’s Springtime here in the UK, and nature is bursting back into life. There are so many shades of green - and every shade is so fresh and vibrant. The birds are in full song, and the buds have burst into blossom.

    And we are at the start of Series Four. It has been just over two years since we launched the podcast, and it has been such a fun and exciting journey. 

    We have come a long way, and with this new series four, we will evolve again. Nothing in nature is ever completely still, so we feel the drive to keep improving. 

    So, for series four, we will have a Wildlife Matters main feature or A Wildlife Matters Investigates, and we will bring you lots more interviews with people working with wildlife or in nature conservation.

    Wildlife Matters has been concerned about the state of our rivers for several years now and has recently collaborated with the Rivers Trust, Surfers Against Sewage and the Friends of the River Wye; I felt it was about time we did a Wildlife Matters Investigates into UK River Pollution and Ask Are our Rivers dying?

    I have also had a lot of questions about myself, the Wildlife Matters organisation and the projects and Campaigns we are working on. We have decided to do our first Q&A episode, but I wanted to give you a chance to ask your question, so if you would like to ask a question, please email us at [email protected] that’s [email protected] before 26th April, and we will try to answer as many as we can on a Q&A episode on Wednesday 8 May.

    The state of our rivers is shocking, and we have begun two projects that will use citizen science volunteers to regularly monitor the water quality of their local rivers at multiple points.

    This week’s Mindful Moments is from June last year when I worked on a project in Nottinghamshire. As usual, I was wild camping in my camper van, and I like to get up and out early to nature. I took a walk along the Chesterfield Canal, and the birdsong was incredible that morning, so I recorded it to share with you.

    Isn’t it wonderful to spend a minute or so in nature? I can remember that day so well. The canal runs alongside a road and eventually under a bridge. The day was warm and bright, and summer meadows smelled in the air. Retford is a beautiful town with a lot of history, and the people were very friendly. I was surveying the idle Valley Nature Reserve, which Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust runs. Do visit if you get the chance.

    How many of these did you identify? Great Tit, Dunnock, Blackbird, Blue Tit, Carrion crow, Robin and Goldfinch

    Remember to send me your questions for our May Q&A, and thank you for joining me today. We appreciate every one of you.

    Wildlife Matters will return in two weeks on Wednesday, 24th April, but until then, Keep on the wild side. I’ve been your host, Nigel Palmer, and this is Wildlife Matters -signing off.

  • This week's Wildlife Matters Podcast concludes Season Three with a feature on international wildlife.

    Wildlife Matters Investigates returns to expose the Trophy Hunting trade, Trophy Hunting - in An Illusion of Conservation, and we call out all their claims that Trophy Hunting is good for the local economy and tourism and even that it is good for animal species to be killed to save others. Yeah right 

    Wildlife Matters believes that every life matters and that all creatures on this planet are sentient. That is why we occasionally travel to explore international wildlife issues.

    Of course, we will bring you the latest Nature News hot off the press and find time to relax and enjoy some precious time in nature in this week's Mindful Moments.

    And that will bring the curtain down on Series Three. Wildlife Matters will be back on 10th April 2024 with Series Four. We look forward to bringing you more interviews with people working for the benefit of wildlife and nature and more exclusive undercover reports into the cruelty and persecution of wildlife in Wildlife Matters, Investigates and more species-specific episodes. Then, join me on some of my adventures as we explore the wild side of the UK!

    I am so excited to share Season Four with you, so make sure you subscribe and follow Wildlife Matters on your Pod provider of choice. Visit our website, www.wildlife-matters,org, and/ keep up to date with the daily adventures of Wildlife Matters on Facebook and Instagram. Threads and X

    So, for now, this is Wildlife Matters signing off, and see you on April 10th!

  • Hello, and welcome to the Wildlife Matters podcast.

    On today’s action-packed show, we are talking to Deborah from the Hedgepigs. A dedicated hedgehog rescue based in the East Midlands, we will find out how a hedgehog rescue works behind the scenes, how to attract and support hedgehogs in your garden, and why they are doing better in urban areas than in the countryside. 

    All this and more are coming up right after we hear from our partners at One Voice for Animals, who made this episode happen.

    It was a real treat catching up with Deborah and hearing about the incredible work she and her dedicated team of volunteers are doing to help hedgehogs. Please look at their website and support them in any way you can. You will find their website link in the show notes.

    Hedgepigs www.hedgepigs.org

    If you enjoyed today's show, please subscribe and follow us on your podcast platform and social media. You will find Wildlife Matters Organisation on all the major SM platforms, and don't forget to visit our website, www.wildlife-matters.org

    Find out more about our partners at One Voice for Animals here: www.helpanimals.co.uk

    But for now, Thank you for your time and for choosing to listen to us today. My name is Nigel Palmer, and this is Wildlife Matters signing off.

  • On today’s action-packed Wildlife Matters Podcast, we are talking to Maiya from the Nottingham Amphibian and Reptile group, finding out about our native amphibians and reptiles and why toad patrols are so important.

    And, of course, today is St Valentine’s Day, so Wildlife Matters looks into the bizarre world of courting and mating in wildlife around the world and discover what your partner may be saying with their Valentine's gifts.

    Wildlife Matters thought that sharing some of the bizarre ways that wildlife attracts partners and the frankly, kinky ways some wildlife gets it on were worth a closer look at. So, let’s look, not in a Voyeuristic way, at some of the weird ways wildlife gets it on.

    Wildlife Matters will return in two weeks when we speak to Deborah from Hedgepigs and learn much more about hedgehogs.

    So, if you have enjoyed today's show, please subscribe and follow us on your podcast platform and social media. You will find Wildlife Matters Organisation on all the major SM platforms.


    Nottinghamshire Amphibian and Reptile Group https://groups.arguk.org/nottsarg

    Notts ARG Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/434602044011108/

    One Voice for Animals  www.helpanimals.co.uk 

    and please visit our website: www.wildlife-matters.org

    you will find the Wildlife Matters Podcast on Apple, Spotify, Amazon, Google Podcasts and very soon on YouTube

    Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Threads and X 

  • Today, on the Wildlife Matters Podcast, join me for a walk through a wild meadow on the edge of woodland as we look at some of the plants that thrive in a meadow environment, some of the traditional uses in herbal medicine, and the folklore surrounding them.

    Then, we spend a night with Pine Martens in Southern Scotland. Pine Marten populations are beginning to recover, and their range is increasing after years of persecution and habitat loss.

    Wildlife Matters will return in two weeks with an exciting episode featuring Maiya from the Notts ARG. Maiya will share her love for amphibians, toads, and toad patrols. 

    Since it's Valentine's Day, we will also discuss love in the animal world, including some of the unconventional ways animals mate. 

    If you enjoyed today's show, please subscribe and follow us on your preferred podcast platform and social media. You can find Wildlife Matters Organisation on all major social media platforms.

  • WHY is the question on this week's Wildlife Matters podcast?

    Why are the British government still killing Badgers when the science and available evidence show that the issue of BovineTB is in dairy cows and, more specifically, intensively farmed dairy cows? 

    In Wildlife Matters Investigates, we ask WHY we still wear fur today.  And we have some surprising answers and a shock for shoppers on Britain's High Streets.

    This week's Nature News explains how Avian Influenza has reached the Antarctic and its devastating effect on this unique habitat's birds and mammal populations.

    And, of course, we will take time to spend in nature in this week's Mindful Moments. 

    For more information on our campaigns and projects, please visit our website, www.wildlife-matters.org. Follow and like us on Social media. You will find us on Facebook, Instagram, Threads and Twitter.

    Wildlife Matters is on Substack, and you can support us via Patreon or by donating on the website.

    The Wildlife Matters podcast aims to inspire you to take action and make a difference in protecting our planet's precious wildlife and ecosystems. You can subscribe today and never miss an episode.

    Don't forget to visit our partners, One Voice for Animals www.helpanimals.co.uk


  • On today’s Wildlife Matters podcast, we will be talking about hoglets young hedgehogs and in Wildlife Matters Investigates we look at Lion cub petting and why it is wrong. 

    This week, nature News is close to our hearts as we cover the story of the government's plans to protect the UK’s temperate rainforest, a habitat that is so rare and under constant threat. 

    We also enjoy some mindful moments in nature, all coming up after we heard from our partners at One Voice for Animals.

  • It's Christmas! Hello and welcome to the Wildlife Matters Christmas Special 

    We have passed Winter Solstice, and the Yule log keeps the house warm, and Santa is on his way...

    What better way to spend Christmas Eve than to sit down and listen to a magical story based on wildlife and nature? That is precisely what we have for you today.

    First, get ready to hear about hedgehogs' fantastic role in our folklore and culture. At the same time, you grab those Christmas treats and a warm drink, snuggle under a warm blanket and get ready to enjoy a Wildlife Matters original story, The Fox and the Puzzle Hall. 

  • Welcome to the Wildlife Matters Podcast. Today is our 1st-anniversary edition.

    Just a year ago, we launched with a passion for wildlife and a burning desire to highlight the good, the bad and the downright ugly things happening to wildlife and the natural world.

    Our vision was to build a community of caring and compassionate campaigners to end the persecution and destruction of species and the natural world. 

    One year on, we have a vibrant and growing community that regularly astounds us with their knowledge, compassion, and care for wildlife and the natural world. We are humbled and cannot thank you enough for your magnificent support and willingness to act to benefit wildlife.

    In today's episode, we look at some of the work we have been able to do this year with people who may have poor mental or physical health or not be able to spend time in nature and woodlands. We take them out and discover the difference a walk in the woods has made for them.

    Wildlife Matters Investigates the ongoing and worrying destruction of Raptors, or birds of prey, in some areas of the UK and how so many of them are disappearing on or near the grouse moors.            

  • Welcome to today's episode of the Wildlife Matters Podcast. In this episode, we will discuss our stance on hunting with dogs in England and Wales and explain why we support a complete ban on this practice. Additionally, we will talk about our efforts to strengthen the Hunting Act. 

    Our investigative team has also uncovered the disturbing truth about Japan's Taiji Cove and the annual Dolphin slaughter. Wildlife Matters Investigations will bring you all the latest news on this issue. 

    And, to help you connect with nature, we will also feature some Mindful Moments that allow you to relax and soak up the sounds of nature. 

    For more information about our work, please visit our website at www.wildlife-matters.org.

  • So what do Hedgehogs eat? We all love our spiky mammalian cousins, but do they eat slugs and snails or fish catfood - Join us as we find out the best food for wild hedgehogs.

    And we take another nature adventure to discover how Britain's wildlife adapts to winter. 

    Add in the very latest Nature News and spend some precious time in nature with us in Mindful Moments that's all coming up on this week's #WildlifeMatters #Podcast

  • In this week's Wildlife Matters Podcast, join me for an autumn walk on the edge of the South Downs as we find some of the winter visitors that arrive at this time of year to feast on our autumnal abundance of food.

    Join us and take some time out in Nature with Mindful Moments, and following the King's Speech this week, we explain the British Government's ten broken promises on nature and the environment.


  • In this week's #WildlifeMatters #Podcast, we chat with Val Green MBE, the founder of One Voice for Animals UK and discover the fascinating life of the Winter Moth

    One Voice for Animals UK www.helpanimals.co.uk

    For more information please visit our website www.wildlife-matters.org

    Get in touch [email protected]

  • Welcome to Season 3 of the Wildlife Matters Podcast.

    We are delighted to announce our new partnership to raise awareness of animal welfare in the UK with the fabulous folk at One Voice for Animals.

    One Voice for Animals website is www.helpanimals.co.uk

    We begin by speaking to the remarkable Lucy Steel, founder of Wild Things Rescue in Lincolnshire 

    Wild Thing's website is www.wildthingsrescue.uk

    We will be bringing you a range of interviews with founders and owners of independent animal rescues, both companion and wild animals, throughout Season 3

    For more information on Wildlife Matters, Please visit our website, www.wildlife-matters.org, and if you have enjoyed the podcast, please leave us a review and share our posts on your social media.

    You can also support our grassroots podcast by buying us a Kofi, joining our Patreon or donating via our website.

    Whichever you choose, Thank you for helping our independent Podcast production to grow and spread awareness of the issues that face wildlife and nature and supporting our work to educate and bring a passion to everyone who loves wildlife, animals and nature. 



  • In this week's Wildlife Matters Podcast, we give a very personal explanation of Fox Hunting and why we so passionately oppose it. 

    It's Small Pet Rodent Awareness Week from 18-24 September and Lyndsey from Greatfields Small Animal Rescue tells us why it's so important for the animals.  We have all the very latest updates from the Badger Cull Zones in this week's Nature News. 

    Wildlife Matters is working in partnership with One Voice for Animals UK https://www.helpanimals.co.uk


  • This week's Wildlife Matters Podcast discusses Deer Hunting that still continues in the West Country of England and how Stag hunters have been evading the law.

    In Wildlife Matters Investigates we return to the upland moors of Northern England and ask the question; Grouse Moor conservation - Can we believe them?

    Please support us to help us continue our work. become a Patreon, Donate or find out more about what we are doing on our website www.wildlife-matters.org

    Here is the link I promised to the Genomic epidemiology of Mycobacterium bovis infection in sympatric badger and cattle populations in Northern Ireland

    Study Link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37227264/