
  • Today we began by looking at Genesis 1, where God created Adam and Eve and gave them dominion over the Earth. However, Satan deceived them, and they lost that dominion. The Bible tells us this resulted in sin and death entering the world. Today's message focuses on the good news: Jesus came to "undo the devil's works." Pastor Duane will explore how Jesus' sacrifice on the cross restored the dominion rightfully belonging to humanity.

    BEYOND THE SERMON 📚 - a FREE APPLICATION GUIDE to this message can be found here: https://wbftv.link/BtS-Our_Redeemer

    🟩 Did You Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior or are new in your walk with Him? Get Pastor Duane’s FREE BOOK ‘Your New Life’ to help guide you in your new life with Christ: https://wbftv.link/YES

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    Listen to these scriptures to build your faith for healing: HEALING PROMISES


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  • When Jesus was on earth he demonstrated what it looks like to walk within the will of God. And today God wants to demonstrate the devil's defeat through you. In Jesus: Our Supplier Pastor Duane explains that you don't have to wait for God to show up and give you power; He already has and is waiting for you to use it in His Name.

    BEYOND THE SERMON 📚 - a FREE APPLICATION GUIDE to this message can be found here: https://wbftv.link/BtS-Our_Supplier

    🟩 Did You Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior or are new in your walk with Him? Get Pastor Duane’s FREE BOOK ‘Your New Life’ to help guide you in your new life with Christ: https://wbftv.link/YES

    🙏 Are you hurting? Would you LIKE PRAYER? Our prayer warriors are here to stand with you on your specific needs! We will respond directly to you with a prayer for each request : https://wbftv.link/Pray


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    Listen to these scriptures to build your faith for healing: HEALING PROMISES


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  • The Gospel is what Jesus did in His death, burial, and resurrection. Believing in the Gospel grants us access to God's power for deliverance. In the first message from Pastor Duane's new series 'Deliver Us From Evil' he walks us through Old and New Testament scripture to explain what it means to be delivered from evil and how Jesus' sacrifice grants us victory over the enemy.

    BEYOND THE SERMON 📚 - a FREE APPLICATION GUIDE to this message can be found here: https://wbftv.link/

    🟩 Did You Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior or are new in your walk with Him? Get Pastor Duane’s FREE BOOK ‘Your New Life’ to help guide you in your new life with Christ: https://wbftv.link/YES

    🙏 Are you hurting? Would you LIKE PRAYER? Our prayer warriors are here to stand with you on your specific needs! We will respond directly to you with a prayer for each request : https://wbftv.link/Pray

    YOUR SUPPORT CHANGES LIVES.Would you like to provide support to help more people encounter the life-changing Gospel of Jesus? Please consider donating here: https://wbftv.link/GIVE

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    🤒 NEED HEALING?Listen to these scriptures to build your faith for healing: HEALING PROMISES https://wbftv.link/Promises

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  • The baptism in the Holy Spirit is different from receiving salvation and being water baptized; it empowers believers for Kingdom living. Pastor Duane explains in this message that the baptism in the Holy Spirit isn't just a feeling, it's about being equipped to demonstrate God's kingdom power right here and now.

    BEYOND THE SERMON 📚 - a FREE APPLICATION GUIDE to this message can be found here: https://wbftv.link/BtS-Promised_Spirit

    🟩 Did You Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior or are new in your walk with Him? Get Pastor Duane’s FREE BOOK ‘Your New Life’ to help guide you in your new life with Christ: https://wbftv.link/YES

    🙏 Are you hurting? Would you LIKE PRAYER? Our prayer warriors are here to stand with you on your specific needs! We will respond directly to you with a prayer for each request : https://wbftv.link/Pray


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    Listen to these scriptures to build your faith for healing: HEALING PROMISES


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  • 1 Peter 2:9 says, "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;" We don't often remember that God made us to be priests and that we actually have priestly duties to carry out, here on earth. In this message Pastor Duane shows us from the Word exactly how you were made a priest and what those duties are.

    BEYOND THE SERMON 📚 - a FREE APPLICATION GUIDE to this message can be found here:

    🟩 Did You Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior or are new in your walk with Him? Get Pastor Duane’s FREE BOOK ‘Your New Life’ to help guide you in your new life with Christ: https://wbftv.link/YES

    🙏 Are you hurting? Would you LIKE PRAYER? Our prayer warriors are here to stand with you on your specific needs! We will respond directly to you with a prayer for each request : https://wbftv.link/Pray


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    Listen to these scriptures to build your faith for healing: HEALING PROMISES


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  • 1 Peter 2:9 says, "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;" We don't often remember that God made us to be priests and that we actually have priestly duties to carry out, here on earth. In this message Pastor Duane shows us from the Word exactly how you were made a priest and what those duties are.

    BEYOND THE SERMON 📚 - a FREE APPLICATION GUIDE to this message can be found here: https://wbftv.link/BtS-Cross_and_Blood

    🟩 Did You Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior or are new in your walk with Him? Get Pastor Duane’s FREE BOOK ‘Your New Life’ to help guide you in your new life with Christ: https://wbftv.link/YES

    🙏 Are you hurting? Would you LIKE PRAYER? Our prayer warriors are here to stand with you on your specific needs! We will respond directly to you with a prayer for each request : https://wbftv.link/Pray


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    Listen to these scriptures to build your faith for healing: HEALING PROMISES


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  • God's holiness demands a price for sin and that price could only be paid by the blood of His son Jesus. In this message Pastor Duane explains in an easy to understand way how through Christ's blood, we gain freedom from sin's bondage, debt, and consequences.

    BEYOND THE SERMON 📚 - a FREE APPLICATION GUIDE to this message can be found here: https://wbftv.link/BtS-Not_Without_Blood

    🟩 Did You Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior or are new in your walk with Him? Get Pastor Duane’s FREE BOOK ‘Your New Life’ to help guide you in your new life with Christ: https://wbftv.link/YES

    🙏 Are you hurting? Would you LIKE PRAYER? Our prayer warriors are here to stand with you on your specific needs! We will respond directly to you with a prayer for each request : https://wbftv.link/Pray


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    Listen to these scriptures to build your faith for healing: HEALING PROMISES


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  • You can't have faith in the blood of Jesus if you don't know what His blood did. And, without faith in the Blood you cannot receive the best of salvation that God has for you. In this first message from Pastor Duane's new series 'The Scarlet Line', he outlines fundamental truths about the blood of Jesus that affect not just your life now, but all of eternity.

    BEYOND THE SERMON 📚 - a FREE APPLICATION GUIDE to this message can be found here: https://wbftv.link/BtS-The_Covenant

    🟩 Did You Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior or are new in your walk with Him? Get Pastor Duane’s FREE BOOK ‘Your New Life’ to help guide you in your new life with Christ: https://wbftv.link/YES

    🙏 Are you hurting? Would you LIKE PRAYER? Our prayer warriors are here to stand with you on your specific needs! We will respond directly to you with a prayer for each request : https://wbftv.link/Pray


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    Listen to these scriptures to build your faith for healing: HEALING PROMISES


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  • Today, we embark on a journey through the timeless narrative of God's redemptive plan—from the serene beauty of the garden to the profound sacrifice of the cross. In this story of divine intervention, we encounter the ultimate expression of love and grace, as God's unyielding desire for reconciliation with humanity unfolds before us.

    BEYOND THE SERMON 📚 - a FREE APPLICATION GUIDE to this message can be found here:

    🟩 Did You Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior or are new in your walk with Him? Get Pastor Duane’s FREE BOOK ‘Your New Life’ to help guide you in your new life with Christ: https://wbftv.link/YES

    🙏 Are you hurting? Would you LIKE PRAYER? Our prayer warriors are here to stand with you on your specific needs! We will respond directly to you with a prayer for each request : https://wbftv.link/Pray


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    Listen to these scriptures to build your faith for healing: HEALING PROMISES


  • Heaven and Hell are not just religious theories. They are real, eternal destinations awaiting each of us, and this earthly life is a testing ground for what will come. Your decisions and actions determine where you will make your eternal home. In the message Pastor Duane explains how you can control your eternal destination.

    BEYOND THE SERMON 📚 - a FREE APPLICATION GUIDE to this message can be found here: https://wbftv.link/Bts-Eternal_Choice

    🟩 Did You Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior or are new in your walk with Him? Get Pastor Duane’s FREE BOOK ‘Your New Life’ to help guide you in your new life with Christ: https://wbftv.link/YES

    🙏 Are you hurting? Would you LIKE PRAYER? Our prayer warriors are here to stand with you on your specific needs! We will respond directly to you with a prayer for each request : https://wbftv.link/Pray


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    Listen to these scriptures to build your faith for healing: HEALING PROMISES


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  • Have you ever wondered why the idea of heaven enjoys widespread acceptance, while belief in hell continues to spark controversy among many? Pastor Duane sheds light on this vital topic, offering encouragement and clarity amid the complexities of belief and eternity. Let's uncover the truth together in today's message Heaven's Promise Hell's Reality, and let's embrace the assurance of our eternal destiny in Christ.

    BEYOND THE SERMON 📚 - a FREE APPLICATION GUIDE to this message can be found here:

    🟩 Did You Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior or are new in your walk with Him? Get Pastor Duane’s FREE BOOK ‘Your New Life’ to help guide you in your new life with Christ: https://wbftv.link/YES

    🙏 Are you hurting? Would you LIKE PRAYER? Our prayer warriors are here to stand with you on your specific needs! We will respond directly to you with a prayer for each request : https://wbftv.link/Pray


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    Listen to these scriptures to build your faith for healing: HEALING PROMISES


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  • In a world where the pursuit of success and well-being often leads us down divergent paths, we've come to realize the true essence of Healthy Living: Balance. Today we explore the art of harmonizing our physical, mental, and spiritual health. Living a life that's truly aligned with Jesus means striking the perfect balance – not overemphasizing one aspect while neglecting the others. Get ready for an exciting ride with Dan Seaborn that will empower you to be Bold, yet Balanced, in your walk with Jesus!

    BEYOND THE SERMON 📚 - a FREE APPLICATION GUIDE to this message can be found here: https://wbftv.link/Bts-Healthy_Living

    👉 Find us on YouTube & Subscribe to Walking By Faith and click the bell to get updates: https://wbftv.link/sub

    🟩 Did You Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior or are new in your walk with Him? Get Pastor Duane’s FREE BOOK ‘Your New Life’ to help guide you in your new life with Christ: https://wbftv.link/YES

    🙏 Are you hurting? Would you LIKE PRAYER? Our prayer warriors are here to stand with you on your specific needs! We will respond directly to you with a prayer for each request : https://wbftv.link/Pray


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    Listen to these scriptures to build your faith for healing: HEALING PROMISES


  • Your soul - which is made up of your mind, will, and emotions - can be connected to another person's soul through relationships, both good and bad. These are often called soul ties. God's desire is for your soul to be whole and healthy, enabling you to pursue the destiny and purpose He has for your life. In this message Pastor Duane explains how to break free from harmful soul ties, so that you can stand strong and embrace the transformative power of God's love.

    BEYOND THE SERMON 📚 - a FREE APPLICATION GUIDE to this message can be found here: https://wbftv.link/BtS-Gratitude_Gap

    👉 Find us on YouTube & Subscribe to Walking By Faith and click the bell to get updates: https://wbftv.link/sub

    🟩 Did You Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior or are new in your walk with Him? Get Pastor Duane’s FREE BOOK ‘Your New Life’ to help guide you in your new life with Christ: https://wbftv.link/YES

    🙏 Are you hurting? Would you LIKE PRAYER? Our prayer warriors are here to stand with you on your specific needs! We will respond directly to you with a prayer for each request : https://wbftv.link/Pray


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    Listen to these scriptures to build your faith for healing: HEALING PROMISES


  • In 1 Kings 19 we find a recipe for depression - hopelessness, suicidal thoughts, low self esteem, anger, loneliness, anxiety and worry. In the message Gratitude Gap Pastor Duane show us how cultivating a grateful heart will align our hearts with God's goodness, unlocking a wellspring of joy and strength in the midst of any circumstance.

    BEYOND THE SERMON 📚 - a FREE APPLICATION GUIDE to this message can be found here: https://wbftv.link/BtS-Gratitude_Gap

    👉 Find us on YouTube & Subscribe to Walking By Faith and click the bell to get updates: https://wbftv.link/sub

    🟩 Did You Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior or are new in your walk with Him? Get Pastor Duane’s FREE BOOK ‘Your New Life’ to help guide you in your new life with Christ: https://wbftv.link/YES

    🙏 Are you hurting? Would you LIKE PRAYER? Our prayer warriors are here to stand with you on your specific needs! We will respond directly to you with a prayer for each request : https://wbftv.link/Pray


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    Listen to these scriptures to build your faith for healing: HEALING PROMISES


  • Did you know, one in five adults will experience depression at some point in their lives? That's not just a statistic, it's a staggering reality that touches families, friends, and maybe even ourselves. Today, we tackle this head-on, not with platitudes, but with a powerful spiritual perspective. We'll learn how to shift our gaze from the void of loss to the promise of who we are in God's eyes, unlocking a reservoir of hope and strength to battle depression's darkness.

    BEYOND THE SERMON 📚 - a FREE APPLICATION GUIDE to this message can be found here: https://wbftv.link/BtS-Out-of-the-Void

    👉 Find us on YouTube & Subscribe to Walking By Faith and click the bell to get updates: https://wbftv.link/sub

    🟩 Did You Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior or are new in your walk with Him? Get Pastor Duane’s FREE BOOK ‘Your New Life’ to help guide you in your new life with Christ: https://wbftv.link/YES

    🙏 Are you hurting? Would you LIKE PRAYER? Our prayer warriors are here to stand with you on your specific needs! We will respond directly to you with a prayer for each request : https://wbftv.link/Pray


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    Listen to these scriptures to build your faith for healing: HEALING PROMISES


  • We've all been there. The shadows of sickness loom, whispers of doubt steal our peace. But hold on, friend, because today, we're about to unleash a truth brighter than any darkness! Jesus, our champion, didn't just promise healing – He conquered it for us! On the cross, He carried the burden of every broken bone, every weary breath, every ounce of our pain. We don't have to be chained to what isn't ours! Today, let's rewrite the narrative. Join me as we step into the light, embrace our healing, and claim the victory that is rightfully ours.

    BEYOND THE SERMON 📚 - a FREE APPLICATION GUIDE to this message can be found here: https://wbftv.link/Kingdom_Living_Hacks

    🟩 Did You Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior or are new in your walk with Him? Get Pastor Duane’s FREE BOOK ‘Your New Life’ to help guide you in your new life with Christ: https://wbftv.link/YES

    🙏 Are you hurting? Would you LIKE PRAYER? Our prayer warriors are here to stand with you on your specific needs! We will respond directly to you with a prayer for each request : https://wbftv.link/Pray


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    Listen to these scriptures to build your faith for healing: HEALING PROMISES https://wbftv.link/Promises

  • Ever feel like your spiritual life is stuck in neutral? The engine's there, the potential for growth is undeniable, but something's keeping you from shifting gears and reaching that next level. Well, friends, the answer might just be parked right on your bookshelf. No, not THAT dusty stack of self-help books – I'm talking about the one book that holds the key to unlocking your true identity, purpose, and relationship with God – the Bible!

    BEYOND THE SERMON 📚 - a FREE APPLICATION GUIDE to this message can be found here: https://wbftv.link/BtS-Bible_Fitness

    👉 Find us on YouTube & Subscribe to Walking By Faith and click the bell to get updates: https://wbftv.link/sub

    🟩 Did You Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior or are new in your walk with Him? Get Pastor Duane’s FREE BOOK ‘Your New Life’ to help guide you in your new life with Christ: https://wbftv.link/YES

    🙏 Are you hurting? Would you LIKE PRAYER? Our prayer warriors are here to stand with you on your specific needs! We will respond directly to you with a prayer for each request : https://wbftv.link/Pray


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    Listen to these scriptures to build your faith for healing: HEALING PROMISES


  • Ever ask yourself if your faith actually matters? If God even hears your prayers? What if I told you there's an answer hidden within the pages of Scripture? A treasure trove of promises waiting to be claimed? Today, we're embarking on a journey of faith, exploring how knowledge ignites trust, trust unlocks promises, and those promises empower us to face any storm. Lets jump into today’s message Unlocking Faith.

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    🟩 Did You Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior or are new in your walk with Him? Get Pastor Duane’s FREE BOOK ‘Your New Life’ to help guide you in your new life with Christ: https://wbftv.link/YES

    🙏 Are you hurting? Would you LIKE PRAYER? Our prayer warriors are here to stand with you on your specific needs! We will respond directly to you with a prayer for each request : https://wbftv.link/Pray


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    Listen to these scriptures to build your faith for healing: HEALING PROMISES


  • Today we venture into a revelatory exploration with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn, who will unmask the concealed forces that are shaping our world. Amidst the prevailing darkness, a beacon of hope emerges; Jesus Christ. Rabbi Cahn will illuminate that despite the prevailing darkness, the transformative power of Jesus within us transcends the grip of demonic influence.

    👉 Find us on YouTube & Subscribe to Walking By Faith and click the bell to get updates: https://wbftv.link/sub

    🟩 Did You Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior or are new in your walk with Him? Get Pastor Duane’s FREE BOOK ‘Your New Life’ to help guide you in your new life with Christ: https://wbftv.link/YES

    🙏 Are you hurting? Would you LIKE PRAYER? Our prayer warriors are here to stand with you on your specific needs! We will respond directly to you with a prayer for each request : https://wbftv.link/Pray


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    Listen to these scriptures to build your faith for healing: HEALING PROMISES


  • From the days of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Israel has been chosen by God to play a pivotal role in His redemptive story and His plan for the future.

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    🟩 Did You Ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior or are new in your walk with Him? Get Pastor Duane’s FREE BOOK ‘Your New Life’ to help guide you in your new life with Christ: https://wbftv.link/YES

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