We are back to talk season two with Kate and David from Heartstopper Fan Podcast! The format is basically the same as our season one episode. We talk through the season episode by episode while each giving our answers to the other shows end of episode questions. There is cackling, quoting, crying, and chaos. We hope you enjoy!!
Go give Kate and David a follow @heartstopperfanpocast!
Join our Patreon for more bonus content: tinyurl.com/WhyAreWePatreon
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Follow us online:Insta: tinyurl.com/WhyareweInstaTiktok: tinyurl.com/WhyareweTokDiscord: discord.gg/xg5dpEyfgXA special thanks to the following Producers. We appreciate you so much!Josh H. Amalie LoriKelly ErikaJesseyKatie
It is FINALLY here. After many, many technical difficulties and also personal life difficulties, we are back to talk Season Two as a whole. Will we agree on which season is our favorite or will we be a divided household? What are our fav moments overall? What changes would we make? We answer some tough questions and hear from some of y'all! We made it through S2 and cannot wait to dive into the music of this season , talk with Kate and David from Proper Full On Gay Crisis pod, get back into the comics, plus some other fun things we have in store for the near future! ;)
Join our Patreon for more bonus content: tinyurl.com/WhyAreWePatreon
If you are enjoying the pod, please consider rating and reviewing on your preferred platform! We would greatly appreciate it!
Follow us online:Insta: tinyurl.com/WhyareweInstaTiktok: tinyurl.com/WhyareweTokDiscord: discord.gg/xg5dpEyfgXA special thanks to the following Producers. We appreciate you so much!Josh H. Amalie LoriKelly ErikaJesseyKatie
Saknas det avsnitt?
Helloooo! We are doing a series on Patreon where we discuss Taylor Swift! This is a little intro. We talk our TS origins, The Eras Tour, and The Tortured Poets Dept. This is a shortened version of the full episode that is on Patreon.
Join our Patreon for more bonus content: tinyurl.com/WhyAreWePatreon
If you are enjoying the pod, please consider rating and reviewing on your preferred platform! We would greatly appreciate it!Follow us online:Insta: tinyurl.com/WhyareweInstaTiktok: tinyurl.com/WhyareweTokDiscord: discord.gg/xg5dpEyfgXA special thanks to the following Producers. We appreciate you so much!Josh H. Michael B. Amalie LoriKellyMaja ErikaJesseyKatie
Grab your tissues and some emotional support items because we are going to Prom! Nick comes out on Instagram, Tao and Elle define their relationship, Isaac picks up a lifeline, and Tara is a mess because Darcy is missing. Sahar gets to play a show with Baby Queen and Imogen's brain melts. Taylor Swift graces our ears with the most perfect of songs. We get some top notch improv. And then we all lay down in a puddle on the floor and sob together. Join us in screaming, crying, and throwing up about Heartstopper season two episode eight, "Perfect!"
Join our Patreon for more bonus content: tinyurl.com/WhyAreWePatreonIf you are enjoying the pod, please consider rating and reviewing on your preferred platform! We would greatly appreciate it!Follow us online:Insta: tinyurl.com/WhyareweInstaTiktok: tinyurl.com/WhyareweTokDiscord: discord.gg/xg5dpEyfgXA special thanks to the following Producers. We appreciate you so much!Josh H. Michael B. Amalie LoriKellyMaja ErikaAceJesseyKatie
We are finally back to dive into the penultimate episode of season two?! The group goes shopping, Isaac works things out with James, Elle's celebrates getting into Lambert and her painting is presented as the centerpiece of an art show, Sahar drops a bomb on Imogen, Charlie puts Ben in his place, Nick comes out to his dad, and Darcy's mom kicks her out. WHAT AN EPISODE.
Jane and Julio's Origin Story: tinyurl.com/JandJMeet
Join our Patreon for more bonus content: tinyurl.com/WhyAreWePatreonIf you are enjoying the pod, please consider rating and reviewing on your preferred platform! We would greatly appreciate it!Follow us online:Insta: tinyurl.com/WhyareweInstaTiktok: tinyurl.com/WhyareweTokDiscord: discord.gg/xg5dpEyfgXA special thanks to the following Producers. We appreciate you so much!Josh H.Michael B.AmalieLori
HI! We are FINALLY back to talk about Isaac and Sahar being the number one gossip gremlins, Mr. Ajayi and Mr. Farouk making the vending machines blush, exploring the Gayborhood, Tara's surprise birthday party, and Nick coming out to a room full of peers! Join us in screaming about season two, episode six. "Truth/Dare!" (Or, the one where we all get emotional whiplash..)Join our Patreon: tinyurl.com/WhyAreWePatreonIf you are enjoying the pod, please consider rating and reviewing on your preferred platform! We would greatly appreciate it!Follow us online:Insta: tinyurl.com/WhyareweInstaTiktok: tinyurl.com/WhyareweTokDiscord: discord.gg/xg5dpEyfgXA special thanks to the following Producers. We appreciate you so much!Josh H.Michael B.KellyAmalieLoriMajaCassieErika
WE ARE SO SORRY THIS IS NOT EPISODE SIX. Things are a bit tough for us right now plus the holidays are upon us and our schedule is a bit off. We wanted to let y'all know a bit of what has been going on with us and also go over some things we missed/got sent to us from Heat.
We promise to be back ASAP with Truth/Dare. Thank you so, so, much for listening and hanging out with us. We appreciate y'all so much!!
If you are enjoying the pod, please consider rating and reviewing on your preferred platform! We would greatly appreciate it!
Join our Patreon: tinyurl.com/WhyAreWePatreonFollow us online:Insta: tinyurl.com/WhyareweInstaTiktok: tinyurl.com/WhyareweTokDiscord: discord.gg/xg5dpEyfgXA special thanks to the following Producers. We appreciate you so much!Josh H.Michael B.KellyAmalieLoriMaja
Well, hello there! This bonus ep is super fun and we are so excited to share it with you! We are joined by freelance writer, Tariq Raouf to discuss the shows adults. We focus mostly on the queer adult journeys we get in season two with Mr. Ajayi and Mr. Farouk. However, we also touch on the lessons the show offers parents, teachers, friends, and family of LGBTQIA+ folks and the importance of unconditional love and safe spaces regardless of sexuality. We also heavily discuss an article Tariq wrote for IGN, which is linked below. As you will hear, we highly recommend giving it a read!
Tariq's Article: tinyurl.com/TariqIGN
Follow Tariq online @tariq_raouf
Join our Patreon: tinyurl.com/WhyAreWePatreon
If you are enjoying the pod, please consider rating and reviewing on your preferred platform! We would greatly appreciate it!
Follow us online:Insta: tinyurl.com/WhyareweInstaTiktok: tinyurl.com/WhyareweTokDiscord: discord.gg/xg5dpEyfgXA special thanks to the following Producers. We appreciate you so much!Josh H.Michael B.KellyAmalieLoriMaja
Hi! Oh boy, we are not ready to talk about this one. It is a true rollercoaster with twists and turns and a few upside down loops! We brought on our friend Jeremy from Always and Forever: A One Tree Hill Podcast to dive into this episode. We have some drinks and talk for literal hours about love bites, character trauma, museum kisses, character trauma, teachers pining intensely, character trauma, how adorable literally everyone is, and, of course- MORE CHARACTER TRAUMA. TW for discussions of disordered eating, stalking, self harm. Follow Jeremy and their podcast: instagram.com/alwaysothpod/WARNING: We had drinks. There is some yelling. I turned them down as best as I could. So if it sounds weird/low volume during the screams, I didn't want to burst your eardrums! 😂
Follow Jeremy and their podcast: instagram.com/alwaysothpod/
Join our Patreon: tinyurl.com/WhyAreWePatreon
If you are enjoying the pod, please consider rating and reviewing on your preferred platform! We would greatly appreciate it!
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Insta: tinyurl.com/WhyareweInsta
Tiktok: tinyurl.com/WhyareweTok
Discord: discord.gg/xg5dpEyfgX
A special thanks to the following Producers. We appreciate you so much!
Josh H.
Michael B.
Maja -
Hi! Who's ready to go to Paris?! We are back to talk for two whole hours about exploring Paris, group shenanigans, Will Gao's physical comedy, Nick and Charlie being disgustingly adorable, Mr. Ajayi and Mr. Farouk giving each other blushy gooey love eyes, and Imogen FINALLY putting Ben in his place!!! We are talking Season Two Episode Four "Challenge!"
Patreon: tinyurl.com/WhyAreWePatreon
Eurotunnel video: youtube.com/watch?v=OwEpXMsR-sU
If you are enjoying the pod, please consider rating and reviewing on your preferred platform! We would greatly appreciate it!
Follow us online:
Insta: tinyurl.com/WhyareweInsta
Tiktok: tinyurl.com/WhyareweTok
Discord: discord.gg/xg5dpEyfgX
A special thanks to the following Producers. We appreciate you so much!
Josh H.
Michael B.
Hi! We are back with a VERY special podcast crossover bonus episode!!! We got together with Kate and David from "Heartstopper Fan Podcast: Proper Full On Gay Crisis" to geek out together over our favorite little queer universe! We talk about how we all came across Heartstopper and how it has impacted us and our lives. We bombard them with more questions about the British school system and OF COURSE how they tie their shoes! Also, we dive back into season one to find out their favorite quotes and scale ratings. Plus, we answer their end of ep questions and give our Panic Line Advice and Heartstopper Moments for every season one episode!
Follow @heartstopperfanpodcast on Instagram and listen to their wonderful podcast on Spotify and Google Podcasts!
Cherii ASMR: youtube.com/@CheriiASMR
Shoe Tying Tiktok referenced: tiktok.com/t/ZPR76awdP/
Patreon: tinyurl.com/WhyAreWePatreon
If you are enjoying the pod, please consider rating and reviewing on your preferred platform! We would greatly appreciate it!
Follow us online:
Insta: tinyurl.com/WhyareweInsta
Tiktok: tinyurl.com/WhyareweTok
Discord: discord.gg/xg5dpEyfgX
Hi. WOW, the universe really didn't want us talking about this episode! But not even that could stop us! After rescheduling not once but twice, we finally got together to chat "Promise." Ashley did totally have her good mic off for most of the episode on accident. (Whoopsie!! Also, Hi. It is 4am and I am a bit delulu) So, please accept her apologies for the quality. It does switch towards the end when she realized. ANYWAY- This episode we have got final GCSE exams, first dates, drunken teenage bonfire parties in the woods, and (you guessed it!) anxiety attacks! Come along on an emotional adventure as we talk Heartstopper Season Two Episode Three!
If you are enjoying the pod, please consider rating and reviewing on your preferred platform! We would greatly appreciate it!
Follow us online:
Insta: tinyurl.com/WhyareweInsta
Tiktok: tinyurl.com/WhyareweTok
Discord: discord.gg/xg5dpEyfgX
Patreon: tinyurl.com/WhyAreWePatreon
Buckle up, y'all. We are meeting David Nelson, getting more than our fare share of Jane Spring, dealing with the stress of exams, and avoiding our SINGLE ESSAY ASSIGNMENT. But we are also getting some top notch mom moments from Yan Xu, expanding our found family and trying out clubbing, sneaking to the park to see our banned boyfriend(resulting in the murder of every single audience member), and deciding to tell our best friend we are in like with them. It is a rollercoaster of an episode! Join us in doing a deep dive into Heartstopper Season 2 Episode 2 "Family."
If you are enjoying the pod, please consider rating and reviewing on your preferred platform! We would greatly appreciate it!
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Insta: tinyurl.com/WhyareweInsta
Tiktok: tinyurl.com/WhyareweTok
Discord: https://discord.gg/xg5dpEyfgX
HI! Holy hamstrings, y'all!!! Season Two is FINALLY upon us and what a season it is! Should we have probably done an episode where we scream about the season overall first? Probably. But instead we dive right in! Let's talk well done kisses, flirting with our best friend, makeout montages, group sleepovers, and kissing in front of other people for the first time! Join us in squealing over Season Two Episode One "Out!"
If you are enjoying the pod, please consider rating and reviewing on your preferred platform! We would greatly appreciate it!
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Insta: tinyurl.com/WhyareweInsta
Tiktok: tinyurl.com/WhyareweTok
Discord: https://discord.gg/xg5dpEyfgX
Welcome to our final Rewind episode before SEASON TWO!! *screams in gay!* We have a very special guest this episode to revisit Season One! Alyssa's very own partner in crime, Eddy, has joined us to give us all of his thoughts on the season as a whole! See you all in season two!!!
Eddy's Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@siegemaximo
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Insta: tinyurl.com/WhyareweInsta
Tiktok: tinyurl.com/WhyareweTok
Discord: https://discord.gg/xg5dpEyfgX
OH HI! We are ONE WEEK away from season two!!!!!!! The full trailer dropped a few days ago and we are here to talk about it in depth. This is audio from our YouTube channel! Link to video is below. Holy banana boats, Batman! There is a lot going on here! Join us in analyzing and theorizing!!
Watch this episode on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Sk3SUGcUg40If you are enjoying the pod, please consider rating and reviewing on your preferred platform! We would greatly appreciate it! Follow us online: Insta: tinyurl.com/WhyareweInsta Tiktok: tinyurl.com/WhyareweTok Discord: https://discord.gg/xg5dpEyfgX
We are revisiting season one, once again! And this time with not one, but two special guests! We are joined by Professional Queer and good friend, Avery and our fav librarian and cohost of the Gotham Outsiders podcast, TJ! Also, surprise! We weren’t able to get with Nicolette in time for our last ep, so Nicolette’s Comics Corner on Chapter Three is also included in today’s episode!
If you are enjoying the pod, please consider rating and reviewing on your preferred platform! We would greatly appreciate it!
Follow us online:
Insta: tinyurl.com/WhyareweInsta
Tiktok: tinyurl.com/WhyareweTok
Discord: https://discord.gg/xg5dpEyfgX -
Hello there!! We are back to talk rain drenched love confessions, birthday bowling, movies with the rugby lads, the beach date, A LOT of kissing, and coming out! Join us in discussing Heartstopper Chapter 3 "Kiss" (Volume Two)
If you are enjoying the pod, please consider rating and reviewing on your preferred platform! We would greatly appreciate it! Follow us online: Insta: tinyurl.com/WhyareweInsta Tiktok: tinyurl.com/WhyareweTok Discord: https://discord.gg/xg5dpEyfgX
Hi! We come to you today to scream about the season two teaser trailer, poster reveal, and the first two minutes that we got back in June! We have a lot of feelings so buckle up! This is audio from a Youtube video we posted. You can watch the video here: https://youtu.be/uuAVQGvtFh8
If you are enjoying the pod, please consider rating and reviewing on your preferred platform! We would greatly appreciate it!
Follow us online:
Insta: tinyurl.com/WhyareweInsta
Tiktok: tinyurl.com/WhyareweTok
Discord: https://discord.gg/xg5dpEyfgX -
We are back to chat all things season one with very special guest Aliza Ora! She is a cohost on Pass the Hot Sauce: A Roswell Podcast and a dear friend of ours. We revisit the season and learn all of Aliza's favorite moments, least favorite moments, Heartstopometer ratings, and learn what she would like out of season two as someone who has not read the comics! Buckle up, this one is giggly.
If you are enjoying the pod, please consider rating and reviewing on your preferred platform! We would greatly appreciate it!
Follow us online: Insta: tinyurl.com/WhyareweInsta Tiktok: tinyurl.com/WhyareweTok Discord: https://discord.gg/xg5dpEyfgX Or email us at whyarewecast@gmail.com. Thanks for Listening!
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