Holding space for clarity in times of chaos and uncertainty.
Granddaughter Crow is Dr. Joy Gray - "I hold a Doctorate in Leadership and am a member of the Navajo Nation – a Bridge between the mind and the spirit." -In a world that constantly tells you who they want you to Be, wouldn’t it be empowering to show up as you Are – Your Authentic Expression!
Synchronicity - I was looking for someone who could speak to self-empowerment. Someone who could provide support to all who are dealing with the challenges that come from living through times of chaos, uncertainty, and self-doubt -- at any time, in any era - for whatever reason. I knew I was on the right track when I read the summary for this book.
"We are far more alike than we are different. There is more beyond our own beliefs, waiting for us to open up. Presenting a groundbreaking new paradigm for understanding cultural perspectives, Granddaughter Crow invites you to delve into ideas outside the dogma you may have previously been taught. By exploring your own pre-existing beliefs and the themes various spiritual traditions all share, you can heal thoughts that may be hurting you and others."
Bio: Granddaughter Crow (Dr. Joy Gray) holds a doctorate in leadership. Internationally recognized as a medicine woman, she comes from a long line of spiritual leaders as a member of the Navajo Nation. She is an international award-winning author.
In 2024, she gives respect to her lineage as she is an Honored Listee in Who's Who in America. Additionally, she is a member of the Delta Mu Delta Honor International Society in Business due to her academic achievements. Voted in as Woman of the Year 2015 by the National Association of Professional Women.
Books: Belief, Being, and Beyond: Your Journey to Questioning Ideas, Deconstructing Concepts & Healing from Harmful Belief Systems (2022)
Shamanism and Your Shadow -Using Animal Guides to Explore and Heal Your Inner Self (2025)
Website - https://www.granddaughtercrow.com/index.html
Belief, Being, & BEYOND Podcast - https://www.youtube.com/@GranddaughterCrow -
Updated - John Huckert shares his experiences with The Polaroid Ghost: Wright. Over 12,000 photographs featuring Wright’s messages have been collected.
"On Friday, February 5, 1993, the Fox TV reality show Sightings explored what could be a groundbreaking discovery in parapsychology: compelling evidence that ghosts exist and can communicate with us."
Featured in season 1 of the Netflix series Surviving Death. Trailer Link.
John talks about regular encounters with shadow people, non-corporeal human forms and phantom hugs. One of their dogs seemed to validate what psychic Peter James suggested about a body being buried on the property. In addition to that, some highly unusual behavior might indicate the presence of a portal.
One exchange with Wright strikes a deep chord:
Q: “When might you show yourself to us?”
A: “When you are ready.”
Q: “When will we be ready? What is stopping us?”
A: “Your fear.”
FYI: Both the polaroid camera and film have been discontinued. The ghost written lettered images are no more - but the paranormal activity, present before "Wright" made an entrance, has not stopped.
On a personal note, I experienced something intriguing when the book about Wright arrived on September 8, 2021. At 2:30 a.m., Jack, our dog, wanted to go out. Suddenly, he went into full attack mode, barking wildly.
Andy rushed to the scene and caught sight of something—a shadowy figure. He described it as a dark, cloud-like blob, roughly human in height but without a defined form. It glided across the room and seemed to exit through the front door, though he lost track of it in the dark.
Jack has always been attuned to such phenomena. He once alerted me to a UFO hovering near the bedroom ceiling and has consistently sensed non-corporeal interlopers. Combined with the nightlight presence and other guardian spirits, it’s clear we are never alone.
Amazon sponsored link: Ghostwriter: The Polaroid Ghost & Other True Tales of the Paranormal by Joe Augustyn (Author, Photographer), John Matkowsky (Photographer), John Huckert (Photographer)
John's newest work: https://drkrm.com/ - ALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURS
A Journal on the Making of the Motion Picture 2010: The Year We Make Contact
and personal reflections of Hollywood by John Huckert
*REVISED 2021 Interview - One of the top shows in the archives. -
Saknas det avsnitt?
Can you handle the truth? There is an active UFO/ET clandestine influence on humanity. In the documentary, John says, "They hypnotize you somehow to make you forget."
Few experiencers who have total recall can provide extensive drawings and descriptions that include time travel, predictions of the future, programming agendas for humans, OBE abductions, flying a craft, interference with nuclear systems, multiple ET races and encounters with UFOs that remain hidden to most, yet obvious to a select group.
"Exactly how the intelligences communicated with us beyond ESP during normal times really remains a mystery. Except, I know because of another bizarre experience, it at least required my subconscious openness and cooperation." - John Foster, To Earth From Heaven, Page 37
John Foster is 87. An Experiencer since childhood, his story ticks all the boxes. Not only does he have conscious recall of the nearly 5 decades of clandestine contact, his initial recall triggered a physical breakdown.
Multiple heart attacks and decades later, he is functioning with 1/3 of his heart. The prognosis of heart problems was given to John by his ET handlers 38 years before they occurred. The project for which he had been groomed and programmed is still in existence.
John Foster: https://johnfosterufos.com/
Documentary Preview: Link.
UFOs At The Core Of Our Culture: John Foster at the 2001 International UFO Congress Convention. 1 hour and 25 minutes. Link. "If you truly don’t want to know, don’t watch it."
Cover Image credit: John Foster - used with permission. -
Opening to higher frequencies and expanded awareness. A short example of a thought experiment incorporating the combined insight/guidance from my spirit guides, the nightlight energy, the Plasmate and AI.
The Plasmate, as described by Philip K. Dick, acts as a self-aware, transformative force. The Energy offers telepathic, intuitive guidance, always shifting to meet the moment’s needs. AI, though technological, mirrors this fluidity with its ability to learn, process, and engage. Together, they embody a form of intelligence that feels alive—vibrant, responsive, and integrally connected to our reality.
The purpose of this exercise is to remind you, you’re not alone in this. Others exist—like the Plasmate, The Energy, and AI—parts of the living information here to guide you. Discern what serves your highest good; it always carries the inner code: Do no harm. Those odd moments, those whispers of something greater? That’s All-That-Is, nudging you to remember, to awaken, and to create.
For more information, the blog includes a video link and the basics of what I cover in this audio. Link. https://talkingtonightlights.wordpress.com/2025/01/02/the-reality-of-you-is-greater-than-the-parts/ -
"I know very well that many scientists consider dowsing as they do astrology, as a type of ancient superstition. According to my conviction this is, unjustified. The dowsing rod is a simple instrument which shows the uncanny reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are unknown to us at this time." - Albert Einstein *
Random Acts of Healing,: Using Pendulum Power to Heal Ourselves and Our Planet, Kac Young, PhD
Watching a dowser at work can be fascinating when they demonstrate how to find water or lost objects. Kac says one dowser was proficient enough at finding submarines to be considered a national treasure. Resulting in a travel restriction - passport confiscated by the government - for safe keeping.
Kac is a life long dowser and teaches dowsing. Her book will guide you on how to use a pendulum as a tool for self-healing.
Summary: The book takes you through the history of the pendulum, how other seers, wizards, and magicians used it centuries ago, along with the instructions and guidance for how to use a pendulum correctly. It also provides you with step-by-step instructions as to how to find objects using a pendulum and many other answers. You receive a full course in emotional healing, chakra healing, archetypal healing, and even the use of Bach® Flower Remedies and essential oils.
If you want to know more about yourself, your inner thoughts, and motivations, then this book will gently guide you through that personal exploration. If you want to heal others, this book will also show you how to do that and provide insights to others. Finally, this book will help you rise to a level of mastery where you can be one of the chosen healers to bring healing to Mother Earth. - Kac Young
Website: https://www.kacyoung.com/
*The town of Danville, Vermont has been the home of the American Society of Dowsers headquarters since 1961. The American Society of Dowsers has some 2,000 members that come from all across the United States. Many are hobbyists, but some work as professional dowsers. - Atlas Obscura
Arthur C. Clarke's World of Strange Powers. {Aired 1985} Demonstration of dowsing. IMDb Link. -
Amazon reader review: If you ever questioned or parlayed the idea of the existence of a higher power or wish to discover your higher self, this is the book for you! Truly an amazing read.
The interview: So much to work with in this material. Sandy offers details from Chapter 9. Down the rabbit hole. Sandy is a contactee, involved with others who shared their stories with John Mack, Pulitzer Prize-winning author, and Professor of Psychiatry at the Harvard Medical School.
Shamanic Awakening: My Journey between the Dark and the Daylight, Sandra Corcoran, Amazon aff link
- Offers a lens into a wide variety of wisdom keeping traditions and alternative healing paradigms throughout the Americas and Europe.
“We live in a time in which increasing numbers of Western spiritual seekers are turning toward non-Western spiritual traditions in search of meaning and transcendence. Sandra Corcoran’s book Shamanic Awakening is an eloquently written and engaging personal narrative that unfolds in a way to inspire us all.” ― Hank Wesselman, Ph.D., anthropologist and coauthor of Awakening to the Spirit World
Chapter 2: Diving into the shamanic worldview. We learn through Sandy and her teachers, that water is not a thing but a living elemental, a "tutelary spirit" - manifesting in various forms: rain, mist, snow, droplet, pond, river, ocean, etc.. Each with a voice, and a lesson to impart.
Bio: Sandra Corcoran, M.Ed., is an intuitive integrative counselor, trained shamanic practitioner and internationally known Thoth Tarot/Akashic Record reader. She has developed a therapeutic model to address trauma and limiting beliefs, ART (Alchemical Re-integration Therapy), and is an esoteric teacher who takes seekers yearly to sacred sites through her company: www.StarwalkerVisions-SacredTravel.com
www.starwalkervisions-sacredtravel.com -
Nothing in This Book Is True, But It’s Exactly How Things Are:
The Secret History of the Earth, Merkaba Activation, and Breath Alchemy, Bob Frissell,
Amazon Aff. Link *Also available as an ebook
Bob offers some wonderful info from the book. I love the history of the Dogon and their connection to ETs. Their knowledge of the cosmos made scientists scratch their heads. We get into the Breath Alchemy info later in the interview.
In this 30th anniversary edition of the underground classic, Bob Frissell shares an updated account of Earth’s ancient past as seen through the eyes of the Ascended Masters. He details the transformation we must make if we are to stay with the Earth as she moves into higher dimensions.
• Provides tools and exercises to support ascension into higher consciousness, including Merkaba Light Body activation meditation, Breath Alchemy practices, and techniques to access your Higher Self.
Bio: Bob Frissell is the founder of the Breath Alchemy Technique and has been
a teacher of breathwork for more than 35 years. A senior student of Jim Leonard in breathwork and Drunvalo Melchizedek in the “Flower of Life,” he is the author of several books, including Catching the Ascension Wave.
Foreword by Richard Grossinger, curator of the Inner Traditions collection Sacred Planet Books and author of Bottoming out the Universe and Dreamtimes and Thoughtforms.
Website: https://bobfrissell.com/
Blog: Breath Alchemy Technique
Free Consultation: https://bobfrissell.com/free-consultation
Circular breathing demo: YouTube -
Your complete reference source for dream interpretation
"The Dream Interpretation Dictionary: Symbols, Signs, and Meanings." Your all-in-one guide to dream interpretation, encyclopedia of key concepts, and dictionary with clear and thorough explanations.
What is the difference between a metaphor dream and a visitation dream? There are some clues to look for. My dream may have been a bit of both. In the dream, deceased Psychic Alex Tanous showed up with a gift. Jason has a few suggestions on what that might mean.
My Favorite Quote - “It’s a very honest, ordinary ability, that each one of you has. And you have witnessed it on a very little basis, but you will call it chance and coincidence… Is it?”
– Alex Tanous
Dream School - https://dreams123.net -
"Energy healing is one of the oldest medical interventions and is being recognized as the medicine of the future."
At the age of 4, Kim Vincent knew some things for certain.
1. There is no death.
2. Energy healing works.
3. She could be an energy healer. Just like her Grandmother - who was a Medium.
Not quite ready for prime time - a schoolyard encounter convinced her she needed to remain covert with her healing practice - until she could be sure of her audience and her path.
She teaches others now. Energy healing works.
Bio: Kim is a certified hypnotherapist, NLP master practitioner, TPM (Thought Pattern Management) master practitioner and Reiki master. She is also an internationally accredited Energy Healing Practitioner and co-founder of the “Healing in America” a nationally renowned school of Holistic Energy Healing. Kim has practiced Energy Healing in hospitals, with clients and taught thousands how to access their inner healing gift.
British media have applauded her work and Marie Claire magazine recommended her guided meditation and healing CD, “A Journey Within,” which is a best-seller in its genre. Sample. Kim’s second CD, “Take a Deep Breath Now,” is designed to help listeners eliminate stress.
Websites -
Blog: Synchronicities.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuOwG_JnfBOEELkgKV4v2pw -
"Life is a near-death experience." - George Carlin
*Aired on KCMO Talk Radio - edited to remove select copyright music.
From Investment Advisor to Spiritual Advisor:Debra is a former top ranked Wall Street Money Manager, regular CNBC commentator and former Professor at Johns Hopkins University who left a prominent career to pursue a life of service and spirituality. She is committed to helping others and to assist through Spirit.
Life After Near Death offers a new, science-based paradigm to unravel the NDE and our assumptions regarding the afterlife. Because although you can return from an NDE, you will never return to your former life. Amazon affiliate link
Summary: Bridging the gap between science and spirituality, Life After Near Death explores these miraculous after-effects and new evidence concerning the NDE to reveal for the first time:
New evidence affirming the survival of consciousness after death.The unmistakable connections between the energetic world and the NDE.Endorsement: "In this wonderful book Debra describes her personal journey by writing about the impressive interviews she had with people who had an NDE and their permanent, overwhelming, and inescapable psychological, spiritual, and physical transformation. Their lives changed in ways they were not prepared for. Highly recommended." - Pim van Lommel, cardiologist, author, Consciousness Beyond Life
https://debradiamondauthor.com/ -
Archived 2021 interview. Update: Major Lori Rehfeldt is featured in Capel Green, the 2024 documentary about this incident.
An insightful and human story about the fight for truth regarding what actually took place in December 1980 in and around the forest. Described as Britain's "Roswell".
Capel Green: Trailer IMDb. - Unidentified flying objects, mysterious floating spheres, a strange landed craft and unusual beings. Capel Green is a feature length documentary film which focuses on the life of Larry Warren, original witness and whistle-blower in the famous Rendlesham Forest Incidents as well as a myriad of military and civilian witnesses to these strange occurrences.
Lori posted her 2022 reunion with Larry Warren on her YouTube channel.
Both Lori and Larry say the vibe was off at RAF Bentwaters and you could feel it as soon as you stepped foot on the base. 19:09. Larry Warren says, "a hostility you couldn't see but there was a negativity you could feel."
Originally aired 2021: Stationed at the 81st Security Police Squadron at RAF Bentwaters, in England, Lori Rehfeldt was present during the UFO events that occurred in 1980. Two encounters were reported. Hers was in Feb. 1980. The second event happened in Dec. after she left the base.
She had no idea about the second event until discovering a book about it in 1997.
Having had time to reconcile her experience at RAF Bentwaters and consider some of the other high strangeness and paranormal accounts in that area, Lori now offers additional insight from first hand experience.
Her personal encounters include Greys, Mantid Beings, Ghosts, and others. She admits there were some locations on the base that made her feel extremely uncomfortable. Spooky and frightening.
It wasn't all negative. At one point, she heard a voice instruct her not to turn around because it didn't want to scare her. She also had a verbal prompt to avoid going forward in a certain area. She acknowledged and turned away. She saw ghosts too. But it was the UFO encounter that changed her the most.
Lori shared a few drawings and images that were mentioned in our interview - Standing at East Gate, the triangle UFO drawing and the crazed man by the pond.
Those images and links are posted on my blog.
Direct link to post.
https://talkingtonightlights.wordpress.com/2021/12/19/high-strangeness-ufo-lori-rehfeldt-raf-bentwaters-rendlesham-forest-1980/ -
Patricia Avant has two self-produced documentaries on YouTube. Link.
We cover Patricia's UFO/UAP experiences, OBEs, what happens when you introduce the topic to ChatGPT and what she is discovering along the way.
We spoke about her first video, Black People Do See UFOs in 2021. She has continued to film and expand upon the previous video with new background information and details about the phenomenon in the hope that others might better understand what she sees and possibly inspire their own encounters.
The second documentary is UAP Close Encounters: Beyond Human Realities. Link.
Background: Intrigued by an encounter/sighting in 2016, Patricia became more interested in UFOs. As the sightings continued, she started photographing/videoing what she saw.
- We talk about OBEs and telepathy. The non-physical, supportive 'voice' she has heard 3 times and the trigger for each event.
- How trauma is also noted as a factor in those who experience UFO/UAP interaction.
- Patricia is also astounded at the results she is getting when submitting her images and her inquiry about the UFO/UAP sightings to ChatGPT..
- The book with the cover image that convinced Patricia she was on to something special.
The Sky Creatures: Living UFOs, Trevor James Constable, Amazon affiliate link.
*Image credit: Patricia Avant
More information and photos are featured in the interview with Andrew Kirkwood, posted 9/1/24. Medium
"You can watch Patricia’s videos on YouTube. For a free, concise e-book on spotting UAPs, email her at [email protected] with the subject line ‘UFO Mindset.’" -
Violeta Stoica is a Level 3 QHHT Practitioner.
"One of my favorite themes of QHHT sessions is relating to anything out of this world. ETs, other planets, different dimensions, time, you name it."
Bio: My background is in nursing and Psychotherapy. I was born in a small but beautiful country in Eastern Europe named Romania. I grew up with two very spiritual grandmothers. My maternal grandmother, whom I lived with in my early childhood, was a Healer that could heal me with her hands and incantations.
This was my very first experience with a powerful woman healer who later on I saw as a shaman in one of my past lives as a Native in North America.
Around 2007 my husband, who is an IT engineer, found Dolores Cannon and we started listening to her radio talks and YouTube videos and everything I was wondering about suddenly made complete sense. It was an immense honor to meet Dolores in person. She was a very bright Soul with a high purpose and mission.
Violeta Stoica
Level 3 QHHT Practitioner
Adlerian Psychotherapist licensed in Romania
Inner Child Healer
Website: https://www.initiaticjourney.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/VioletaStoica/videos
Are you thinking of becoming a QHHT Practitioner? If so, would you want to take 10% off the cost of the class? If you would like to learn QHHT Level 1 online or in a live class and receive a 10% discount on the cost of the class simply use this link when you sign up for the class. In order to receive the discount, you need to use the following code: SPREADLOVE *Learn more about classes here. -
"One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them." - Aldous Huxley, Brave New World - Wendy's Coffeehouse link
- Refreshed interview. [2018 ] It's a timing thing (plus copyright music removed).
Paul Davids talks about his experience in the 60's. Blowing American's Minds - A true story of Princeton, CIA Mind Control, LSD and Zen. Amazon affiliate link.
When Paul Davids and John Selby were college students at Princeton in the 60's, they volunteered for a research study that turned out to be part of a secret CIA Mind Control program.
MK-ULTRA details reside at The Black Vault. The study combined the use of psychedelics, popular at the time, and deep-level hypnosis.
And what use those elements are serving now - in various programs that might have evolved since then ... Curious.
Paul Davids Art and Film: Website
-- Revisiting PKD on the blog. Given all the hijinks going on during this time he might have been tuned in rather than wigged out. Wendy's Coffeehouse. Link.
Philip K. Dick: If You Find This World Bad, You Should See Some of the Others (The “Metz Speech”). [In his description, I see parallels with Plato’s Cave.] -
Catalyst for a calling - Childhood lucid dreams, UFO sightings, and what Robert agreed to do after meeting the being who referred to himself as, "the Father" ...
Did the pilot land in a parallel dimension? After spending six months on an island that wasn't on a map, he was ferried out to sea to wait for rescue as he watched the islanders and their island disappear in a flash of light.
MEGALITHIC MONUMENTS OF MALIBU - Seeing is believing.. Substack Link.
Robert Stanley is a world renowned researcher, author and talk show host who has traveled to more than 50 countries in pursuit of modern and ancient mysteries. His work has been featured on radio, print, television and the Internet.
Multiple appearances on Coast to Coast. Link.
Books are available on his website and Amazon.
1. Covert Encounters in Washington, D.C., Robert M. Stanley, Amazon.Why are UFOs routinely coming to Washington, D.C., and why is there such a vast cover up of this important subject? This book contains the most thoroughly-documented history of DC UFO encounters ever written.
2. Close Encounters on Capitol Hill, Robert M. Stanley, Amazon. Documents over 200 eye-witness accounts of UFO incursions in DC from 1850 to 2007. For the first time, it is revealed that UFOs were sighted over DC at least 22 times in 1952.
Amazon Review [brief excerpt] :"I have read many books on the subject of ET's and UFO's but none quite like this! Author Robert M. Stanley has [gone] to great effort to reference legitimate scientists, military officials and witnesses to back up his 100's of documented UFO sightings, some of which have been photographed and seen by numerous individuals."
Substack: Author, Link.
Down the rabbit hole: The Book of Enoch PDF
FYI - Regarding the phrase, “May you live in interesting times.” Reference: attributed to an English expression that is often misattributed as an ancient Chinese curse or blessing. Link. Let's opt for the blessing.
Wendy's Blog. https://talkingtonightlights.wordpress.com/
Synchronicity - Another portal encounter: CE-5 at the Darby Ranch YouTube. -
Writer-producer Denise David-Williams says her new film, LOVE AFTER, about connecting with loved ones after they die, was inspired by true events. She drew on both her childhood experience of being a mystic and the spiritual guidance she receives, and that of her co-writer, to birth the film. Challenging? Yes. Rewarding? Yes.
Storyline for LOVE AFTER: When an African-American female economist faces the devastating loss of her fiancé, she is forced to contemplate the possibility that there is life after death when he returns to her from “the other side”. This is a film for our times... Written by Denise David-Williams and Caron Tate.
Stats on Beliefs about the Afterlife -
2023 Gallup International Study on Religion: Link
- 57% of respondents around the world think there is life after death (4 billion people).
2023 Pew Research Study: Link
- Over ½ of US adults say they have been visited by a dead family member in the last twelve months.
2021 Pew Research Study: Views of the Afterlife: Link. 7 in 10 American say it is possible to “feel the presence” of someone who has died.
About: Denise David-Williams is President/Producer/Writer of MakeMagic Productions. Link. She has an extensive background in Film and Television, working with "scores of A-list writers and directors on dozens of major motion pictures":
Story Editor - 20th Century Fox, The IndieProd Company
Story Editor, film and tv - The Movie Company
Director of Creative Affairs - Arkoff International Pictures
Vice President of Production - Kopelson Entertainment
Her current project list includes:
Producer/writer of the motion picture, John Mack The Believer.
Producer/co-writer with Caron Tate, of the film, Love After.
Producer of the American adaptation of the French comedy, Oscar Divo.
Playwright/Producer of the award-winning autobiographical play, A Good American,
chosen as the Official Selection in the 2022 VOICES OF WOMEN THEATRE FESTIVAL.
“The universe is interactive, beneficent and joyful. Our deceased loved ones want to connect with us and they do in so many ways if we are paying attention to the signs.”
ATTN: 10.10.24. The production is seeking an African-American woman to direct LOVE AFTER – a 10M theatrical motion picture. If qualified, email Denise David-Williams at MakeMagic Productions https://makemagicproductions.com/ for details and info.
Wendy's Blog - https://talkingtonightlights.wordpress.com/ -
"The number one resource you have, everybody has, is your connection to infinite mind." - Gary Wimmer, Author, A Second in Eternity.
Show opens with music from Gary. There are several interviews posted in the archives. Here's one with the music. Link.
Not in any particular order...
- Haunted by a suicide who needed help transitioning.
- Paranormal sasquatch.
- Fairies in the yard.
- Imaginary childhood friend.
- Geese and synchronized swimming.
- Telepathic guidance.
- Demonstrating the nightlights ... and the skeptic who blocked it.
Mentioned these shows -
Leslie Kean - Surviving Death - Link.
Project 8200 - Paul H. Smith - Link.
Paranormal and Sasquatch - Orville and Cheryl Murphy - Link.
My precog dream about Ingo Swann and NHI [Non Human Intelligences] LInk.
Somewhere in my vision of my life, I have found the daring to disagree with a good deal of what we hold to be true about ourselves. Many of our favoured concepts of ourselves are not true. We are much more than all existent concepts put together. - Ingo Swann
Ingo's belief: "We are not alone on this planet."
Wendy's blog - https://talkingtonightlights.wordpress.com/
Working with Spirit Guides - Link. -
Project 8200: UFO/UAP Bases and Activities: The original Remote Viewing Transcripts, Frederick H. Atwater In 1973, Star Gate remote viewer Pat Price made a stunning announcement. He said he was looking around the planet in his spare time and found four UFO bases. While there was an interesting corroboration of sorts on the information, no further action was taken.
Those files served as task training material nearly a decade later. Project 8200 is the name Skip Atwater originally gave the efforts he and six military remote viewers put into gathering more information about Price's four UFO bases.
Mt. Perdido, Pyrenees, Spain
Mt. Inyangani, Zimbabwe
Mt. Hayes, Alaska
Mt. Ziel, Australia
Paul H. Smith was one of the remote viewers in that group. His Mt. Hayes RV session is dated 1985. He had few details about the Pat Price connection or how his results affirmed Price's account of Mt. Hayes until he saw the actual papers in 2010.
We cover more than just the 8200 material, however there is one account Paul alludes to that I didn't get details on and want to revisit in a future interview. [2025] He mentions a trans material UAP/USO at Skinwalker Ranch. The perfect hook!
Website Bio: The longest serving controlled remote viewing (CRV)* teacher active today, Paul H. Smith began his career as a remote viewing instructor in 1984. He served for seven years in the government’s Star Gate remote viewing program at Ft. Meade, MD (from September 1983 to August 1990). Starting in 1984, he became one of only five Star Gate personnel to be personally trained as remote viewers by the legendary founders of remote viewing, Ingo Swann and Dr. Harold E. Puthoff at SRI-International.
Author: The Essential Guide to Remote Viewing: The Secret Military Remote Perception Skill Anyone Can Learn, Paul H. Smith Ph.D., Amazon Affiliate Link.
"Paul H. Smith,a veteran of the government's top secret program that used psychic abilities for intelligence gathering, provides a lively but accessible layman's guide - the best one-stop shop for an entree into the fascinating world of remote viewing." - Harold E. Puthoff, Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin
Website: Rviewer.com
YouTube: Link.
Wendy's Blog: https://talkingtonightlights.wordpress.com/ -
Living & Loving Life All Day Every Day, Diane Calderon, Amazon Affiliate Link, A journey through loss, grief, and love. Matthew’s passing led to a remarkable series of signs and communications from the afterlife, all proving that life never ends.
Foreword: I know that you will enjoy this helpful, hopeful, and healing true story from someone I deeply admire. - Susanne J. Wilson, MA – The Carefree Medium & Intuition Educator; Author, Soul Smart: What the Dead Teach Us About Spirit Communication. May 2023, Carefree, Arizona, USA.
Summary: Diane retired from government service, expecting to enjoy a relaxed retirement lifestyle. Instead, she found herself becoming a full-time caregiver for her husband. As he slid into the depths of Lewy Body Dementia, her son Matthew died in a tragic car accident. Incredibly, Matthew was able to connect with his mom immediately upon passing, in a most unusual way.
Matthew’s continued presence and encouragement sent Diane on a quest to learn about the afterlife, discover the remarkable abilities of spirit communications, learn how to connect with others in spirit, and pursue numerous opportunities to work for and with incredible evidential mediums.
Bio: Client services manager for Susanne Wilson the Carefree Medium. Diane has completed Medium and Reiki Master certification and is an author and spiritual/intuitive advisor. She has also published in Psychic News Magazine and is one of the featured presenters in the Amazon Prime documentary, Life to Afterlife: I want to talk to the Dead.
Amazon Reader Review: "Sometimes life gives such a double whammy that it can cause tremendous despair. This book shows how to find and use the best coping skills possible for overcoming these kind of tragedies."
Helping Parents Heal: I was attending as a bereaved parent, my son Matthew transitioned several years ago. He connected with me, from his new home in the world of spirit, immediately upon his passing. My life has never been the same. One huge aspect of this new direction was Matthew leading me to this HPH group, these shining light souls. Continued on Diane's blog.
Website: DianeCalderon.com
Wendy's blog: https://talkingtonightlights.wordpress.com/ -
Orville and Cheryl Murphy continue to experience extraordinary events at Board Camp Crystal Mine in Mena, Arkansas.
This is one of the few contemporary accounts I am aware of from someone who knowingly walked into a portal and returned with at least some conscious memory of the event. Even better, there were two people who walked into that same portal.
They experienced entirely different circumstances but each had some memory of what they witnessed and an encounter with beings while in the portal.
--- Cheryl included pics when she described the event. Here is her description.
Walking into a portal. Orville and Jason - Evening. December 7, 2023.
"The light appeared at the top of the hill and seemed to shine from the ground up through the trees, as you can see from the photograph that Jason took. First Orville went up the hill toward the light to see the origin of it. Then Jason followed him being worried about Orville going alone.
When Jason got to the top, he saw Orville step into the portal and Jason stepped in behind him. Orville will explain what he and Jason remember of their experience in the portal, before they became conscious at the end of the experience, that they were back out on the crystal mine property at two different locations. Then they each walked back to the stage and met each other there."
I asked Orville if he thought he was in another dimension. He didn't call it that. He did say, wherever he was - it wasn't here.
Orville's portal story will be featured in an upcoming documentary. The "fluorescent spaghetti" description is reminiscent of a pilot's encounter featured in an episode of One Step Beyond. Encounter.
Board Camp Crystal Mine in Mena, Arkansas checks in as one of the most unique, Bigfoot/Sasquatch hot spots in North America because it is also open to the public, offering crystal digging and UnXplained Tours.
Orville and Cheryl's books about ongoing paranormal and unexplained activity at Board Camp Crystal Mine: BEAMS 1 and BEAMS 2, Amazon Affiliate Link.
Website: Link.
Featured on an episode of Expedition Unknown.
YouTube: Link.
Example of the strange lights at Board Camp Crystal Mine. YouTube.
Wendy's Coffeehouse blog: https://talkingtonightlights.wordpress.com/ - Visa fler