
  • Wake Up Take A Minute Podcast, presents; Marshmallow Sins - Episode 90 with your host Andrea Holman.

    Who doesn't love Marshmallows and all the fun stuff you can make with them? I know I do love sitting around a camp fire making smores' and I recently found a New Love - Marshmallow FLUFF! This stuff is just beyond delicious! It's a creamy, soft delicious scoop of Heaven is what it is!

    Then I started thinking about how the consistency of the marshmallow changes as you use it. I mean it can be a firm bite of deliciousness or delicately toasted and cradled between to graham crackers to be devoured!

    It reminded me of Sin and how some of the Fluffy Consistency of Sin has become a normalcy in our life. How do we tell if something is sinful, when it's not listed in the Bible? Is there such as thing as a tiny white lie?

    Let's look at consistency together of Marshmallow Sins!

    #andreaholman #iquitthefamily #speaker #author #singer

  • Wake Up Take A Minute Podcast presents; Don't You Want me to be Happy? Episode 89 with your Host Andrea Holman!


    “I don't know about you but my daughter wears me out trying to make her happy. She constantly asks/wants/NEEEEDS something, someone or an experience! It's enough to drive Momma Insane!”

    In this episode, Andrea talks authentically about seeking the difference between Happiness and what she believes her daughter and most other kids are actually seeking! What is it they are seeking?

    Joy! It doesn't matter if you are talking about Happy Meals, Ice Cream or Playdates- - - - -Happiness and Joy are usually assigned the same meaning & used interchangeably, when in reality they are very different!

    One is Fleeting! The Other Sustainable! Which one is Which? Let's find out!

    How do we find Joy in life? By seeking the One who brings us Joy!

    #andreaholman #wakeuptakeaminute #iquitthefamily #motherhood #collegedropoff #collegelife #collegemom #relationships #selfhelp #christian #mentalhealth #joyfilledlife #marriage #raisingkids

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  • Wake Up Take A Minute Podcast presents; College Drop Off 2.0-Andrea Holman- Episode 88 with your Host Andrea Holman!

    If you just recently dropped off your kiddos to College you don't want to miss this episode! In this podcast, Andrea talks authentically about how College Drop Off 1.0 & 2.0 were Very Different! She had no idea the experience of pain, sadness and grief that was about to drop into her lap.

    Drop Off 1.0 was filled with excitement and joy! Drop Off 2.0 was left with questions, pain and a feeling that she has lost her son. His behavior had changed and she was left with the realization that years of emotional pain was at the root of their issue! There was a Gap she had to figure out how to bridge, but that would take reflection, ownership and steps to mend her relationship with her son.

    This was not what she expected, but it's what she helped create and now she had to fix it.

    Join Andrea as she talks through her experiences that she knows each parent feels at some point in their lifetime and hopes that her journey encourages you and helps you mend relationships by living Authentically, even in the Hard Moments!

    #andreaholman #wakeuptakeaminute #iquitthefamily #motherhood #collegedropoff #collegelife #collegemom #relationships #selfhelp #christian #mentalhealth

  • My Daughter I Hope You See-Episode 87

    WAKE UP TAKE A MINUTE podcast with host ANDREA HOLMAN presents a Last Episode for series talking about Name Calling!

    This is a tribute to my Daughter-Brooklynn. It may sound a little corny to you, but it's filled with moments, thoughts and chats we have shared that remind me of what I wish she could see about her that I do.

    I hope in sharing this with her and you, that it will help you see how special our daughters are even when we don't feel the Blessing every second!

    Brooklynn is my gift, blessing, drama and crazy moments and I am certainly blessed to have each moment. In recording my thoughts for her, then discussing them as well in the episode, I hope it gives her create memories to cherish and sets the example for her to pour into her children later in life and carry on.

    Love you Brooklynn!

    Be You-Cause I’m Taken!!

    #wakeuptakeaminute​ #andreaholman​ #singer​ #songwriter​ #author​ #storyteller​ #wakeuptakeaminutepodcast​ #tellittuesday​ #iquitthefamily​ #beyoucauseimtaken​ #podcast​ #beauthentic​ #blessings​ #tentrevival​ #sassysincebirth​ #faith​ #encourage​ #heygodlywoman​ #nashvilleartist​ #inspirationalcountry​ #motherhoo

  • Lasting Damage-Episode 86

    WAKE UP TAKE A MINUTE podcast with host ANDREA HOLMAN presents a new series talking about Name Calling!

    Moms how many of you have ever called your daughter that Big “B” word? How many of you have ever called her any name? When you find yourself in that Moment do you ever Think About WHERE It Comes From Within YOU?

    We Carry Lasting Damage within us and sometimes we are completely unaware of it, however; it is spilling over into the lives of our kids. How do you keep from having Your Lasting Damage become Their Lasting Damage?

    In this episode we will discuss LACK! The Reality vs. Truth! This world wants you to Believe you Lack what is required to operate in it, But This World Is Wrong!

    Resolve your Lasting Damage, so it Doesn't Become Their Lasting Damage!

    Be You-Cause I’m Taken!!

    #wakeuptakeaminute​ #andreaholman​ #singer​ #songwriter​ #author​ #storyteller​ #wakeuptakeaminutepodcast​ #tellittuesday​ #iquitthefamily​ #beyoucauseimtaken​ #podcast​ #beauthentic​ #blessings​ #tentrevival​ #sassysincebirth​ #faith​ #encourage​ #heygodlywoman​ #nashvilleartist​ #inspirationalcountry​ #motherhood

  • I Know Your Reasons-Episode 85

    WAKE UP TAKE A MINUTE podcast with host ANDREA HOLMAN presents a new series talking about Name Calling!

    Moms how many of you have ever called your daughter that Big “B” word? How many of you have ever called her any name? When you find yourself in that Moment & you will, what do you do? You may not like my answer but it’s the cold truth!

    In this episode we will discuss reasons behind why we Name Call & How we can Improve.

    Be You-Cause I’m Taken!!

    #wakeuptakeaminute​ #andreaholman​ #singer​ #songwriter​ #author​ #storyteller​ #wakeuptakeaminutepodcast​ #tellittuesday​ #iquitthefamily​ #beyoucauseimtaken​ #podcast​ #beauthentic​ #blessings​ #tentrevival​ #sassysincebirth​ #faith​ #encourage​ #heygodlywoman​ #nashvilleartist​ #inspirationalcountry​ #motherhood

  • Out of the Mouths of Moms - Episode 84


    WAKE UP TAKE A MINUTE podcast with host ANDREA HOLMAN presents a new series talking about Name Calling.

    Alright Moms, how many of you have ever called your daughter the Big “B” word? How many of you have ever called her any name?  This series we will discusses Name Calling ; the Why, the Damage & what we really hope as Moms our daughters see.  

    In the first episode we chat about what we hear coming Out of the Mouth of Moms & seek to understand that it matters so much.

    Jesus leaves us insight with His encounter of the Woman at the Well. He knew who she was, but He didn’t call her names. He called her to Him & spoke words of life!

    So Momma, what words are you speaking? Are they words of life? The words coming Out of the Mouths of Moms- is vitally important, especially those we speak to our daughter.

    Let’s start calling each other names; our Real Ones!

    Be You-Cause I’m Taken!!  

    #wakeuptakeaminute​ #andreaholman​ #singer​ #songwriter​ #author​ #storyteller​ #wakeuptakeaminutepodcast​ #tellittuesday​ #iquitthefamily​ #beyoucauseimtaken​ #podcast​ #beauthentic​ #blessings​ #tentrevival​ #sassysincebirth​ #faith​ #encourage​ #heygodlywoman​ #nashvilleartist​ #inspirationalcountry​ #motherhood​

  • Whose Fun Idea was Teenagers-Episode 83

    WAKE UP TAKE A MINUTE podcast with host ANDREA HOLMAN presents a new series; Whose A Momma Lion? I am & I'm Not Stopping!

    How many of you have teenagers? Oh Y’all! I have three of them & one headed that way! I am not sure if it was Jesus or God, but I think He has a sense of humor for sure!

    Our Teenagers expose us to their capricious side & create moments we want to pull our hair out & we can guide them through! It can take a toll on a Momma!

    Jesus shows us the perfect example how to quench & temper a passionate teenagers anger without hardening their hearts.

    Oh Those Fun Teenagers!

    Be You-Cause I’m Taken! #wakeuptakeaminute​ #andreaholman​ #singer​ #songwriter​ #author​ #storyteller​ #wakeuptakeaminutepodcast​ #tellittuesday​ #iquitthefamily​ #beyoucauseimtaken​ #podcast​ #beauthentic​ #blessings​ #tentrevival​ #sassysincebirth​ #faith​ #encourage​ #heygodlywoman​ #nashvilleartist​ #inspirationalcountry​ #motherhood​

  • Sons of Thunder-Episode 82

    WAKE UP TAKE A MINUTE podcast with host ANDREA HOLMAN presents a new series; Whose A Momma Lion? I am & I'm Not Stopping!

    Do you have sons? I have three strapping young boys myself! If you have sons, did you bestow Nicknames on them? Do they match their personalities?

    Have you ever heard of the "Sons of Thunder"? Well they received a Nickname that shows just how insightful a Nickname can be! Let's see Why they were called this and discover what their story can teach us today?

    Let's Talk the "Sons of Thunder"!

    Be You-Cause I’m Taken!

    #sonsofthunder #dwaynetherockjohnson #therock #wakeuptakeaminute​ #andreaholman​ #singer​ #songwriter​ #author​ #storyteller​ #wakeuptakeaminutepodcast​ #tellittuesday​ #iquitthefamily​ #beyoucauseimtaken​ #podcast​ #beauthentic​ #blessings​ #tentrevival​ #sassysincebirth​ #faith​ #encourage​ #heygodlywoman​ #nashvilleartist​ #inspirationalcountry​ #motherhood​ #nickname

  • Survival of the Fittest-Episode 81

    WAKE UP TAKE A MINUTE podcast with host ANDREA HOLMAN presents a new series; Whose A Momma Lion? I am & I'm Not Stopping!

    If you were an animal, what would you be? Some people see themselves as a Bear, Hippo or Bird. Me? I am a Lion! I am protective as they come.

    How do you prepare your kiddos when they leave out into this world? It's all about Survival of the Fittest!

    I want to share with you my thoughts on Strength, Intellect & Change and how they work together to help you become one of the Fittest! But the real question is Can you Do It Alone?

    Let's chat about "Survival of the Fittest"!

    Be You-Cause I’m Taken!

    #wakeuptakeaminute​ #andreaholman​ #singer​ #songwriter​ #author​ #storyteller​ #wakeuptakeaminutepodcast​ #tellittuesday​ #iquitthefamily​ #beyoucauseimtaken​ #podcast​ #beauthentic​ #blessings​ #tentrevival​ #sassysincebirth​ #faith​ #encourage​ #heygodlywoman​ #nashvilleartist​ #inspirationalcountry​ #motherhood​

  • A New Kitchen - Episode 80

    WAKE UP TAKE A MINUTE podcast with host ANDREA HOLMAN presents a new series; Solving World Peace-One Girl Fight At A Time!

    Even though we moved to a new home, it wasn't long until we found ourselves outgrowing our current kitchen! We decided to remodel it and Wow what a transformation! More space, better functionality and it was So Bright & Shiny!

    Little did we know, that without warning we would suffer an unexpected flood causing damage to our Beautiful New Kitchen!

    This same thing can happen with Friendships! You can Outgrow your friends, you may even realize that you have lost a part of who you are while trying to hold onto a friendship that's not working! There are times, when you need to start with a Clean Slate and find A New Kitchen!

    Let's talk how finding a New Kitchen can help you find yourself and allow you to Solve World Peace, One Girl Fight At A Time!!

    Be You-Cause I’m Taken!

    #wakeuptakeaminute​ #andreaholman​ #singer​ #songwriter​ #author​ #storyteller​ #wakeuptakeaminutepodcast​ #tellittuesday​ #iquitthefamily​ #beyoucauseimtaken​ #podcast​ #beauthentic​ #blessings​ #tentrevival​ #sassysincebirth​ #faith​ #encourage​ #heygodlywoman​ #nashvilleartist​ #inspirationalcountry​ #motherhood​

  • Who Wants Take Out- Episode 79

    WAKE UP TAKE A MINUTE podcast with host ANDREA HOLMAN presents a new series; Solving World Peace-One Girl Fight At A Time!

    When’s the last time you used a recipe and had an epic fail? It happens to me and we have to Order Take Out!

    Friendships can fail too! Even when you follow the recipe for success you’ve used for years! What do you do when friendships fail, become stale, start to stink or even make you sick?

    I will share how I continue on & Solve World Peace, One Girl Fight At A Time!!

    Be You-Cause I’m Taken!

    #wakeuptakeaminute​ #andreaholman​ #singer​ #songwriter​ #author​ #storyteller​ #wakeuptakeaminutepodcast​ #tellittuesday​ #iquitthefamily​ #beyoucauseimtaken​ #podcast​ #beauthentic​ #blessings​ #tentrevival​ #sassysincebirth​ #faith​ #encourage​ #heygodlywoman​ #nashvilleartist​ #inspirationalcountry​ #motherhood​

  • Sugar & Sooooo Much Spice - Episode 78

    WAKE UP TAKE A MINUTE podcast with host ANDREA HOLMAN presents a new series; Solving World Peace-One Girl Fight At A Time!

    Today, we are talking about Sugar & Sooooo Much Spice! There is a lot of Sugar with little girls, but there is also SPICE! When it comes to Girls & their Friends fights are inevitable, over clothes, friends & boys!

    I Was a Spicy Little Girl As Well! So, let me share about my Sugar & Soooo Much Spice remedy I've learned through the years, for One Girl Fight At A Time!!

    Be You-Cause I’m Taken!

    #wakeuptakeaminute​ #andreaholman​ #singer​ #songwriter​ #author​ #storyteller​ #wakeuptakeaminutepodcast​ #tellittuesday​ #iquitthefamily​ #beyoucauseimtaken​ #podcast​ #beauthentic​ #blessings​ #tentrevival​ #sassysincebirth​ #faith​ #encourage​ #heygodlywoman​ #nashvilleartist​ #inspirationalcountry​ #motherhood​

  • There's a Bun in the Oven-Episode 77

    WAKE UP TAKE A MINUTE podcast with host ANDREA HOLMAN presents a new series; Solving World Peace-One Girl Fight At A Time!

    Today, we are talking about Being A Mom of GIRLS!!! There were a lot of things I didn’t expect when becoming a Mom! Being a mom of a Girl was one of them!

    Not only was I in shock for two weeks when the doctor told me It’s A Girl! I even came home from the hospital with a streak of gray hair!!

    Let me share with you, my BUN IN THE OVEN Story!!

    Be You-Cause I’m Taken!

    #wakeuptakeaminute​ #andreaholman​ #singer​ #songwriter​ #author​ #storyteller​ #wakeuptakeaminutepodcast​ #tellittuesday​ #iquitthefamily​ #beyoucauseimtaken​ #podcast​ #beauthentic​ #blessings​ #tentrevival​ #sassysincebirth​ #faith​ #encourage​ #heygodlywoman​ #nashvilleartist​ #inspirationalcountry​ #motherhood​

  • Wake Up Take A Minute Podcast with your host, Andrea Holman; presents the final episode, My Authentic & Intentional Life-Episode 76; in the series "A Moms' Job Is Never Done"!

    Being Able to Live an Authentic and Intentional Life is Earned!

    I use to think that being my authentic self was good enough, until I realized that, I was missing out on a part of my life. Me having the opportunity to share my Authenticity fully by living Intentionally!

    Why is that so important? Well, How do I teach my kiddos to live out their Authenticity with Intention, if I wasn't setting the example?

    I realized, that living Intentional within my Authenticity brought value to all the time it took for me to connect and set it free! It takes Work!

    Let’s chat more as I share how I strive to live everyday.

    #andreaholman #wakeuptakeaminute #iquitthefamily #tellittuesday #podcast #authentic #beyoucauseimtaken

  • Wake Up Take A Minute Podcast presents - A Moms Job is Never Done Series with Episode - Peacemakers-Oh The Drama! - Episode 75.

    Calling All Peacemakers! Are you a Peacemaker among All The Drama? This really is a topic for all situations in life and that is how I will discuss it. How can you bring others together?

    From an early age I realized I have a unique skill set to deescalate situations and resolve problems. Not just in my life, however; I helped with many other situations along the way. I hate to see people upset with each other.

    There is a process I honed and use to this day in order to be a Peacemaker! I strive to understand both sides, Identify the Wound, Find the Trigger and seek Connects for Resolution. Within each of these there are steps you take.

    However, there is a Golden Nugget of information that can't be overlooked which is Key To Resolution!

    #andreaholman #wakeuptakeaminutepodcast #wakeuptakeaminute #podcast #iquitthefamily #tellittuesday #tentrevival #peacemaker #drama

  • Wake Up Take A Minute podcast presents a New Series; A Mom’s Job is Never Done!

    Presenting, Pray Without Ceasing-Even In The Bathroom- Episode 74, with your host Andrea Holman.

    Dear Lord, I know you say we are to Pray Without Ceasing, but for a Momma that's hard! I find that sometimes, the time I get to Pray is In The Bathroom & that's ONLY If The Kids Will LEAVE ME ALONE!

    I have to say that as I became a Momma, I realized that alone time was A GIFT! My Prayer life started to Suffer as I was so Tired by the end of the night, I would Fall Asleep Midway through my prayers! I HAD TO FIX THAT! But What Do You DO? And What Does It Mean To Pray Without Ceasing?

    A Mom's life is so busy with responsibilities how can we Fit It IN?

    Let's Explore This Together & Have Some Fun!

    #tellittuesday #andreaholman #beyoucauseimtaken #wakeuptakeaminute #mommytime #thesisteraccord #mopsgroup #momsgroup #wakeuptakeaminutepodcast #podcast #iquitthefamily #leadwithlove #beauthentic #tentrevival #sassysincebirth #faith #love #encourage #heygodlywoman #christianartist #nashvilleartist #inspirationalcountry

  • Wake Up Take A Minute podcast presents a New Series; A Mom’s Job is Never Done!

    With my first episode, Live A Servant's Life, Excuse Me? - Episode 73, with your host Andrea Holman.

    Did you ever expect that when you became a Momma, you were signing up to be a servant? I know there wasn't anything about that in the Fine Print! I know, because I checked it!!!! Twice!

    It's interesting to me that so much of a Mom's life is really rolled up with serving others. Have you ever thought about that before? I know often I feel like the Maid and an Uber driver but I've never thought about the fact that much of what I am doing in my daily life is Serving.

    I wanted to take a deeper look at this, to understand what Serving was all about! Because honestly, it's starting to look like I Serve Everyone! What did God say about serving? Why is it important?

    Here we go!

    #tellittuesday #andreaholman #beyoucauseimtaken #wakeuptakeaminute

  • You Just Made History-Yes You! Episode 72

    WAKE UP TAKE A MINUTE podcast with host ANDREA HOLMAN presents a series about HISTORY’s GREATEST MOMS! I can’t cover them All, but I am going to highlight a few! So, let’s learn together about our Historical Sisters’ who paved the way and how their efforts are still very relevant today! 

    Today, we are talking about none other - YOU! Today's episode is all about you and how we are living everyday making history! Have you ever thought about that? Every second that goes by becomes your history. When's the last time you've asked yourself are you creating a history, you want to own?

    Let me share with you, What it means to make history and How to make it!

    Are You Making Your History?

    #wakeuptakeaminute​ #andreaholman​ #singer​ #songwriter​ #author​ #storyteller​ #wakeuptakeaminutepodcast​ #tellittuesday​ #iquitthefamily​ #beyoucauseimtaken​ #podcast​ #beauthentic​ #blessings​ #tentrevival​ #sassysincebirth​ #faith​ #encourage​ #heygodlywoman​ #nashvilleartist​ #inspirationalcountry​ #motherhood​ #makinghistory #leadwithlove

  • WAKE UP TAKE A MINUTE podcast with host ANDREA HOLMAN presents a series about HISTORY’s GREATEST MOMS!  I can’t cover them All, but I am going to highlight a few!  So, let’s learn together about our Historical Sisters’ who paved the way and how their efforts are still very relevant today! 

    Indira Gandhi life as a child was lonely. Her family life was filled with an ill Mother and an absent Father, a lot of the time either due to political events or incarceration.

    Those around her, influenced her life and she was exposed young to the ideals of a free India from British rule along with all the work and sacrifice duty requires of you.

    Politics surrounded her life from an early age and her Sense of Duty was grounded within. She becomes the "Iron Lady" of India and creates an impact that is long felt after her assassination for all of India's people.

    Our Sense of Duty drives our daily lives as well. Have you ever thought about where yours is?

    #civilrightsmovement #indiragandhi #womensrights #teachers #wakeuptakeaminute​ #andreaholman​ #singer​ #songwriter​ #author​ #storyteller​ #wakeuptakeaminutepodcast​ #tellittuesday​ #iquitthefamily​ #beyoucauseimtaken​ #podcast​ #beauthentic​ #blessings​ #tentrevival​ #sassysincebirth​ #faith​ #encourage​ #heygodlywoman​ #nashvilleartist​ #inspirationalcountry​ #motherhood​