Hello everyone! Please listen to this episode all the way through, because I have some important things to say to you all. Special thanks to my amazing podcaster friends and listeners, you all have changed my life and I am eternally grateful!<3
This podcast's email address is wcgw.pod@gmail.com Link to my new Podcast through Anchor: https://anchor.fm/lili487 Link to my new Podcast through Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/5BKEnJ7PrNwRn3p3VxXdBf New Podcast email address: tmspodcast01@gmail.com -
Thank you so much for this amazing year on the podcast! Love you all so much! God bless you all!
Saknas det avsnitt?
Hi guys! What's goooood?:-) Hope you all are having a great day! This episode is dedicated to my take on this question: what if Firestar ended up with Spottedleaf? Listen to find out! Send me a gmail(if you wanna do a collab, I am now available! ): wcgw.pod@gmail.com or a voice message: https://anchor.fm/owlflight/message
PLEASE I'M DYING THE "EwWw So ChEeSyY"💀💀💅 Caution all headphone users i change my tone A LOT. Anyways hope you guys enjoy. Also at the end I go into OWLFLIGHT SUPER CHAOS MODE, so watch ur headphones please. 😇 Anyways byeee love y'all🧡 my gmail: wcgw.pod@gmail.com and my Anchor: https://anchor.fm/owlflight/message
Heyyy guysss! Wassup? Today I answer your submitted q&a questions! I hope you enjoy! Also currently working on my fanfic and I managed to update my cover art so yay :D Love y'all
Hello my dearest listeners.🥸 Today I have arrived to inform you about some upcoming events. I would appreciate you listening.🧐 Have a splendid day/night. Cya guys later👋 Also send me an email: wcgw.pod@gmail.com or a voice message:https://anchor.fm/owlflight/message
Apologies to anyone I've insulted, I did not wish for it to look like I was trying to offend Greystripe fans, I was just stating that I don't enjoy him as a character (in a severely exaggerated way). I hope you guys can forgive me. Also please submit questions for my q&a. Love y'all 💖✨
Hello guys! Wassup? Today Owlflight lists her numerous excuses to have beef with this poor cat. Be a good person and submit questions for my q&a ✨ my gmail: wcgw.pod@gmail.com and my Anchor:https://anchor.fm/owlflight
Hello beloved listeners and friends. I have returned😌💅 Also just adding that I am mentally well, I just become very chaotic when I am excited. Also I do not mean to offend anyone, and I apologize if I do in any way. Love y'all! My gmail: wcgw.pod@gmail.com and my Anchor: https://anchor.fm/owlflight
Hi everyone! In this episode, Owlflight reads a poem she worked very hard on. So please be nice! Send me an email: wcgw.pod@gmail.com or a voice message on Anchor! :D
A Happy happy new year to all of you! I love you all so much have the best year yet! God bless all! 🧡🧡🥳🥳🤩🤩 If you want to send me a message: wcgw.pod@gmail.com
Hi everyone! Listen to the episode, for it holds în it's contents the spoilers to upcoming episodes and a 10000000 hour long thank you so yeah :) see you guys soon! Love you all!🧡🧡
Hello listeners! 👋 Sorry for being gone for so long, but I've been really busy with exams and intense studying 😞. Anyways, today I an joined by my bestie, Darksky! :))) Go and check ot her podcast, Lets Talk: Warriors. We argue and agree about our likes and dislikes regarding our charachters of choice :)) Confused? Me too. 🙂 Enjoy!! Also, check out the Q&A section! Bye guys! My email: wcgw.pod@gmail.com
Thank you guys so much! I love you all! ♡ Shout out to all those who auditioned and voice acted , you are amazing! I appreciate you all! Make sure to contact me on my email or on anchor.fm!
GUYYYSSSS!!! WE HIT 2K!!!!! I'M IN SHOCK. Ok I'll clam down now... but seriously! Thank u guys soooooo much!!!! The voice acting episode will substitute as my 2k play special, and also today is the last day for auditions!
Hi guys! Welcome to the WHY I SERIES! Today I discuss my opinion on Leafpool and why I'm not a fan, but I don't hate her either. Also, AUDITIONS are still open until this Friday! Make sure to send yours in! Email : wcgw.pod@gmail.com and my Anchor:https://anchor.fm/owlflight/message
Now everyone can go into the document for the auditions! Got to the previous ep to find it!
Listen to the episode and open the next doc for info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q7u2Pz8JJPdnIAxkepgh0XCjHCLiST26Ikjk73xHlxk/edit?usp=drivesdk My emailll: wcgw.pod@gmail.com and my Anchor:https://anchor.fm/owlflight/message Thank you guys soooo much!!!!!!! We have 1.7K plays!!!!
Check me out on Tumblr! http://galaxy-spirit1.tumblr.com , also my email:wcgw.pod@gmail.com and my Anchor : https://anchor.fm/owlflight/message See you guys later!
- Visa fler