With only a couple of days to go until Christmas, we’ve got one last favourite episode to re-gift you. As we move in and out of tiered restrictions and face an uncertain year ahead, the urge to get a change of scenery and escape grows stronger. Estonia has a system for moving your business and even yourself to the country and enjoying all the benefits of being in the EU, as well as exploring the country and getting that change of scenery. In this episode, Harry talks to Ott Vatter, the MD of these programmes, about how we can take advantage of them and what it actually means to get the visa or the e-residency.
Nomad Visa:
Ott Vatter:
For more #WFH tips and resources check out http://wfhpodcast.com
Are you thinking of switching your location up? Maybe you’ve taken advantage of this scheme or a scheme like it. We’d love to talk to you about it! Email us at: wfh@lowerstreet.co
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We’ve still got a couple more episodes from the vaults to keep you going until Christmas. First released in October, Harry and Alex discuss imposter syndrome. We’ve all felt it at some point in our professional lives, but how has lockdown and remote working and the madness that is 2020 affected the imposters among us?
Fewer people experiencing Imposter Syndrome while working from home, says study:
For more #WFH tips and resources check out http://wfhpodcast.com
Do you experience imposter syndrome? How has working remotely affected it? We’d love to talk to you! Email us at: wfh@lowerstreet.co
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Saknas det avsnitt?
It’s the fifth day of Christmas. And although we haven't got any jewellery for you, we do have another of our favourite episodes. First broadcast in sunny September, Harry talks to Dr. Emil Goliath, who specialises in personal health and fitness, about how to stay active and pain-free when working from home.
Dr. Emil Goliath:
3 min Mobility Routine:
For more #WFH tips and resources check out http://wfhpodcast.com
Do you work remotely? How do you stay mobile and active? We’d love to talk to you about it! Email us at: wfh@lowerstreet.co
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In our second visit from the ghost of podcast past, Harry and Alex discuss how to keep up the healthy eating habits while working remotely. First broadcast in July, they talk about some techniques to help you outsmart the fridge and beat the cravings.
How to avoid overeating when working from home:
For more #WFH tips and resources check out http://wfhpodcast.com
Are you keeping yourself healthy when working from home? We’d love to talk to you about it! Email us at: wfh@lowerstreet.co
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Join us as we revisit some of our favourite episodes from this year. In this one, Harry spoke with Steve Folland, Producer and podcaster extraordinaire all the way back in June about procrastination, balancing work and home life, and what the future of the office might be.
For more #WFH tips and resources check out http://wfhpodcast.com
What are some of your favourite episodes from this year? We’d love to find out. We love talking about all things remote work, and we’d love to talk to you about it! Email us at: wfh@lowerstreet.co
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The office Christmas party season is upon us. But with many workplaces still closed, offices have either had to forgo the yuletide celebrations or move the festivities online.
Join Alex, Harry and Ryan as they discuss some interactive Christmas party substitutes to avoid the awkwardness of the Crimbo-Zoom get-together.
For more #WFH tips and resources check out http://wfhpodcast.com
Is your office having an online Christmas party this year? Let us know how you're celebrating. We love talking about all things remote work, and we’d love to talk to you about it! Email us at: wfh@lowerstreet.co
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A recent Forbes article revealed that four out of five employees find it difficult to switch off from work in the evenings. It also found that the same number would leave their current job for one that takes better care of their mental health. Join Alex, Harry and Ryan as they discuss more findings and take a look at some ways to help care of your mental health while working remotely.
Mental Health And Remote Work: Survey Reveals 80% Of Workers Would Quit Their Jobs For This
https://www.forbes.com/sites/chriswestfall/2020/10/08/mental-health-leadership-survey-reveals-80-of-remote-workers-would-quit-their-jobs-for-this/?sh=6ca19fce3a0fFor more #WFH tips and resources check out http://wfhpodcast.com
How do you feel your mental health has been affected while working remotely? What strategies have you found to help you out while away from the office? We love talking about all things remote work, and we’d love to talk to you about it! Email us at: wfh@lowerstreet.co
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We all get distracted from time to time. Sometimes the tasks we're working on are too dull or too big and before we know it, we've procrastinated away an entire afternoon on Twitter or YouTube. Join Alex, Harry and Ryan as they discuss the things that distract them and how to get your productivity back on track.
Why procrastination is about managing emotions, not time
https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20200121-why-procrastination-is-about-managing-emotions-not-timeFor more #WFH tips and resources check out http://wfhpodcast.com
How are you dealing with distractions at home? Do you think you procrastinate less at the office? Let us know your thoughts. We love talking about all things remote work, and we’d love to talk to you about it! Email us at: wfh@lowerstreet.co
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We’re back with the second part of our conversation with Lucy Minton from Kitt. This time we’re talking about the office of the future - how big will they be? Will everyone be returning to them? And will they be different from the ones we recently left?
https://www.kittoffices.com/For more #WFH tips and resources check out http://wfhpodcast.com
What do you think the office of the future will look like? Maybe you’ve already returned and are settling into your new digs! Tell us about it at: wfh@lowerstreet.co
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Recorded in the initial weeks of the UK’s second lockdown - Alex, Isobel and Ryan discuss their thoughts on the new restrictions and a couple of ways to make working from home in the gloomy winter months a bit more bearable.
How to be happier while working from home
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-54886125For more #WFH tips and resources check out http://wfhpodcast.com
How did you feel during the second lockdown? What new methods did you try to keep happy while working from home? We love talking about all things remote work, and we’d love to talk to you about it! Email us at: wfh@lowerstreet.co
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Unwanted distractions, unsuitable workspaces and isolation. These are the top three things that Alex, Isobel and Ryan find most annoying about working from home. Join them as they share their gripes and grievances in this very special, cathartic episode.
For more #WFH tips and resources check out http://wfhpodcast.com
What are some of your pet hates about working from home? Are there any things that you miss from the office? We love talking about all things remote work, and we’d love to talk to you about it! Email us at: wfh@lowerstreet.co
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Some of the largest financial firms in the UK have started to incorporate VR as a way to reintroduce the feeling of human interaction among their home-working employees and combat "Zoom-fatigue".
As well as replacing in-person interaction, other benefits that the firms are reporting are higher information retention from VR seminars and reduced costs related to training staff.
We discuss our thoughts on VR in the workplace and have a chat about whether we see a future for the technology in our own company.
Finance Sector Embraces VR
https://venturebeat.com/2020/11/24/finance-sector-embraces-vr-to-make-remote-working-more-interesting/For more #WFH tips and resources check out http://wfhpodcast.com
Has your company tried to incorporate VR or augmented reality into the workplace? And do you think we could all be using VR in some capacity at work in the near future?
We love talking about all things remote work, and
we’d love to talk to you about it! Email us at: wfh@lowerstreet.co
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worker you think would enjoy it!
The office is not going to disappear from working life, nor should it. Today we’re talking to Lucy Minton, COO of Kitt - a company that designs offices. We talk a lot about the death of the office and what the future of remote work will look like, so this conversation is especially interesting to us - and Lucy stands up for the office, which isn’t dead yet...
https://www.kittoffices.com/For more #WFH tips and resources check out http://wfhpodcast.com
Are you a stalwart defender of the office? Maybe you think it’s silly to pitch one form of working against another... Let us know! Email us at: wfh@lowerstreet.co
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How did they deal with the pandemic, and is everyone really more productive at home?
We’ve talked a lot about separating work and personal life when working from home, and in this episode Harry, Alex, and Ryan talk about the ways you can create more space between the virtual office and the dining room table.
7 Rituals to End the Working Day:
https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/rituals-end-workday-work-from-homeFor more #WFH tips and resources check out http://wfhpodcast.com
How do you cap the day off when working from home? Do you go out for a run or do a pretend commute? Let us know! Email us at: wfh@lowerstreet.co
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An article from BBC Worklife recently questioned whether remote workers can grow into their new roles as well as their office-based counterparts. Finding it harder to connect with co-workers, weakening interpersonal skills and being inundated with new technologies are just a few of the challenges facing new remote employees. We discuss these and more with our very own new hire.
BBC Worklife Article
https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20201023-can-young-people-thrive-in-a-remote-work-worldFor more #WFH tips and resources check out http://wfhpodcast.com
Have you recently started a new job remotely? What challenges or benefits have you encountered during the onboarding process? We love talking about all things remote work, and we’d love to talk to you about it! Email us at: wfh@lowerstreet.co
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Microsoft have conducted a big survey into remote working and its effects on the workplace. In this episode Harry, Ryan, and Alex discuss the findings of the study and ask, is dressing more casually really the best thing about working from home?
The Study From Microsoft:
https://news.microsoft.com/europe/features/flexible-ways-of-working-are-here-to-stay-finds-new-european-research-with-leaders-focused-on-maintaining-culture-and-innovation/For more #WFH tips and resources check out http://wfhpodcast.com
What do you think is the best thing about working remotely? Do you feel that you can bring more of your true self to work? Let us know! Email us at: wfh@lowerstreet.co
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More time spent in the house means more time spent cooking, using the PC, and running the heating. What can we do to keep the bills down whilst making the most of our homes? And should our employers chip in? In this episode Harry and Ryan discuss the best ways to keep the electric bill down whilst working remotely.
Energy bills are going up:
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/home-working-energy-bills-gas-electricity-cost-heating-winter-b782865.htmlWhat you can do about it:
https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/how-cut-energy-bills-lockdown-4679139For more #WFH tips and resources check out http://wfhpodcast.com
Have you managed to keep your energy bills down? How did you do it? Let us know! Email us at: wfh@lowerstreet.co
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2020 has seen so many jobs go remote unexpectedly, and Louise Leonard’s role is no different. She is an operations delivery coordinator at The Telegraph newspaper. So how on earth do you go about designing and re-touching photos for a physical newspaper when you can’t get into the building? Listen in to find out, and hear some primo WFH tips.
For more #WFH tips and resources check out http://wfhpodcast.com
Do you have a job that you didn’t think could be done remotely? Have you made it work? Let us know! Email us at: wfh@lowerstreet.co
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Hybrid is the future it seems - everyone spending a bit of time in the office and a bit of time at home. This usually means 2/3 days in the office and the rest working from the study or kitchen. But what if we took that idea and zoomed out? Kissflow have done just that and are getting ready to spend one week per month in the office - and Abhishek Paul thinks it will make a huge difference.
https://kissflow.com/For more #WFH tips and resources check out http://wfhpodcast.com
Would you prefer a few days in the office per week, or one week per month? Let us know! Email us at: wfh@lowerstreet.co
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Lockdown is back and we’ve only got a few precious reasons to be out of the house - never mind the country. But one travel group thinks they have the right idea. Does it make sense to go on holiday right now - even if you do have a good reason to be soaking up the sun?
Travel Firm is Selling ‘Work From Home’ Stays in St Lucia During Lockdown
https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/friendship-travel-st-lucia-work-from-home-lockdown-travel-b1558979.htmlFor more #WFH tips and resources check out http://wfhpodcast.com
Are you planning on going abroad during lockdown? Maybe you think all this talk of holidays is really dumb during a pandemic. Let us know! Email us at: wfh@lowerstreet.co
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- Visa fler