
  • Navigating through life's valleys of adversity, I, Connie, open the doors to my soul, revealing the struggles with Lyme disease and the looming threat of a blood-related cancer. The fear, the discouragement, the chaos that clouds our true calling are but stepping stones to resilience, as I've learned by walking this challenging path. In a raw and candid conversation, we take solace in Psalms 22, drawing parallels to David's trials and the unwavering presence of God. Join us as we explore the spiritual compass that guides us through suffering and discuss how empathy can foster a deeper connection with those enduring similar battles.

    This episode isn't just about my journey; it's an invitation to reflect on the profound purpose behind our afflictions and the hidden blessings they bring. Together, we dissect the idea that spiritual maturity often blooms most beautifully from the soil of significant adversity. And while the road to deliverance may lead to this life or the next, we affirm the steadfast goodness of God, even when our hope flickers in the wind. Let this be the signpost for your faith, a reminder that our trials are within His sovereign domain, shaping us into powerful testaments of His enduring faithfulness.

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  • Have you ever felt like you're wandering through a desert in your life, searching for a sign of hope or growth? Join me, Connie, as I bear my soul about the trials I've weathered and the resiliency I've cultivated by placing my trust in God's plan. In this heartfelt episode, we traverse the biblical landscape of transformation – where deserts bloom with life – and reflect on the powerful metaphor of 'planting seeds in the desert'. Together, we consider the paradox of finding strength when facing barrenness and the beauty of new beginnings that emerge from the most arid parts of our existence.

    This conversation is an invitation to view your own challenging seasons not just as periods of struggle, but as opportunities to grow, learn, and blossom with God's grace. We dive into the lessons of Isaiah 35:1-4a, drawing strength from the vision of deserts rejoicing with flowers. I share how, like desert flora and fauna, we are equipped by God to not only endure but to flourish amidst our personal deserts. This episode is designed to uplift and inspire, offering a reminder that your struggles are not wasted and that, with faith, life's harshest environments can yield unexpected and wondrous growth.

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  • Facing the heat of life's challenges can leave us searching for a beacon of hope, and it was during one such personal 'furnace' moment that a profound truth struck me: we are never alone in these trials. My own journey through the shadows of loss became a canvas for expression, where each brushstroke was a step toward healing and resilience. This episode is an intimate exploration of how our darkest times can lead to the most illuminating of transformations. As we delve into the stirring promises of Isaiah 43:1-2, I invite you to join me on a path of courage and commemoration, where our pain becomes the very thing that forges an unbreakable bond with the Divine.

    The heroes of old, like Moses and the trio in the fiery furnace, remind us that our trust in God's eternal goodness is the shield that guards us from despair. Together, we examine the unique tapestry of trials that each of us faces, understanding that these experiences are not punishments but rather invitations to draw nearer to our Creator. As I share stories of how faith has protected, provided for, and delivered those who have walked before us, let this conversation be a wellspring of encouragement. No matter the intensity of the fire we face, this episode stands as a testament to the power of faith as our unwavering shield and guiding light.

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  • I once found myself at a crossroads, grappling with the weight of an uncertain future and the choice to trust in something greater than myself. This episode is a testament to that journey, where we navigate the delicate landscape of trustβ€”specifically the trust we place in God's character over His capabilities. We'll unpack wisdom from a Tony Evans devotional, exploring how surrendering control and embracing God's nature can lead to an unshakeable faith, even when the road ahead is veiled in mystery. Join me as we reflect on the biblical narratives of Psalm 81 and how my personal experiences with art and grief have revealed the profound solace that comes with true reliance on God.

    Trust is not just a belief in what God can do; it's a deep-rooted confidence in who God is. In today's discussion, we dive into the essence of trusting God's character, drawing upon the lessons learned by the Israelites and the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives as Christians. We consider the conscious choice to trust in God's will, in abundance and in trials, and the strength we receive through Christ Jesus. It's about making that choice to trust, knowing full well that inaction is a decision in itself. This episode invites you to join us in a heartfelt exploration of scriptural insights and personal stories that will inspire and challenge your walk with God.

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  • Embarking on a spiritual odyssey can be a tumultuous affair, as I've learned through my own trials and subsequent victories of faith. Through the intimate tales of my personal journey, I aim to touch the hearts of fellow seekers, shedding light on the sometimes obscured presence of the Divine. This episode is a tapestry woven with threads of vulnerable moments and the profound realization that God's faithfulness is as unwavering as the rising sun. By chronicling the transformation that blooms from the soil of trust and the recognition of every answered prayer as a testimony to God's love, I invite you to be part of a narrative that extends beyond the realm of mere words and into the essence of divine truth.

    Navigating the rapids of life with an anchor in the eternal is to understand the depth of God's unchangeable covenant. Here, I unravel the profound significance of scripture and its revelations about God's ceaseless provision, shining a light on the fact that our prayers connect us to a timeless pact rather than beckon for ephemeral fixes. This heartening conversation is designed to fortify your spiritual foundation, offering solace and strength as we contemplate the bedrock of God's loveβ€”a sanctuary against life's storms. Join in to embrace the solace and victory that comes from standing firm on the promise of God's eternal faithfulness.

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  • When the path before us seems to twist in unexpected ways, where can we find the assurance to move forward? My own story is a testament to the faith that sustains us through life's upheavals, a faith I'm eager to share with you in our latest episode. Together, we'll navigate the complexities of believing in a plan greater than our own, a journey that reveals the steadfast love and purpose God has in store. I open up about my battles with faith's challenges, offering solace and companionship to those of you walking a similar road. It's here that we'll uncover the peace found in trusting God's higher ways, recognizing that the seemingly winding paths are part of a divine design meant to lead us home.

    This episode becomes a beacon for anyone seeking encouragement, faithfulness, and hope amidst their daily trials. Let's embrace the power of scripture, immersing ourselves in God's inspired Word to spark transformation within. I'll be your guide, affirming that hope is not just a fleeting sentiment but an ever-present ally, unwavering in its support. As we share these uplifting messages, we reinforce the hope that carries us through any storm, assuring that the emptiness we sometimes feel is filled with the everlasting love and redemption found in Jesus Christ. Join me for a heartfelt conversation that promises to strengthen your faith and illuminate your spirit.

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  • Have you ever felt the warmth of an embrace within the depths of your despair? This episode is my intimate account of how Jesus's boundless love has been my solace during the most tumultuous storms of life. I open up about the mountains and valleys of my faith journey, where the struggles have carved pathways to profound growth. We wade through the Scriptures, where hope emerges even in our messiest moments, and we ponder the powerful notion of being etched in God's memory. As I reflect on Psalm 112:6, the concept of divine remembrance takes on new life, shedding light on how our own practice of prayer intertwines with God's enduring faithfulness.

    Stepping further into the heart of our spiritual conversation, we navigate the waters of God's unwavering promises as illuminated in Psalms 111 and 112, setting them against the backdrop of the characteristics of a faithful individual found in Psalms 11 and 12. Our dialogue traverses the landscape of answered prayers and the healing they can bring, inviting you to consider the spiritual fulfillment of God's decrees already manifested beyond our physical sight. It's here that we invite you to join us in a contemplative space, remembering the facets of His mercy, justice, and patience that anchor us amidst life's ebb and flow.

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  • Have you ever felt like your spiritual journey is more of a rollercoaster than a peaceful stroll? Join me as I get real about the highs and lows of maintaining faith in the face of daily struggles. In a heart-to-heart discussion, I reveal how the love of Jesus and the grace of God have been my lifelines, offering a fresh start with each new sunrise. It's a candid exploration of faithβ€”why it's challenging, how it's strengthened, and the transformative power of holding onto belief even when the ground beneath you feels shaky. We'll navigate how repetitive faith-building acts can fortify our spiritual muscles, allowing us to rise above doubts and fears, and how God's unwavering faithfulness is a constant source of hope, regardless of the changing tides of our lives.

    Then, I take a deep look at the everlasting assurances found within God's covenant, a theme that resounds through the sacred text and anchors our souls. I unpack the profound realization that God's love and faithfulness aren't just responses to our prayers, but a steadfast sanctum always available to those who revere and trust in God. This episode is for anyone in need of a reminder that trust and triumph are rooted in the unshakeable promise of God's commitment to us. It's an uplifting message that encourages us to lean into the enduring relationship offered by our Creator, finding peace in the knowledge that, through every season, His covenant remains eternally steadfast.

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  • Have you ever felt like life's path is a labyrinth, testing your faith with every twist and turn? I'm Connie, the host of the Weeds Seeds and Beautiful Things Podcast, and in this heartfelt episode, I share the raw and uplifting moments of my journey, revealing how faith in Jesus Christ has been the compass in my most trying times. Discover how embracing God's plan brought peace into my life, even when I couldn't see the road ahead. We'll talk about the extraordinary strength found in surrendering to His will, and the profound peace that comes from making Him the cornerstone of home and purpose.

    Join me as we venture into the realm of unwavering hope and the life-altering impact of Scripture in our daily battles. You'll hear stories of encouragement and the promise of God's unfathomable love for us. This episode isn't just a conversation; it's a shared experience of fortitude, an invitation to remain steadfast in faith, and a testament to the fact that with God, starting anew isn't just a possibilityβ€”it's a guarantee. Let's bolster our spirits together, acknowledging the power of walking faithfully with God and learning to suffer well.

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  • Embracing life's transitions can be daunting, right? But what if I told you that within every uncertain path lies the steadfast love of Jesus and a world of hope? Join me, Connie on a personal journey through fear, grief, and the beauty of surrendering to God in the unknown. In the midst of letting go of dreams and stepping into a new season of life, there's a comforting realization that you're not alone and that God walks this path with us.

    We'll explore the story of Exodus, witnessing God's power as he parted the sea, emphasizing that we can trust Him in the face of life's uncertainties. It is through studying God's Word and spending time with Him that we learn, grow, and find the equipment we need to navigate life's many detours. This episode is an open invitation to let go, trust God with the next chapter of your life, and revel in the exciting unknown. Let's discover the comfort and growth that comes from obedience and surrender, together.

    Do you choose a word to focus on for the year? Yohonna Smith, host of the Girls Talking Life podcast, does, but the first few years she did it, she wasn’t getting much out of it. So she created a Word Study to take her through the Bible to discover what God’s Word had to say about the word she’d chosen for the year. In the word study, she gives you the steps to study your WOTY, plus an example of a past word of hers, the verses she found, and the key takeaways she concluded with. Not only will you be spending time in Scripture, but you’ll be learning what the Definer and Director of your life wants to teach you through your word.


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  • Ever wondered how to transition from just knowing about God's love to truly experiencing it on a heartfelt level? We explore this profound topic, using the captivating life of Rahab, a biblical character, as our lens. We dig into Rahab's redemption - a testament to God's power to repurpose our brokenness into beautiful purpose. Her transformation from a prostitute to an essential figure in the Bible paints a vivid picture of God's boundless love and the dignity He instills in our lives.

    Strap in for a deep dive into Rahab's story, a journey that showcases how God pursues us in inexplicable ways, altering not just our lives, but our destinies. Just like Rahab, your name might remain the same, but your purpose, heart, and destiny can be totally transformed. So, get ready to be inspired, challenged, and encouraged. And remember, the Weed, Seeds, and Beautiful Things podcast is not just for you, it's for sharing. Empower others with the knowledge of God's transformative love by spreading the word about the podcast!

    Do you choose a word to focus on for the year? Yohonna Smith, host of the Girls Talking Life podcast, does, but the first few years she did it, she wasn’t getting much out of it. So she created a Word Study to take her through the Bible to discover what God’s Word had to say about the word she’d chosen for the year. In the word study, she gives you the steps to study your WOTY, plus an example of a past word of hers, the verses she found, and the key takeaways she concluded with. Not only will you be spending time in Scripture, but you’ll be learning what the Definer and Director of your life wants to teach you through your word.


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  • Ever found yourself grappling with faith, especially in times of change? You're not alone! I've journeyed through the same battles and struggles. Join me in this conversation about faith, trust, and the inevitable fear and insecurity that tag along. I'll share my personal insights on how we can anchor ourselves in God's unchanging love - a refuge and strength that transcends our understanding.

    We'll be exploring how to realign our focus on Jesus in the midst of life's storms and uncertainties. Hear about my experiences of God's unfailing presence, even when we can't feel Him or see His hand at work. Discover how to lean into trust and find comfort knowing that in seasons of change, God is ever present and His love is unwavering. This episode offers encouragement in your faith journey, whether you're facing significant life transitions or simply seeking reassurance in our ever-faithful God.

    Do you choose a word to focus on for the year? Yohonna Smith, host of the Girls Talking Life podcast, does, but the first few years she did it, she wasn’t getting much out of it. So she created a Word Study to take her through the Bible to discover what God’s Word had to say about the word she’d chosen for the year. In the word study, she gives you the steps to study your WOTY, plus an example of a past word of hers, the verses she found, and the key takeaways she concluded with. Not only will you be spending time in Scripture, but you’ll be learning what the Definer and Director of your life wants to teach you through your word.


    As you focus on the word you've chosen for 2024, I pray that you are encouraged and challenged as you grow closer to the heart of God.

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  • A dear friend dropped by recently and we had an enlightening conversation about past experiences where God has intervened in our lives. We marveled at the freedom and the faithfulness that springs forth when we think about how God orchestrated everything in His perfect timing. This revelation allowed us to step into a space of deeper faith in Him, free from the fear of failure. We also spent some time talking about a unique offer you might be interested in - keepsakes hand-painted with calligraphy watercolors. They serve as beautiful reminders of God's constant faithfulness.

    As we move further, we unpack the richness of Jeremiah 1:11-12, a scripture which beautifully portrays God's vigilance and activity even in the dreariest of seasons. How comforting it is to know that even when we see no proof of goodness or movement, God is actively watching over us, working for us. We challenge ourselves to remember God's faithfulness in our past and trust that His favor will arrange everything at the perfect time. Come, join me in this journey of faith and be reminded that the blessings we enjoy are not a result of our doing, but a testament to God's unwavering faithfulness.

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  • Have you ever felt trapped, running tirelessly on the hamster wheel of life, striving to prove your worth to others but never quite feeling enough? This episode of the Weed Seeds and Beautiful Things podcast offers a lifeline out of this cycle. Join me, Connie, as I open up about my personal struggles with shame, self-worth, and the liberating power of seeing ourselves through God's eyes. We delve into the paradox of freedom and how one must often experience captivity before they can truly appreciate liberation.

    Drawing on the profound verse of Zephaniah 3:20, we discuss how God reverses our captivity right before our eyes. But it's not about proving ourselves to others, it's about understanding our intrinsic value and purpose in the eyes of God. If you are feeling alone, discouraged, or trapped in the relentless pursuit of external validation, this episode is a balm for your soul. Let's embrace the solace in God's plans for us, lean into His perception of us, and walk confidently in His love and freedom.

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  • When life throws curveballs, can faith provide the comfort and strength we need to navigate mental health issues? That’s the question we’re exploring today. Sharing from a personal standpoint, I take you through my own journey - the emotional turmoil of a recent COVID diagnosis, a decade-long trauma, and the accompanying feelings of shame and sorrow. Faith, for me, has been a beacon of hope amidst these tribulations, and I hope my experiences can inspire.

    Tackling mental health struggles is indeed an uphill task, but there's a unique beauty in the resilience it fosters. Today, I share how my faith has been instrumental in my journey, along with the power of resources like therapy and prayer. Remember, it's okay to reach out, to be honest about your struggles. In this darkness, the light of solidarity shines bright, and the love of God remains unending. Persevere, for there's strength in the struggle and hope is always within reach.

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  • I'm Connie, your host, and with a heart filled with gratitude, I'm ready to share my personal journey with faith and resilience, marked by a positive COVID diagnosis during my cherished pregnancy. From this chaotic passage, a unique creation was born - hand-painted calligraphy watercolor keepsake name prints, crafted with love to celebrate life's most memorable moments. As I open up about my own battle with faith, my prayer is that you find solace, courage, and an unshakeable belief in the invisible, even when fear is palpable.

    Today, we journey from fear to faith, learning to replace our doubts with remembrance and stand firm with facts. I encourage you all to pause and observe the weed, the seeds, and the beautiful things as you wander through the garden of life. No matter how tumultuous the times, I promise you, there's always beauty if one chooses to see it. I hope this conversation inspires not only you but also your loved ones to overcome fear with faith and share this heartfelt journey. Together, let's continue to challenge fear and walk the path of faith.

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  • Hey, it's your friend, Connie. You know, there was a time when I walked through the shadows of depression and anxiety, but in these darkest hours, I found an unfathomable strength in scripture, particularly Psalms 55:22. This episode will have you journeying with me, discovering the power of unburdening ourselves to the Lord, and the sustenance He so lovingly provides. We'll delve into the connection between suffering and faith, and the divine purpose it serves in our lives. Together, we'll unmask the often misunderstood relationship between righteousness and mental health, affirming that struggle does not equate to unrighteousness.

    Continuing our conversation, we'll find solace in the promise that God is ever-present, even in our moments of distress. I'll share with you how, despite dealing with depression, intrusive thoughts, and mental fog, I found comfort in knowing that God is near. Remember, His promise is not to alleviate our suffering but to sustain us through it, ensuring we always remain within His will. So, come and take a step forward with me, casting your burdens on the Lord and finding hope in suffering. It's a profound reminder - joy indeed comes in the morning.

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  • Are you ready to embrace the bittersweetness of life and faith? This episode promises a compelling exploration of how we can find beauty and divinity in both our joys and sorrows. We will break down the Hebrew concept of bittersweet, an idea that encapsulates surrender and a bent spirit, to understand how this concept can show us the way to lean on God's provision. As we weave back and forth through the good and bad moments life throws at us, we find ourselves surrendering more to God's plan, finding solace not in the change of circumstances, but in the unchanging goodness of our God.

    Digging deep into Psalms 103 and First Chronicles 16, we find comfort in the eternal mercy and love of God, a reassuring reminder that even our longest sufferings are fleeting compared to the everlasting nature of His goodwill. Let these passages inspire you to refocus on God's character, to renew your heart's resolve to follow Him diligently. I will share a refreshing perspective on how the beautiful coexistence of worship and sorrow shapes us as Christ followers, proving that life's sweetness and bitterness are two sides of the same divine coin. Whether you are in a season of abundance or drought, we hope this episode encourages you to recognize the bittersweet reality of our existences and find strength in your struggles.

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  • Navigating the journey of faith can feel like traversing a dense forest, but much like the ironwood trees, our faith-root system can offer us strength and resilience. Drawing parallels from 'The Well-Watered Woman,' I’ll take you on an exploration of what it means to be deeply rooted in truth, consistently growing in grace, and flourishing in faith. Immerse yourself in a spiritual conversation that also reflects on my personal struggles with faith.

    I’ll weave around the unique stories that have shaped my faith, finding beauty in the struggle and inspiration in the journey. In celebration of new beginnings and unforgettable moments, I'll also share a special offering - a handmade, watercolor keepsake name print. Make sure to follow me on social media and visit my website to dive deeper into my work and the faith that fuels it. This conversation is not just about faith, but about our continual growth and the unending love of God.

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  • Are you caught in a cycle of bad days, longing for a shot at redemption? Have you ever stopped to ponder the depth and implications of your relationship with the divine and holy God? Join me, Connie, the host of the Weeds Seeds and Beautiful Things Podcast, as we unpack the complexities of faith and our relationship with God. We delve into how even in our darkest moments, we are always embraced by God's eternal love, providing a hope that allows us to begin anew. Tune in as we explore our spiritual journey together, powered by the never-ending love of Jesus.

    In this insightful conversation, we explore the differences between our human relationships and our relationship with God, arguing that we sometimes oversimplify this divine connection. I’ll touch on the concept of progressive salvation and the transformative power God's love possesses when we approach him in our brokenness. This episode will provide you with a fresh perspective on your relationship with God, driving spiritual growth and understanding. Embark on this enlightening journey with me, as I reveal how faith influences life and how God's love provides endless chances of redemption. Tune in to the weed seeds and beautiful things podcast, and fortify your relationship with God.

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