
  • Statistically, there are 15 core people in our lives who will show up when sh$# hits the fan – our mother’s funeral, a cancer diagnosis – they’re on the next plane. What if instead of filling our schedules working towards buying more things, we spent time nurturing the relationships that are truly all we have? In a modern day loneliness epidemic, lack of connection is becoming a disease, but our generation can turn it around. Sah D’Simone is here to say that even though relationships are hard, families are messy, and conflict is scary, this is the only path back to love and longevity. Sah is a spiritual leader, hospital chaplain who supports those at the end of life, and international best-selling author of Spiritually We. In this episode, he breaks down how to increase our capacity so that we can hold space for our people and right our relationships.


    Why human connection is a basic biological need (and how we’ve gotten so far away)

    Why pop psychology is doing us a disservice by teaching us to cut off relationships with conflict instead of learning to face it

    The difference between how easy it is to be spiritual alone in meditation vs. at the family dinner table when triggers come up

    How to nurture true connection over complain culture and trauma-bonding relationships

    Why your closest relationships are often the most triggering

    How to live with integrity and what a lack of integrity looks like in your closest bonds

    Why “conflict is your lovers” how to resolve conflict in a healthy way

    Why time away from your parents may be necessary to grow and heal, but the goal is to always bring it back around

    Why intellectualizing your feelings and making meaning keeps you from feeling your feelings

    How to support someone in grief and the magnitude of holding space for loss

    Watch the full episode on What’s The Juice YouTube Channel

    To support our ad-free show, shop Olivia’s line of herbalist-formulated supplements for digestion, anxiety, thyroid support, and more by visiting www.organicolivia.com.

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  • What does “good nutrition” actually mean – and why have we built a BILLION dollar industry that only makes us more confused about how to feed ourselves? Why is it that one day the internet is telling you to be a raw vegan, and 5 years later carnivore is suddenly a panacea? Shyla Cadogan is a registered dietitian focused on making nutrition simple again. Shyla explores the extensive impact that processed foods have on our bodies, while at the same time not putting perfection, whole foods or ‘superfoods’ on a pedestal. She brings some much needed nuance (and humor) to the question: what the heck should I eat and who should I listen to?


    Shyla’s transition from intense vegan diets to an unattached, simple way of fueling The importance of finding the middle ground with nutrition rather than opting into extremes Why nutrition professionals have a duty to keep things professional rather than trying to be cutting edge or go viral How the concept of intuitive eating has gotten warped and why most of us are practicing it all wrong and feeling bad about it How you can be anti-diet-culture and still not eat a lot of processed foods Why Shyla says “a true relationship with food is having no relationship with it at all” The importance of not shaming people for being imperfect in their health decisions and educating in a considerate manner The history of “superfoods” and why the term is a bit of a scam The distrust that the public currently has in dietitians (ie. thinking they’re paid by big pharma!) How processed foods were originally created for war times and food corporations have used that opportunity to exploit us How cultural foods play a role in healthy eating

    Watch the full episode on What’s The Juice YouTube Channel

    To support our ad-free show, shop Olivia’s line of herbalist-formulated supplements for digestion, anxiety, thyroid support, and more by visiting www.organicolivia.com.

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  • Are you struggling with chronic, unexplained symptoms that no treatment seems to alleviate (and actually makes worse)? Do you feel like your body reacts abnormally to stress or changes in your environment with ‘flares’ of symptoms that come in cycles? Understanding histamine intolerance, also called MCAS or Mast Cell Activation Syndrome may help guide you in the right direction. Michelle Shapiro is a functional dietitian who has helped over 1000+ clients reverse their anxiety and heal long-standing gut and immune issues. In this episode, Michelle unpacks what it means to live in a highly sensitive body (spoiler, she lives in one!) and shares hopeful solutions for those of us who struggle with largely ignored autonomic disorders such as MCAS, POTS and hypermobility.

    Join the Highly Sensitive Body (HSB) Hub


    Michelle’s own story of being sick with a mysterious cluster of symptoms after COVID and mold exposure (and how she healed)

    What MCAS is, the symptoms caused by histamine intolerance and why it’s SO hard to get diagnosed

    The connection between long COVID and MCAS that’s not talked about

    Why MCAS is really a physical “allergy to stress” and nervous system disorder that pushes the immune system into overdrive

    How seemingly healthy treatment plans actually make things worse in people with histamine issues

    What it might mean if you get dizzy easily, have trouble concentrating or experience a racing heart

    Why hypermobility, POTS and MCAS often go together

    How histamine intolerance magnifies anxiety, depression, ADHD and PMDD in women

    Michelle’s loving approach to healing histamine issues and supporting your body gently

    The exact foods to avoid if you have histamine intolerance and how to reduce flares

    Her favorite supplements and herbs that can lower histamine levels

    How to strength train in a way that doesn’t cause more harm

    Why we can’t completely discount pharmaceutical tools like antihistamines when initially healing

    The next steps to take if you think you may have a highly sensitive body

    Watch the full episode on What’s The Juice YouTube Channel

    To support our ad-free show, shop Olivia’s line of herbalist-formulated supplements for digestion, anxiety, thyroid support, and more by visiting www.organicolivia.com.

    Connect with Michelle:

    Join the Highly Sensitive Body (HSB) Hub

    Get 1:1 support from Michelle and her team

    Follow her on Instagram

    Listen to the Quiet the Diet podcast

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  • Are you curious why autoimmune conditions are so prevalent these days? Do you have a history of trauma that you believe is connected to your autoimmunity? Sara Gottfried MD is a scientist, researcher and seeker who takes a whole-person approach to medicine. Sara goes way beyond supplements and nutrition to address the root causes of autoimmunity, helping us heal the trauma and other triggers that may have turned our bodies against us.


    Why autoimmunity is on the rise in today’s world

    The specific lab markers to run if you suspect you may have an autoimmune condition

    How loneliness and loss of community impacts our immune systems

    The 3 root causes that she sees in ALL autoimmune conditions

    The massive role that trauma plays in autoimmunity and how to start addressing it

    How to properly and safely use elimination diets

    What the conventional treatment to autoimmune disease looks like vs the functional approach

    The importance of finding practitioners who have regulated nervous systems and are deeply present with you

    Why psychedelic assisted therapy can help us get into a healing state of consciousness

    3 things people can do starting TODAY to improve immunity and nervous system health

    How to practice embodiment and feeling safe on your own

    Watch the full episode on What’s The Juice YouTube Channel

    To support our ad-free show, shop Olivia’s line of herbalist-formulated supplements for digestion, anxiety, thyroid support, and more by visiting www.organicolivia.com.

    Connect with Sara:

    Her New Book: “The Autoimmune Cure”

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    Organic Olivia on TikTok
    Read Olivia’s blog posts

  • Have you ever wanted to experience spiritual growth from psychedelics but don’t actually want to trip? Are you stuck at a crossroads in life and not sure which path you’re meant to take? Meet the woman who connects you with specific rituals you can do in nature to find your deepest answers without ever having to take Ayahuasca. Katherine Hargreaves is a practitioner of West African divination, an ancient method of translation that helps people tap into information, messages, and ancestors on the other side by reconnecting us with the elements of nature. As you complete the rituals you're assigned (whether that’s throwing milk and honey into the ocean with a prayer, or screaming your anger into a hole in the woods to give it back to the earth), you quiet your mind, clear your physical channel, and are able to hear the guidance of your soul, your ancestors, and the spirits of the earth.


    - The wild ritual that Olivia did on a mountainside to help her get clarity on her career

    - How rituals prepare us to receive messages and transformation in the years after

    - Chronological vs deep time and why we can’t expect things to happen on our timelines

    - How to incorporate elements into rituals for specific purposes (like ocean water, honey, dirt, etc.)

    - How to complete a honey ritual if you’re looking for a new place to live

    - How Katharine got initiated into the closed practice of West African shamanic tradition

    - The idea that nature can be JUST as powerful as psychedelics

    - Exactly how to start noticing nature speaking to you

    - Easy, tangible ways to work with your ancestors, like creating an altar

    - The importance of asking for guidance out loud – to nature and your ancestors

    - How to know if divination work is right for you in this moment

    Watch the full episode on What’s The Juice YouTube Channel

    To support our ad-free show, shop Olivia’s line of herbalist-formulated supplements. Our most loved formulas include:

    GlucoBitters for blood sugar balance, insulin resistance and PCOS,

    Liver Juice for acne and liver detoxification support, and

    Bloat BFF for fast-acting bloat + digestive support.

    Connect with Kat:

    Follow Katharine Hargreaves

    Katharine’s Website

    InsightTimer Meditation

    Subscribe to Katharine's newsletter

    The Ethics of Energy - course for healers and facilitators

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    Read Olivia’s blog posts

    Topics Discussed:

    00:00 Olivia Previews Stick Divination and Spiritual Practices

    6:44 Introducing Katharine Hargreaves

    09:36 Understanding Divination and the Natural World

    17:18 Everyday Rituals

    21:46 Olivia’s Ritual from Katharine

    31:42 Exploring the Elements in Stick Divination Rituals

    33:15 Nick’s Ritual for Olivia

    35:36 Mother and Father Earth

    40:12 Giving Form to the Unnamable

    41:39 Honey as a Potentiator

    46:12 Lightning as a Medicine of Integrity

    52:14 The Ethics of Being a Healer in a Lineage

    54:14 How Katharine Became a Diviner

    1:03:58 Rituals Katharine Has Prescribed to Others

    1:07:03 Potency of Death Medicine

    1:11:02 Reconnecting through Nature and Art

    1:16:12 Biomimicry

    1:19:59 Messages That Arrive Through Dreams

    1:22:32 How to Match Our Heartbeat’s to Nature’s Pace

    1:31:42 Conclusion

  • Are you over all of the gimmicky, expensive tools in the health space right now? Do you want to go deeper to address foundational topics related to the things that actually impact your quality of life – like healthier communication, better confidence, and rewiring your brain to focus on the good? Liz Moody is an author, podcaster and recipe developer known for her vibrant approach to healthy living. In true Liz fashion, she shares her favorite (free) wellness habits that are rooted in psychology and behavioral science and will seriously change the way you feel.


    Her secrets to a long, healthy relationship after 16 years of marriage

    How becoming a better listener helps your relationships and makes people like you more

    The 5 second method that rewires your neural pathways to promote more happiness and positivity

    How writing your own “bill of rights” builds self confidence and enforces your true sense of self-identity and worth

    How to practice making small decisions so that you are less overwhelmed by big life decisions when they inevitably arise

    Why thinking about your death is one of the most powerful things you can do for a well-lived life

    How to use the “fresh start effect” to increase your motivation and achieve your goals

    Why it’s critical that we show up authentically vs trying to make an impression when looking for a match

    Why artificially limiting your time can actually increase your productivity

    What “intentional drinking” is and how it’s changed Liz’s life

    Watch the full episode on What’s The Juice YouTube Channel

    To support our ad-free show, shop Olivia’s line of herbalist-formulated supplements for digestion, anxiety, thyroid support, and more by visiting www.organicolivia.com. If you’d like to support the show while taking care of your reproductive health, you can get 15% off of Flora-V, Natal Nurture & Flow Balance with code FERTILITY15

    Connect with Liz:




  • Do you feel stuck and burned out in your job? Are you tying your self-worth and identity to your productivity and career? Do you struggle to embrace being multifaceted and having multiple interests? Madison Utendahl is a founder, writer, and producer passionate about helping us change the way we think about work. We cover how to dissociate our worth from our career, the importance of self-reflection, and practical tips for those feeling stuck in unfulfilling jobs.


    The impact of our job can have on overall health and well-being

    Madison’s personal journey transitioning from corporate America to entrepreneurship

    The over-employment phenomenon and its contribution to burnout

    How to begin separating your identity from your work/career

    Practical tips for connecting to yourself through meditation and silence

    The critical distinction between self-care activities and deeper self-identity work

    What it means to be 'multi-hyphenate’

    How we can create a healthier relationship with work and productivity

    How the disconnection from ourselves is what leads to burnout

    Taking radical responsibility for our circumstances + our ability to change

    Challenging gender roles and expectations in leadership

    What steps to take if you’re thinking about changing careers

    Questions to ask to get clarity on your career path

    Watch the full episode on What’s The Juice YouTube Channel

    To support our ad-free show, shop Olivia’s line of herbalist-formulated supplements for digestion, anxiety, thyroid support, and more by visiting www.organicolivia.com. If you’d like to support the show while taking care of your reproductive health, you can get 15% off of Flora-V, Natal Nurture & Flow Balance with code FERTILITY15

    Connect with Madison:


    Madison's Website

    Utendahl Creative Website

    Connect with Olivia:

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    Organic Olivia on TikTok

    Read Olivia’s blog posts

  • Are you thinking about starting a family or having another child but don’t know how to prepare your body? Do you want to maximize the healthy “epigenetics” you pass on to your child? Or maybe you’re currently struggling with infertility and need extra support? Elizabeth Wade is a naturopathic doctor who takes an empathetic, highly-individualized, root-cause approach to reproductive health. She offers a refreshing perspective on infertility (why it’s not the end of the story and how “subfertility” can be supported) and provides insights on labs, supplements, and more.


    Why men’s role in fertility is equally as important as women’s (i.e. male blood markers that can contribute to miscarriage)

    The incredible opportunity you have every 3-4 months to completely change the genetic expression of your DNA for healthier outcomes and babies

    The importance of folate for both women AND men!

    The difference between infertility and “subfertility” – only 2% of people are considered sterile

    The importance of “belief hygiene” and nervous system support in preparing for pregnancy

    All about the tubal, pelvic, and cervical factors in infertility

    How to understand labs for fertility and the exact blood panel Elizabeth recommends for preconception

    Should you test your AMH or can it cause more anxiety?

    What the ideal preconception diet looks like

    Dr. Wade’s opinion on organ meats and Omega 3 fatty acids

    Why choline is necessary for brain development in babies and how to get enough of it

    The unique combination of NAC, melatonin and coQ10 for follicle development

    Watch the full episode on What’s The Juice YouTube Channel

    To support our ad-free show, shop Olivia’s line of herbalist-formulated supplements for digestion, anxiety, thyroid support, and more by visiting www.organicolivia.com. If you’d like to support the show while taking care of your reproductive health, you can get 15% off of Flora-V, Natal Nurture & Flow Balance with code FERTILITY15

    Connect with Elizabeth:



    Fertility Reclaimed Program - code OLIVIA for 10% off

    Connect with Olivia:

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    Read Olivia’s blog posts

  • Are you committed to your personal health but have a feeling your home is a roadblock? Do you worry about living with mold, high EMFs, or strong LED lights that can throw off circadian rhythm? Christine Cimabue is a licensed general contractor and holistic construction consultant who believes that the condition of our home can play a huge role in our ability to heal, thrive and feel safe. She doesn’t fearmonger or tell you to spend $$$ on remediation – instead she gives simple, actionable tips on how we can start getting to know the quirks of our home, install simple safeguards under appliances that leak, and feel empowered with education to maintain and prevent.


    All about mold in homes – why it grows, how to find it, how to get rid of it and prevent

    What it means to have a “healthy home” vs a “sick home” and the refreshing idea that a healthy home is NOT perfect

    Why decorating your bathroom with aesthetic touches like wallpaper can be problematic

    Why your entire bathroom should be a “wet room” and what this means

    The potential downsides of “energy efficient homes” and air-tight environments

    How to effectively monitor humidity and moisture levels in each room with a $5 device to identity and prevent water damage

    Her controversial opinion that basements should actually NOT be finished and what to do if you currently have a finished basement

    Why LED lights can be overstimulating to our nervous systems & what to use instead to support your circadian rhythm

    The affordable tool that helps to prevent and avoid potential leaks from your appliances

    The key to renovating old homes with healthy materials (like KD versus green lumber)

    Exact questions we can ask potential contractors when we are interviewing them and the checklist Christine gives her clients

    Watch the full episode on What’s The Juice YouTube Channel

    To support our ad-free show, shop Olivia’s line of herbalist-formulated supplements for digestion, anxiety, thyroid support, and more by visiting www.organicolivia.com. If you’d like to support the show, the code for my top 4 favorite formulas from my line at the moment is still active for two more weeks! You can use the code HORMONES15 to get 15% off ThyroPro, GluocBitters, Mighty Minerals and Bloat BFF.

    Connect with Christine:



    Her new podcast

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    Read Olivia’s blog posts


    Drip pan (Holistic10 for 10% off)

    Whole home leak detector

    Access panel


    Moisture meter

    Non-flickering LED light bulbs (Holistic10 for 10% off)

  • Do you notice the same patterns keep coming up with your partner or friendships? Do you find yourself afraid of conflict – avoiding hard, but necessary conversations? Are you struggling with creating the space to feel your emotions instead of numbing them? Krista Williams is a coach, podcast host, and close friend who shares how the “mother wound” shows up in our social dynamics and the way we feel safe in the world, why codependency extends far beyond our partner, and the impact of Internal Family Systems (IFS) also known as ‘parts work’ on getting in touch with your inner mother.


    What the “mother wound” is and how it is crucial for developing female friendships & feeling safe in the world

    Why codependency stems from a desire for safety, stability, and connection in intimate relationships

    How using internal family systems (IFS) can help us hear our true “inner mother” who has acceptance for all parts of us

    How to recognize your inner voices like the critic, perfectionist, child, and rebel

    The challenges of adjusting to different versions of yourself, especially as we change and grow in the context of long term relationships

    Exactly how to create space to feel your emotions and the questions to ask yourself to start processing them

    The power of curiosity & asking questions in supporting your friends to come to their OWN conclusions, instead of going into fixer mode

    How a darkness retreat taught Krista how to self regulate and process her emotions for the first time

    Watch the full episode on What’s The Juice YouTube Channel

    To support our ad-free show, shop Olivia’s line of herbalist-formulated supplements for digestion, anxiety, thyroid support, and more by visiting www.organicolivia.com. If you’d like to support the show, the code for my top 4 favorite formulas from my line at the moment is still active for two more weeks! You can use the code HORMONES15 to get 15% off ThyroPro, GluocBitters, Mighty Minerals and Bloat BFF.

    Connect with Krista:



    Almost 30 Podcast

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    Read Olivia’s blog posts


    Finding the Inner Mother Retreat in Portugal

    True Essence Retreat in Ibiza

  • Curious as to how Alzheimer’s, Type 2 Diabetes, insomnia, anxiety, infertility, and even cancer can all be connected to our metabolic health – and what to do about it? Frustrated that no matter how much we spend to get well, the healthcare and food industries are incentivized to keep us in a revolving door? Casey Means, MD is a brilliant doctor and advocate for humanity who shares with us the importance of trusting your body’s wisdom, taking control of your metabolic & mitochondrial health, and exactly how to become your own best healer.


    Why our healthcare system is financially designed for chronic illness

    The ONE key thing depression, anxiety, infertility, insomnia, heart disease, diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s or cancer all have in common

    Why our mitochondria are suffering so much in our modern world

    Why blood sugar management is KEY for healing our metabolic health

    How Casey gets a whopping 50 grams of fiber in a day and her favorite hacks

    The 5 things that you need in EACH MEAL for your mitochondria

    How the fear of death in our culture makes us profitable

    The importance of trusting your body and understanding your biomarkers & labs

    How to learn the language of YOUR body’s symptoms and start to utilize pattern recognition to be your own best healer

    Codependency and the role of setting boundaries as part of your healing plan

    The connection between leaky gut and energy-draining relationships

    Watch the full episode on What’s The Juice YouTube Channel

    To support our ad-free show, shop Olivia’s line of herbalist-formulated supplements for digestion, anxiety, thyroid support, and more by visiting www.organicolivia.com. Our most loved formulas are: GlucoBitters for blood sugar balancing, insulin resistance and PCOS, Liver Juice for acne and liver detoxification support, and Bloat BFF for fast-acting bloating support.

    Connect with Casey:



    Levels Website

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    Organic Olivia on TikTok
    Read Olivia’s blog posts


    Bloat BFF so that you can get the fiber benefits of beans without the bloat!

  • Are you curious about why, in an age of hyper-advanced technology and science, we have more chronic illness than ever? Zach Bush, MD is a renowned physician, researcher, and educator at the forefront of integrative medicine and microbiome research. He shares his revolutionary philosophy on planetary and human health – and how even beyond healing the soil, it all comes back to healing our relationships and deeply witnessing one other.


    Why disease emerges from bodies that are disconnected from nature

    How “alternative medicine” is just becoming another version of conventional medicine

    Why truly witnessing one other is essential for creating a new social framework

    Why the wireless communication network between microbiomes and human cells play a crucial role in your health

    The wonder of the virome and how viruses actually upgrade your genetics

    Why you experience strange, vivid, or even lucid dreams when you have a virus

    What’s actually happening in your mind, body and spirit with long COVID symptoms

    Why going through sickness and pain pushes you towards your highest self

    How the old you/your old life needs to die so that you can see the vision for the new you

    How to diversify your microbiome through food and daily habits (like your route to/from work!)

    Why people in blue zones live as long as they do (hint: it’s not about eating beans)

    How the antidote to our glyphosate crisis lies in ancient soil

    Watch the full episode on What’s The Juice YouTube Channel

    To support our ad-free show, shop Olivia’s line of herbalist-formulated supplements for digestion, anxiety, thyroid support, and more by visiting www.organicolivia.com. Our most loved formulas are: GlucoBitters for blood sugar balancing, insulin resistance and PCOS, Liver Juice for acne and liver detoxification support, and Bloat BFF for fast-acting bloating support.

    Connect with Zach:



    ION Website

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    If you’re interested about his ION Biome soil supplement after hearing him speak about it on the episode, go to IntelligenceOfNature.com and use my code, ORGANICOLIVIA to save 15% site wide. Comment end

  • Are you in your fitness era but feel confused about how to ACTUALLY fuel your body for muscle, blood sugar balance and hormone health? Lauren Papanos, MS, RD, CSSD is a registered dietician, hormone specialist, and sports performance expert who shares how to eat before/after workouts and her functional approach to women’s health issues like PCOS and hypothyroidism.


    The 4 types of PCOS: insulin resistant, adrenal, inflammatory + post-pill

    Why your meals directly before and after exercise should be completely different than your meals outside of your training window

    Why eating fat and taking supplements (omegas, Vit C) around your workout window is counterproductive

    What the bodybuilder diet got right and wrong (i.e. “refeed days” for thyroid and appetite)

    The potential risks of going on a low carb diet

    Why your thyroid needs carbohydrates (the science on kisspeptin levels)

    What labs you should request if you suspect you have a sluggish thyroid

    Red light and topical glutathione for thyroid inflammation

    If hair mineral tests are accurate + diet changes to replace our deficient minerals

    How to relieve constipation holistically

    The most ideal “exercise split” for women

    Why it’s best to do cardio vs. resistance training on totally different days

    A week of eating for both muscle and hormone health

    Watch the full episode on What’s The Juice YouTube Channel


    - ThyroPro

    - Bloat BFF

    - GlucoBitters

    - Mighty Minerals

    To support our ad-free show, shop Olivia’s line of herbalist-formulated supplements www.organicolivia.com including GlucoBitters for blood sugar balancing, insulin resistance and PCOS, Liver Juice for skin and liver detoxification support, and Bloat BFF for fast-acting bloat support.

    Connect with Lauren:



    Functional Foundations Course

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    Organic Olivia on TikTok



    Mighty Minerals

    Bloat BFF


    Beef Liver Meatballs recipe (for thyroid health)

    LUMEBOX red light therapy - save 40% off with code “organicolivia”

    Ask the Herbalist: All About Hypothyroidism + Labs to Ask For episode

    Richard Mandelbaum: A New Approach to Lyme Disease episode

    Lauren’s Workout Program

  • It takes time, love and presence to build trust with those we love… but how do we build a true relationship with ourselves, too? Sometimes it gets ugly when we start the journey to become our own friend. In this episode with Radhi Devlukia, we cover the exact practices and questions you can ask yourself to figure out who you really are vs. how your ego wants to be seen, and reconnect with your own voice (even if you’ve never heard it before). While we go deep, we also cover the top 3 Ayurvedic practices you should implement into your day and how to prepare potent kitchen medicine by adding therapeutic spices to your food.


    How Radhi’s cultural upbringing in an Indian home with Ayurvedic influence deeply impacted her life path

    Ayurvedic inspired practices to develop a relationship with your body

    Why sharing your knowledge with the world is critical for shedding your ego

    A reframe to stop letting imposter syndrome get in the way)

    How our “seen culture” translates to social anxiety and people pleasing

    How you can only access the hearts of others when you speak from your own heart

    The one simple practice that will help to align you with your true self

    How ‘mantra meditation’ can be the perfect solution if you struggle to meditate in silence

    Why sitting with yourself in moments of silence and discomfort can help you hear your actual voice

    How to build a sense of identity separate from the value you get from your relationships

    The exact question to ask yourself when you’re feeling self conscious

    The famous Ayurvedic “CCF” tea that can help your digestion + metabolism

    Why the ancient practice of body oiling (abhyanga) can soothe your nervous system

    Why “kitchen medicine” can actually be more potent than supplementation for both getting well and staying well

    Recipes you can use to integrate spices into your life daily, including the simple 2 ingredient drink Radhi enjoys before bed

    Watch the full episode on What’s The Juice YouTube Channel

    To support our ad-free show, shop Olivia’s line of herbalist-formulated supplements for digestion, anxiety, thyroid support, and more by visiting www.organicolivia.com. Our most loved formulas are: GlucoBitters for blood sugar balancing, insulin resistance and PCOS, Liver Juice for acne and liver detoxification support, and Bloat BFF for fast-acting bloating support.

    Connect with Rahi:



    Order Her New Plant-Based Cookbook

    Connect with Olivia:

    Follow Organic Olivia

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    Organic Olivia on TikTok

    Read Olivia’s blog posts

  • Confused on where to start if you have IBS, SIBO, or can no longer eat the foods you love without reacting? Dr. Alexis Cowan, PhD is a microbiome researcher and high-performance holistic health mentor who shares her revolutionary, 3-step gut protocol to restore your good bacteria.


    How Alexis’ own 100lb weight loss experience impacted her gut health

    The specific gut protocol that healed her gut microbiome, dairy intolerance and many of her clients’ long term symptoms

    Top 3 foods needed to feed your good gut bacteria

    How to feed your bifidobacteria if you weren’t breastfed

    Why 2-4 weeks of a “preparation phase” with diet changes and inflammation-busting supplements may be needed before embarking on a gut protocol

    Omega-3s, hesperidin (found in orange peels) and molecular hydrogen to reduce gut inflammation and break the cycle

    Why low FODMAP diets aren't a long term, sustainable treatment for SIBO

    How to properly get off an elimination diet

    Why carnivore and keto diets can negatively impact the microbiome long term

    Why high protein diets (without enough plants) can cause constipation and discomfort

    The profound link between high blood sugar, type 2 diabetes and fungal overgrowth

    Her take on functional lab testing, parasites and other buzzy topics on social media

    Why toxic relationships can be just as detrimental as poor sleep or digestive health

    Watch the full episode on What’s The Juice YouTube Channel

    To support our ad-free show, shop Olivia’s line of herbalist-formulated supplements for digestion, anxiety, thyroid support, and more by visiting www.organicolivia.com. Our most loved formulas are: GlucoBitters for blood sugar balancing, insulin resistance and PCOS, Liver Juice for acne and liver detoxification support, and Bloat BFF for fast-acting bloating support.

    Connect with Alexis:

    1-1 services and courses

    Instagram: @dralexisjazmyn

    Undoctrinate Yourself Podcast

    Purchase her courses (code "PODCAST" for 11% off)

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    Links mentioned:

    AvailOm Omega 3 supplement

    FUT2 secretor gene and bifidobacteria in the gut

    To purchase red polyphenol powder, apple peel powder, or HMOs, visit www.layerorigin.com and use code DRALEXIS10

  • Curious about what to expect in 2024? Jill Wintersteen, aka Spirit Daughter, spills the tea on all things astrology. With a deep interest in consciousness, Jill became a neuroscientist with a master's Degree in Psychology and later pursued her doctorate at Johns Hopkins. When her calling to help others find grounding and peace in their lives became louder than her desire to continue her education, she left the program and built a private practice infused with alignment-based yoga, Chinese medicine, and astrology. Through Spirit Daughter, Jill guides others to break through limiting beliefs to find healing and transformation. Her ever-popular lunar cycle workbooks and thoughtful courses reach millions of people all over the world, helping them to align with the energies of the Universe and manifest their visions.


    Use code juice at checkout for up to three hundred dollars off any air purifier by
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    Here’s the juice:

    What the different astrological seasons are + what they mean

    The journal prompts and questions to ask yourself this new year when reflecting on 2023

    The simple ways you can start to tap into your intuition so you can ultimately learn to trust it and follow it

    How to tell the difference between anxiety and intuition in your body

    Why 2024 is the year of reclaiming our power/standing in our power

    The major themes of 2024 and what we can expect astrologically

    How collectively we are reevaluating our relationship with physical “stuff” and consumerism. What are we consuming?

    Why we are being called to limit distractions and integrate our shadow

    The importance of living in our highest vibration to contribute positively to the collective consciousness

    How the pandemic connected us permanently

    Why 2024 is asking us to dive into partner work? We will need practices that help us nurture our relationships more than ever

    What the solar eclipse in Aries next spring will bring? Hint: it might be time to launch a project or step into something new

    Connect with Jill:

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    Connect with Olivia:

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  • This episode with Amber Magnolia Hill is like receiving a warm hug from an old friend. Amber is a seasoned herbalist who handmakes beautiful plant medicines for people who yearn for knowledge about herbalism, deepening ancestral connections, and remembering what it is to be human upon the earth. She helps people to drop cultural disconnection and disempowerment, and to return to old ways of being. I loved swapping stories of spiritual plant experiences with Amber and I hope this conversation inspires you to connect with the plants that are calling to you!

    Here’s the juice:

    Why herbalism is really about our relationships with plants, rather than using plants to treat specific ailments

    What the concept and process of plant communication looks like

    The experience that made her realize the mythical power of plants

    How plants treat our spirits by bringing us into ourselves in a deeper way – bringing us into alignment with our true essence

    How body oiling can help with boundary setting + how to make your own oil at home

    The importance of using plants before, during and after pregnancy

    Plants don’t come to us unless we’re ready for them and the lessons they teach us

    What the role of herbalism is in our modern day health care system now and in the future

    Links from the ep:

    Use this link to try Notion's powerful A.I tool for free! using this link HERE

    Connect with Amber:

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  • This episode is a masterclass in all things breathwork, Kundalini, meditation, and deep emotional healing. When I did a trip to California this year I had this insane virus that was affecting the nerves in my neck. I was in so much pain and it was very much mirroring this emotional pain that I was in. I ended up having a one-on-one breath work session with Erika and I cried like a baby. It was the first time that I felt safe to actually let go and acknowledge how much pain I was in. I loved her technique and the way that she taught and held space for me felt so comfortable — I knew that I had to have her on the podcast so that she could give you guys a little bit of that magic that she shared with me and our one-on-one breathwork session.

    Links from the ep:

    use code olivia for 15% off your first one-month supply of NOBS using this link betterbiom.com/olivia receive 20% OFF any AquaTru purifier using code "JUICE" using this link: AquaTru.com sign up for unlimited mediations and resources with Erika using this link: evolvebyerika.com

    Here's the juice:

    Erika's breathwork method and how to use it in your own practice

    why it's so important for you to start your day with a 5-minute meditation or sound healing

    how breathwork can help you “take out the garbage” from yesterday so that you can actually have space for what's coming in today

    why actively letting go and releasing through your own voice and breath helps set you up to receive the goodness that you might otherwise be blocking

    how to use breathwork to tackle real-life stress in the moment

    how to create a very simple morning routine and practice where you can utilize the techniques that she learned to really catapult yourself into a whole different chapter of your life

    how simply changing the state that you're in when you wake up can set your whole day up for success

    how breathwork and Kundalini can raise your energy and help you access joy

    why changing your own energy has a palpable impact on those around you

    other energetic techniques that you can learn and lean on during the different phases of your life

    how and why breathwork works to soothe, balance, and nourish your nervous systems

    Connect with Erika:

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    Connect with Olivia:

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    Shop herbal formulas HERE

  • We’re 100% here for Vanessa Rissetto’s accessible, straightforward nutrition advice. She approaches nutrition from an outsider's perspective because, in many ways, she is one. As CEO and Co-Founder of Culina Health, her priority is making clinical nutrition care inclusive and accessible. Vanessa received a Master’s in Science in Marketing from NYU and later completed her Dietetic Internship through their Nutrition and Food Studies Program at Mount Sinai Hospital. Her work in private practice includes treatment of GI disorders, bariatric surgery, weight management, PCOS, and family nutrition. She loves helping clients take an active role in their health journey and motivates them to achieve success. Vanessa was named by Essence magazine as one of the top 5 black nutritionists who will change the way you think about food.

    Links from the ep:

    use code olivia for 15% off your first one-month supply of NOBS using this link betterbiom.com/olivia

    Here’s the juice:

    How she felt like the nutrition field catered to the 1% and therefore started her company, Culina Health to increase access

    The value of a great practitioner as opposed to a bunch of functional tests that aren’t covered by insurance

    Her simple, straightforward advice about eating that everyone can benefit from

    How to figure out “what works for you” when you have no clue

    Her opinion on intermittent fasting and when it’s appropriate

    Why it’s okay to want to look good in your body!

    How she built her company to be the first nutrition company run by RDs, with investment money, and accepting insurance

    Why not eating enough actually keeps you from losing weight

    The role of compromise in achieving your health goals

    How to incorporate healthy coping mechanisms that aren’t related to food and drink

    The importance of sitting in the quiet for clarity and food-related emotions

    Tips on how to access nutritious, high quality food when you’re on a budget

    Connect with Vanessa:

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    Connect with Olivia:

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    Shop herbal formulas HERE

  • This week I’m sitting down with the one and only Jenna Zoe. Jenna is the world-leading expert in Human Design and the creator of the popular My Human Design App. She turned a complicated science into an accessible, easy-to-implement tool that will totally change your life. Jenna presents Human Design through a lens of radial acceptance which has resonated with millions around the globe and essentially made it into the mainstream obsession it is now. Her #1 goal is to help us understand who we are and how we function so that we can spend our energy emphasizing our unique gifts and talents, instead of trying to be someone society wants us to be.

    Links from the ep:
    - Follow the link notion.com/juice to try Notion Ai for note-taking and project planning

    Here’s the juice:

    How Human Design combines astrology, the chakras, and kabbala to paint a holistic picture of who you are + how you operate

    The full breakdown of each human design type – generator, manifesting generator, manifestor, projector, reflector

    Why it’s important to open your mind so that you are ready to receive what the universe is sending you

    It’s not about finding the “right” career path for you, it’s about how much you genuinely love what you’re doing

    Why it behooves you to remove things from your plate that you don’t enjoy so that other people who love doing those things can do them

    How if you’re living your design the right people will find you

    How to read and trust that your unique urges are divine

    What it looks like when you’re living out of alignment with your human design type

    Why most of us need to be deconditioned to some degree

    Connect with Jenna:

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    Web HERE

    Connect with Olivia:

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    Shop herbal formulas HERE