Shabbos Chanukah, Likkutei Sichos Chelek Chof page 207
Theme: My Light is Enough. When its for the mitzvah, whatever I've got counts!
Today's Sicha is sponsored by Henna Shomer: Empowering Frum Women Through Movement
Henna's Restore Your Core and Prenatal classes offer a proven approach, grounded in a deep understanding of women’s unique needs, to help you rebuild strength, prevent pain, and feel confident in your body—at every stage of motherhood and beyond.
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Powerful Al Hanissim, Likkutei Sichos, Chelek Lamed, page 209. In this sicha we dive into the wording of Al Hanissim and all the miracles "(1)You delivered the mighty into the hands of the weak, (2)the many into the hands of the few, (3)the impure into the hands of the pure, (4)the wicked into the hands of the righteous, and (4)the wanton sinners into the hands of those who occupy themselves with Your Torah." The first two relate to yidden & Greeks, the latter 3 are within yiddin themselves. Very powerful and relevant sicha for our shlichus in life!
Saknas det avsnitt?
135. Mikeitz/Chanukah: Fight for Peace
The message of Chanukah is that some things are worth fighting for. When dark forces, within our homes or without, threaten to overwhelm us, we need to fight for peace.
The Macabees showed us how to
sacrifice everything and connect to the yechida in our soul, where true peace prevails and leaves no room for opposition.
Each Shabbos, our candles symbolize the same. The small flame of a 3 year old girl does much to replace darkness with joy, respite, and peace.
Imagine that all the the flames of our Shabbos and Chanukah lights come together. They would burst into a great big bonfire to overcome all darkness and usher in the final days of “no hunger or war, no competition or jealousy.”
Likkutei Sichos, Chelek Tes vov. Pg 372
Gut Yom Tov! Yud Tes Kislev, Parshas Vayeishev Chelek Chof pg 185
Theme: Loving my brothers through thick and thin
This sicha was graciously sponsored by Chanie Diskin in honor of her Yom Holedes.Thank you for enabling us to access the Rebbe's Toira in such an accessible form! May all that are involved in this holy project be gebentched with Hatzlocha in all of their endeavors!
גוט יום טוב !
שנה טובה בלימוד החסידות ובדרכי החסידות תכתבו ותחתמו!
Theme: Crushed and confused. The place between one step of growth and another.
This week's Sicha is sponsored by Shaina Zirkind in honor of her birthday.
"Thank you to Etty for arranging this learning weekly and to Mrs. Schapiro for teaching it!!"
This one really hits. That place going from one level to another can be confusing and totally untethered. The nasi asks on all of our behalf that even though right now we look like katonti, a place of confusion, we don't know where to stand on firm ground, Hashem's promise should be fulfilled "Haitiv Eitiv Imach! Hsahem is going to do amazing good things for us!
Likkutei Sichos, Parshas Vayishlach: Chelek Chof pg 166
"Yaakovs epic battle with Esavs angel left him limping - and because of this we have the mitzvah not to eat the gid hanashe (sciatic nerve). For such a huge significant battle, struggle and ultimate triumph that Yaakov went through - this being the Jewish peoples story all through our lives & through history - the mitzvah attached to it seems...minor? insignificant? Chassidus tells us - aha! thats exactly the point! Hashems with us in every single ""minor"" detail. The yidden are His beloved people, and every detail is important, with intention - no such thing as ""minor"" when it comes to this special relationship. This sicha is packed with life-changing concepts and the class ends with an awesome story :)
Likkutei Sichos, Chelek Lamed, page 148
Hey Kislev, Parshas Vayeitzei
This sicha is sponsored by Mushka Heidingsfeld with lots of thanks to Mrs. Schapiro in honor of her Shabbos Kallah and upcoming Chasunah! Mazal Tov! Bshaa Tova Umitzlachas Binyan Adei Ad!
Chelek Chof page 129
Its Easy for Eretz Yisroel to be ours, access the Yechida Power!
Yud Kislev, Parshas Vayeitzei
Chelek Chof, page 124
Yaakov never laid down in the house of Lavan. During 20 years! He said the 15 Shir Hamaalos...
chelek Gimmul page 787
Chelek Chof pg 108.
Esav at his best. Don’t run away from the world. Guide it with Yakov’s Torah. -
Was Eisav good or bad? He married a good woman, but didn't leave the bad ones...Yitzchak was intent on the good side of Eisav wanting to bless him, how do we navigate the mixture of good and bad and sometimes the hypocrisy in it? What about when I think something is good but perhaps its actually not?
Learn the Sicha and hear what the Rebbe has to say :)
Chelek Lamed Hay, page 131 -
Rosh Chodesh Kislev. Parshas Toldos, Chelek Tes Vov, page 217.
Takeaway Idea: shower others, shower our kids, b'harchava with love with no limits! open, generous way, bentch them with "Vayiten Lecha Ha'elokim Mi'Tal Hashamayim Umishmanei Haaretz"
Parshas Chayei Sara, Chelek Chof pg 91.
Avraham sent Eliezer with a Malach before him- already set it all up. Success of our shlichus is already happening/going to happen as we are Avraham's eved.
Parshas Chayei Sara, Chelek Chof Hey, pg 99.
a) we have to have the fresh insight of a Ben Chamesh Lmikra. He doesn't give up on the person who is far - "why aren't they here? does Avraham give up?
b) "Vayosef Avraham" - Upgrade. Rejuvinate, reconnect to the Rebbe. Bring a brand new space into the world. Through our hiskashrus!Chelek Tes Vov, pg 174
The inherent ability to do it for Hashem.
Thank you to our 2 sponsors - you help us spread these sichos out far & wide!
In honor of:
Refuah Sheleima for Yisroel Reuven ben Shmeula, smooth & immediate!
Happy Birthday to Adina Landa! May it be a shnas hatzlacha, bracha & a year of JOY!
Think: Scenario 1: You are doing Avodah out of your comfort zone Scenario 2: Your Avodah also has amazing side benefits, not even for idealistic reasons - you love it, or alternative motivating factors.
Very famous Sicha about Akeidas Yitzchak:
10th Test. Kach Na Es Bincha. Hashem says to Avraham: Please take your son. I have tested you with a number of tests and you have passed them all, You have stood through all of them, now stand through this test, so that the others won’t be canceled out.
Q. Why would not passing the akeida cancel out all the other amazing tests Avraham surpassed?!
Additional Q. The story of the Akeida is our biggest zchus, ultimate peak of our relationship, we mention it every day of davening. Why? What is it about this specific story? We have thousands of examples of crazy mesiras nefesh!
Personal mesiras nefesh vs mesiras nefesh with our child. But we have seen this many times!
Avraham created the tzinor of mesiras nefesh. The pathway for all of this to be capable. But this is NOT the first Mesiras Nefesh! Avraham did this when he was thrown into the fire publicly for declaring Hashems existence.
Still - what is so unique about Akeidas Yitzchak?
What is the Torah Definition of Mesiras Nefesh?
To be able to give yourself over to Hashem. To put aside your entire metziyos and do it for Hashem. Its not about being so passionate that you are ready to give your life up, its about being fully Hashem focused, even when it means pushing me aside.
Akeida - nothing in it for Avraham Avinu
Step: 1) its not public, no public applause 2) Avrahams vision will be totally uprooted, this child wont be able to continue the vision 3) not his personality, he is a man of Chessed/Kindness
This is the opposite of SELF benefit! The ONLY thing Pushing him to do the Akeida, is that Hashem asked him to do it.
Until now, it could all be viewed as a personal agenda
Once you do the Akeida, it proves that all the tests were Hashem’s agenda, not a personal gain
Today, we stand with the ability to do Hashem’s agenda, even if it's different from what I want. I have the ability to do what Hashem wants me to do, every Yid is inherently able to give themselves over to What Is Hashems Plan For Me.
Ois Ches: This is the explanation of why the Akeida is specifically the Opening this Channel, vs Ur Kasdim. Avraham was able to give to us the TRUE definition of Mesiras Nefesh, we are here to do what Hashem wants us to do.
We can be free of ourselves.
Desire of every Jew is to do what Hashem wants us to do. So actually, this is truly what MY desire IS. TO do what Hashem wants me to do.
Truly what I want.
When a Yid does something for Hashem, it could seem its self-centered, but because he is a descendant of Avraham - now the real truth is it is REALLY mesiras nefesh, its truly for Hashem. Higher than any calculation, just like the Akeida.
Side cheshbonos, they are not front and center
REAL reason is FOR Hashem!
Story: Side motivations: a million vs the nickel. The side stuff is the nickel. The million dollar win is that you are doing what Hashem wants you to do!
Alter Rebbe brings a halacha in shulchan aruch, its a good thing to say parshas akeida every day. When you read the akeida it empowers you to serve Hashem, just like Yitzchak’s moment of being given over.
Once Avraham opened up the channel for REAL mesiras nefesh, my real desire is to go beyond myself. Any of us who are the children of Avraham, we have it because we are their children.
Its part of our innate DNA.
Its a Avraham moment. A yitzchak moment.
Any situation that you find yourself in, Its your Akeida moment. You have the ability to be beyond yourself. To be truly and completely given over to Hashem. There may be something in my mind that is not my vision, and its what Hashem puts for me, maybe it doesnt even fit my personality. I have the ability to do it for Hashem. What about all the superficial moments where I do gain? Don’t get stuck there, the real reality is you are the child of Avraham - and it IS for the real reasons!
What we REALLY want is that Moshiach should come! When we get sidetracked, bring ourselves back to the focus!
Parshas Vayera, Chelek Chof, page 73. -
Huge impact you can have on a person, even is small moments, there is so much goodness in every person. Model is Avraham. truly understanding that a yid wants Torah & mitzvos. feed him, engage him, etc
Parshas Vayeira, Chelek Tes vov pg 122.
I don’t work for Hashem, I represent Him.
Parshas Lech Lecha: Likkutei Sichos Chelek Chof pg 54.
- Visa fler