Magic Unseen - Telomic x Riya x Voice MC - Glacy Records - https://galacy.bandcamp.com/album/magic-unseen-perfect-with-you
Up - @dunkdnb & VoicemC - City of God EP on Formation Records -
Stop Asking - @Wrecklessdnb & VoicemC - WATCH - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lond7T57g9Y
No More - VoicemC feat. @Spookasonic
Word on the Beat - 2nd Thursday of the month 7-9pm on Channel 2 www.aajamusic.com @aajaradio
Jungle Drum and Bass is why I started buying tapes and listening to pirate radio since 1993, buying records since 1995, writing rhymes since 1996 as MC Flexa (until 2010) working with DJ Prospect since 1998, on Origin 2000-2017 and grateful to be playing with artists from the underground to the most influential in our music ever since.