The second of two complete programs of Passover music — a special throwback to 2018’s Passover Programs!
The first of two complete programs of Passover music — a special throwback to 2018’s Passover Programs!
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Enjoy this rebroadcast of 2021’s special show for Purim! Chag Purim Sameach from the Shors to you!
Another great program of vintage and modern Jewish music. Enjoy!!
Rebroadcast of 2020’s Second Chanukah program!
Enjoy this re-broadcast of last year’s special program for Chanukah! Chag Sameach and Happy Chanukah!
Join us for a rebroadcast of 2019’s special holiday program for Yom Kippur!
HOLIDAY PROGRAM #2-ROSH HASHANAH LARRY’S SELECTIONS: Rosh Hashanah-Paul Zim-1985 Zochreinu L’Chayim-Pittsburger Nigunim-1988 Blow The Shofar-Mordechai Ben David-1980 M’Loch-Cantor Moishe Oysher-1950 Rosh Hashanah-Ray Middleton-1954 B’ein Meilitz Yosher-Cantor Samuel Malavsky and Family Choir-1952 Halleluyah (Psalm 150)-Zamir Chorale of Boston-1990 Uv’Yom Simchaschem-Cantor Sholom Katz and Nadel Choir-1968 Zocharti Loch-Cantor Moshe Schulhof-1996 Areshes S’foseinu-Machtenberg’s Male Choir, Herbert Slotnick, boy […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry...