
  • Welcome...
    You are listening to the Victory Over Dieting Daily Audio Devotional.
    Where you will find encouragement, motivation, and support in your journey to end your struggle with sugar and carbs, once and for all...with God by your side.
    "It is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy." 1 Peter 1:16
    What is holiness, and how does it apply to my journey with overcoming struggles with sugar and carbs?
    Holiness is more than just attending to our spiritual well being.
    It's more than going to church on Sunday, reading our Bibles, our prayer time, tithing, and volunteering in our communities.
    We are three-part beings...mind, body, and spirit.
    We are called to holiness in all three areas.
    When you take care of your body, you are more physically able to dig deep into spiritual matters.
    When you feel good physically, you can think more clearly and see things with a deeper understanding.
    Has your physical health been a stumbling block in your walk with Christ?
    How do you think overcoming your struggle with sugar and carbs will improve your relationship with Christ?

  • Hello...
    I'm Michelle Adams, and this is the first Episode of the Victory Over Dieting Daily Audio Devotional.
    Before I get to today's devotional, I want to share with you a bit about why I started this daily audio devotional.

    Back when I was in full battle with my food addiction, I knew it wasn't enough to have a weekly check in, or even a convenient FB group to get support from.

    I knew I needed 24/7 support.That's what God does, right?
    I began checking in with Him every morning and evening, talking about food.
    Without my constant focus on my relationship with God, I would have continued struggle with food.
    Every morning and evening, I began and ended my day with God as the focus. I still do that..
    Prayer, meditation on God’s Word, daily devotions, and journaling my spiritual journey is what kept me moving forward.
    I would have loved a daily audio devotion to encourage, motivate, and support me in my specific struggle with sugar and carbs.
    There a hundreds of excellent devotions out there, but very few that deal with struggles around food.
    So I created what I needed back then.
    I didn't have a blueprint.
    I had to work all that out on my own.
    Some things worked.
    Some didn't.
    Some took too much time.
    Others just didn't feel right.
    Because I had to figure it out, it took me decades to get to where I am now.

    I am determined to help you get to a peaceful, fulfilling relationship with food - and I don't want it to take years to get you there.
    Out of this determination to help you claim your personal "Victory Over Dieting", this daily audio devotional was birthed.
    You are listening to the Victory Over Dieting Daily Audio Devotional.
    Where you will find encouragement, motivation, and support in your journey to end your struggle with sugar and carbs, once and for all...with God by your side.

    "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own" 1 Corinthians 6:19

    God lives within each and every one of us. Our bodies are His home and we are His vessels to spread His message of love, grace, and forgiveness. It's up to us to keep His temple in the best condition possible.

    The temple of God in Israel was a holy place. It was immaculate and pure. Nothing was allowed to defile the temple of God. It was the holiest place on the planet.

    We are told in scriptures our bodies are the temple of God. Our desire should be to honor and serve God. It's our duty to take care of our bodies. When we take care of ourselves, we are honoring God's temple.Shifting our mindset from this body is mine... to this body belongs to God changes our perspective towards food and our relationship to food.

    Do you believe this mindset shift will help you make better food choices?
    What are your thoughts?

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