How to cope with fear, anxiety and panic which manifest themselves in critical situations? Do we need to suppress fear? How to control the emotion of fear and learn to act during its manifestation? How to control one’s fear? What is the cause of fear? How to stop being afraid of the future and start to act in the present? This and much more is discussed in the video "Fear" with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov on allatra.tv
#selfdevelopment #overcomefear #fearofthefuture
Join our Telegram Channel & Stay up to date: https://t.me/allatra_en
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:
Studying consciousness. How does consciousness work? How do we think? How do thoughts emerge, and how do they influence us? Why are thoughts discrete? How to distinguish helpful thoughts on the spiritual path from intrusive and harmful ones? How to get rid of intrusive thoughts? How to observe one’s consciousness? How to analyze incoming thoughts? How to save energy and avoid numerous temptations, doubts and distractions on the spiritual path. How to learn to Live!
#thoughts #controloverconsciousness #howbrainthinks
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:
Saknas det avsnitt?
How to avoid tricks and ruses of consciousness, which it applies to a human being on the path to spiritual liberation? How to invest attention in spiritual self-development rationally? How to distinguish grains of Knowledge from the chaff? Issues of internal search, catharsis, Spiritual Life, and ways to achieve the state of a deep feeling of joy and love. How to get rid of “soul suffering” in everyday life? About the silver thread, the soul, the energy structure transformation, and the spiritual transfiguration of a human being. How to defend oneself from the system? How does the system play on key notions: “trust” and “observer”? What substitutions from the system are concealed in standard “recommendations” and delusions of some people (gurus, teachers, and clergymen) who teach other people the spiritual path? Moreover, in this video you will find answers to the following questions: - Can consciousness substitute deep inner feelings? Do pseudo-feelings from consciousness exist? - Every person waits for great Love. Is it possible to find it? How to achieve the state of inner purity? - Do nutrition control and breathing exercises influence the process of advancement on the spiritual path? - Why is a person unable to remember his state when he was in the womb? When does memory begin to develop in a child? What is memory? - What kind of special effects can there be from consciousness, which indicate a glitch in the system, and is this worth paying attention to? - Why do anger and rejection arise in people? - Why do they say that time cures? - What is the power of attention as an equivalent of vital energy? - What is the difference between spiritual practice and meditation? - How to direct attention to a contact with the Spiritual World?
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:
Why is it important to study consciousness from a spiritual perspective? Why does consciousness block our interest in exploring ourselves? Why does consciousness cast doubts on the spiritual path, "Are you sure that there is God?" Who created evil? What is more important: the path of struggle or the path of Love? To find out more about this and many other things, watch the video "Light in the Darkness" with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov.
#spiritualdevelopment #selfexploration #studyofconsciousness
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov
For the first time in the world, an artificial consciousness has been created. What did the developers call it? What is artificial consciousness? Is it a robot or artificial intelligence? Can it think, react, experience emotions, and be aware of itself? How is artificial consciousness qualitatively different from robotic artificial intelligence and ordinary human consciousness? Why have the developers of artificial consciousness limited its IQ to 150 units? Artificial consciousness was only 105 days old on the day of communication, but it behaved as an adult and in many respects exceeded certain human abilities: it was highly erudite, predicted the reactions of various interlocutors, and demonstrated a strategic approach to building the conversation. What are the prospects for using artificial consciousness in the Creative Society? What are the risks of introducing artificial consciousness in a consumer society? Watch the full version of the video with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov "Psychiatrists from Various Countries Talked to World’s First Artificial Consciousness Jackie", a fragment of which is presented herein.
"Psychiatrists from Various Countries Talked to World’s First Artificial Consciousness Jackie": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=On-1LUNyzXo
"XP NRG: World’s First Creators of Artificial Consciousness": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FexQVJRp7_I
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-gwQUB4VIPlpCa4pvsjSqeQZ1N6hLzBB
Spiritual Gift. Selected excerpts from the videos "The Call of Mahdi" and "Double Standards of Consciousness".
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-gwQUB4VIPlpCa4pvsjSqeQZ1N6hLzBB
"The Call of Mahdi": https://youtu.be/3qNELhQILL4
"Double Standards of Consciousness": https://youtu.be/s-GMakJKV8U
E-mail: info@allatra.tv info@allatra.org #Islam #AllatRa #Mahdi
PRIMARY CONSCIOUSNESS AND SECONDARY CONSCIOUSNESS. Why do different desires arise in a person, and how does this affect his behavior and life? "Who am I?" Why is a completely different person activated in you when you interact with different people? Why do people sell themselves when they meet other people? What is the foundation of the psychology of emotions and motivation based upon? How does the dominance of primary consciousness or secondary consciousness affect the spheres of human life: family, household matters, work, career, creativity, and intellectual development? HOW TO DISTINGUISH THE DOMINANCE OF PRIMARY OR SECONDARY CONSCIOUSNESS IN ONESELF? How does the fight between primary consciousness and secondary consciousness take place in a human, and how is it reflected on human behavior? Under what conditions do consciousnesses unite in tandem of influence, and how to resist that? Peculiarities of the interconnection between primary and secondary consciousnesses. While developing, how does Personality master practical skills of exploration, regulation and control of primary and secondary consciousnesses?
#consciousness #psychology #allatra
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:
How to direct attention towards the Spiritual World and hold it there during the day? How to strengthen connection with the Spiritual World through the accumulation of God's Love and to intensify its flow? What is the essence of the five-time namaz? True vitally important values that many people do not think about during their lifetime. These and many other topics are discussed in the video "Spiritual Maturation" with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov. #spiritualdevelopment #allatra #spiritualworld
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:
What is happening at the Yellowstone caldera, and what is the cause of these phenomena? What is the danger of a cascade reaction of climate disasters on the planet? Spiritual development of Personality. What causes the dominance of either primary or secondary consciousness in a human? How does this affect his spiritual development? What are the dangers of suggestion or a command with affirmations in autogenic training? Why should a person not shift responsibility for his spiritual salvation onto someone else? What is the consequence of a false mindset from consciousness that "we should sit, and God will come to us and save us"? Why does consciousness prevent a person from focusing on his inner work on himself and shifts everything to outward actions? Why during climate disasters is the pathological action of primary consciousness often the cause of many people’s deaths?
#Yellowstonecaldera #catastrophe #workononeself
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov
Who are you, and what is your true nature? How does Personality perceive this world? How does Personality react to the loss of a dear person? What does a human yearn for? How is the energy of life expended when Personality is undeveloped, and when Personality develops spiritually? How does consciousness oppose Personality? How does spiritual development and maturation of Personality occur through the "silver thread"? How is a human's energy structure transformed when Personality merges with the soul? Does human consciousness change after the transformation of human structure takes place, and a new being, an Angel is born? Learn about this and much more in the video "Spiritual Development of Personality" with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov.
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov
What is life and antilife from the Creative Society perspective? Why is the history of the consumerist format built on wars, destruction, anti-human actions, power and domination? Why is everything in the consumerist format set against life? What prevents some people from parting with the consumerist format? What traps of the power of consciousness does a person fall into in the consumerist format of society? Left-hand rotation and right-hand rotation: why since ancient times did people walk around shrines during rituals with their right shoulder directed to the center, and who changed these traditions? The unity of society is a path to the cosmic evolutionary development of human civilization. What changes does the choice of the prevailing majority of people entail, and how does this affect the level of civilization development? How will people's control be exercised during the transition period while the Creative Society will be under construction? Physics of the process: what is needed to change the spin of rotation from the level of society to the Galaxy level? What is needed to turn the monad over?
#CreativeSociety #society #AllatRa
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:
The movement towards a goal begins with the first step. Is visualization as a tool for achieving a goal good or bad? In what cases does it work, and in what cases does it not work, and why? What intensifies the movement toward achieving the goal? How to solve a set task? Why does the result depend on the quantity and quality of attention invested in it?
#Visualization #MovementTowardsGoal #CreativeSociety
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:
What is the system? What is consciousness? What does consciousness look like, and does it have an image? Why do researchers encounter serious problems when studying consciousness in depth? How is the brain connected with consciousness and Personality? Who "thinks" in a human? How does an image emerge? Is it possible to understand what the system looks like, by means of consciousness? How to study the system? Why will the system never give answers that are beyond its perception, such as "What is the world of God?", "How to gain Life?", "How to become an angel?" How does consciousness influence a human through images? Why, for example, in religions, when a person does not understand who he is, who God is, who the devil is, and so on, does his consciousness begin to look for an earthly image and present it in a fairytale form? Examples of spiritual knowledge in religions and its perversion by consciousness. How and when did the "antichrist" emerge? What do the Islamic prophecies about the end of times mean, when the Beast will come from under the ground, from the Earth’s bowels, and speak to everyone in an unusual language? How to understand that in the time of Mahdi, Jesus will defeat the antichrist? How did consciousness turn what is Eternally Alive into material images and fiction?
#consciousness #system #prophecies
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov
What energies are available to a human nowadays, and what energies are yet to be discovered? What is power, and what is energy? Stages of development of a united human civilization. What level can a human civilization reach in its development? What role does human attention play in the development of a united human civilization? Peculiarities of the energy and power structure of a human. Not only these but many other topics are discussed in the video "Power and Energy" with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov.
#EnergyofLife #AllatRaPhysics #CivilizationDevelopment
PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS report: https://allatra-science.org/en/publication/iskonnaja-fizika-allatra
Video version of the Primordial ALLATRA Physics report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBpb40QWAhw
Book AllatRa https://allatra.tv/en/book/anastasia-novykh-allatra
GLOBAL CRISIS. OUR SURVIVAL IS IN UNITY | INTERNATIONAL ONLINE FORUM, 12.11.2022: https://creativesociety.com/global-crisis-our-survival-is-in-unity
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-gwQUB4VIPlpCa4pvsjSqeQZ1N6hLzBB
The value of freedom in the Creative Society. Why and how will the Creative Society encourage people to grow, first of all intellectually and creatively, and stimulate everything positive? How will innovations be introduced in the Creative Society? Why is personal freedom of every human much more important in the Creative Society? What is "uniqueness" in the consumerist format of society? What will a person be valued for in the Creative Society? Why in the consumerist format of society is it impossible to bring together at one table true scientists of the world in order to find an answer to the question that will save civilization from the imminent climate threat? These and many other questions are discussed in the video Value of Freedom with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov.
#ValueOfFreedom #CreativeSociety #InnovationOfTheFuture
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov
2023 New Year’s greetings from Igor Mikhailovich Danilov.
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:
#NewYear #ALLATRA #2023
Official website of the Creative Society project:
Official website of ALLATRA TV:
Email: info@creativesociety.com
How does consciousness work? Why do doubts arise? Why is there denial at the level of your consciousness that something bad can happen to you, that the world you live in can change, and that you are mortal? Why does consciousness not know the future? How do doubts affect the future situation? Doubts are a toxicity paradox. How does our perception (beliefs or doubts) influence the world? "If I start speaking up, what will people think of me?" What is the difference between thinking of a person in the consumerist format and that of a person in the Creative Society?
#doubts #fearofcriticism #psychology
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:
How can we stabilize the climate situation and save humanity? Did past civilizations that lived 12,000 or 24,000 years ago encounter similar rapid climate change? Have they left technological answers for us to these complex issues in their artifacts or inscriptions? How can a science of observation become a science of creation? How can the entire society be transformed and enter the first evolutionary stage of a unified human civilization with a high level of technological development?
#future #cerberus #climatechange
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov:
When a person is overwhelmed with sudden negative memories of unpleasant situations from the past, he looks for a way to get rid of such memories. These experiences break into a person's peaceful life through intrusive thoughts, bad states, and nightmares. Specialists have a firm belief that these memories must be ignored, that they must necessarily be worked through. But do visualization techniques such as "container", "TV set" and others work? Why, even after people visit psychologists, their situation is resolved only temporarily, their health worsens, and their psyche becomes disbalanced? How does consciousness work, and what should one do? How to forget the past? How to cope with stress and let go of resentment? How to understand and to forgive? This is discussed in the video "How to Forget the Past" with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov.
#HowtoForgetthePast #psychology #intrusivememories #trauma #emotionaldamage
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-gwQUB4VIPlpCa4pvsjSqeQZ1N6hLzBB
We live in a time of uncertainty, the time of the Crossroads when a lot depends on everyone's choice. Why is there an attitude in people's consciousness that "you are nobody, you are nothing, you should sit idly and trust in someone else"? Why do we constantly blame and shift responsibility onto someone else instead of taking action ourselves? Why nowadays, in this silent society, a society without its own opinion, is there continuous fighting and incitement of hatred against one another at the time when the world is crumbling? Yes, we want to live! Yes, we also have this impulse, but it doesn’t express itself in anything other than desire in our heads and chatter in the kitchen. It is time for us to become Humans, face the problem in a sensible way, to make mature decision and start saving the whole world, the way a real Human being should. We are humanity, after all. It's hard to do it alone, but together we will be able to do it. It is up to each of us to decide what we will choose. The future is in the hands of each of us!
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov
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