Director, choreographer, performer and writer, Kathleen Ann Thompson , Artistic Director of Belleherst Productions. discusses an approach to some of the most challenging and complex theatrical techniques which thespians often whisper about in the wings of the stage. Kathleen’s twenty-five year experience with directing three schools for movement theatre and directing two theatre companies, as well as writing and performing award winning productions for Bellehert has given her an overall in-depth knowledge of theatre. Her enthusiasm to elevate the craft of theatre for all types of performers and theatrical endeavors is edifying.
Whispers in the Wings targets complex techniques which form the infra structure of good and effective stage practices for directors and actors. These techniques are often glossed over in drama classes or addressed with superficial and time-worn cliches. Kathleen digs down into the technique with analysis and practical exercises.
We hope you will be stimulated and inspired by these discussions.