
  • Are you someone feels your partner doesn't appreciates you? Do you sometimes feel that you're giving your love and time to the wrong person? It's often that many of us who are relationships with someone feel we're not appreciated, or given the attention that we feel we deserved and what do we do most times, we stay and hope that things work out. In this video, first of three, I explain and show to the guys viewing the video why some of the women are single and while they're having a hard time feeling like they should be loved. When you understand that a narcissist understands the definition of love to be what you can get from me and how you can do for me, can you understand why you are at the wrong person. Someone who doesn't deserve any other resources that you have available to them.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/messageSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/support
  • In the video, "Women can't be trusted" I show why some men find it hard to trust certain women. How can you love someone you can't trust? Trust is earned not given and some like some men have yet to learn this. Tell me how many lies can a women tell you before you stop trusting her?To Connect With Me: Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/ondraypearson Tiktok: tiktok.com/@pearsonondray Twitter: @ondray_pearson/Twitter Relationshipadviceforwomen.net

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/messageSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/support
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  • In this video "Biggest Reasons Relationships Don't Work ", I share seven reasons why relationships don't work out. Relationships can be hard, and there are many reasons why relationships end, but the reality is relationships do end. The reasons I share will tell you where you stand in your relationship.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/messageSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/support
  • Welcome to our Blind Knowledge podcast on relationships, where we tackle some of the most common and challenging problems that people face in their relationships. Whether you're struggling with communication issues, navigating a long-distance relationship, dealing with jealousy or infidelity, or simply looking for advice on how to build a stronger, healthier relationship, we've got you covered. Our podcast features insightful discussions, expert interviews, and practical tips and strategies to help you overcome relationship challenges and achieve greater happiness and fulfillment in your love life. So sit back, relax, and join us as we dive deep into the complex and fascinating world of relationships.#communicationproblems,#trustissues










    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/messageSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/support
  • In this video, Why some women are hard to love, we examine why many single women are having difficulty finding and keeping so-called good men. Men we surveyed give the top 4 reasons why they avoid certain women. What I share with you will shock you!     

    To Connect With Me:  


    Tiktok: tiktok.com/@pearsonondray  

    Twitter: @ondray_pearson/Twitter  


    All content is for "the purposes" of entertaining, educating, and informing the viewers. You can find all the movie clips on YouTube.  Just Wright Judge Toler divorce court  Don't be a menace while drinking you juice in the hood  Music used: Bobby Womack K-Ci  

    TikTok  @Justpearly @7evintheproducer  @humblyarrogantpodcast9781  

    Thumbnail design by Kaya1000   

    Why Does Love Hurt So Good?: www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net to schedule a "One-on-One" with me. Click on my STORE tab, select "One-on-One" consultation, and let's talk.  

    Get you a copy of my new relationship book. Why does love hurt so good? TODAY! At www.ondraypearson.com.  

     Are you looking to write and publish your book? Need help? Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net and view our writing, ghostwriting, and business services.  

     For more relationship videos and more, go to my channel Why does love hurt such a soundtrack - https://www.youtube.com/c/WhydoeslovehurtsogoodChannel Media Platforms:  1-Soundcloud--https://soundcloud.com/ondray-pearson  2-ApplemPodcast--https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast/id1495592804?uo=4  3-Google Podcast--https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xMDZjZmNmNC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw==  4-Overcast--https://overcast.fm/itunes1495592804/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast 5-Breaker--https://www.breaker.audio/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast 6-Anchor Podcast--https://anchor.fm/s/106cfcf4/podcast/rss

     #RELATIONSHIPADVICE #Relationshipcoach #blacklove #blackmen #blackwomen #brokenrelationship #brokentrust #dating #datingadvice #datingcoach #kevinsamuels #love #relationship #kevinsamuels #whysomewomenarehardtolove #justpearly #Relationshipcoach,#blacklove,#blackmen,#blackwomen,#brokenrelationship,#brokentrust,#dating,#datingadvice,#datingcoach,#divorcecourt,#kevinsamuels,#love,#relationship,#relationshipadvice,#relationshipgoals,#relationships,#steveharvey,#entitlementwomen,#nostringsattached,#lovers,#hesaidshesaid,#justsex,#singlewomenvswomenwithkids #badboysvsgoodmen

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/messageSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/support
  • In this video, II am talking about the EntrepreneuHER and author of the Book: "Miracle With A Purpose" Ms. Kymbrea Valrey. We talked about her inspirational Book, her meaning of purpose, and how her purpose drove her to create her business and clothing line PGF Apparel LLC. Her story and experiences will amaze you and all she has gone through to be here.

    Book: "Miracle With A Purpose" ( on Amazon now & coming to my website ). Business: Self-Published Author & EntrepreneuHER( clothing line PGF Apparel LLC. ) dropping in December.

    YouTube: Kymmistry TV

    Instagram: kymmsosophisticated

    FB: Kymbrea Valrey

    ( on Amazon now & coming to my website ).

    Business: Self-Published Author & EntrepreneuHER( clothing line PGF Apparel LLC. ) dropping in December.

    "God doesn't allow pain without a purpose!"-kymm

    "Put God first in everything you do" - Kymm


    Kymbrea Valrey, BA

    Regional Marketer- Chicago

    NACWC | Phenomenal Women's Chapter President

    Author of "Miracle With Purpose"

    P:(480)250-7694| E:kymbreavalrey@yahoo.com

    For more relationship videos and more, go to my channel Why does love hurt such a soundtrack - https://www.youtube.com/c/WhydoeslovehurtsogoodChannel Media Platforms:   1-Soundcloud--https://soundcloud.com/ondray-pearson 2-ApplemPodcast--https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast/id1495592804?uo=4 3-Google Podcast--https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xMDZjZmNmNC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw== 4-Overcast--https://overcast.fm/itunes1495592804/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast 5-Breaker--https://www.breaker.audio/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast 6-Anchor Podcast--https://anchor.fm/s/106cfcf4/podcast/rss 7-Spotify--https://open.spotify.com/show/0RvJSPI5CRyrntDDqnOdXZ Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net to schedule a "One-on-One" with me. Click on my STORE tab and select "One-on-One" consultation and let's talk.   Get you a copy of my new relationship book. Why does love hurt so good? TODAY! At www.ondraypearson.com. Are you looking to write and publish your book? Need help?   Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net and view our writing, ghostwriting, and business services.

    #blacklovework,#blackmen,#blackwomen,#love,#lovehurtsometimes,#lovehurts,#relationships,#relationshipgoals,#relationshipadvice,#loveisblind,#blackloveworks,#goodlove,#commuications,#lovehard,#Relationshipcoach #holdmeaccountable,#family,#women,#womenempoweringwomen,#relationshipmatters,#relationships101,#datingadvice,#onlinedating,#datingcoach,#datingadviceforwomen,#inspirational,#womeninbusiness,#healthybody,#healthlyminds,#healthyrelationships

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/messageSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/support
  • In this video, Creating unity in the community, I talk with Natasha Bar-Shalom about all she contributes to improving her neighborhood through her social media company. She shares her experience, her contributions to the community, her teammates she works with, and how she is rewarded. Making her neighborhood better is more about people than money. Listen and learn what makes her a person you SHOULD get to know.

    Natasha BarShalom 725-203-6824

    Knowledge of Successful minds (KOSM)

    Natasha_successfulminds - IG



    To Connect With Me: Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/ondraypearson Tiktok: tiktok.com/@pearsonondray Twitter: @ondray_pearson/Twitter Relationshipadviceforwomen.net  Why Does Love Hurt So Good?: www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net to schedule a "One-on-One" with me. Click on my STORE tab, select "One-on-One" consultation, and let's talk. Get you a copy of my new relationship book. Why does love hurt so good? TODAY! At www.ondraypearson.com. Are you looking to write and publish your book? Need help? Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net and view our writing, ghostwriting, and business services. For more relationship videos and more, go to my channel Why does love hurt such a soundtrack - https://www.youtube.com/c/WhydoeslovehurtsogoodChannel Media Platforms: 1-Soundcloud--https://soundcloud.com/ondray-pearson 2-ApplemPodcast--https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast/id1495592804?uo=4 3-Google Podcast--https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xMDZjZmNmNC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw== 4-Overcast--https://overcast.fm/itunes1495592804/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast 5-Breaker--https://www.breaker.audio/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast 6-Anchor Podcast--https://anchor.fm/s/106cfcf4/podcast/rss #RELATIONSHIPADVICE ##Relationshipcoach#blacklove#blackmen#blackwomen#brokenrelationship#brokentrust#dating#datingadvice#datingcoach#kevinsamuels#love#relationship whydoeslovehurtsogood.net

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/messageSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/support
  • In this episode, "The importance of being fit in your relationship." I sat down with physical fit guru Lee Forrester of "Lee's Nutrition and Coaching."  We talk about the ups and downs of people looking to stay or get back in shape and the importance of being healthy in your relationship. Knowing what to eat and what not to eat is one of many reasons some find it hard to stay committed. Her "1 skillet meal" approach shows why she is the master in her field.

    Links to contact Ms. Lee

    IG @coachingbylee




    To Connect With Me: Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/ondraypearson Tiktok: tiktok.com/@pearsonondray Twitter: @ondray_pearson/Twitter Relationshipadviceforwomen.net

    Why Does Love Hurt So Good?: www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net to schedule a "One-on-One" with me. Click on my STORE tab, select "One-on-One" consultation, and let's talk. Get you a copy of my new relationship book. Why does love hurt so good? TODAY! At www.ondraypearson.com. Are you looking to write and publish your book? Need help? Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net and view our writing, ghostwriting, and business services. For more relationship videos and more, go to my channel Why does love hurt such a soundtrack - https://www.youtube.com/c/WhydoeslovehurtsogoodChannel Media Platforms: 1-Soundcloud--https://soundcloud.com/ondray-pearson 2-ApplemPodcast--https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast/id1495592804?uo=4 3-Google Podcast--https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xMDZjZmNmNC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw== 4-Overcast--https://overcast.fm/itunes1495592804/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast 5-Breaker--https://www.breaker.audio/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast 6-Anchor Podcast--https://anchor.fm/s/106cfcf4/podcast/rss

    #RELATIONSHIPADVICE ##Relationshipcoach#blacklove#blackmen#blackwomen#brokenrelationship#brokentrust#dating#datingadvice#datingcoach#kevinsamuels#love#relationship whydoeslovehurtsogood.net

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/messageSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/support
  • In this video, I talk to "The Match Maker", Chi Love. She breaks down and makes it easy for men and women worldwide to find those looking for a serious relationship. As we all know, everyone wants someone to be loved, and she is the one who will make this happen for those who are seriously seeking love in their life. Get your pin and pad out, take notes, and get matched today!Information on our guest:Chi Love is the C.E.O. and Founder of N.Y.A. Love and Dating Services. She is also a Certified Matchmaker and Dating Specialist who enjoys working with singles all over the U.S. ages 28-68, with her oldest client to date being 74 years young! She loves working with severe and entanglement-free singles in their search to find true love. Her goal is to continue helping others navigate the ups and downs of dating and relationships. She is determined to provide a matchmaking and dating service that continues to help her community thrive in the dating world. She believes in a direct, straightforward, honest approach and has highly competitive packages compared to others in her industry. Nothing surprises her when it comes to matters of the heart. Her nickname is "The Love Genie" and "Not Your Average Matchmaker," as she does her best to make wishes come true. All she asks is for her clients to be open, honest, and patient and to trust the process. She hopes to continue changing the world one heart at a time. *SOCIAL MEDIA*Special Giveaway for Men: Complimentary Matchmaking Consultation for those who are marriage-minded, ages 30 and up, for September and October! Must be legally single, living in the U.S.A., and looking for something real Fall SPECIAL!D.M. me the word "LOVE" in all caps until October 31st, 2022, for your chance to redeem this special offer.Website- https://www.nyaloveanddating.comFacebook- facebook.com/nyalovebychiInstagram- nyalovebychiClubhouse- nyalovebychiTwitter- nyalovebychiTikTok- nyalovebychiYoutube- N.Y.A. Matchmaker To Connect With Me:Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/ondraypearson Tiktok: tiktok.com/@pearsonondrayTwitter: @ondray_pearson/TwitterRelationshipadviceforwomen.netWhy Does Love Hurt So Good?: www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.netGo to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net to schedule a "One-on-One" with me. Click on my STORE tab and select "One-on-One" consultation and let's talk. Get you a copy of my new relationship book. Why does love hurt so good? TODAY! At www.ondraypearson.com. Are you looking to write and publish your book? Need help? Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net and view our writing, ghostwriting, and business services. For more relationship videos and more, go to my channel Why does love hurt such a soundtrack - https://www.youtube.com/c/WhydoeslovehurtsogoodChannelMedia Platforms: 1-Soundcloud--https://soundcloud.com/ondray-pearson2-ApplemPodcast--https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast/id1495592804?uo=43-Google Podcast--https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xMDZjZmNmNC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw==4-Overcast--https://overcast.fm/itunes1495592804/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast5-Breaker--https://www.breaker.audio/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast6-Anchor Podcast--https://anchor.fm/s/106cfcf4/podcast/rss7-Spotify--https://open.spotify.com/show/0RvJSPI5CRyrntDDqnOdXZGo to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net to schedule a "One-on-One" with me. Click on my STORE tab and select "One-on-One" consultation and let's talk. Get you a copy of my new relationship book. Why does love hurt so good? TODAY! At www.ondraypearson.com. Are you looking to write and publish your book? Need help? Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net and view our writing, ghostwriting, and business services. #inspirational #heath #commuications #mentalhealth #mentalillness #gethelp #blacklove, #blacklovework, #blackmen, #blackwomen, #love, #lovehurtsometimes, #loveislove, #lovehurts, #relationships, #relationshipgoals, #relationshipadvice, #loveisbli--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/messageSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/support

  • In this episode, "Health & Wellness in your Relationship." I talked to Ramona Hillard, the CEO of "Inspired to be snatched," about the importance of being healthy in the relationship for longevity as we know all Relationships, for them to grow, need to be healthy inside and out. Listen as this CEO explains through her inspiring story what led her to create her company, the purpose for her life, and "why" having a healthy mind, body, and spirit is essential not just to the relationship but, more importantly, to your health for the relationship to grow.   

     Connect with Ramona Millard here:  Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/ramonamillard7/  Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/inspiredtobesnatched/  Twitter:https://twitter.com/inspiredsnatch  LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/ramona-millard-596144101/ : TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@inspiredtobesnatched  www.inspiredtobesnatched.com 

      To Connect With Me: Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/ondraypearson   Tiktok: tiktok.com/@pearsonondray Twitter: @ondray_pearson/Twitter Relationshipadviceforwomen.net  Why Does Love Hurt So Good?: www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net  Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net to schedule a "One-on-One" with me. Click on my STORE tab and select "One-on-One" consultation and let's talk.   Get you a copy of my new relationship book. Why does love hurt so good? TODAY! At www.ondraypearson.com.   Are you looking to write and publish your book? Need help?  Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net and view our writing, ghostwriting, and business services.  

     For more relationship videos and more, go to my channel Why does love hurt such a soundtrack - https://www.youtube.com/c/WhydoeslovehurtsogoodChannel 

    Media Platforms:   



    3-Google Podcast--https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xMDZjZmNmNC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw== 



    6-Anchor Podcast--https://anchor.fm/s/106cfcf4/podcast/rss 


    Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net to schedule a "One-on-One" with me. Click on my STORE tab and select "One-on-One" consultation and let's talk.   Get you a copy of my new relationship book. Why does love hurt so good? TODAY! At www.ondraypearson.com. Are you looking to write and publish your book? Need help?   Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net and view our writing, ghostwriting, and business services.   

    #inspirational #heath #commuications #mentalhealth #mentalillness #gethelp #blacklove, #blacklovework, #blackmen, #blackwomen, #love, #lovehurtsometimes, #loveislove, #lovehurts, #relationships, #relationshipgoals, #relationshipadvice, #loveisblind, #whatwomenwant, #whatmenwant #reallove, #cheating, #lovethewayyouloveme, #blackloveworks, #lovetoloveyou, #goodlove, #commuications, #lovehard, #makelove, #Relationshipcoach #holdmeaccountable, #family, #women, #womenempoweringwomen, #relationshipmatters, #relationships101, #datingadvice, #onlinedating, #datingcoach, #datingadviceforwomen #mentalhealth #mentalillness #depression whydoeslovehurtsogood.net   

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/messageSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/support
  • In this podcast, Signs you're in a toxic relationship, we examine what toxic people see as standard to be in a relationship. If you have no idea what it looks like or if you should stay or go, this video can help you better understand what is healthy and what's not!  

    To Connect With Me: Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/ondraypearson   Tiktok: tiktok.com/@pearsonondray Twitter: @ondray_pearson/Twitter Relationshipadviceforwomen.net  All content is for "the purposes" of entertaining, educating, and informing the viewers. 

    You can find all the movie clips on YouTube.  Malcolm & Marie Revolutionary Road Marvin Gaye, "Let's get on" intro  

    Why Does Love Hurt So Good?: www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net  Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net to schedule a "One-on-One" with me. Click on my STORE tab and select "One-on-One" consultation and let's talk.   Get you a copy of my new relationship book. Why does love hurt so good? TODAY! At www.ondraypearson.com.   Are you looking to write and publish your book? Need help?  Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net and view our writing, ghostwriting, and business services.   For more relationship videos and more, go to my channel Why does love hurt such a soundtrack - https://www.youtube.com/c/WhydoeslovehurtsogoodChannel Media Platforms:   1-Soundcloud--https://soundcloud.com/ondray-pearson 2-ApplemPodcast--https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast/id1495592804?uo=4 3-Google Podcast--https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xMDZjZmNmNC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw== 4-Overcast--https://overcast.fm/itunes1495592804/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast 5-Breaker--https://www.breaker.audio/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast 6-Anchor Podcast--https://anchor.fm/s/106cfcf4/podcast/rss

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/messageSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/support
  • In today's episode, I talk with Mr. Booby McGrit about "The importance of  having a Financial Conversation in your Relationship."  Bobby and I cover issues people should be aware of when couples decide to get into a committed relationship.   Contact Mr. McGrit: Bobby McGIRT, The McGIRT Show How Global Media.   McGirt Instagram /TheMcGirt Show YouTube /The McGirt Clubhouse /The McGirt Show LinkedIn /BobbyDarylMcGirt Twitter/ Bobby Daryl McGirt Email themcgirtshow@outlook.com  www.blogtalkradio.com 910-813-8525 

     To Connect With Me: Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/ondraypearson   Tiktok: tiktok.com/@pearsonondray Twitter: @ondray_pearson/Twitter Relationshipadviceforwomen.net 

     Why Does Love Hurt So Good?: www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net  Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net to schedule a "One-on-One" with me. Click on my STORE tab and select "One-on-One" consultation and let's talk.   Get you a copy of my new relationship book. Why does love hurt so good? TODAY! At www.ondraypearson.com.   Are you looking to write and publish your book? Need help?  Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net and view our writing, ghostwriting, and business services.   For more relationship videos and more, go to my channel Why does love hurt such a soundtrack - https://www.youtube.com/c/WhydoeslovehurtsogoodChannel

     Media Platforms:   1-Soundcloud--https://soundcloud.com/ondray-pearson 2-ApplemPodcast--https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast/id1495592804?uo=4 3-Google Podcast--https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xMDZjZmNmNC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw== 4-Overcast--https://overcast.fm/itunes1495592804/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast 5-Breaker--https://www.breaker.audio/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast 6-Anchor Podcast--https://anchor.fm/s/106cfcf4/podcast/rss 7-Spotify--https://open.spotify.com/show/0RvJSPI5CRyrntDDqnOdXZ **All movie clips used were to support the topic to help bring life through "Visual" aid making it relatable to those viewing the content. All content is for "the purposes" of entertaining, educating, and informing the viewers.   Jared Smith https://www.fiverr.com/j_smith619 designed thumbnail. He does excellent work!   Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net to schedule a "One-on-One" with me. Click on my STORE tab and select "One-on-One" consultation and let's talk.   Get you a copy of my new relationship book. Why does love hurt so good? TODAY! At www.ondraypearson.com. Are you looking to write and publish your book? Need help?   Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net and view our writing, ghostwriting, and business services.   #mentalhealth #mentalillness #gethelp #blacklove, #blacklovework, #blackmen, #blackwomen, #love, #lovehurtsometimes, #loveislove, #lovehurts, #relationships, #relationshipgoals, #relationshipadvice, #loveisblind, #whatwomenwant, #whatmenwant #reallove, #cheating, #lovethewayyouloveme, #blackloveworks, #lovetoloveyou, #goodlove, #commuications, #lovehard, #makelove, #Relationshipcoach #holdmeaccountable, #family, #women, #womenempoweringwomen, #relationshipmatters, #relationships101, #datingadvice, #onlinedating, #datingcoach, #datingadviceforwomen

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/messageSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/support
  • In this podcast episode, Bettina Carey invites Relationship coach/expect Ondray Pearson explains how to start and be successful in your niche!   He explains and breaks down the things you can do to avoid pitfalls, how to get started on a budget, strategies, marketing, and advertising, where to get affordable "start-up" equipment, and things to look for to improve along the way. If you're looking to start a channel to reach people with your message, this will help you!  Plus... you're invited to our We EmPOWER You Marketing & Networking Mixers every Wednesday at 3 pm PST, where our team shares revenue marketing strategies, and you get to network with attendees. Feel free to invite others to our Zoom Link. Meeting ID: 876 0623 1073  /  Password: 978703  

     To Connect With Me:  https://www.patreon.com/OndraypearsonInstagram:https://www.instagram.com/ondraypearson  Tiktok: tiktok.com/@pearsonondray  Twitter: @ondray_pearson/twitter  Relationshipadviceforwomen.net   Why Does love Hurt So Good?: www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net  

     Media Platforms: (Podcast-Why does love hurt so good)  1-Soundcloud--https://soundcloud.com/ondray-pearson  2-Applem Podcast--https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast/id1495592804?uo=4  3-Google Podcast--https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xMDZjZmNmNC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw==  4-Overcast--https://overcast.fm/itunes1495592804/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast  5-Breaker--https://www.breaker.audio/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast  6-Anchor Podcast--https://anchor.fm/s/106cfcf4/podcast/rss  7-Spotify--https://open.spotify.com/show/0RvJSPI5CRyrntDDqnOdXZ #Relationshipcoach,#blacklove,#blackmen,#blackwomen,#commuications,#datingadvice,#love,#lovehurts,#relationships,#dating,#relationship,#relationshipadviceforwomen, #marriage,#relationshipgoals, #lifecoach, #datingadviceforwomen , #datingadviceformen, #relationshipadviceformen #datingcoach,#kevinsamuels, #steveharvey, #divorce, #divorcetips , #startingover, #divorcecourt, #divorcelawyer, #divocreadvice, #divorceadvice, #5tipsondatingafterdivorce, #datingafterdivorcewithkids, #separated, #datingwithkidsafterdivorce, #loveafterdivorce #divorce #lifeafterdivorce #podcast,#startups,#howtostartapodcastin2022,#startingapodcast www.youtube.com/c/WhydoeslovehurtsogoodChannel

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/messageSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/support
  • In this episode, "Understanding your mental health-I talk about mental health and mental illness. I go over symptoms and reasons why some people find it hard to admit they need help and why many people ignore and avoid getting the help needed simply because of what others may think.   I hope the information shared inspires those who feel they may need assistance to get it. Mental illness is a real thing and needs to be taken seriously.    If you or someone you know needs help, contact NAMI helpline Monday through Friday 10 am-10 pm (EST)  1-800-950 NAMI (6264) or helpline@nami.org.  

    To Connect With Me:


    Tiktok: tiktok.com/@pearsonondray 

    Twitter: @ondray_pearson/Twitter 


    Why Does Love Hurt So Good?: www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net  Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net to schedule a "One-on-One" with me. Click on my STORE tab and select "One-on-One" consultation and let's talk.   Get you a copy of my new relationship book. Why does love hurt so good? TODAY! At www.ondraypearson.com.   Are you looking to write and publish your book? Need help?  Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net and view our writing, ghostwriting, and business services.   For more relationship videos and more, go to my channel Why does love hurt such a soundtrack - https://www.youtube.com/c/WhydoeslovehurtsogoodChannel Media Platforms:   1-Soundcloud--https://soundcloud.com/ondray-pearson 2-ApplemPodcast--https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast/id1495592804?uo=4 3-Google Podcast--https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xMDZjZmNmNC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw== 4-Overcast--https://overcast.fm/itunes1495592804/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast 5-Breaker--https://www.breaker.audio/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast 6-Anchor Podcast--https://anchor.fm/s/106cfcf4/podcast/rss 7-Spotify--https://open.spotify.com/show/0RvJSPI5CRyrntDDqnOdXZ **All movie clips used were to support the topic to help bring life through "Visual" aid making it relatable to those viewing the content. All content is for "the purposes" of entertaining, educating, and informing the viewers.   

    Jared Smith https://www.fiverr.com/j_smith619 designed thumbnail. He does excellent work!   Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net to schedule a "One-on-One" with me. Click on my STORE tab and select "One-on-One" consultation and let's talk.   Get you a copy of my new relationship book. Why does love hurt so good? TODAY! At www.ondraypearson.com. Are you looking to write and publish your book? Need help?   Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net and view our writing, ghostwriting, and business services.   #mentalhealth #mentalillness #gethelp #blacklove, #blacklovework, #blackmen, #blackwomen, #love, #lovehurtsometimes, #loveislove, #lovehurts, #relationships, #relationshipgoals, #relationshipadvice, #loveisblind, #whatwomenwant, #whatmenwant #reallove, #cheating, #lovethewayyouloveme, #blackloveworks, #lovetoloveyou, #goodlove, #commuications, #lovehard, #makelove, #Relationshipcoach #holdmeaccountable, #family, #women, #womenempoweringwomen, #relationshipmatters, #relationships101, #datingadvice, #onlinedating, #datingcoach, #datingadviceforwomen All content is for "the purposes" of entertaining, educating, and informing the viewers. You can find all the movie clips on YouTube.  The Joker Modern Love

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/messageSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/support
  • In this video, "Tips on Dating after Divorce," I provide those who have gone through or are going through a divorce with "5 tips transformational tips to help get you BACK in the dating scene. I don't spend time making you relive your past mistakes; this is all about moving forward and getting your life and living your best YOU!   Get your pen and pad together and take notes because this will help you reclaim yourself, love and find the happiness you deserve. 

     #divorcecourt#divocrelawyer #divrceadvice #5tipsondatingafterdivorce #tipsondatingafterdivorce 0:00 Fade In 0:08 Opening Monolog 0:16 Intro Music 0:26 Main 1:48 Tip #1 3:02 Tip #2 4:39Tip #3 5:52 Tip #4 6:32 Tip #5 7:09 Outro Monolog 7:33 End Outro Music 7:51 Ending Video Message  

    All content is for "the purposes" of entertaining, educating, and informing the viewers. You can find all the movie clips on YouTube.  The Real  To Connect With Me:  https://www.patreon.com/OndraypearsonInstagram:https://www.instagram.com/ondraypearson  Tiktok: tiktok.com/@pearsonondray  Twitter: @ondray_pearson/twitter  Relationshipadviceforwomen.net   Why Does love Hurt So Good?: www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net   Media Platforms: (Podcast-Why does love hurt so good)  1-Soundcloud--https://soundcloud.com/ondray-pearson  2-Applem Podcast--https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast/id1495592804?uo=4  3-Google Podcast--https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xMDZjZmNmNC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw==  4-Overcast--https://overcast.fm/itunes1495592804/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast  5-Breaker--https://www.breaker.audio/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast  6-Anchor Podcast--https://anchor.fm/s/106cfcf4/podcast/rss  7-Spotify--https://open.spotify.com/show/0RvJSPI5CRyrntDDqnOdXZ #Relationshipcoach,#blacklove,#blackmen,#blackwomen,#commuications,#datingadvice,#love,#lovehurts,#relationships,#dating,#relationship,#relationshipadvice, #marriage,#relationshipgoals, #lifecoach, #datingadvice, #datingcoach,#kevinsamuels, #steveharvey, #divorce, #divorcetips, #startingover, #divorcecourt, #divorcelawyer, #divocreadvice, #divorceadvice, #5tipsondatingafterdivorce, #datingafterdivorcewithkids, #separated, #datingwithkidsafterdivorce, #loveafterdivorce

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/messageSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/support
  • In this video, "Reasons why Good Men leave Good Women." It seems crazy to think that someone who is good to you would leave you, but it happens. I show ten reasons why this happens.   To understand "why" this happens, you must watch the entire video to get the complete picture to help you better if this is something you're going through now.  To Connect With Me:  



    Tiktok: tiktok.com/@pearsonondray  

    Twitter: @ondray_pearson/twitter  


    Why Does love Hurt So Good?: www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net  

    Media Platforms:   



    3-Google Podcast--https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xMDZjZmNmNC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw==  



    6-Anchor Podcast--https://anchor.fm/s/106cfcf4/podcast/rss  


    **All clips used supported the topic to help bring life through "Visual" aid making it relatable to those viewing the content. All content is for "the purposes" of entertaining, educating, and informing the viewers.  You can find all the movie clips on Tik Tok and YouTube.  

    @Its_mrs_thank_yew TikTok 

    @Shalakemiamoffitt. TikTok 

    @KellieKelshow         TikTok 

    @Shahrazad Ali.        TikTok  

    @Kimmierreed           TikTok 

    TD Jakes                     YouTube "On an On" -Gladys Knight and the Pips (music)    

    For more dating advice on related subjects like this, purchase my book, Why does love hurt so good?" on Amazon.com TODAY! Book your one-on-one Consultation, get help writing, editing, and so much more!  For more relationship videos and more, go to my channel Why does love hurt so good channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/WhydoeslovehurtsogoodChannel   Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net to schedule a "One-on-One" with me. Click on my STORE tab and select "One-on-One" consultation and let's talk. Get you a copy of my new relationship book. Why does love hurt so good? TODAY! At Amazon.com.    Are you looking to write and publish your book? Need help? Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net and view our writing, ghostwriting, business services.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/messageSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/support
  • In this video, "5 Reasons Smart Women intimidate Men,(Smart Women)" I break down the things that intimidate men with smart women.  I go over the reasons why intelligent, educated, and successful women are having a hard time dating and marrying men they are attracted to, and I explain the many reasons weak men are, not the best mates for them, why strong men are the best match.    Most men in these situations are not men who are ready to have an equal. They want someone they can control and feel the woman has to rely on and depend on them for their every want and need.  Because they can not longer in these times act or treat a woman any old kind of way, they forcing them to either step up or be moved aside to allow a real man to see them.  Listen and learn because there is so much more to be revealed.    

    To Connect With Me: Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/ondraypearson   Tiktok: tiktok.com/@pearsonondray Twitter: @ondray_pearson/twitter Relationshipadviceforwomen.net  Why Does love Hurt So Good?: www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net  Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net to schedule a "One-on-One" with me. Click on my STORE tab and select "One-on-One" consultation and let's talk.   Get you a copy of my new relationship book. Why does love hurt so good? TODAY! At www.ondraypearson.com.   Are you looking to write and publish your book? Need help?  Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net and view our writing, ghostwriting, business services.   Thumbnail designed by  Dezinee-  https://www.fiverr.com/dezinee/design-catchy-youtube-thumbnail  She does great work!  Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net to schedule a "One-on-One" with me.  Click on my STORE tab and select "One-on-One" consultation and let's talk.    Get you a copy of my new relationship book, Why does love hurt so good? TODAY! at www.ondraypearson.com.  Are you looking to write and publish your book?  Need help go to www.whudoeslovehurtsogood.net and view our writing, ghostwriting, business services.

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/messageSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/support
  • In this video, "3 reasons Men lie!" I explain "why" so many men feel they must lie to the women they want to be within a relationship.  It is not an excuse but a good understanding and reasons men feel they must lie to be with a woman.  Believe it or not, some lies are necessary to keep the peace in the relationship, but most men are lying use this reasoning well beyond them protecting their mate's feelings/looking out for their well-being.  I help women "see" "why" it is so hard for a man to tell the truth--it's about the benefits! If men cannot see the real true benefit of telling you the truth, they will always lie to you.  If you always forgive them when you catch them in a lie, they will always lie to you.    Women expect and claim to want the truth, even if it hurts them or not, but the truth is what they really want is whatever they suspect confirmed by their man regardless if it is true or not.  They need to BE right about EVERYTHING they THINK you did, have done, or will do!  So this ongoing battle continues, "To tell the truth or to lie"-it all comes down to the "benefits." (Why men lie to women)   

    To Connect With Me: Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/ondraypearson   Tiktok: tiktok.com/@pearsonondray Twitter: @ondray_pearson/twitter Relationshipadviceforwomen.net  Why Does love Hurt So Good?: www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net  Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net to schedule a "One-on-One" with me. Click on my STORE tab and select "One-on-One" consultation and let's talk.   Get you a copy of my new relationship book. Why does love hurt so good? TODAY! At www.ondraypearson.com.   Are you looking to write and publish your book? Need help?  Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net and view our writing, ghostwriting, business services.   If you would like to talk to me one-on-one about your relationship situation feel free to contact me directly at 404-790-8714.  For more dating advice on related subjects like this, purchase my book, Why does love hurt so good?" on www.ondraypearson.com TODAY!  

    Media Platforms:   1-Soundcloud--https://soundcloud.com/ondray-pearson 2-ApplemPodcast--https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast/id1495592804?uo=4 3-Google Podcast--https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xMDZjZmNmNC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw== 4-Overcast--https://overcast.fm/itunes1495592804/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast 5-Breaker--https://www.breaker.audio/whydoeslovehurtsogoodpodcast 6-Anchor Podcast--https://anchor.fm/s/106cfcf4/podcast/rss 7-Spotify--https://open.spotify.com/show/0RvJSPI5CRyrntDDqnOdXZ 

    #blacklove, #blacklovework, #blackmen, #blackwomen, #love, #lovehurtsometimes, #loveislove, #lovehurts, #relationships, #relationshipgoals, #relationshipadvice, #loveisblind, #whatwomenwant, #whatmenwant #reallove, #cheating, #lovethewayyouloveme, #blackloveworks, #lovetoloveyou, #goodlove, #commuications, #lovehard, #makelove, #Relationshipcoach, #holdmeaccountable, #family, #women, #womenempoweringwomen, #relationshipmatters, #relationships101, #datingadvice, #onlinedating, #datingcoach, #datingadviceforwomen

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/messageSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/support
  • I am a guest on the show "Right to real love" with J Emmanuel in this video. The Topic of the video is signs women are dating out of lack. As I guess on the panel with other members, we talk about situations where women are dating out of lack of many things on the market, starting with the lack of quality men. We talk about things that answer why women feel so desperate to date someone and is with someone. Join me along with the other panel members as we explore this Topic. It is an exciting topic, and be sure to check out J Emmanuel's YouTube channel and live show right to real love on 

    YouTube.  https://www.youtube.com/c/RighttoREALLovewithJImmanuel

     To Connect With Me: 



    Tiktok: tiktok.com/@pearsonondray  

    Twitter: @ondray_pearson/twitter  


    Why Does love Hurt So Good?: www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net  

    Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net to schedule a "One-on-One" with me. Click on my STORE tab and select "One-on-One" consultation and let's talk. 

    Get you a copy of my new relationship book. Why does love hurt so good? TODAY! At www.ondraypearson.com.  

    Are you looking to write and publish your book? Need help? Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net and view our writing, ghostwriting, business services.  

     For more relationship videos and more, go to my channel Why does love hurt so good channel - 


    Media Platforms:   



    3-Google Podcast--https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8xMDZjZmNmNC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw==  



    6-Anchor Podcast--https://anchor.fm/s/106cfcf4/podcast/rss  


    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/messageSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/support
  • In this episode, "What do you bring to the table?" When asked this question, I explain why so many women are confused, why they take the question so personal, and why many feel a man shouldn't even ask. It is hard to tell a man that he is to provide for a woman and not tell him what he will get in return.  Many modern women today feel a man needs to guarantee their future with him, and he is to accept whatever she decides to give him for all she is asking of him.  

    Men today don't see sex as the equalizer to all the things and duties asked of them, and women trying to sell this as an excellent plan for the man is finding it harder and harder to find many men who are willing to be their ATM / Retirement plan.  Sit back as I put a different perspective on the age-old phrase, "What do you bring to the table?" and understand it is not just about what you ask but more in "the" words you use to ask it. Men, if you ask the right question, you might get the answers you are looking for from the woman you're interested in and not make her regret giving you her time. To Connect With Me: Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/ondraypearson  

    Tiktok: tiktok.com/@pearsonondray 

    Twitter: @ondray_pearson/twitter 


    Why Does love Hurt So Good?: www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net  

    Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net to schedule a "One-on-One" with me. Click on my STORE tab and select "One-on-One" consultation and let's talk.   

    Get you a copy of my new relationship book. Why does love hurt so good? TODAY! At www.ondraypearson.com.   Are you looking to write and publish your book? Need help?  

    Go to www.whydoeslovehurtsogood.net and view our writing, ghostwriting, business services.   

    For more relationship videos and more, go to my channel Why does love hurt so good channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/WhydoeslovehurtsogoodChannel 

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/messageSupport this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ondray-pearson6/support