
  • Do you suffer from back pain, stiff joints, and achy hips from sitting? If so, you're probably sitting wrong and the company SALLI is here to change that.

    Salli discount code: ASHLEY5

    Not listening on Spotify? Find hyperlinked show notes at: www.ashleydeeley.com/w2w/salli

    OR: Find full video on YouTube (https://youtu.be/5d5FQT2v_rg)

    Episode brought to you by Primadine (best food-grade version of spermadine you can buy! Never the synthetic version: Trihydrochloride!)

    Today's guest, Veli-Jussi Jalkanen, or commonly known as 'Vessi' and his company helps people suffering from different kinds of sitting disorders. His ergonomic chairs and office furniture can be used in all types of desk work.

    The Salli concept can alleviate well-advanced disorders, such as bad posture and lower back deterioration. Sitting in alignment according to 'the Salli concept' is highly recommended for growing children and teenagers in order to avoid typical posture and back problems.

    6:00: Horse riding was the inspiration for his company, 'Salli' (Riding-like sitting makes it possible to improve vital functions by exercising, reaching from the chair and tilting the seat)

    7:06: 135 degree angle is ideal for sitting (never sit with your knees at 90 degrees if you can help it)

    8:30: Why is there a gap in the chair?

    9:15: Sitting on a chair the conventional way, means you're pushing your internal organs and that's blocking the circulation and the of the illnesses

    10:40: Wear loose clothing at all times when possible!

    11:14: Why Vessi encourages both men and women to STOP wearing underwear

    11:22: The ideal temperature for sperm production is about 93.2ºF (34ºC), which is about 5.4ºF (3ºC) below the body's normal temperature of 98.6ºF (37ºC). Sperm count can diminish by wearing underwear

    12:02: Moon cup (Diva cup) for menstruating women (or- my personal favorite, period underwear from WUKA)

    12:26: Remedies for marks on our bodies from tight clothes

    13:40: ⁠Negative effects of sitting cross-legged or 'criss cross apple sauce'⁠

    14:13: Can't afford a Salli chair just yet...? The next best thing is to sit in the 'manspreading' position

    16:37: Negative effects of slouching

    17:33: From bad knees and reversing osteoarthritis (Blog post: How to Treat and Prevent Osteoarthritis)

    Red light therapy Acupuncture Electrical acupuncture Organic powdered herbs and Superfoods Hemp oil, ginger oil, and Frankincense oil (directly on knees) Turmeric

    Bonus: Non-Pharmaceutical Therapy for Osteoarthritis Patient Hand Out

    Glucosamine 1500 mg daily in 3 divided doses Chondroitin Sulfate 1000-1200 mg daily single or divided doses S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine (SAMe) 200 mg tid; may take up to 1600 mg qd Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM) 500-1000 mg two to three times daily Glucosamine 1500 mg daily in 3 divided doses Chondroitin Sulfate 1000-1200 mg daily single or divided doses S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine (SAMe) 200 mg tid; may take up to 1600 mg qd Methyl Sulfonyl Methane (MSM) 500-1000 mg two to three times daily Herbal Anti-Inflammatories (see Pearls for Clinicians on Osteoarthritis for dosage, efficacy, and precautions)


    22:07: Vessi is a sauna expert:

    Many Health Potentials of Sauna and Cold Dip (Written by Tim Ferriss, Rhonda Patrik, Veli-Jussi Jalkanen and Joseph Mercola on April 10, 2014). Biggest takeaway: The more mitochondria you have in your fat tissue, the more fat you’re able to burn and the more heat your body cangenerate, which translates into an increased ability to withstand cold for longer periods of time.

    23:19: Tips to improve sleep

    15:00: The Salli pillow

    28:47: Power lines and radiation

    31:17: Near perfect eyesight - supplementing with astaxanthin

    33:05: Vessi's Brain Mix:

    Turmeric Cinnamon Rosemary Oregano Black pepper

    Where to find Vessi:

    Salli website

    Benefits of Salli




  • Does it hurt to read? Do you or your children dislike reading? Do you get headaches or migraines? Have you or children been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD? This is a MUST-LISTEN podcast episode of Welcome to Wellness!

    Not listening on Spotify? Find hyperlinked show notes at: https://ashleydeeley.com/w2w/irlen

    New episodes of Welcome to Wellness released every Friday.

    Brought to you by: ⁠⁠⁠Thyroid Fixxr⁠ (Code: WELCOMEWELLNESS)

    Brought to you by the world's best water filter: ⁠⁠My Pure Water⁠⁠. https://mypurewater.com/?sld=ashley5 (Code: Ashley5)

    Test your eyes for free online now!

    Today's guest is Dr. Sandra Tosta.

    Sandra Tosta currently she's the president of the Irlen syndrome foundation, and COO for the perceptual development corporation at the Ireln Institute international headquarters.

    She has a PhD in educational psychology from the university of California at Los Angeles. And a bachelor of science and human development from Cornell university. Dr. Tossed us spent a decade as a senior researcher at the hypothesis group prior to her current role with the perceptual development corporation. Where her research focused on children and education. She's authored a variety of papers on Ireln syndrome and contributed to a chapter on parenting in a multimedia society in Marc H. Bornstein's handbook of parenting.

  • Saknas det avsnitt?

    Klicka här för att uppdatera flödet manuellt.

  • Struggling to lose weight, low libido, or feeling sluggish? Napping every day? Or just wanting to learn more about your thyroid? Dr. Amie shares secrets about your thyroid health in this comprehensive 'thyroid 101' episode.

    New episodes of Welcome to Wellness released every Friday.

    Not listening on Spotify? Find additional show notes with hyperlinks on my website: https://www.ashleydeeley.com/w2w/thyroid

    Buy T2 here (Code: WELCOMEWELLNESS)

    2:24: Functions of the thyroid

    6:19: The importance of thyroid health on the cognitive development of a child in utero (why it's a good idea to get your thyroid tested before trying to get pregnant)

    9:40: Joint problems when taking thyroid medication? Maybe you're not a good converter of T4 or allergic to the fillers

    11:29: Ask your doctor for a full thyroid panel, including:

    TSH Total and Free T4 Total and Free T3 Reverse T3 Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies (TPO) Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TGA)

    14:21: Optimal ranges (Dr. Amie's free guide for optimal thyroid lab ranges)

    TSH = below a 2 T4 = 0.8 - 1.2 T3 = 3+ (or in upper quadrant of range) Reverse T3= below 15 if T3 is optimal (below 12 if working on optimization) TPO = 0 TPA = 0 (ANY antibodies show the start of autoimmunity)

    19:25: Once on thyroid medication, do you need to be on it for life?

    20:58: How to support your thyroid:

    Go gluten-free Supplement with cumin seed oil Supplement with minerals Supplement with iodine Supplement with fulvic acid Supplement with Vitamin D Supplement with Magnesium

    24:11: Black Cumin Seed Oil reduces inflammation, helps with weight loss, helps stimulate hair growth, and is protective against cancer

    26:49: Ditch fluoride to improve thyroid health (invest in a quality water filter which removes fluoride and opt for fluoride-free toothpaste)

    28:51: Consider buying a pre-loved car and secondhand furniture to avoid toxic off-gassing which can threaten thyroid health

    32:59: 80% of people with Hashimoto's cannot tolerate NDT (natural desiccated thyroid) because it produces an immune response

    36:00: How do you know if you don't convert T4?

    38:25: Snips to test your thyroid (genetic testing: DIO1 and DIO2)

    39:07: Difference between Hashimoto's and Graves disease

    40:43: At-home tests for thyroid

    47:49: How T2 can boost your energy, libido, and help burn fat without causing a thyroid problem (better than Ozempic!)

    52:52: Foods and beverages to avoid for optimal thyroid health (goodbye Splenda, soy, alcohol, and packaged foods!)

    55:21: Where to start when it comes to managing your thyroid (thyropause)

    57:04: Red light on your thyroid

    59:56: Insulin resistance (they key to losing weight and managing thyroid health)

    Where to find Dr. Amie:



  • Looking for elevated brain power, a better memory, and glowing skin? Then this episode is for you. Learn how Activation Products can improve your overall wellbeing.

    Welcome to Wellness releases new episodes every Friday.

    Not listening on Spotify? Find additional show notes with hyperlinks on my website: https://www.ashleydeeley.com/w2w/activationproducts

    Shop Activation Products here: SHOP.activationproducts.com/ashley

    Episode brought to you by the world's best organic, regenerative sheets: ⁠AIZOME⁠. Discount code: DEELEY15

    Episode brought to you by the world's best water purifier: ⁠MyPureWater.⁠ Code: Ashley5

  • Struggling with Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and/or Hypothyroidism...? Or are you interested in what scientists are calling the number one anti-aging vitamin to improve memory, hair growth, and suppleness of your skin? Then this episode is for you.

    Welcome to Wellness releases new episodes every Friday.

    Not listening on Spotify? Find additional show notes on my website: https://www.ashleydeeley.com/w2w/spermadine

    Episode brought to you by the world's best organic, regenerative sheets: AIZOME. Discount code: DEELEY15

    Episode brought to you by the world's best water purifier: MyPureWater. Code: Ashley5

    5:16: Doctor told her she had arthritis and Lupus in her 30s

    9:37: Immunoglobulin (IVIG) to reboot her system

    16:54: food derived molecule rejuvenating the immune system in elderly mice

    20:35: As we get older, we stop making spermadine

    22:04: Want to avoid secreting the odor an elderly person emits...? Eat mushrooms!

    25:56: Spermadine can normalize hormones

    26:53: What is autophagy?

    29:48: Spermadine can ease perimenopause symptoms and increase the health of your hair, skin, and nails

    30:19: Spermadine also increases keratin!

    34:03: Spermadine is best for women approaching or in perimenopause as well as menopause and great for men approaching 40 or over (great for men trying to re-grow hair as well)

    37:38: Best time to take Primeadine (with last meal or at night!)

    39:18: Spermadine can help you sleep better!

    45:01: Natto naturally has spermadine

    48:36: Why Primeadine is the best version of Spermadine on the market (it's food derived -- not synthetic!)

    54:10: Stay away from supplements labeled: spermidine HCL (hydrochloride) as well as spermidine TCL (tetra- hydrochloride) as these are the synthetic versions and do give you the benefits that you would get from a food derived supplement like Primeadine

    56:42: Seminal retention

    1:01:01: How men can produce spermadine

    1:02:21: Lovemaking for Longevity

    1:03:36: Katsu (Blood Flow Restriction Training)

    Where to find Primeadine:





  • Does the possibility of reversing Alzheimers really exist? Steven Fowkes, the original grandfather of Biohacking, says yes. We dive into his extensive research for relief from certain illnesses and the top supplements for longevity.

    This podcast is not making any medical claims, these are just the views of podcast guest, Steven Fowkes.

    Episode brought to you by Femmenessence (organic maca). Code: ASHLEYDEELEY15 Sleep better and increase your progesterone. Ease hot flashes and moodiness with this organic maca.

    New episodes of Welcome to Wellness are released every Friday!

    7:56: Reverse Alzheimers (YouTube) and blog post

    9:58: The root cause of Alzheimer’s disease is the loss of glutathione recycling and the release of mercury from its glutathione-bound form

    11:42: N-Acetyl Cysteine (precursor to glutathione and great to take when drinking alcohol as alcohol depletes glutathione)

    14:42: dozens to hundreds of people are having their Alzheimer's disease reversed

    18:55: BHT supplement- Butylated Hydroxytoluene (powder) (pill): great for the flu and viruses

    21:46: Stop Shingles / Wipe Out Herpes (⁠Free BHT book here⁠)

    22:45: Protocol for stopping Shingles (with coconut oil)

    26:28: Selenium (sodium selenite) to cut your risk of getting cancer in half (the cheapest life insurance and health insurance you can buy)

    34:28: Fish oil is a fad

    37:08: How to test your fish oil (rancid or not)

    39:52: Melatonin and high dose Melatonin

    41:58: Melatonin to treat Cataracts and Reduce Macular Degeneration

    46:37: Tryptophan cocktail (great for anyone suffering from Covid): Directions: Mix tryptophan with collagen (must first dissolve collagen before adding tryptophan). Great to curb carb cravings as well!

    48:23: DMSO for spinal cord injuries and as anti-inflammatory

    49:12: Transdermal copper for topical pain

    56:58: Alcohol Detox by NutriDyn (Hangover Help)

    58:16: Paracetam

    1:04:50: B Complex vitamins (essential for a strong body and brain - tag line)

    1:05:57: Brain games and card games for brain health

    1:07:47: EDTA to absorb lead

    Where to find Steve:


    Amazon - Smart Drugs


    Overcome Stage Freight


    Free BHT Book

  • Struggling with autoimmune conditions, eye problems, lung problems, diabetes, chronic stress, or the inability to overcome negative health issues...? This episode is for you as we dive into the benefits of molecular hydrogen therapy. This podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any disease or illness.

    Episode brought to you by AIZOME bedding, the world's purest and organic plant-dyed bedding. Code: DEELEY15

    Episode brought to you by the world's best water filter: My Pure Water. https://mypurewater.com/?sld=ashley5 (Code: Ashley5)

    Greg the Hydrogen Man is here to day to tell us how he overcame his health issues with the power of hydrogen water. (And NOT in the form of pills!) Greg's work is independent from the best hydrogen machine (Holy Hydrogen) on the planet, but he continues to vouch for it due to it's superiority.

    Code: DEELEY5 for Holy Hydrogen

    14:04: Best water purification system (https://mypurewater.com/?sld=ashley5)

    16:39: The truth about Kangen

    19:59: The truth about hydrogen pills

    21:30: Same substance found in tampons

    22:55: Holy Hydrogen code: DEELEY5

    32:55: Keio University: Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy Saves Lives and Improves Outcomes for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients

    Where to find Greg:



    Where to find Ashley Deeley:



  • If you're struggling to get out of bed, feeling moody, depressed, or suffer from a low libido, this episode is for you.

    Whether you're male or female, you can benefit from testosterone. Jay Campbell is on a mission to help you discover the benefits of the testosterone optimization therapy.

    Today we dive into the Testosterone Optimization Bible and the do's and don'ts of testosterone.

    Episode brought to you by the world's best organic sheets. Code: DEELEY15

    Jay Campbell is a four-time international best selling author, men’s physique champion and founder of the Jay Campbell Brand and Podcast.

    5:41: What's driving low testosterone?

    6:00: Wait, Tesla's are bad for your health?

    9:50: The average doctor that prescribes therapeutic hormones to people has no idea what they're doing

    10:34: What's the ideal age to start TRT? (Best solution: get your FREE testosterone tested, but people as young as 17 can benefit from TRT if they have low levels)

    12:51: Would you consider Clomid over TRT? (Clomiphene)

    15:13: Difference between free and total testosterone

    16:44: Your Doctor tells you you're in 'the normal range' but you don't feel normal...

    19:27: Most men need to be between 35-55 of Free Testosterone to feel amazing

    20:19: How to feel amazing as a woman approaching or over 40

    20:54: Thyroid health must be optimal

    22:50: Symptoms of low testosterone in both men and women

    24:57: Benefits from taking TRT/Testosterone Replacement Therapy

    27:06: TRT can act like Modafinil or Tesofenzine

    27:54: Three different delivery systems to take TRT (oral, injectables, and creams)

    30:10: You want to mimic your body's natural production

    32:59: Best location to use testosterone cream which as the most bioavailability: scrotum (and clitoral region for women)

    34:26: Does your body stop making testosterone if you start taking it therapeutically?

    36:20: Top 10 questions to ask your Doctor about therapeutic testosterone PDF

    36:29: The truth about pellets

    39:53: Pellets are the most expensive delivery system

    40:06: How do you know if you're a high excreter?

    41:21: TestosteroneAddiction.com

    42:37: The difference between a pill and a poison is the dosage

    42:56: What dosage should we be taking?

    43:14: Men; injectable: 150 - 200 milligrams a week (or 2 - 3 clicks if using cream)

    45:17: Women; oral: .75 - 2.5 milligrams

    47:43: Dr. Scott Howell and androgens

    49:42: Aromatase inhibitor supresses estrogen

    52:03: Dr. Rob Kominiarek

    53:07: Just say no to statins

    59:24: If you begin taking testosterone, do you need to take it for the rest of your life?

    1:00:07: Testosterone boosters on TV (do they work?)

    1:03:13: Can a man over 70 safely start testosterone?

    1:04:13: Can testosterone re-grow your hair?

    1:05:30: Auxano (use with caution as it contains a toxic PUFA: grapeseed oil)

    1:05:41: Folitin to regrow hair

    1:05:56: Hair loss is caused by blood flow restriction to the scalp

    1:08:45: Fasting is the greatest, again, cellular fumigator

    1:12:05: Regenevive & Regeneburn

    Where to find Jay:




  • AIZOME's luxury organic and regenerative sheets not only promise a blissful sleep experience but also a commitment to health and sustainability. Their secret is that they use the healing power of plants to dye their products (rather than harsh chemicals which can cause skin irritation)!

    Tune in every Friday for a new episode of Welcome to Wellness!

    Today's episode is brought to you by AIZOME. Use code DEELEY15 to save 15%.

    6:38: What does beyond sustainable mean?

    10:23: Treatment vs. ingredient

    14:19: Just try to find an unbleached organic shirt

    16:47: Up to 8,000 chemicals can be used on textiles

    17:22: These chemicals can be from petroleum, coal tar, heavy metals, and more

    17:30: 'AZO' dyes are known to cause cancer in humans

    20:12: The two best fibers for humans are cotton and wool

    20:53: Patagonia

    23:43: What does regenerative cotton mean?

    25:13: The powerful healing properties of Indigo

    27:03: Indigo to possibly treat Leukemia, Psoriasis, and Ulcerative Colitis

    32:14: Baby products (baby crib sheet)

    35:51: Actionable insights when it comes to buying new clothes (hint: DO NOT immediately wear them!)

    37:08: Organic laundry detergent

    38:00: Why is the company named 'AIZOME'? Aizome is a traditional Japanese indigo dyeing technique, which has been practiced since the Edo period (1603-1868).

    Where to find AIZOME:




  • Dr. Devaki Lindsey Berkson promotes the use of estrogen for women and yes, even women with breast cancer. In this episode, we dive into the scientific reasons why estrogen is protective, safe and how to use it. We also discuss the use of progesterone for both men and women.

    Her best selling book: Safe Hormones, Smart Women

    Episode brought to you by hypoallergenic sheets made without any harsh chemicals or toxic dyes. Code: DEELEY15

    4:58: Abraham Morgenthaler

    5:44: 26 studies on why estrogen is safe

    6:36: Women who've been on estrogen for 5 years get less breast cancer, and if they do get breast cancer, they die less by 44%

    8:01: Older women on estrogen lived on the average 19% longer, had statistically less breast cancer and two other cancers

    15:10: Why flaxseeds are a superfood and breast protective

    15:44: Tumors shrank when they consumed freshly ground flaxseeds

    17:23: Flaxseeds are great for an enlarged prostate

    20:55: Why we need iodine for a healthy thyroid

    27:47: Progesterone and estrogen can decrease anxiety and insomnia

    29:54: Best test for hormones: Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)

    30:42: High FSH causes weight gain around your torso

    31:51: FSH ideally should be below 30 (hers is at 5)

    32:37: Dr. Anna DeRosa (Dr. Hot Flash)

    34:23: Birth control can increase your risk of breast cancer

    35:51: Dr. Katrina Dalton and progesterone (and PMS)

    39:25: Progesterone can help your lungs

    39:36: Progesterone can be given to men for congestive heart failure

    39:21: Progesterone can be very healing for leaky gut

    41:33: Severe C0v!d symptoms? Can take Progesterone

    42:00: Carol Petersen

    44:52: Sexy Brain book

    Where to find Dr. Berkson:




  • Courtney Shrank is the ultimate Interior Designer with a focus on health and wellness. If you're not sure where to start when it comes to upgrades for your home, Courtney has you covered. Today's episode focuses on how to implement solutions for a nontoxic home.

    Today's show is brought to you by AIZOME bedding. While you can buy organic sheets anywhere, AIZOME only uses plants to dye their sheets (instead of toxic petrochemicals). Use code ASHLEY15 to save 15%.

    Welcome to Wellness releases new episodes every Friday!

    6:12: Where to start when it comes to incorporating nontoxic solutions

    8:46: Stay away from metal bed frames

    9:35: A regular mattress vs. a nontoxic mattress

    10:13: Air Doctor air filter

    12:45: Nylon and Polyester are man made

    13:39: How to make a nontoxic nursery

    18:32: Top appliance to avoid using in your home

    19:33: Top reasons to avoid 'smart home' devices

    22:06: Stop using mainstream candles, air fresheners and perfume (buy these beeswax candles instead!)

    24:26: My free Clean Beauty Guide (ingredients in your makeup matter!)

    25:36: Buy quality water filters

    28:18: Cleaning products

    30:06: Mama Suds - laundry detergent

    31:09: Where to buy an organic mattress

    31:22: Where to buy organic sheets

    Where to find Courtney:



    Work with Courtney and mention code 'ASHLEY' to receive a discount

  • If you're struggling to grow your hair, dealing with dandruff or a flaky scalp, this episode is for you. Learn how to reduce under eye circles, acne, melesma, dark spots, eczema, and finally get glowing skin and healthy hair.

    Nadine Artemis is an author, aromacologist and clean beauty formulator whose top clients include A-list celebrities. Her organic, non-GMO luxury skincare brand, Living Libations, can improve your hair, skin, and overall wellbeing. Over the past five years, Living Libations has been my go-to brand, providing unmatched purity, beautifying essential oil properties, and a luxurious silky feel in every product- each one a true botanical masterpiece.

    Your skincare regimen will never be the same!

    AVEDA Founder, Horst Rechelbacher, calls Nadine “A pure flower of creativity.”


    AIZOME Organic Sheets (code DEELEY15)

    Living Libations (code built into link)

    6:32: What makes essential oils so powerful?

    7:57: How to diminish spider veins and possibly varicose veins

    9:38: Things which can age the skin (oxalates)

    10:51: How to practice safe sun methods (and not use sunscreen)

    13:23: How to diminish melasma or dark spots

    15:03: Melatonin can aide in the reduction of melasma/dark spots

    17:03: Should you avoid glycerin? Plus, how KY jelly can shrivel the cells of your vagina and make you prone to yeast infections

    18:37: Should you avoid hyaluronic acid?

    20:00 Monoterpenes are powerful substances in plants which can clear toxins from breast tissue

    22:00: Why Living Libations 'Poetic Pits' is the best deodorant you will ever use

    23:00: Sandalwood as deodorant alternative

    23:53: How to get rid of under eye circles

    24:18: Make your own cooling eye serum (recipe in book)

    27:14: Top tip to grow your hair!!! Spend five minutes doing THIS

    27:40: Scalp issues? Early balding? Shedding?

    28:42: Add baking soda or clay

    28:57: Homemade leave-in conditioner (good for scalp!)

    30:01: How to get pre-lathered shampoo and make your shampoo last longer (buy pump here)

    31:02: Grow your hair with THIS supplement!!!

    31:31: Spermadine

    33:09: Organic rosemary essential oil

    Where to find Living Libations:



    Renegade Beauty Book

    Holistic Dental Care Book

  • Not sure how to read an ingredient label or where to find healthy alternatives when it comes to beauty products, baby products, snack foods, cleaning products, furniture, or even products like clothing, bedding, mouse pads, and water...? Well today's episode was curated with you in mind. Tune in and learn what small steps you can take to make a big impact on your health.

    Today's episode is brought to your by Aizome Textiles (where I bought my organic sheets). Use code DEELEY15 to save 15%.

    Buy Raising Healthy Kids: Protecting Your Children from Hidden Chemical Toxins by David Steinman

    5:30: DDT & liver cancer

    7:28: What's the catch? (What fish can we safely eat?)

    9:01: Stop buying Blue Fish

    9:25: Chunk Light is the safest tuna

    11:00: PFAS in our drinking water (buy a water filter)

    13:07: Food packaging contains PFAS (What are PFAS?)

    14:52: More than 50 communities have ethylene oxide plants

    15:25: Ethylene oxide causes breast cancer

    15:48: Chloroprene used to make neoprene

    17:25: Make your own cleaning procuts! (Or buy 'Ashley Approved' Cleaning Products here)

    18:05: Facts about toxic carpet

    18:40: What Is OEKO-TEX Certification?

    19:15: Worried about off gasing furniture? Buy second hand and learn about alternatives from this blog post

    20:21: Ecos Soap

    20:50: Organic sheets / organic bedding

    21:11: Polyvinyl Chloride (a threat to human health)

    22:00: Recycled Polyurethane hose on Amazon

    22:57: Company which makes hemp backpacks

    26:24: Raising Healthy Kids (find out which foods are safe for consumption, including fish!)

    26:59: The FDA issues an alert for 6 brands of cinnamon possibly containing lead

    27:22: Stop buying Justin's Nut Butter! It contains acrylamide (lawsuit)

    28:01: Acrylamide acts like the sex hormones

    28:54: Ovarian cancer linked to talc

    29:57: What are Phthalates?

    31:38: Free Clean Beauty Guide

    32:29: Quaternary compounds

    32:53: Trimonium / Ammonium toxicity

    33:06: Can Hair Relaxers Cause Cancer?

    33:52: Lysol contains Ammonium Quaternary (a toxic pesticide and skin irritant)

    34:39: Carbaryl toxicity (found in olive oil)

    36:25: Microplastics found in brain tissue

    37:39: 100% of baked goods (that are not organic) contain an organophosphate pesticide such as malathion

    42:59: Chlorella

    44:37: Milk thistle for detoxification and liver support

    45:18: SaunaSpace / episode 48

    45:50: Carlyle supplements

    46:52: ⁠Raising Healthy Kids⁠

    48:03: Ethoxylates (ETH ingredients)

    49:01: Mouse pads can be toxic when made with neoprene

    50:14: 2, 4-D weed killer linked to cancer (don't use it on your lawn!)

    Where to find David:

    Raising Healthy Kids book



  • It's my one year anniversary show! To celebrate, you can win Dr. Rawls' latest book, "The Cellular Wellness Solution." DM me on Instagram for your chance to win! Or email me at: [email protected]

    Struggling with chronic illness, gut issues, sleep, or something more severe? It might be time to consider herbs...

    Today's episode is brought to you by Femmenessence, specifically, organic maca to help you sleep better and ease perimenopausal and menopausl symptoms.

    Dr. Bill Rawls shares his story on his journey through the medical system from overcoming chronic sleep deprivation to healing his diagnosis of Lyme disease. His website for buying herbs is Vital Plan.

    3:57: Background story

    8:25: 60% of our population currently is defined as being chronically ill

    18:21: Adaptogens

    30:58: 3 herbs on a desert island

    31:18: Herb for Covid (Chinese Skullcap)

    Where to find Dr. Rawls

    Vital Plan website

    The Cellular Wellness Solution book


  • Sydney Forbes created a product for you to be able to remove your tonsil stones safely and effectively (hello Tonsil Tech).

    If you're struggling with tonsil stones, this episode is for you!

    If you're perimenopausal or menopausal, it's time to try organic maca to help you sleep better and ease your symptoms. Try organic maca from Femmmenessence with code ASHLEYDEELEY15.

    6:52: How do you know if you have tonsil stones?

    8:30: Symptoms of tonsil stones

    23:04: What does a tonsil look like?

  • Reed Davis is the Founder of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition and his program helps you find the right practitioner to address your symptoms.

    Maca can help you sleep better, improve bone density, and ease perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms. Try my favorite maca brand and use code ASHLEYDEELEY15 to save 15%.

    4:32: Tests for perimenopause and menopause

    11:29: The acronym HIDDEN

    14:49: The acronym DRESS

    18:25: My free Clean Beauty Guide

    19:07: Ozone and UV filters

    22:11: How to stop the bad habits

    25:43: Ninja Nerd

    26:28: How to get your child off Ritalin (or, changes to make so they don't need to be on it in the first place)

    Find your free course here! http://www.fdntraining.com/ashley

  • What if you could tests for your home the way a doctor runs tests for your body? Well now you can thanks to the work by Ryan Blaser and his company 'Test My Home.'

    Find every product we talk about in today's episode here: AshleyDeeley.com/Ryan

    Today's episode is brought to you by Delilah Home for organic sheets, organic towels, and an organic dog bed! Code: DEELEY15

    If you're suffering from headaches, brain fog, trouble sleeping, allergies, moodiness, fatigue, skin issues, or an illness you can't seem to find the root cause of, Ryan will talk about how to test your home and why these 6 topics are the most important when it comes to a healthy home:

    Mold Air Chemicals Water Light EMF

    8:46: The one secret tip everyone should be doing to check for toxins in their home!

    9:33: About7 70% of homes have mold

    10:22: Ideal humidity is 40%

    10:45: If humidity in your home is above 60%, you need a dehumidifier

    11:26: Don't use a humidifier if you have mold

    13:19: The air purifier Ryan recommends (JASPR)

    14:59: VOCs, new carpet smell, hard wood flooring and why new furniture is causing health issues (hint: it's off gassing)

    17:30: How to measure air pollution: Breeze-O-Meter

    17:48: AirNowGov

    18:00: AirThings meter (buy on Amazon)

    19:57: My Clean Beauty Guide & My Kitchen Essentials Guide (stop using Teflon!)

    23:17: Reverse Osmosis (RO) Water Filter plus add minerals! I use Quinton minerals

    Also, shop all water filters I recommend here

    28:00: Why lamps are better than overhead lights

    29:52: Dangers of fluorescent lights and strobing (flicker rate)

    31:04: Block Blue Light (light bulbs from Australia) code: ASHLEY

    31:32: Color Beam Lighting (also: SkyView Lamp)

    33:38: Grounding vs. Earthing

    36:46: Bluetooth frequency

    41:51: Ethernet vs. Wifi

    45:31: Paint with carbon to shield EMFs

    46:37: Faraday canopy for your bed

    47:29: The most toxic room in your home

    49:27: Solar panels

    51:22: EMF shielded clothing?

    52:47: Apartment living vs. your own house

    Where to find Ryan & Test My Home:



    Disclaimer: This podcast does not count as medical advice, but rather for information purposes only.

    Follow Ashley Deeley on Instagram

  • Saunaspace is a near infrared light & sauna company founded by Brian Richards with your health in mind. Brian struggled with adult body acne, insomnia, irritability, brain fog, and other negative health issues until he stumbled upon the healing powers of near infrared light therapy and sauna (heat) therapy paired together.

    If you're struggling with health problems and unsure whether to try the pharmaceutical route or a more holistic alternative, or if you're interested in red light therapy and sauna-- this episode is for you.

    Save 10% off SaunaSpace products with code: ASHLEYDEELEY

    Shop my favorite fish oil here (Amazon link)

    2:57: Brian's story of struggle and triumphant healing

    5:04: Light Therapeutics book by Dr. John Kellogg

    10:14: SaunaSpace materials are made out of sustainable and organic materials

    14:18: Brian Hoyer, Shielded Healing

    16:52: Ideal time to spend in sauna

    17:08: Ultimate goal: sweat out one pound of water and raise core temperature by 3 degrees once a week. Your risk of dying decreases by 20-30%. Sweet spot is to aim to sweat in a sauna at least three days a week

    18:36: How to achieve better sleep

    21:16: What is flicker?

    27:17: What is grounding?

    10 year warranty and trial periods to test out the products! Code: ASHLEYDEELEY

    Where to find Brian:



    Where to find Ashley Deeley



  • Ayurvedic Medicine is older than Chinese Medicine and today's episode unveils modern habits you can incorporate into your every day life to achieve better health. From scraping your tongue to self massage for better sleep, learn from a pro how to achieve optimal wellness.

    Dr. Shivani Gupta is a mother, entrepreneur, Author of The Conscious Pregnancy, TV Host, PhD, Supplement Creator, and Podcast Host of Fusionary Health.

    Today's show is brought to you by Delilah Home for your organic towels, organic sheets, and even an organic dog bed. Code: DEELEY15

    3:33: Doshas

    11:48 Gut health

    16:17: Symptoms of Leaky Gut

    17:14: Organic Ghee

    20:07: Say no to seed oils

    21:14: What is Apeel?

    24:10: Zen babies (The Conscious Pregnancy)

    24:21: Turmeric (Dr. Gupta's supplement line) Code: ASHLEY15

    27:16: Organic clothing

    30:43: Goodbye Teflon. The Ultimate Kitchen Guide

    31:25: Air Doctor

    32:24: Why I avoid Branch Basics. Opt for Mama Suds instead (Code ASHLEY10)

    33:06: Water Filter Guide

    40:46: Tongue Scraper

    43:16: Dry Brushing & Abhyanga self massage

    45:57: Fusionary Solutions supplements

    46:13: Deep Sleep tea

    Where to find Shivani Gupta:


    Supplement Company


    The Fusionary Health Podcast

    As always, connect with me on Instagram

    Vist my website, www.AshleyDeeley.com

  • Have you tried everything to make your skin clear, smooth, and free from blemishes, rashes, and age spots but nothing is working the way you'd hope? Then this episode is for you.

    Honeybee Hippie is a product line I personally use and endorse. There are too many skincare companies guilty of greenwashing, but not this one. The ingredients are so clean you can eat them. Truly. While skin conditions such as eczema can have various factors, experimenting with tallow-based skincare products could be beneficial.

    Today's episode is brought to you by Honeybee Hippie. Use code: ASHLEY10 to save 10%

    Today's episode is also brought to you by Delilah Home. Use code: DEELEY15 to save 15%

    Minute 3:12: What is tallow?

    7:47: Best cleanser (uses Manuka honey)

    9:26: What is oil cleansing?

    11:29: Are all ingredients organic? (spoiler alert: yes! Except honey, as honey cannot be 'certified organic' as you cannot control where the bees go!)

    12:32: Why is it important to use organic ingredients?

    13:14: The best diaper cream/cradle cap cream

    14:36: Organic nipple cream

    16:34: Why does Honeybee Hippie use herbs rather than essential oils?

    20:17: Homemade toothpowder (similar to toothpaste)

    21:19: Is Bentonite Clay safe?

    22:36: Are seed oils safe for topical use?

    24:17: Stop using canola oil (both topically and internally)

    24:32: Stop using retinols

    24:55: My free Clean Beauty Guide

    25:20: Success stories: Say goodbye to acne, eczema, and dark spots (melasma)

    27:17: Acne protocol

    29:09: Smash Aspirin with water to make paste which helps dry out blemishes

    30:09: Goodbye dark spots (tallow lotion bar)

    31:51: Why her products are stored in glass and not plastic

    35:32: Where to buy in store and online

    Where to find Honeybee Hippie:

