
  • The pace of AI regulation is heating up. From the monumental AI Act passed by the EU, countries and states around the world adopting copycat laws, to commitments by the new UK government to better regulate artificial intelligence.

    Regulators and legislators are racing to ensure they are not left behind by the AI revolution, and can levy ever larger fines on companies who get things wrong. As companies and industries race to ensure they are AI-ready, the cost of a compliance failure is ticking up.

    With potential fines that could dwarf GDPR, getting it wrong when rolling out AI technology could be devastating. In this episode, VinciWorks compliance experts will discuss critical upcoming AI regulations in the UK.

    From fines on compliance failure to possible new protections for workers, the UK has fallen behind on AI regulation recently but looks set to catch up quickly. We’ll also consider the implementation of the EU’s AI Act - the blockbuster regulation which has set a new global standard. And we’ll consider new regulations across the world from key US states like California and AI laws in Brazil, China and the Middle East.

    Key points this podcast will cover:

    What the UK plans for AI regulation How would the UK enhance protections against AI discrimination How does the EU’s AI Act work? What are the sanctions on businesses under the EU AI Act? What businesses need to know when investing in AI Other AI laws and regulations around the world
  • The UK is set to go to the polls on Thursday, 4 July in a seismic election which could see a significant shift in the next UK government’s regulatory priorities.

    Every sector could be impacted and every area of compliance is likely to be reviewed by the next government. From overhauls of financial services regulation, reviews of data protection law, closer alignment with EU regulations and an expansion of health and safety protections, the next parliament will see compliance at the centre of the regulatory agenda.

    Listen to our special pre-election podcast for a detailed look at the likely priorities of the next UK government. Our compliance experts will unpick party manifestos and pre-election promises to help uncover what this election will mean for your organisation.

    This episode will cover:

    What the main parties are pledging on key compliance areas Potential changes to legislation including the Equality Act, sexual harassment and employment rights Expected legislation on AML, bribery, sanctions, fraud and economic crime Possible expansion of regulations around GDPR, AI and health and safety Preparing your organisation for future regulatory changes and new requirements
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  • Bribery and corruption are not new issues. But they remain impressively persistent in their ability to wreak havoc and cause trouble. Companies are losing hundreds of thousands of pounds to these schemes, not to mention reputational damage and legal action. In this webinar we will look at the different types of bribery risks your company can face, how to assess the specific dangers to your company and what you can do to mitigate those risks so you can sleep at night.

    In this episode, we look at key information on bribery legislation, the myriad of ways companies can get caught up in bribery and the implications if a company doesn't have effective anti-bribery policies in place. Significantly, we will guide companies in how to manage their bribery and corruption risks, develop an effective anti-bribery programme and learn how to mitigate the risks of bribery and corruption.

  • The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has now been in force for six years. During that time, fines have totalled billions of euros, with over €1 billion in fines coming in the past 12 months. The most recent fines show that both large and small businesses are subject to regulators’ scrutiny.

    With fines and enforcement actions, developments in GDPR case law and new challenges of AI, data protection remains one of the most complex areas of compliance. Despite best efforts, many organisations are still falling short when it comes to getting GDPR right.

    In this podcast, we examine GDPR’s widespread impact not just in Europe but around the world. As places like Brazil, California, and even China race to enact GDPR-like protections, what does the future hold for data privacy?

    The podcast covers:

    Recent GDPR fines and case studies International developments and new GDPR-style laws around the world Focus areas for EU data protection authorities Where the UK and US stand with data protection and GDPR Artificial intelligence and data protection laws Best practice guidance to solidify your GDPR compliance
  • Neurodiversity is becoming more understood as a workplace issue.

    As many as 1 in 7 people in the UK are neurodivergent, meaning that organisations that fail to meet the needs of their neurodivergent staff and clients are neglecting a significant demographic. Although there are challenges associated with these differences, there are also many strengths.

    At the same time, failing to make workplaces inclusive of neurodiversity is an increasing risk. Over a hundred cases of neurodiversity discrimination were taken to employment tribunals last year, with almost none the year before.

    Organisations that fail to put in place the right policies and procedures to support neurodivergent staff are at risk of losing talented staff, as well as the risk of legal action. Making a workplace that is neurodiversity friendly doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive.

    In this episode, we’ll look at what neurodiversity is, strategies to support neurodivergent staff at work, and what policies and procedures organisations should have in place.

    This one-hour session will cover:

    - What is neurodiversity and what are different neurodivergent conditions?
    - The challenges faced by neurodivergent staff at work
    - Strategies to support and encourage diversity of thought at work
    - Short workplace scenario clips on how organisations can support neurodivergent people
    - Supporting neurodivergent staff in the workplace
    - Creating policies and procedures inclusive of neurodiversity

  • Since 1 April 2023, all firms in the regulated sector have been required to carry out proliferation financing (PF) risk assessments.

    This applies to all regulated entities, from law firms to financial services, casinos to cryptocurrency.

    Regulated entities can create a new risk assessment on proliferation financing or incorporate PF risks into existing AML and terrorist financing risk assessments. However, regulators expect firms to take action to understand the risk of PF and how to mitigate it in their business. Failing to do so can result in a breach of the Money Laundering Regulations.

    One year into this new requirement on the regulated sector, how effective have the new regulations been? What are the key strategies for compliance, and what are the best practice tips for ensuring PF obligations are met? In this episode, we’ll look at the issue of proliferation financing in detail, discuss strategies for compliance, and share best practices for understanding and mitigating PF risks.

    This one-hour session will cover:

    - What proliferation financing is and the jurisdictions and industries at risk
    - The differences and similarities between proliferation financing, money laundering and terrorist financing
    - Practical examples of how proliferation financing can happen
    - Proliferation red flags and high risk indicators
    - Strategies and technologies to counter the risk of proliferation financing
    - How to undertake a proliferation financing risk assessment

  • The issues of gifts, hospitality and bribery are increasingly complicated – especially for companies doing business in other countries. The danger of getting caught up in a corruption scandal is damaging, expensive and could be ultimately devastating. But when is a gift considered bribery?

    How can corruption, or even the perception of corruption, be avoided in business?

    In this episode, we highlight some recent bribery scandals, analyse how they could be avoided, and take a deep dive into international anti-corruption laws. Most importantly, we discuss how companies can safely conduct business around the world. We include information on Transparency International’s recently released annual report on perceptions of corruption and bribery across the world and explain how it can form a critical part of a company’s bribery and corruption risk assessment.

    This free episode provides key background info on everything from the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in the US to the UK’s Bribery Act to the EU’s proposed anti-corruption legislation. If your company has any business in a foreign country, including any parts of its supply chain, you’ll want to listen to this one.

    This episode features:

    A basic understanding of anti-corruption legislation around the world Highlights of recent scandals – and how they could have avoided How you can manage your company’s gifts and hospitality policy How to prevent corruption in your business
  • Many organisations discuss gender equality and promoting women, particularly older and more experienced women. But what does this look like in practice? What are the practical steps to supporting older women in the workplace, and how can barriers to success be overcome?

    One highly effective strategy is making your organisation menopause friendly. Older women are one of the fastest growing in today’s workplace, and research has shown that nearly two-thirds of women have taken time off work due to their symptoms, with some even leaving their jobs due to not being supported in their workplace.

    In this episode, VinciWorks compliance experts will take you through the steps your organisation can take to become menopause friendly. From implementing a menopause leave policy to environmental factors affecting a workplace, this session will inform you on why making your organisation menopause friendly is a cost-effective, impactful and necessary initiative.

    The episode will feature an interview with Dr Rebecca Lewis from the highly respected Newson Health Menopause and Wellbeing Centre.

    This episode will cover:
    - The basics of menopause as a diversity and inclusion issue
    - Building a coalition for progressive menopause change in an organisation
    - Countering common myths, stigmas and stereotypes
    - Top tips for implementing a menopause leave policy
    - Tackling environmental, organisational and cultural factors on menopause

  • The field of economic sanctions has been growing increasingly complicated in recent years, and the past year was a historic and transformative period for the use of financial sanctions on both the global and UK levels, with Western nations launching an unprecedented line of sanctions against Russia as a result of its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

    Recent conflicts such as the Hamas-Israel war in response to Hamas’s October 7 massacre, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, as well as events in Iran, China and other countries, have grabbed global headlines. These events have sparked waves of new laws and regulations around the world, from sanctions to tougher economic crime compliance rules.

    All businesses must comply with financial and trade sanctions and companies must be able to prove that they are properly screening for sanctions. Failure to comply with screening requirements can carry stiff penalties reaching into the millions per infraction and any sanctions breach, even accidental, is a crime.

    This episode will cover: Recent sanctions issues and key compliance challenges and what to be aware of in the present volatile international landscape. The creation of the Office of Trade Sanctions Implementation (OTSI), the UK’s newly created body that will be responsible for the civil enforcement of trade sanctions, including those against Russia. The ever-relevant crossover between sanctions, terrorist financing, and AML, which has become increasingly important as the world faces rapidly evolving geopolitical challenges. The effectiveness of financial sanctions in general and those against Russia in the past two years in particular. Cases of sanctions breaches and consequences. Tips for sanctions compliance for both regulated and non-regulated businesses.

  • In this episode, we explore the vast implications of the EU AI Act, the world’s first comprehensive AI regulation.

    With this legislation, the EU hopes to create a framework to regulate AI systems across the EU. But the Act will impact companies who do any business in the EU, and, similar to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the AI Act will likely set a global standard.

    This episode will provide key background on how the AI Act was developed, its main elements, including an understanding of its risk-based approach, and critical advice on what companies must be aware of.

    Importantly, we focus on how companies can prepare to comply.

    This episode will feature:

    A basic understanding of the AI Act How it will likely impact your company The impact of GDPR on AI – and why that matters How you can prepare – and when you need to Future trends in AI regulation around the world

    The episode features the VinciWorks compliance team and a legal GDPR / AI expert.

  • Under UK law, a corporation can face criminal prosecution if it fails to prevent certain actions from being undertaken by its employees, associates or even contractors.

    In this episode, we explain what this new corporate criminal offence means, what kind of fraud is covered, and how to comply with the ‘failure to prevent’ provisions.

    Try our new customiseable collection of Fraud courses: https://bit.ly/fraud-courses Download our guide to Tax Evasion: Failure to Prevent: https://bit.ly/tax-evasion-guide
  • This episode dives into the top compliance trends to set your agenda for 2024. We’ll also delve into key compliance issues we expect to see in areas like anti-money laundering, diversity and inclusion, and sustainability. We’ll review key pieces of legislation we’re tracking in the EU, US and UK.

    Try our customisable AI compliance training courses for free: https://vinciworks.com/courses/artificial-intelligence/ Download our free Top 10 Compliance Trends 2024 Guide: https://bit.ly/2024-compliance-trends-guide Download our free Guide to Mental Health and Psychological Safety: https://bit.ly/psychological-safety-guide Download our free US Corporate Transparency Act Guide: https://bit.ly/corporate-transparency-act-guide Download our free Guide to the Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR): https://bit.ly/fsr-guide
  • This episode discusses the taboo subject of menopause, specifically how menopause impacts the workplace. We go into the undeniable stigma around this topic, why it is important for businesses to offer more support to their employees, and how they could go about this.


    Try our customisable GDPR and data protection training courses for free: https://vinciworks.com/courses/gdpr/ Download our free guide to World Menopause Day: https://bit.ly/4arwWdm Learn more about our customisable Workplace Diversity Questionnaire: https://bit.ly/48n7Vhr
  • GDPR presents not just a single compliance challenge - how to get policies and procedures right - but an ongoing plethora of overlapping priorities that must be dealt with at various levels of the business. From implementing technical measures, tracking data subject requests and putting in place incident breaches registers, there is never an ‘end’ point to GDPR compliance.

    However, automation of various data privacy and technical security tasks can vastly improve compliance efficiency and, more importantly, provide evidence of how your organisation complies with GDPR.

    In this podcast, join our experts as they discuss:

    The key GDPR compliance challenges for different types of organisations What is automation in compliance, and how does it work? What kinds of GDPR tasks can be automated Making the most of GDPR and automation How to save your organisation time, money and hassle with automation tools


    Try our customisable GDPR and data protection training courses for free: https://vinciworks.com/courses/gdpr/ Download our free guide to Managing GDPR: https://bit.ly/3QZ2qhV Register for a free demo of the GDPR Registers Solution: https://bit.ly/3QUM0qO
  • Gary and Nick from VinciWorks continue looking at the UK government's planned changes to how money laundering regulations are supervised and enforced. With four options on the table, from increased powers for OPBAS to an entirely new public sector regulator, what might these changes mean for the regulatory sector?


    Try our AML compliance training: https://bit.ly/AML-courses Learn more about our AML onboarding Omnitrack solution: https://bit.ly/AML-onboarding-solution Download our free resource on AML compliance - What financial services firms need to know about ongoing monitoring: https://bit.ly/finserv-ongoing-monitoring
  • What's the latest on the UK government's planned changes to how money laundering regulations are supervised and enforced?

    Reform of the AML/CTF regime is coming, with the government proposing four potential changes, from increased powers for OPBAS to an entirely new, public sector regulator. What will be the impact of the regulated sector of these changes, and what is your preferred model?


    Try our AML compliance training: https://bit.ly/AML-courses Learn more about our AML onboarding Omnitrack solution: https://bit.ly/AML-onboarding-solution Download our free resource on AML compliance - What financial services firms need to know about ongoing monitoring: https://bit.ly/finserv-ongoing-monitoring
  • For health and safety professionals, the challenge in today’s workplace is ensuring health and safety remains a top priority in a world of overlapping crises when many people are struggling to make ends meet. Health and safety has never been more important when an accident at work could leave people in an even worse position.

    In this podcast, join our experts as they discuss:

    The impact of inflation and cost of living crisis on health and safety infrastructure Recent cases and statistics of H&S challenges for businesses Best practice in health and safety training and compliance The risks to organisations in letting health and safety compliance slip Lessons from compliance priorities in challenging times


    Try our Health and Safety training courses: https://bit.ly/HealthSafetyCourses Learn more about our Health and Safety risk assessments tool: https://bit.ly/HealthAndSafetyRiskAssessments Download our free guide for Health and Safety for managers and directors: https://bit.ly/HealthandSafetyManagersGuide Learn more about our Ergonomics self-assessment: https://bit.ly/ergonomicsassessment
  • CSRD, a new EU legislation, mandates large and listed organisations to publish reports on social and environmental risks and their impact. Join Gary Yantin, Nick Henderson-Mayo, and Naomi Grossman in this informative podcast, where they unravel CSRD’s complexities and guide you on compliance and reporting strategies.

    In this podcast, you’ll gain an understanding of CSRD, including:

    A deep dive into CSRD and its origin Step-by-step guidance on CSRD compliance and reporting guidelines Key considerations for both EU and Non-EU businesses Timelines and strategies for preparing your organisation for CSRD


    Try our Sustainability and ESG training: https://bit.ly/sustainability-training Download our free EU CSRD guide: https://bit.ly/CSRD-guide View our Sustainability and ESG course catalogue: https://bit.ly/sustainability-catalogue Learn more about our Supplier Onboarding solution: https://vinciworks.com/products/omnitrack/supplier-tracking/
  • The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has announced that its biannual mandatory diversity survey will be due on 23 July 2023.

    All SRA-regulated law firms, regardless of size, must collect, report and publish their workforce diversity data every two years.

    In this podcast, VinciWorks’ Director of Best Practice, Gary Yantin, is joined by Siân Hughes, Head of EDI at the SRA, and Andrew Donovan, Managing Director at Compliance Office. Gary, Siân and Andrew discuss the importance of reporting and publishing SRA diversity data.


    Try our AML compliance training: https://vinciworks.com/courses/aml/ Download free AML resources: https://vinciworks.com/resources/aml/ Learn more about our AML onboarding solution: https://vinciworks.com/products/omnitrack/aml-onboarding/
  • Despite international sanctions, London-based law firm Discreet Law took on Wagner Group head Yevgeny Prigozhin as a client after he passed money laundering checks. The Russian warlord most recently led a mercenary rebellion in Russia and is now believed to be in Belarus.


    Try our AML compliance training: https://vinciworks.com/courses/aml/ Download free AML resources: https://vinciworks.com/resources/aml/ Learn more about our AML onboarding solution: https://vinciworks.com/products/omnitrack/aml-onboarding/